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BEIJING — Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a government-installed Tibetan cleric Friday to uphold national unity in a meeting amid recurring anti-government unrest in Tibetan communities.

The government’s account of Wen’s meeting with the Panchen Lama did not mention the unrest, which sparked two weeks ago with protests in southwest China. Chinese security forces shot dead Thursday two Tibetan brothers who had been on the run since taking part in the protests, U.S.-funded broadcaster Radio Free Asia said.

Hundreds of Tibetans gather on the side of a main street in Nangqian county, China’s Qinghai province. Another Tibetan has set himself on fire in western China to protest government policies while thousands marched in another part of China to show support for their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, a report said.
.Wen urged the Panchen Lama to play a bigger role in maintaining national unity and ethnic harmony, a statement on the central government’s website said.

The Panchen Lama is the second-ranked religious leader to Tibetans, after the Dalai Lama, but most Tibetans do not accept him because he was appointed by Beijing. The original boy selected by the Dalai Lama in 1995 has not been heard from since.

Radio Free Asia said the two Tibetans — 40-year-old monk Yeshe Rigsal and his 38-year-old brother, Yeshe Samdrub — were killed Thursday in the high-altitude pasturelands used by nomadic herders where they had fled after the Jan. 23 protest in Luhuo county. Radio Free Asia cited sources in the area and in the Tibetan exile community in India.

Luhuo and other Tibetan areas of Sichuan province have been sealed off due to recurring, sometimes violent protests, so the Radio Free Asia report could not be independently confirmed. Telephone calls Friday to the Communist Party propaganda department and the public security office in Luhuo rang unanswered, as did a call to the party propaganda department in Ganzi prefecture, which oversees the county.

In the Luhuo protest, Tibetans besieged a police station, drawing fire that killed at least one person. It marked a return to the mass anti-government demonstrations periodically used by Tibetans in recent decades to protest Chinese rule. A widespread rebellion across Tibetan areas in 2008 prompted China to smother the region with police and tighten controls on the Buddhist practices and the clergy that are at the core of Tibetan identity.

As a result, Tibetans have felt further alienated, but largely turned to individual acts of protest, most dramatically by setting themselves on fire. At least 17 Tibetans have done so in the past year, many shouting as they burned for the return of their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, from his exile in India, where he fled in 1959.

Radio Free Asia also reported another immolation — that of a yet to be identified monk Thursday in Yushu, another restive Tibetan area in Qinghai province, next to Sichuan.

In another protest, several hundred monks from Sekha monastery in Yushu staged a demonstration Thursday, holding banners and shouting slogans demanding human rights and the release of political prisoners, according to accounts from overseas Tibet lobbying groups and a video provided by a person with contacts with the Tibetan community.

The person said that the monks originally planned to march to the county seat more than a mile (2 kilometers) away, but that local herders stopped them, worrying that the monks would be arrested. Officials, police and troops arrived and persuaded the monks to return to the monastery, said the person, who did not want to be identified for fear of being punished by the authorities.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Chinese security forces on Thursday shot and killed a Tibetan monk and his brother who had been involved in protests against Chinese rule, as another Tibetan self-immolated to protest Tibetans' plight, sources said.

The shooting in Draggo (in Chinese, Luhuo) county in southwest Sichuan province signaled a hardening crackdown by Chinese authorities on dissent by Tibetans, 22 of whom have self-immolated since March 2009 when Beijing escalated a clampdown on monasteries.

The two brothers had been on the run for more than two weeks, and had been hiding in the hills in a nomad region when they were surrounded and fired upon, according to sources in Tibet and in exile.

Yeshe Rigsal, a 40-year monk, and his 38-year-old brother, Yeshe Samdrub, had been pursued by the authorities after they participated in Jan. 23 protests against Chinese rule and calling for the return of exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama in Draggo in the Kardze (in Chinese, Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.

"He was on the run, and Chinese security forces encircled the place where he was staying and shot him and his brother," said Kalsang, a monk at the Drepung monastery in South India, citing sources in the region.

"Both were killed on the spot," he said.

The Jan. 23 Draggo incident was immediately followed by bloody protests the same week in Serthar (in Chinese, Seda) county and Dzamthang (in Chinese, Rangtang) county, both also in Sichuan, in which rights and exile groups believe a total of at least six were killed and 60 injured, some critically.

The two brothers executed by the racist Han Chinese Outfit forces in Tibet.
You have been listening to the lies put out by THE RACIST EXPANSIONIST IMPERIALIST HAN CHINESE OUTFIT that is hiding behind Marx, Engels, Lenin and primitive capitalism.

