Priya is a disgrace to Guyanese women.
And you are a DISGRACE to the Human Race!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Notice how the AFC/PNC are attacking prominent Indo Guyanese women ? These blatant attack against prominent and successful Indo Guyanese women must stop now. These posters like JB are the Burnhamites who attempted to exterminate us.
Be vigilant now and speak out against these AFC/PNC thugs.
Quit hyperventilating on your sacred victimization. Burnham oppressed all not indians alone. It is only in your imagination that there was ever a genocidal program in the Burnham repertoire. One notable commentators on dictators across that era commented his was almost a bloodless era compared to any such the world over.
That being said, the PPP were supposed to return us to a democracy but instead they cling like barnacles to the very dictatorial precepts Burnham implanted by his illegal referendum in '78. Everything these duplicitous scoundrels objected to then, is embraced completely now. For all intents and purpose we simply switched dictators with the added ingredient that these are out doing the former in on all measures of corruption.
Welfare Bum
Why are you defending your hero Burnham ? He made an attempt to exterminate Indo Guyanese. Now move along, cap in hand. The days of bullying us are over.