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‘Chinee’ beaten, wounded at Canaan Garden on Saturday night — up to yesterday police had not visited him in hospital

YETHONG Sueeyee, 49, also called ‘Chinee’ of 127 Canaan Garden, Land-of-Canaan, East Bank Demerara, was on Saturday night brutally beaten, as his assailant inflicted multiple knife wounds across his face and left him bleeding on the ground.But ironically, even though several reports were made to the Timehri Police Station, Yethong and his family claim that as of Tuesday, no police rank had as yet visited the scene of the attack, nor the patient who is still warded at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH).

Yethong’s niece recalled that she and other family members had gone to a birthday party and left her two daughters, aged 13 and 10, in his care at her home.

The man said that around 21:00hrs he was taking them to a nearby shop to buy them ice-cream, when he was accosted by a villager whose name he gave as Alicia. Alicia was reportedly abusive to him because he was walking on the road with the two girls. But Yethong claimed he, in turn, told her to mind her own business. He bought the ice-cream for the girls, took them back home, then went back on the road.

However, Alicia who was incensed at Yethong’s response to her, had a plan for him. She allegedly rounded up her cousins next door and went out on the road to meet him. He said Alicia was the first to assault him. She gave him a slap and her two cousins “picked up her fire rage” and started beating him with a piece of wood on the hand. He tried barring the blows with his hand and sustained a broken finger among other injuries. Under pain of blows, he (Yethong) ran into his sister’s yard in the scheme, but the riotous party hotly pursued him and overpowered him at the gate. One of the men allegedly drew a sharpened knife and chopped him across his nose, over his eyes, cheeks and on his mouth. The chops carried several stitches.

Meanwhile, Yethong’s brother tried to help him, but he too was chased away, and the aggressor, Alicia’s cousin allegedly threatened to shoot him, forcing him to beat a hasty retreat.

Yethong’s family said they made several calls to the Timehri Police and twice visited the station, but were told by the police that they had no transportation and so could not respond to the call. The family said that on Tuesday morning they took photos to the police to apprise them of what had transpired. One of the ranks reportedly said he was sorry that they had not taken the matter in hand, and would try to send ranks to investigate.

However, five days have elapsed and there has still been no police action in the matter.

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However, five days have elapsed and there has still been no police action in the matter.


‘Chinee’ beaten, wounded at Canaan Garden on Saturday night — up to yesterday police had not visited him in hospital, August 26, 2015, Source

Improved efficiency of the new government and responsible minister(s).


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