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Chinese company interested in agri-forestry project


A delegation from China Chengtong (CCT) Holdings Group Ltd, led by Vice President Li Yousheng met President Donald Ramotar on Monday for talks regarding its interest in the establishment of an agri-forest project in Guyana.


President Donald Ramotar with a delegation from China Chengtong Holdings Group Limited. Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Zhang Limin accompanied the group [ at extreme right)

President Donald Ramotar with a delegation from China Chengtong Holdings Group Limited. Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Zhang Limin accompanied the group ( at extreme right)


The company is a producer of forestry-pulp papers, and also pursues investments in wholesale market, tourism, and cultural and packaging industries. There are more than 100 subsidiary companies all over China with a branch in South East Asia and plans for expansion into Africa.


Its Vice President told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that the historic bilateral meeting between President Donald Ramotar and China’s Premier in Trinidad and Tobago earlier this month had encouraged the prospect of strengthened cooperation between the two countries in agriculture and forestry.


President Donald Ramotar in talks with a team from China Chengtong Holdings Group Limited

President Donald Ramotar in talks with a team from China Chengtong Holdings Group Limited


“The project (proposed) is just the plantation for the trees and an integrated base for agriculture projects… that (will be) very good for the… local people here,” Vice President Li said in an invited comment.


He gave the assurance that sustainable practices are at the heart of company’s method of building the forestry industry.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hello Guyanese abroad, China is taking over Guyana once again. Pulp pepper is long and hot. when yall complain again, that pepper can be easily inserted in your back side.  


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Hello Guyanese abroad, China is taking over Guyana once again. Pulp pepper is long and hot. when yall complain again, that pepper can be easily inserted in your back side.  


Speaking from experience banna?


So when do you plan on moving back to Chiyana?


Replace a putage, a lazy coolee, a bharwa, a kanwa, and two congomen with a useful chinaman. It's no use begging Guyanese to lend their stressed out skills from Ameica or Canada, import it from China. China is dishing out the cash to commence CJIA expansion.  

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Replace a putage, a lazy coolee, a bharwa, a kanwa, and two congomen with a useful chinaman. It's no use begging Guyanese to lend their stressed out skills from Ameica or Canada, import it from China. China is dishing out the cash to commence CJIA expansion.  

What is the interest rate on the cash

Originally Posted by cain:

They'll most certainly own Guyana...hence the name,Chiyana.

If Ramjattan wins election in 2016, he would be ruling a country with mostly Chinese. Nah? It doesn't matter now. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
If Ramjattan wins election in 2016, he would be ruling a country with mostly Chinese. Nah? It doesn't matter now. 

If - and only if - but it will not happen.


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