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Chinese couple accused of schoolgirl beating now fearfulPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Alex Wayne   
Friday, 18 January 2013 22:16

THE Chinese couple charged with beating an 11-year-old Muslim schoolgirl in their store is now in fear for their lives.



Chinese business-woman, Alyssa Ren

They have since beefed up security at the Stabroek, Georgetown business because of several attacks on their person and property, allegedly spearheaded by pardoned treason accused Mark Benschop.
Allyssa Ren, as the businesswoman prefers to be known, told this newspaper, Wednesday, that, as a result of the number of times she and the place have been attacked, she is afraid and was forced to solicit the services of MMC security guards round the clock at her SINO MALL on Croal Street.
The woman, who, mysteriously, went missing a few days after the incident, for which she was jointly prosecuted, said her fear is because persons had thrown bricks and hit her about the body.
Ren said the last time they were assailed was two Thursdays ago when Benschop led a small group in which the young girl and her grandmother joined, shouting outside the store.
She said, that day, the girl’s grandmother kicked and struck her with the walking stick she uses as an aid to move about.
Ren said, for her safety, she had left the store in the care of her husband and stayed with a friend for several days to avoid any conflict.

The woman is appealing for the law to take its course and not leave her at the mercy of citizens, as she and her husband have already been prosecuted before the Court.
“I did flog the girl because she was in my bedroom but I will prefer for the law to deal with us and not for the citizens to take matter in their own hands,” the defendant said.
The businesswoman said her sales have dropped considerably since people are not visiting the store like before and, among those who come, are those just curious to see the faces of the couple.
On January 6, it was reported that the Chinese proprietress had launched a physical attack on the young girl, claiming that the latter had stolen a piece of female clothing from the store.
Eyewitnesses alleged that the Chinese woman had lunged at the child, let fly kicks and chops with her fist as if the girl was an adult opponent.
The husband and wife were also accused of stripping the girl but the couple complained of losing more than $1M in merchandise as a result of theft and looting that occurred at the hands of intervening members of the public.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

Mr. T Endorsing theft. The couple lost 1 million due to theft. You still did not get it.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Benschop has not killed anyone. Jagdeo had Sawh murdered.

If you know this and has facts to prove it, then go to Guyana and have jagdeo tried for murder. We don't know if Mr. Chop has personally chopped anyone. He might have done so and no one knows.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Benschop has not killed anyone. Jagdeo had Sawh murdered.

If you know this and has facts to prove it, then go to Guyana and have jagdeo tried for murder. We don't know if Mr. Chop has personally chopped anyone. He might have done so and no one knows.  

Mr. T endorses Benschop because he is a kith and kin. Benschop is a terrorist.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mr. T Endorsing theft. The couple lost 1 million due to theft. You still did not get it.

i recommend that the PPP outsource conscience/albert wuk and save plenty money . . . you are eminently qualified and do it for free already 


I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

T; The same can be said of you accusing jagdeo of murder. You are just assuming this from the rumors. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

T; The same can be said of you accusing jagdeo of murder. You are just assuming this from the rumors. 

Bhai, Dem British Parliamentarians gat deh man confuse.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

T; The same can be said of you accusing jagdeo of murder. You are just assuming this from the rumors. 

Jagdeo himself said he knows who killed Sawh. Since nobody else has confessed to having been there or done it, then that places Jagdeo as the only person at the scene of the crime.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

T; The same can be said of you accusing jagdeo of murder. You are just assuming this from the rumors. 

Jagdeo himself said he knows who killed Sawh. Since nobody else has confessed to having been there or done it, then that places Jagdeo as the only person at the scene of the crime.

He meant fineman and his PNC terrorist thugs.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I am not endorsing Benschop as you claim. I am pointing out the facts in the face of your attempts to fabricate evidence against him. None of your allegations would stand up in court not even a Guyanese court. So you are plain and simply a liar.

T; The same can be said of you accusing jagdeo of murder. You are just assuming this from the rumors. 

Jagdeo himself said he knows who killed Sawh. Since nobody else has confessed to having been there or done it, then that places Jagdeo as the only person at the scene of the crime.

And you did NOT geat a Job at Scotland Yard yet???


Another PPP sore pattah cake thread. If any law was broken, go arrest someone instead cry here like a bunch of homan.


