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Former Member

By Richard Krah
Signing a contract with China is like, ascribing to the boiling frog effect; a fable describing a frog being boiled alive slowly.
If you drop a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if you put that same frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water gradually, it will adjust its body temperature accordingly until it reaches a stage beyond its capacity and dies foolishly.
It’s rather pathetic how China is re-colonizing Africa by appealing to the ignorance and selfish interests of the leaders.
Today, the Chinese are offering mouthwatering deals to Africa, both in cash transactions and the outmoded or rather defunct barter trade, which seem very attractive on the outlook but dangerous in reality.
The Zambian government contracted the Chinese, lazy-thought and glossed over details thinking they were granting consent to genuine terms but the whole thing just morphed into modern day colonialism.
China is now proposing to take over the Kenneth Kaunda International Airport should Zambia Government fail to pay back its huge foreign debt on time.
The issue of whether Zambia possesses the required economic muscle to repay that debt is in contention considering the amount involved. It’s typical of the Chinese strategy.
That, moreover, is not the only thing Zambian suffered from China; the Chinese already own 60% shares of the Zambian National Broadcasting Corporation which means, Chinese have an influence over what should or should not be premiered on their sets.
Ghana is equally toeing the same line as its leaders have started signing contracts already; Chinese owned company, STARTIME is gradually gaining grounds over our major institutions, the biggest mining companies will soon be “taken” over by a Chinese company and many others.

The Lusaka international-Airport in Zambia

Now if this is not modern day slavery, what then is it? The 21st century African slave is never in chain; we are in debt caused by the ignorance or selfish interests of our leaders.
CHINA is “colonising” smaller countries by lending them massive amounts of money they can never repay, it’s been claimed.
The country is accused of leveraging massive loans it holds over small states worldwide to snatch assets and increase its military footprint.
Developing countries from Pakistan to Djibouti, the Maldives to Fiji, all owe huge amounts to China.
Already there are examples of defaulters being pressured into surrendering control of assets or allowing military bases on their land.
Countries around the world owe huge sums to China. Some are calling it “debt-trap diplomacy.”
When countries are unable to repay the loans, China demands concessions for default.
Sri Lanka provided a prime example last year.
Owing more than US$1 billion in debt to China, Sri Lanka handed over a Deep Water Port to the Chinese government on a 99-year lease.
And Djibouti, home to the US military’s main base in Africa, also looks likely to cede control of a port terminal to a Beijing-linked firm.
America has been eager to stop the Doraleh Container Terminal falling into Chinese hands, particularly because it sits next to China’s only overseas military base.
In 2013, Guyana took hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to modernize the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), and the Skeldon Sugar Factory Plant.
Those loans are now on the backs of Guyanese. But the nation got no use from the Skeldon plant.
And while China and the PPP said that CJIA would have been used as a hub for aircraft going to Africa and Asia, it is yet to be realized. In fact, plans to make that happen are not even in the pipeline.
Under the ruling Coalition Government, Guyana signed an MOU with China that paves the way for the Belt and Road Initiative to eventually come here.

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GNI’s AFC/PNC weeder gang was complaining that the PPP was selling out to the Chinese. Look how times have changed, they pawned out the airport to the Chinese.

Ha Ha 

Last edited by Former Member

Chinese soldiers also guard their investments.  Their elite special forces soldiers are also in Sudan guarding their oil investments there.  What troubles me is that the powers in Pakistan have decided several years ago to give China a chunk of Indian Kashmir after they get it back from India because of Pakistan's death by a million wounds strategy towards India so as to ensure peace between China and Pakistan. 

Last edited by Prashad
yuji22 posted:

GNI’s AFC/PNC weeder gang was complaining that the PPP was selling out to the Chinese. Look how times have changed, they pawned out the airport to the Chinese.

Ha Ha 

"In 2013, Guyana took hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to modernize the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), and the Skeldon Sugar Factory Plant.Those loans are now on the backs of Guyanese. But the nation got no use from the Skeldon plant.

And while China and the PPP said that CJIA would have been used as a hub for aircraft going to Africa and Asia, it is yet to be realized. In fact, plans to make that happen are not even in the pipeline.

Under the ruling Coalition Government, Guyana signed an MOU with China that paves the way for the Belt and Road Initiative to eventually come here."


Did you read above,or just blowing hot air.

Noting ain't pawned as yet,Guyana have to beware of the Chinese.



I believe that was the Jagabaat long term plan if the PPP had win the '15 election - run Guysuco to the ground, sign over the Chinese, make them look like heroes and savior to PPP/coolies when skeldon factory run at a profit using half a million Chinese labor. And at the same time give them  vote  rights to ensure the PPP victory forever and ever. Moses upset the apple cart....ask Pavi..



Chinese is eager to load you up on debt as they need to put their trillions at work.  They pregnant with America holdings already.

The GoG was prudent is declining their offer to build an expensive over dimensioned Demerara bridge.


No shock. China has extended $60 BILLION in loans to Africa.   Many of these nations cannot service this debt.

Trevor Noah boasts that China is "nicer" than the USA or Europe. One day when Africans wake up and learn that 100% of their exports are being used to repay this debt, so nothing is left for them, then they will learn that China isn't nice.

In the interim they still think that China doesn't have long term plans to colonize them in the same way as the Europeans planned to in the 19th C.  The difference will be that demanding independence will not happen until the loans are repaid.

I suggest that the Caribbean also be careful because China already is wooing them. 

Baseman posted:

Chinese is eager to load you up on debt as they need to put their trillions at work.  They pregnant with America holdings already.