What is happening in Tibet is the racial extermination and genocide of a people who have the right to live on the Earth as human beings.

The only thing that this RACIST EXPANSIONIST IMPERIALIST HAN CHINESE OUTFIT respect is violence like their relationships with the former Soviet Union, Communist Vietnam and Indira Gandhi's India has illustrated.

Long live a free Tibet.
I suggest you read The Struggle for Modern Tibet: an Autobiography of Tashi Tsering.

Before 1949, approximately 2 million Tibetans, an estimated one-fourth, entered the monkhood. The majority of those who were not monks were herdsmen or peasants, working as serfs on land owned by the government or by one of the thousands of monasteries. There was almost total illiteracy among the peasantry, and, even in the monkhood, only a small number were taught to read and write. Wooden plows and yaks were the only to a peasant’s brute-force labor, and until the 20th century, there were no wheeled vehicles in the country. Justice entirely at the whim of the nobility and the Dalai Lama, since there was no organized system of courts. Dismemberment was a common punishment for crimes. Polyandry was common, such that a wife was shared with all the brothers of a family. The corpses of the dead were cut up and fed to the dogs and the vultures, while human skulls and bones were used in rituals, as utensils and musical instruments. The art of Tibet reflects the fixation on death, subjugation of commoners by monstrous deities, and orgiastic “enlightenment.”

At the age of about ten or twelve, young boys entered monkhood. They immediately became the target of fierce competition between organized clubs of monks, fighting over who would get to use the boys for their homosexual pleasures. The clubs, rather like street gangs, with their own “colors” and costumes, were called dob-dobs. To get ahead rapidly in villages, where, for centuries, all peasant children grew up
the religious hierarchy, a boy would need the “good luck” to be chosen by an older, established monk as his sex slave. This would assure advancement, although the boy would also be required to service the friends of his owner/monk when so instructed.
This is a bunch of lies. Ask yourself if this garbage was true then (1)Would almost the complete population of Tibet offer the Chinese over 50 years of non-violent resistance against Han Chinese rule of their country. (2) Ask your self also if this garbage was true why many other ethnic minority people living in China in areas close to the Tibetian border also support the Tibetians in their struggle. (3) Ask youself if this garbage was true then why would millions of tibetians leave their country to live as refugees in countires all over the world.

This information that you have there Henry is pure lies put out by THE RACIST EXPANSIONIST IMPERIALIST HAN CHINESE OUTFIT (hiding behind Marx, Engels, Lenin and primitive capitalism).

What is happening in Tibet is the racial extermination and genocide of a people who have the right to live on this earth as human beings.

Long Live the struggle for a free and independent Tibet. Viva Tibet Libre.
Originally posted by Henry:
I suggest you read The Struggle for Modern Tibet: an Autobiography of Tashi Tsering.

Before 1949, approximately 2 million Tibetans, an estimated one-fourth, entered the monkhood. The majority of those who were not monks were herdsmen or peasants, working as serfs on land owned by the government or by one of the thousands of monasteries. There was almost total illiteracy among the peasantry, and, even in the monkhood, only a small number were taught to read and write. Wooden plows and yaks were the only to a peasant’s brute-force labor, and until the 20th century, there were no wheeled vehicles in the country. Justice entirely at the whim of the nobility and the Dalai Lama, since there was no organized system of courts. Dismemberment was a common punishment for crimes. Polyandry was common, such that a wife was shared with all the brothers of a family. The corpses of the dead were cut up and fed to the dogs and the vultures, while human skulls and bones were used in rituals, as utensils and musical instruments. The art of Tibet reflects the fixation on death, subjugation of commoners by monstrous deities, and orgiastic “enlightenment.”

At the age of about ten or twelve, young boys entered monkhood. They immediately became the target of fierce competition between organized clubs of monks, fighting over who would get to use the boys for their homosexual pleasures. The clubs, rather like street gangs, with their own “colors” and costumes, were called dob-dobs. To get ahead rapidly in villages, where, for centuries, all peasant children grew up
the religious hierarchy, a boy would need the “good luck” to be chosen by an older, established monk as his sex slave. This would assure advancement, although the boy would also be required to service the friends of his owner/monk when so instructed.

This sound like the Funny Fellows Gang you talking about there Henry lol
Originally posted by Henry:
I suggest you read The Struggle for Modern Tibet: an Autobiography of Tashi Tsering.

