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China's Philippine aid controversy

A Chinese man checks his mobile phone near a huge screen showing a news report of the deployment of US aircraft carrier USS George Washington to typhoon-hit Philippines on 14 November 2014 The size of China's aid offering to the Philippines sparked mixed feelings from its citizens

China has said it is sending $1.6m (£1m) to the Philippines to help with the aid effort following Typhoon Haiyan.


Beijing had been criticised for its initial pledge of $100,000 - a fraction of that committed by other major nations.


The offering from the world's second-largest economy, which came with another $100,000 from the Chinese Red Cross, prompted cries of protest from analysts and media in the West.


The Reuters news agency called it "relatively paltry"; Time Magazine described it as "measly" and "insulting".


True, China's initial donation paled beside the $20m given by the United States or the $10m pledged by Japan - or even the $2m donated by Indonesia.


But for all the global criticism, it didn't attract much attention at home. Most Beijing residents questioned about it said they hadn't heard about it and of those that had, only one thought the amount too small.

"It doesn't matter how much the donation is," one woman said, "it's the

thought that counts."


"It's not too little," another man told me, "because we'll probably help with the reconstruction as well later on."


The Chinese government hinted early on that there might be more money in the pipeline. But even its new pledge of $1.6m is dwarfed by the contributions of Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and others.

And it stands in sharp contrast to China's other recent donations: over $10m for Japan in the wake of its tsunami two years ago and almost $40m for countries affected by the 2004 Asian tsunami.


'Politics and charity'

So why is China apparently more reticent about giving aid to the Philippines?

Part of it springs from the awkward politics of China's rise. Both countries are locked in a territorial dispute over islands in the South China Sea, which has worsened over the past year.

State media here has recently expended a lot of energy presenting the Philippines as hostile to Beijing, so China's aid to Manila has put nationalist newspapers here in the unusual position of guiding public opinion towards sympathy for the Philippines.


On the streets of Beijing, many seemed to understand the division between aid and politics.


"Personally I don't like the Philippines," one man told me, "we don't have a good relationship with them. But it's not about our relationship with the government, we only need to help the people."


"Politics and charity are two separate things," agreed another. "When we have problems, other countries help us, so we'll help them."


Comments on social media have been much more forceful. One netizen called China's donation "disgraceful[ly]" small, but many more say they are angry that their government is giving any money to the Philippine victims at all.

China's latest pledge of $1.6m still looks pointedly small besides its previous aid packages to other nations - even to Japan, with whom it is also squabbling over territory.


The foreign ministry has dropped into press briefings the observation that China, too, was a victim of Typhoon Haiyan. But with 10 dead and an estimated $734m of damage, China's loss does not diminish the impact of its message to Manila.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

so when you very sick, should you go to the doctor or let nature take it's course? have surely regressed over the years

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

so when you very sick, should you go to the doctor or let nature take it's course? have surely regressed over the years

In fact you are correct,  I refuse to be hooked up to machines and take drugs to prolong life. Let me go when the time comes, and make space for those who come after me. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

so when you very sick, should you go to the doctor or let nature take it's course? have surely regressed over the years

In fact you are correct,  I refuse to be hooked up to machines and take drugs to prolong life. Let me go when the time comes, and make space for those who come after me. 

First time I Totally Agree with DaGoasta and he so stupidy, he's gonna talk bad bout me hounding his Fugly rass.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

why dont you shut your ignorant behind. Every philosopher, or theological text insist that community means sharing and helping the unfortunate. You are a congregant of  St Stephens so I ask; who the hell is St Stephen again? Is he not the first Christian martyr who is remembered for his charity and aid to the unfortunate members of the first christian community? 


These united states is centered on the Lockean principles enshrined in the second treatise on government which insist that "God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please; God, the Lord and Father of all, has given no one of his children such a property in his peculiar portion of the things of this world, but that he has given his needy brother a right to the surplusage of his goods; so that it cannot justly be denied him, when his pressing wants call for it.."


I insisted more than one occasions you are a loud mouthed moron. Even evolution does not operate that way. Communities ie group formation is driven by reciprocal altruism. Our very identity as humans is shaped by those precepts. It cannot be otherwise. What you sow you reap fool and you do not need to go to the bible for that. Nature shows you that all the time.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

why dont you shut your ignorant behind. Every philosopher, or theological text insist that community means sharing and helping the unfortunate. You are a congregant of  St Stephens so I ask; who the hell is St Stephen again? Is he not the first Christian martyr who is remembered for his charity and aid to the unfortunate members of the first christian community? 


These united states is centered on the Lockean principles enshrined in the second treatise on government which insist that "God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please; God, the Lord and Father of all, has given no one of his children such a property in his peculiar portion of the things of this world, but that he has given his needy brother a right to the surplusage of his goods; so that it cannot justly be denied him, when his pressing wants call for it.."


I insisted more than one occasions you are a loud mouthed moron. Even evolution does not operate that way. Communities ie group formation is driven by reciprocal altruism. Our very identity as humans is shaped by those precepts. It cannot be otherwise. What you sow you reap fool and you do not need to go to the bible for that. Nature shows you that all the time.


