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Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Priya is a disgrace to Guyanese women. 

And you are a DISGRACE to the Human Race!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Notice how the AFC/PNC are attacking prominent Indo Guyanese women ? These blatant attack against prominent and successful Indo Guyanese women must stop now. These posters like JB are the Burnhamites who attempted to exterminate us.


Be vigilant now and speak out against these AFC/PNC thugs.

Quit hyperventilating on your sacred victimization. Burnham oppressed all not indians alone. It is only in your imagination that there was ever a genocidal program in the Burnham repertoire. One notable commentators on dictators across that era commented his was almost a bloodless era compared to any such the world over.


That being said, the PPP were supposed to return us to a democracy but instead they cling like barnacles to the very dictatorial precepts Burnham implanted by his illegal referendum in '78. Everything these duplicitous scoundrels objected to then, is embraced  completely now. For all intents and purpose we simply switched dictators with the added ingredient that these are out doing the former in on all measures of corruption.

Welfare Bum


Why are you defending your hero Burnham ? He made an attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese. Now move along, cap in hand. The days of bullying us are over.


Rev some stats for you.  Indians are a mere 45% of the votes.  Increasing numbers are now what you call "Dirty Indians".  So how is the PPP going to gain nmore than 51% of the votes when they only have 40% "clean" Indians who are going to support them.


A dry Amaila Falls is leading many to thank the PNC for saving Guyana from wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on a fiasco.


I mean isnt it basic that sufficient studies should have been conducted to determine whether water flow will be sufficient to guarantee 24/7 supplies?


Why are you defending your hero Burnham ? He made an attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese. Now move along, cap in hand. The days of bullying us are over.

How?  By banning flour and split peas?  So why dont you argue that with bread and cook up rice gone black people would have also punished.  Clearly no split peas would have led to an overall shortage of peas.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Why are you defending your hero Burnham ? He made an attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese. Now move along, cap in hand. The days of bullying us are over.

How?  By banning flour and split peas?  So why dont you argue that with bread and cook up rice gone black people would have also punished.  Clearly no split peas would have led to an overall shortage of peas.

Carib is exposing his deep love for Burhnam and jumps to his God Burnham's defence. Once a PNC thug, always a PNC thug. You should be ashamed to defend Burnham. Shame on you twice.


Jaya Manickchand: It is not surprising that you chose to write on a selected part of what I said, since your writings are, in my view, politically motivated and often mischievous. I am not a politician. I am a Guyanese citizen who has a right to the freedom of speech. The last time I checked the Constitution of Guyana did not change. I expressed MY opinion on a serious issue. YOU have every right to differ in your opinion.

As a Lawyer, you should not deliberately mislead the readers and one would imagine after all this time of writing nonsense, you would be clear enough and well researched to write coherently and factual material.
Ram did not get the said quote off of my facebook page. I do not have Ram as a friend. This was my comment on a thread on someone else's facebook page.
Secondly, Ram, one phone call to your friend/s at GECOM would have made you aware that I resigned a while now.
Thirdly, I am not a member or part of any political party, I chose to and still proudly support the PPP/Civic, if you and like persons are in the hierarchy of other political parties, the options for Guyanese are quite daunting.
Fourthly, do not go assuming that you know what I think or I believe, This is not about a particular class as you put it, In your quote I stated "ALL".your analysis leaves much to be desired. For ME, it matters not what class you are from, religion or race If you are caught in the commission of a Murder or robbery under arms or found guilty thereof, I believe that the death penalty should be applied ( as draconian as it sounds). If you are found in the commission of a rape or guilty thereof, your penis should be cut off.If someone opens fire on the Police force or any other person, the Police and that other Person have all right by law to protect themselves....These Ram are some of my views, a simple phone call to me, would have, hopefully, cure your defective analysis. Something you should always remember, it is always best practice to get your facts and do your research. It is known that assumption is the mother of all " eff - ups"
NOW, for the Readers, Ram's article is based, in short, on me stating MY opinion on the ( 3 bandits that were recently killed by KVC) on someone's face book page. This was a comment to a thread that I find was unbelievable and in my view, treading these deadly bandits as "wronged citizens: On this occasion, I chose to believe the police version as compared to the eye witnesses' version and because I have a different opinion from another section of this society, it makes me somehow " callous" and "arrogant" amongst other titles that some persons are giving me. These bandits were no alter boys on the road that night looking for Holy Water or to by bread for Sunday mass.I stand by what I believe. And OH how I wish, that persons of differing views from mine are as vocal for the rights of those who are murdered at the hands of these types of criminals, especially.
To know the true Lallbachan "Christopher" Ram. readers may wish to google search "Chris Ram's dviorce" or if you have time go the Supreme Court Registry and ask for action number 2001 177/D Demerara (or view them here PG1, PG2, PG3).
It appears to me that a certain section of the society defends and allows criminality because it suits their political or financial agenda. To you I say, evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Finally Ram, it appears that you have idle time to write trash on a daily basis. You should consider volunteering in depressed communities so that you can try to save these "alter boys". I would not recommend that you provide voluntary legal services if this is the level of your research and analysis.


