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Niger and Burkina Faso take action as thriving market for animal skin threatens local populations and leads to price increases, the Daily Maverick reports


But as the world has industrialised, only the very poorest communities still rely on donkeys for their day-to-day needs and nowhere is this more apparent than in China: after two decades of economic growth, the country’s donkey population has dropped by almost half.

This decline has had an unintended consequence for traditional medicine. When boiled, donkey skin produces a rubbery, gelatine-like substance, known as ejiao, which is included in many popular Chinese tonics and medicines for its perceived ability to cure coughs, relieve insomnia and revitalise the blood.

But these days, there simply aren’t enough Chinese donkeys to make enough ejiao, so manufacturers are turning to Africa, where donkey populations remain in rude health.


In Niger, some 80,000 donkeys have been exported to China this year, compared with 27,000 in 2015. In Burkina Faso, donkey traders sold 18,000 animals to international buyers in the first quarter of 2016, up from just 1,000 for the same period last year.

In Kenya, a donkey abattoir opened in April in Naivasha to cater for the burgeoning Chinese market.

But this thriving export market is not without considerable drawbacks for local people. In Niger, the price of donkeys has risen from $34 to $147, a huge rise for farmers and merchants who need to buy donkeys to maintain their livelihoods. Officials are also worried that the demand for exports will decimate local donkey populations. In response, the government has banned donkey exports.

Burkina Faso implemented similar regulations last month. In Ouagadougou, the situation was reportedly discussed twice in cabinet meetings before the ban was announced.

In South Africa, meanwhile, the surge in demand has led to a rise in cruelty towards, and theft of, donkeys. In a statement released this month the National Council of Societies for the Protection of Animals (NSPCA) said it was “horrified to confirm that donkeys are the latest victims of the trade in animal parts ‘for medicinal purposes’ to the far east. Donkeys are being rounded up, stolen, then transported and brutally slaughtered for their skins.”

The NSPCA cited one incident in which 70 “sick, weak and emaciated” donkeys were discovered on a plot outside Bloemfontein. The owner confirmed he intended to ship their skins to China.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

China wants to preserve their environment, but destroy every one else's Panda bears are now on the recovery. Strict laws against deforestation in China.

But cut down trees in Guyana, and export them with their leaves still on.  Destroy all the wild life, and even the domestic animals in Africa. Why not!

Destroy manufacturing and retail in Africa and the Caribbean with cheap imports of tawdry products. Refuse to hire locals when this is done.

Of course the Jamaicans would have none of that. When the Chinese came and refused to hire Jamaicans, their project was burned to the ground. When the Jamaican PM went to China she was told that Jamaicans aren't nice.  She said "uh huh" and said nothing more.

 Lucky for druggie Guyanese aren't like Jamaicans or Marriott wouldn't be standing today.

caribny posted:

China wants to preserve their environment, but destroy every one else's Panda bears are now on the recovery. Strict laws against deforestation in China.

But cut down trees in Guyana, and export them with their leaves still on.  Destroy all the wild life, and even the domestic animals in Africa. Why not!

Destroy manufacturing and retail in Africa and the Caribbean with cheap imports of tawdry products. Refuse to hire locals when this is done.

Of course the Jamaicans would have none of that. When the Chinese came and refused to hire Jamaicans, their project was burned to the ground. When the Jamaican PM went to China she was told that Jamaicans aren't nice.  She said "uh huh" and said nothing more.

 Lucky for druggie Guyanese aren't like Jamaicans or Marriott wouldn't be standing today.

Guyanese nigroes have and still use burning as their first expression of dissatisfaction.

caribny posted:

China wants to preserve their environment, but destroy every one else's Panda bears are now on the recovery. Strict laws against deforestation in China.

But cut down trees in Guyana, and export them with their leaves still on.  Destroy all the wild life, and even the domestic animals in Africa. Why not!

Destroy manufacturing and retail in Africa and the Caribbean with cheap imports of tawdry products. Refuse to hire locals when this is done.

Of course the Jamaicans would have none of that. When the Chinese came and refused to hire Jamaicans, their project was burned to the ground. When the Jamaican PM went to China she was told that Jamaicans aren't nice.  She said "uh huh" and said nothing more.