Secretly, ayuh daags envy black people. Ayuh wish you had the balls to defend yourselves so well. One black child was assaulted and the whole black community stood up and ayuh chinese backed down and run in rat hole.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Are you saying some AfroGuyanese are brainless or Dumb and jump around like Robots??? I dont think the AfroGuyanese Community that are not in your category will appreciate your illiterate comment.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

I can't speak for the blacks since I am not of that race.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

I can't speak for the blacks since I am not of that race.

In any case you are quite disgraceful to use racist words towards Chinese. You are what the Rev describes as .......

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 


Dem bais tried to cut his free munny

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 


Dem bais tried to cut his free munny

Glad to see yuh finally coming to your sense.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.

Benschop was a PPP man as late as the mid nineties.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

You and the low life ignorant lot here pretending this race baiting will serve you well are too stupid to know the problem the PPP is in if it takes that tact. Indians in Guyana are at a disadvantage if the society takes a turn for open racial strife. Instead of prattling your ignorant nonsense here you need to see what has happened in every society as ours where one ethnic group use the law, authority and a slight majority to dominate the society.  They all ended up in fragments and/or completely destroyed. Ours cannot fragment since we are geographically intermingled and none of the main groups have local historical "homelands". That means that a racial struggle will definitely end in a societal collapse and thousands dead.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.

Benschop was a PPP man as late as the mid nineties.

Skeldon_man needs to tell us more about his 'encounter' in MN with Benschop during the 1980's . . . Mark would have beeen a lil bai then

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

I can't speak for the blacks since I am not of that race.

In any case you are quite disgraceful to use racist words towards Chinese. You are what the Rev describes as .......

 Why do you not take your own advice? These Chinese folks are not culturally attuned to how we view our children. Others are not allowed to lay hands on them. Could you imagine a black woman flogging an indian girl or the reverse?


This lady did not even know if the child was a troubled child but took it upon herself to flog her. That is an eleven year old she decided to beat up. She should be sued in court at minimum.  She is lucky it was not the child of  a local thug.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

If it was an Indian child the PPP would have hired a black gang to sort out dem Chings. Fineboy would have been his name...

Mr T. It is seems apparent that blacks on this forum use racist words to describe other races. What goes around will come your way.  You will be the first to holler racism.

You and the low life ignorant lot here pretending this race baiting will serve you well are too stupid to know the problem the PPP is in if it takes that tact. Indians in Guyana are at a disadvantage if the society takes a turn for open racial strife. Instead of prattling your ignorant nonsense here you need to see what has happened in every society as ours where one ethnic group use the law, authority and a slight majority to dominate the society.  They all ended up in fragments and/or completely destroyed. Ours cannot fragment since we are geographically intermingled and none of the main groups have local historical "homelands". That means that a racial struggle will definitely end in a societal collapse and thousands dead.

In others words, it is ok for T to use racist words openly as long as the person is Chinese. You are quite a piece of work.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 

Bullpuss! He was always a PNC terrorist and thug.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 

Bullpuss! He was always a PNC terrorist and thug.

skeldon_man, u are a transparent poser, bigot and inverterate LIAR . . . u obviously know NOTHING about Mark Benschop


but, tell us more about your 'encounter' with MB as a lil bai in Minneapolis during the 1980's . . . you 4th rate fraud

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Mark Benschop was a political prisoner who was held without evidence and trial against the UN Human Rights Convention. No evidence was ever produced in court to substantiate claims by the PPP regime against any of its political prisoners some of whom were tortured and threatened with sexual and other violence.


As for the Chinese: it is clear that these people have entered Guyana with the intention of continuing their inhumane treatment of anyone who is not Chinese. They should be expelled from the country without delay after paying retribution to the victim.

T: Benschop was and is a terrorist. I spoke to him in Minnesota in the late 80's and he did not hide his scorn for the PPP. However, I agree with you on the Chinese. It will be interesting to see what happens to this case.


This could not be true. Benschop was a very vocal PPP supporter during the late 1990s. I saw that with my own eyes. Something happened and he got vex with the PPP and went with PNC. 

Bullpuss! He was always a PNC terrorist and thug.

skeldon_man, u are a transparent poser, bigot and inverterate LIAR . . . u obviously know NOTHING about Mark Benschop


but, tell us more about your 'encounter' with MB as a lil bai in Minneapolis during the 1980's . . . you 4th rate fraud

Never like the truth. Typical PNC terrorist and thug. You both seem to share the same bed.


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