From Publishers Weekly
This captivating autobiography by a Tibetan educator and former political prisoner is full of twists and turns. Born in 1929 in a Tibetan village, Tsering developed a strong dislike of his country's theocratic ruling elite. As a 13-year-old member of the Dalai Lama's personal dance troupe, he was frequently whipped or beaten by teachers for minor infractions. A heterosexual, he escaped by becoming a drombo, or homosexual passive partner and sex-toy, for a well-connected monk. After studying at the University of Washington, he returned to Chinese-occupied Tibet in 1964, convinced that Tibet could become a modernized society based on socialist, egalitarian principles only through cooperation with the Chinese. Denounced as a "counterrevolutionary" during Mao's Cultural Revolution, he was arrested in 1967 and spent six years in prison or doing forced labor in China. Officially exonerated in 1978, Tsering became a professor of English at Tibet University in Lhasa. He now raises funds to build schools in Tibet's villages, emphasizing Tibetan language and culture. Written with Goldstein, head of Case Western Reserve's anthropology department, and Siebenschuh, a Case English professor, this unusual autobiography valiantly suggests a middle way between authoritarian Chinese rule and a return to Tibet's old order.
Well I can see your point Henry. Tibet also had slaves but that does not give Han Chinese the right to exterminate a people in their own homeland and replace them with their own Han Chinese.
But I don't think many people outside of yourself and Richard Gere actually believe that is happening.

What Tsering reports is that When the Chinese People’s Liberation Army entered Tibet in 1951, they did not use violent measures. The Chinese allowed Dalai Lama and the government to exercise internal authority; and they disrupted neither religious life nor that of the monasteries. They did build roads, bridges, hospitals, and schools. They also disrupted Tibetan life in other ways. Being Chinese, they began to apply the same intensive agricultural and other methods which had allowed the development of China’s vast population over millennia. These included, beginning in 1956, social and agrarian reforms in some ethnic Tibetan areas—not Tibet proper—in Sichuan province.

It was, actually, these reforms, which the regional Tibetan lamas and landowners opposed, which began the troubles between Tibetans and Chinese.
Tibetan nun sets herself on fire in protest February 12, 2012

An 18-year-old Tibetan nun has set herself on fire in western China in the latest such protest against Beijing's handling of its vast Tibetan regions, an overseas rights group said Sunday.

Free Tibet said in a statement that the nun set herself ablaze Saturday and was believed to have survived. The young woman, identified as Tenzin Choezin, was a nun at the Mamae Nunnery in Sichuan province's Aba prefecture, the statement said.

Government and police officials reached by telephone in Aba said they knew nothing about the case and hung up.

In October, a 20-year-old nun from the same monastery set herself on fire and died, according to Free Tibet.

More than a dozen monks, nuns and ordinary Tibetans have set themselves on fire over the past year, and Free Tibet says at least 11 died from their injuries. Rights groups say the self-immolations are a protest against China's policies and a call for the return of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetans' spiritual leader fled to India amid an abortive uprising against Chinese rule in 1959.

The Chinese government has condemned the self-immolations and says an upsurge in violence in Tibetan areas, including some deadly clashes between Tibetan protesters and security forces, are being instigated by forces outside the country wanting to separate Tibet from China.

The last few months have been the region's most violent period since 2008, when deadly rioting in Tibet's capital, Lhasa, spread to Tibetan areas in adjoining provinces. China responded by flooding the area with troops and closing Tibetan regions entirely to foreigners for about a year.

Western reporters trying to visit that part of Sichuan in the last several weeks have been turned away by security forces
Originally posted by Wally:

An 18-year-old Tibetan nun has set herself on fire in western China in the latest such protest against Beijing's handling of its vast Tibetan regions, an overseas rights group said Sunday.

A little googling helped me to understand what is going on here. First of all, the full article appears in the Washington Post here , which reveals that the "overseas rights group" is the "London-based International Campaign for Tibet." The ICT has a US website which includes its IRS form 990 for 2010, which in turn reveals some of the names of those that run it. Richard Gere is on the board -- no surprise there, but he's not running the show. The director is Ellen Bork, known mainly for her involvement as deputy executive director of the Project for the New American Century, the leading NeoCon operation behind the Bush/Cheney administration, and as Senior Programs Manager for Human Rights at Freedom House (not the one in Gtown,) another notorious NeoCon outfit. Nowadays the Empire doesn't use warships to enforce its policies as it did during the Opium Wars -- it uses banks and NGOs.
Henry I hope you don't end up getting the Central Committee of the so call Peoples Republic of HanChineseIstan (also called THE RACIST EXPANSIONIST IMPERIALIST HAN CHINESE OUTFIT) angry because they will send the bill for the bullet (that they used to finish you off) to your family for them to pay.

Don't worry Henry. Before they finish you off the Central Committee will throw you in jail for a few years so that you can make some prison labor products that can be exported to dollar stores in the United States and Canada.

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