God bless this brave Indo Guyanese woman for speaking out. Kudos to her. It is time that Indo Guyanese stand up and speak out against the very acts that were committed against them during the Burnhamite era.


The rotten, dirty and corrupt AFC politicians should be ashamed of themselves.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Why are you defending your hero Burnham ? He made an attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese. Now move along, cap in hand. The days of bullying us are over.

How?  By banning flour and split peas?  So why dont you argue that with bread and cook up rice gone black people would have also punished.  Clearly no split peas would have led to an overall shortage of peas.

Carib is exposing his deep love for Burhnam and jumps to his God Burnham's defence. Once a PNC thug, always a PNC thug. You should be ashamed to defend Burnham. Shame on you twice.

Whats funny is that Chief and baseman scream that I am an ungrateful black man because I claim that Burnham was a thug and blacks suffered from his incompetence as much (or more than) other ethnic groups in Guyana.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev some stats for you.  Indians are a mere 45% of the votes.  Increasing numbers are now what you call "Dirty Indians".  So how is the PPP going to gain more than 51% of the votes when they only have 40% "clean" Indians who are going to support them.


Simple answer Carib bai.


* 10.5% of Guyanese blacks now solidly support the PPP.


* Combine that with 67% Amerindians


* And 15% of mixed


* Plus factor in the East Indians who voted for the AFC in 2011---but will return to the PPP in the next election


Add that up and the PPP will regain the majority in the next election.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev some stats for you.  Indians are a mere 45% of the votes.  Increasing numbers are now what you call "Dirty Indians".  So how is the PPP going to gain more than 51% of the votes when they only have 40% "clean" Indians who are going to support them.


Simple answer Carib bai.


* 10.5% of Guyanese blacks now solidly support the PPP.


* Combine that with 67% Amerindians


* And 15% of mixed


* Plus factor in the East Indians who voted for the AFC in 2011---but will return to the PPP in the next election


Add that up and the PPP will regain the majority in the next election.



So you admit that 90% of the blacks/mixed  DO NOT support the PPP.  Clearly your racist rants suggest that increasing numbers of Indians do not either.




Now explain to Guyanese why the PPP was so incompetent that it selected a site where year round water supplies are not guaranteed?


As of now many increasingly fear that the PPP will ensure that Guyana once again becomes an highly indebted nation unable tos ervice its debts because this was incurred to fund dubious projects.  This while top PPP officials and their Indo elite cronies sit fat dumb and happy with their illgotten gains.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So you admit that 90% of the blacks/mixed  DO NOT support the PPP. 

Which rock do you live under ?


That's Guyana's politics for you.


85% of East Indians are prejudiced in favor of the PPP; 89.5% of blacks are prejudiced in favor of the PNC.


Thankfully there aren't enough Dirty PNC Indians to help the PNC win an election in Guyana.


Maybe in the 22nd century the PNC may finally win a free and fair election---but not in this century.





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So you admit that 90% of the blacks/mixed  DO NOT support the PPP. 

Which rock do you live under ?


That's Guyana's politics for you.


85% of East Indians are prejudiced in favor of the PPP; 89.5% of blacks are prejudiced in favor of the PNC.


Thankfully there aren't enough Dirty PNC Indians to help the PNC win an election in Guyana.


Maybe in the 22nd century the PNC may finally win a free and fair election---but not in this century.





80% of 45% does NOT equal 51%.  With the scandal of Amaila Falls being revealed, this on top of the fiasco of the skeldon factory, which was supposed to substantial improve the fortunes of Guysuco clearly more and more Indians will flee the PPP.  Even if this merely means that they decide not to support any other party.


As Amerindians are developing organizations that are beyond the control of the tochaos, more of them are thinking for themselves and not merely voting as the tochao commands that they do.  In any case  voter turn out in the interior is low.


The party of Cheddi Jagan no longer exists.  This was the party which commanded the support of 95% of the Indian population.  This band of theives and incompetents is increasingly seen as being an embarrassment, which is why more and more Indians like Chris Ram, are speaking out against them.



The way it looks black people will not have to lift a finger to ensure the demise of the PPP.  Increasingly alienated Indians in Guyana will do that, just as an increasingly alienated Indian population in Tdad has all but destroyed the UNC/COP coalition, guaranteeing PNM victories if national elections were to be called now.