 Lucky for druggie Guyanese aren't like Jamaicans or Marriott wouldn't be standing today.

if was the Whiteman you'd be celebrating "development".  Massa slave mentality alive and well!!

ba$eman posted:

At one time we said it was the White man who will you uo everything. The Whiteman scouring and taking the gold using cyanide, etc.  i dont hear alyuh complain.  

You were obviously not paying attention. Those were the days when the PPP had their inside man on GNI, who would delete threads critical of the PPP.

But more important, and damning, is your justification why the Chinese should be allowed to destroy  Guyana. Are they paying you as well?


China was exporting canned human meat as tuna to Africa. Now they want to import donkeys from Africa to boil the skin. What will they do with the donkey meat? Your guess is as good as mine.

Prince posted:

China was exporting canned human meat as tuna to Africa. Now they want to import donkeys from Africa to boil the skin. What will they do with the donkey meat? Your guess is as good as mine.

They will make soy meat and export it to health food stores worldwide.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Prashad posted:

This is a business caribj can get into. Chinaman Donkey export. Seeing that East Indians don't employ him for anything except security guard work.

If he did that there wouldn't be too many left on GNI for me and the really really good guys here ( those not Jaggy PPP )to educate, instead, those missing would be in China all penned up....ready for dinner.

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Prashad posted:

This is a business caribj can get into. Chinaman Donkey export. Seeing that East Indians don't employ him for anything except security guard work.

If he did that there wouldn't be too many left on GNI for me and the really really good guys here ( those not Jaggy PPP )to educate, instead, those missing would be in China all penned up....ready for dinner.

Why are you still anti PPP and anti Indian? I am tired of being anti anything. Where is your contribution to social cohesion? 


Where did I say anything anti-Indian, HAHAHA...carib is correct, you guys see PPP as the Indian party because of this because I must be Anti Indian, hmmm

Dude get real, I am anti PPP as it stands.


Of course PPP is a predominantly Indian party as PNC is a predominantly Afro party. I will not cut my nose to ruin my face from speaking the truth. Therefore, if you you're anti PPP, you can denied that you're not anti Indians. Anyway, enough with the anti BS. Let's get back to the Chinese Donkey dance.


A lot of Guyanese still rely on a donkey as a mode of transport for goods. The country would collapse economically if the Chinese started to export our donkeys. We don't have that many to feed even a Chinese city, let alone the whole country.


I think Guyana might be on the verge of exploit there niche market,  Granger with his PNC resume would be a natural as a ceo running the only danky cart economy around and all dankey men expert all Harmon has to implement his 'social cohesion' strategy and yoke up with dankey man Rohee form a double drive team on a donkey ranch.   This could be a win win venture for all, Carib  will also get to prove his mettle 'blackman prowess' by becoming stud on the farm. Jobs would be for all even pavi, he would welcome bray as loud as he wants on the ranch...

sachin_05 posted:

I think Guyana might be on the verge of exploit there niche market,  Granger with his PNC resume would be a natural as a ceo running the only danky cart economy around and all dankey men expert all Harmon has to implement his 'social cohesion' strategy and yoke up with dankey man Rohee form a double drive team on a donkey ranch.   This could be a win win venture for all, Carib  will also get to prove his mettle 'blackman prowess' by becoming stud on the farm. Jobs would be for all even pavi, he would welcome bray as loud as he wants on the ranch...

The problem with that is that most donkeys are owned by Indians. The PPP would only agree to export the donkeys to China in exchange for some  bribe.

Mr.T posted:
sachin_05 posted:

I think Guyana might be on the verge of exploit there niche market,  Granger with his PNC resume would be a natural as a ceo running the only danky cart economy around and all dankey men expert all Harmon has to implement his 'social cohesion' strategy and yoke up with dankey man Rohee form a double drive team on a donkey ranch.   This could be a win win venture for all, Carib  will also get to prove his mettle 'blackman prowess' by becoming stud on the farm. Jobs would be for all even pavi, he would welcome bray as loud as he wants on the ranch...

The problem with that is that most donkeys are owned by Indians. The PPP would only agree to export the donkeys to China in exchange for some  bribe.

Maybe the British will catch on this and try to export you to China. Too much kaak batty; they have no use for you now.


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