Why then do we cull deer in our reservations when their numbers exceed what we determine to be sustainable amounts? The natural predators of deer were long made extinct by human so we now replace this control mechanism with "culling".  Should the same standards be applied to humans? When we take away the natural controls, it will only be a matter time before it upsets the delicate balance of the cycle of life. Think for yourself man, I am tired of teaching you all these years.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

So why do you collect food stamps,visit soup kitchens and live in section 8 housing?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

why dont you shut your ignorant behind. Every philosopher, or theological text insist that community means sharing and helping the unfortunate. You are a congregant of  St Stephens so I ask; who the hell is St Stephen again? Is he not the first Christian martyr who is remembered for his charity and aid to the unfortunate members of the first christian community? 


These united states is centered on the Lockean principles enshrined in the second treatise on government which insist that "God hath not left one man so to the mercy of another, that he may starve him if he please; God, the Lord and Father of all, has given no one of his children such a property in his peculiar portion of the things of this world, but that he has given his needy brother a right to the surplusage of his goods; so that it cannot justly be denied him, when his pressing wants call for it.."


I insisted more than one occasions you are a loud mouthed moron. Even evolution does not operate that way. Communities ie group formation is driven by reciprocal altruism. Our very identity as humans is shaped by those precepts. It cannot be otherwise. What you sow you reap fool and you do not need to go to the bible for that. Nature shows you that all the time.


Why then do we cull deer in our reservations when their numbers exceed what we determine to be sustainable amounts? The natural predators of deer were long made extinct by human so we now replace this control mechanism with "culling".  Should the same standards be applied to humans? When we take away the natural controls, it will only be a matter time before it upsets the delicate balance of the cycle of life. Think for yourself man, I am tired of teaching you all these years.  

  We cull deer because the wolves are gone and even us as top level predator do not care to eat them. Further, culling is deliberate intervention not happenstance. If he deer were in trouble lets say from a viral infection we would be there trying to save them. Note we are doing the same fro the bats who are dying enmass from a fungal infection.


You may think you teach anyone but you have nothing to impart. That head is empty.

Originally Posted by Danyael:


  We cull deer because the wolves are gone and even us as top level predator do not care to eat them. Further, culling is deliberate intervention not happenstance. If he deer were in trouble lets say from a viral infection we would be there trying to save them. Note we are doing the same fro the bats who are dying enmass from a fungal infection.


You may think you teach anyone but you have nothing to impart. That head is empty.


I see you purposely stayed away from applying the same philosophy towards humans. Why are we giving aid to people and prolonging their suffering artificially. Are they not, as a nation, responsible for controlling their population growth? Imagine from the 1950's their population was 20M and today close to 100M. Isn't this growth unsustainable? Today we see them living among the dead. 


Jagdeo was the only president of Guyana that send US$1M and members of the arm forces to Haiti's earthquake disaster relief if I remember correct. He did better than the Chinese government by far.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:


  We cull deer because the wolves are gone and even us as top level predator do not care to eat them. Further, culling is deliberate intervention not happenstance. If he deer were in trouble lets say from a viral infection we would be there trying to save them. Note we are doing the same fro the bats who are dying enmass from a fungal infection.


You may think you teach anyone but you have nothing to impart. That head is empty.


I see you purposely stayed away from applying the same philosophy towards humans. Why are we giving aid to people and prolonging their suffering artificially. Are they not, as a nation, responsible for controlling their population growth? Imagine from the 1950's their population was 20M and today close to 100M. Isn't this growth unsustainable? Today we see them living among the dead. 


you are again expressing your ignorance of the reality that has those people in such misery. First, the effect is that of colonialism, imperialism and series of corrupt governments. They do not live there because they are stupid no less than our ancestors lived in dark, dank, disease infested logies. Do you think our plastic cities and shanty towns ie around the airport simply sprang up with out cause. It is about pillage of assets that would be otherwise available by the ruling class.


This tragedy may be their salvation because what was forgotten, their destitution is now brought to clear focus. The rule is for the christian west is to be their brothers keeper. They need to help this country to stand on its feet more secutely than precious.


As usual you skirt around the issue, overpopulation in a nation that does not have enough resource to accommodate the expanding population.  The reason for unchecked population is cultural, ignorance and religion, mostly Christian where they follow the mantra to go forth and multiply. 

Its a simple comparison, when deer overpopulate the reservations we cull the herd, why don't humans follow the same strategy or at least control their population via birth control and proper family planning?  When we upset the balance of nature by providing aid to satisfy our guilt, we are doing a disservice. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As usual you skirt around the issue, overpopulation in a nation that does not have enough resource to accommodate the expanding population.  The reason for unchecked population is cultural, ignorance and religion, mostly Christian where they follow the mantra to go forth and multiply. 

Its a simple comparison, when deer overpopulate the reservations we cull the herd, why don't humans follow the same strategy or at least control their population via birth control and proper family planning?  When we upset the balance of nature by providing aid to satisfy our guilt, we are doing a disservice. 

 Skirted around what issue? The only relevant question were answered in my initial post, theologically, philosophically, sociologically and scientifically you are on the wrong side of the question. Offering aid to the destitute or the otherwise unfortunate is endemic to who we are. To say otherwise is to be truly an ass.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Mitwah, you can stop following me around, I have you on block  and I don't see or read your posts. hahah

hahahahahahah! You are an incorrigible liar. You read all my posts.

1 day ago
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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact, aid tends to upset the balance of the ecosystem. Life on earth is controlled by natural disasters, sicknesses and wars. When humans artificially negate the effects of these control mechanisms, is is a recipe for disaster.

So why do you collect food stamps,visit soup kitchens and live in section 8 housing? Tell us Goadee Walla.


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