The GoG was prudent is declining their offer to build an expensive over dimensioned Demerara bridge.

The difference is that they own US assets, including treasuries.  They aren't providing direct loans so their ability to capture the US economy will be less.

China buys US assets because they like the US$.  The minute that they don't there will be a fire sale.  Hopefully Trump understands this as he continues to push his head in the Chinese tiger's jaws betting that he will not bite it off.

yuji22 posted:

GNI’s AFC/PNC weeder gang was complaining that the PPP was selling out to the Chinese. Look how times have changed, they pawned out the airport to the Chinese.

Ha Ha 

tell a lie often and people will believe that it is the truth.


Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

GNI’s AFC/PNC weeder gang was complaining that the PPP was selling out to the Chinese. Look how times have changed, they pawned out the airport to the Chinese.

Ha Ha 

"In 2013, Guyana took hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to modernize the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), and the Skeldon Sugar Factory Plant.Those loans are now on the backs of Guyanese. But the nation got no use from the Skeldon plant.

And while China and the PPP said that CJIA would have been used as a hub for aircraft going to Africa and Asia, it is yet to be realized. In fact, plans to make that happen are not even in the pipeline.

Under the ruling Coalition Government, Guyana signed an MOU with China that paves the way for the Belt and Road Initiative to eventually come here."


Did you read above,or just blowing hot air.

Noting ain't pawned as yet,Guyana have to beware of the Chinese.

Django 2013 was PPP time but dem PPP Pis$ drinkers saying that it was the new govt that did that.


caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Chinese is eager to load you up on debt as they need to put their trillions at work.  They pregnant with America holdings already.

The GoG was prudent is declining their offer to build an expensive over dimensioned Demerara bridge.

The difference is that they own US assets, including treasuries.  They aren't providing direct loans so their ability to capture the US economy will be less.

China buys US assets because they like the US$.  The minute that they don't there will be a fire sale.  Hopefully Trump understands this as he continues to push his head in the Chinese tiger's jaws betting that he will not bite it off.

China buys US assets because it likes USD?   Yuh funny 😄 rass!! And you hope Trump understands!!  Funny 😄 no ass. 

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Chinese is eager to load you up on debt as they need to put their trillions at work.  They pregnant with America holdings already.

The GoG was prudent is declining their offer to build an expensive over dimensioned Demerara bridge.

The difference is that they own US assets, including treasuries.  They aren't providing direct loans so their ability to capture the US economy will be less.

China buys US assets because they like the US$.  The minute that they don't there will be a fire sale.  Hopefully Trump understands this as he continues to push his head in the Chinese tiger's jaws betting that he will not bite it off.

China buys US assets because it likes USD?   Yuh funny 😄 rass!! And you hope Trump understands!!  Funny 😄 no ass. 

They buy US assets because the US is stable country you can invest in with confidence.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

Chinese is eager to load you up on debt as they need to put their trillions at work.  They pregnant with America holdings already.

The GoG was prudent is declining their offer to build an expensive over dimensioned Demerara bridge.

The difference is that they own US assets, including treasuries.  They aren't providing direct loans so their ability to capture the US economy will be less.

China buys US assets because they like the US$.  The minute that they don't there will be a fire sale.  Hopefully Trump understands this as he continues to push his head in the Chinese tiger's jaws betting that he will not bite it off.

China buys US assets because it likes USD?   Yuh funny 😄 rass!! And you hope Trump understands!!  Funny 😄 no ass. 

They buy US assets because the US is stable country you can invest in with confidence.  

I know why, Cribby say they like usd.  China has no alternative except to now colonize 3rd world countries!   Trump give them lil shivers!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The inability of African nations to repay their debts cannot be blamed a 100% on the Chinese.  How well a nation manages its business determines how well it manages its debt payments. 

Yeah, these shithole countries our beloved Prez spoke of. Rulers don't care about their people. They care about THEMSELVES ONLY.

skeldon_man posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The inability of African nations to repay their debts cannot be blamed a 100% on the Chinese.  How well a nation manages its business determines how well it manages its debt payments. 

Yeah, these shithole countries our beloved Prez spoke of. Rulers don't care about their people. They care about THEMSELVES ONLY.

That also covers the US...Trump is all about himself.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The inability of African nations to repay their debts cannot be blamed a 100% on the Chinese.  How well a nation manages its business determines how well it manages its debt payments. 

Yeah, these shithole countries our beloved Prez spoke of. Rulers don't care about their people. They care about THEMSELVES ONLY.

That also covers the US...Trump is all about himself.

Our Prez will be deep in the shithole soon. Stay tuned. The watchword is "MANAFORT". 

caribny posted:

No shock. China has extended $60 BILLION in loans to Africa.   Many of these nations cannot service this debt.

Trevor Noah boasts that China is "nicer" than the USA or Europe. One day when Africans wake up and learn that 100% of their exports are being used to repay this debt, so nothing is left for them, then they will learn that China isn't nice.

In the interim they still think that China doesn't have long term plans to colonize them in the same way as the Europeans planned to in the 19th C.  The difference will be that demanding independence will not happen until the loans are repaid.

I suggest that the Caribbean also be careful because China already is wooing them. 

There is no difference between racist Orientals and racist whites when it comes to us people of color.  


One good thing will happen. Each one of those Zambian enterprises that the Chinese now control will make a profit.  Even if the Chinese have to bring a shipload of Chinese to Zambia to work for free. Those Zambian enterprises will make a profit for the Chinese.


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