Originally Posted by caribny:

80% of 45% does NOT equal 51%. 

It looks like you went to school in August month.


It's 85% of 45%---that is 38.25


Factor in 67% of Amerindians; 10.5% of blacks and soon you are close to 50%.


It's up to the MIXED races---what % of the Mixed race did the PNC win in the last election ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

80% of 45% does NOT equal 51%. 

It looks like you went to school in August month.


It's 85% of 45%---that is 38.25


Factor in 67% of Amerindians; 10.5% of blacks and soon you are close to 50%.


It's up to the MIXED races---what % of the Mixed race did the PNC win in the last election ?





The Amerindian voter turnout is no where to their representation in the population.  So if your analysis is based on that you are wrong.  Given that no one in Guyana can determine with certainty who is black and who is mixed generally the two groups are combined, this as the overwhelming majority of mixed Guyanese are part African and have extensive ties to that community, whether they wish to be identified with it or not.  So the 10% PPP support from this community normally combinesd BOTH the African and mixed.


The reality is that the PPP coalition with majority Indo support, minority Afro/mixed support, with a fair amount of support from the Amerindians who bothered to vote, only got it 49%.  And this with Jagdeo very involved in the last election where he actively campaigned.  Ramotar is less charismatic and his reign has been plaged by scandal after scandal.  


Just as Maduro will lose the support Chavez had, so will Ramotar lose the support that Jagdeo had.  Once a leader lacks charisma the supporters are more inclined to see the defects of the party, and ae less likely to be wooed by the soaring rhetoric of its leaders.


It is clear that many Indians are straying from the PPP farm as those who are critical seem far less afraid of being seen as traitors than has ever been the case. 


And with each passing year the screams of Burnham have less impact as more and more people, who were either unborn, or were very young when he was alive, participate in the voting process.  In addition more and more Indians continue to flee Guyana, and more and more mixed Guyanese who were born after 1991, become old enough to vote.


So as of now I will agree that the PPP will most likely win.  What is also apparent is its support base continues to dwindle, and I see no reason why this will change.   So a 45% victory is quite likely. The PNC inching forward to maybe 43% and what ever third party emerges before the next national elections, snagging the rest.



Though as we see in Tdad a low turn out by PPP supportters might well lead to a PNC victory.  Strange things can happen, though I doubt that the PNC has the smarts that the PNM in Tdad has to take advantage of an increasingly weak governing party.


I mean even the PPP now realizes how disgused Guyanese are with the corruption and uncouth behavior from top PPP officials and their cronies that they pretend to be investigating it.  What makes this laughable is that child predator who is on this committee is one of the most uncouth of them all.  He represents the very worst of PPP officialdom.




You can rationalize and explain away and apply all the logic you want---the reality is the PNC has never, ever won a free and fair election in Guyana.


Infact, the highest percentage of votes they  PNC ever got in a free election was 42.3%.


So the probability of the PNC winning in 2016 is 0.0000000000001%


We now know the AFC is doomed----they'll be lucky to pull half the votes they got in the last election.




Bhai Ramo will be re-elected President---and most likely by a majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:



You can rationalize and explain away and apply all the logic you want---the reality is the PNC has never, ever won a free and fair election in Guyana.


Infact, the highest percentage of votes they  PNC ever got in a free election was 42.3%.


So the probability of the PNC winning in 2016 is 0.0000000000001%


We now know the AFC is doomed----they'll be lucky to pull half the votes they got in the last election.




Bhai Ramo will be re-elected President---and most likely by a majority.



Rev apparently illiteracy is your problem.


I just told you that the PPP will most likely win.  I also telling you that the likleihood of them regaining a majority is unlikely.  You have FAILED to prove me wrong.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev apparently illiteracy is your problem.


I just told you that the PPP will most likely win.  I also telling you that the likleihood of them regaining a majority is unlikely.  You have FAILED to prove me wrong.

OK cool!


So your take is the probability favors the PPP continuing to rule Guyana, but they will definitely remain a minority government.


Fair enough! 


Listen! Once the PPP remains in control of the executive branch progress will continue in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev apparently illiteracy is your problem.


I just told you that the PPP will most likely win.  I also telling you that the likleihood of them regaining a majority is unlikely.  You have FAILED to prove me wrong.

OK cool!


So your take is the probability favors the PPP continuing to rule Guyana, but they will definitely remain a minority government.


Fair enough! 


Listen! Once the PPP remains in control of the executive branch progress will continue in Guyana.



Is the PPP really in control now?  Is the fcat that it cannot do as it wishes not the reason why you all scream that you wnat a snap poll. This while Ramotar blocks local govt elections.


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