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Former Member

The Ministry of the Presidency, the venue for the post no-confidence talks between President David Granger and Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo on Wednesday, January 9.

Attorney-at-law and Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram on Friday asked the High Court to block the award of government contracts worth more than GYD$15 million.

Through his lawyers, including Anil Nandlall, Ram also wants the High Court to declare that all such contracts that were awarded since the no-confidence motion was passed on December 21, 2o18 were “unconstitutional, unlawful, null, void and is of no legal effect.”

The basis for Ram’s position is that all Cabinet functions ceased since the motion was passed in keeping with Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire’s decision in January concerning the validity of the no-confidence motion.

Hoping that the High Court find that all government procurement (contracts) of more than GYD$15 million require Cabinet’s review and approval, Ram also wants the court to declare that there is no Cabinet to review or award such contracts in keeping with 54 (1) of the Procurement Act, Cap. 73:05.

Ram wants the High Court to rule that the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of the Presidency and Permanent Secretaries within all Government Ministries “be restrained from making any payment towards any procurement (contract) in excess of GYD$15 million approved by a purported Cabinet after the evening of 21st December, 2018.”

The Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, has said all ministers have been meeting as a Ministerial Plenary.

Gazetted decisions have been filed under the name of the Secretary to the Ministerial Plenary instead of the constitutionally-stated post of Secretary to the Cabinet.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

What is Ram's motive? He was supporting PNC in 2015, now it looks like they didn't give him enough soup and he turn on them like a rabid dog. 

He was fooled like so many to believe that the PNC had reformed during their 23 years perdition not realizing that their sins are so large that it would take eons of perdition to even attempt to cleanse them. Now he is seeking correct his mistake.


Harmon said ministers are meeting not as Cabinet but as Ministerial Plenary. And decisions are gazetted not under the Secretary to the Cabinet but under the Secretary to the Ministerial Plenary. So, why don't they rename the whole setup Granger's Animal Farm instead of bothering with Orwellian terminologies?

Drugb posted:

What is Ram's motive? He was supporting PNC in 2015, now it looks like they didn't give him enough soup and he turn on them like a rabid dog. 

Ram’s auditing firm conducted audits on the PPP and its ministers and they came up empty handed. Ram realized that he was conned by the AFC PNC. 

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

Would that be your only motivation for action? Can his motivation not be the public good, or higher moral purposes? Why reduce such actions to money?

The PPP has morals? This case looks more like the PPP wanting to make sure that the Guyanese citizens are deprived of improvements in their daily life so that the PPP can find more money to steal when they get in government.

Mr.T posted:
Zed posted:

Would that be your only motivation for action? Can his motivation not be the public good, or higher moral purposes? Why reduce such actions to money?

The PPP has morals? This case looks more like the PPP wanting to make sure that the Guyanese citizens are deprived of improvements in their daily life so that the PPP can find more money to steal when they get in government.

Your hatred of PPP runs so deep that it even surpasses the rejection of your nephew proposal for oil business in Guyana by the PNC. 

Drugb posted:
Mr.T posted:
Zed posted:

Would that be your only motivation for action? Can his motivation not be the public good, or higher moral purposes? Why reduce such actions to money?

The PPP has morals? This case looks more like the PPP wanting to make sure that the Guyanese citizens are deprived of improvements in their daily life so that the PPP can find more money to steal when they get in government.

Your hatred of PPP runs so deep that it even surpasses the rejection of your nephew proposal for oil business in Guyana by the PNC. 

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Zed posted:

You are grossly misinformed if you believe that Christopher Ram is affiliated with the PPP. He had been an ardent critic of the PPP/Civic government. 

Exactly my point, now what is the motive of this slimy creature?  He was looking for reward by the PNC, he thought that he would be in charge of Socu/Sara/Saru etc and bring Jagdeo et al to justice for stealing. But the PNC kicked him to the curb the moment they ascended to power. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Bai. We living in the past right now. The PNC is right now as we speak behaving like the PNC of yore. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Bai. We living in the past right now. The PNC is right now as we speak behaving like the PNC of yore. 😀

Nah bhai, they are in line and will do the right thing, doan worry with the screaming from the opposition leader.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

What is Ram's motive? He was supporting PNC in 2015, now it looks like they didn't give him enough soup and he turn on them like a rabid dog. 

Ram’s auditing firm conducted audits on the PPP and its ministers and they came up empty handed. Ram realized that he was conned by the AFC PNC. 

He just milking the system!

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Bai. We living in the past right now. The PNC is right now as we speak behaving like the PNC of yore. 😀

Nah bhai, they are in line and will do the right thing, doan worry with the screaming from the opposition leader.

Doing the right thing means elections by March 21, 2019. I spend much of my work time focusing on process and I don’t see how elections by March 21, 2019 is possible. No elections by March 21, 2019 means they would not have done the right thing.

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

What is Ram's motive? He was supporting PNC in 2015, now it looks like they didn't give him enough soup and he turn on them like a rabid dog. 

Ram’s auditing firm conducted audits on the PPP and its ministers and they came up empty handed. Ram realized that he was conned by the AFC PNC. 

He just milking the system!

Maybe he is just seeking to be a watchdog. He was also critical of the PPP even to the point of taking Jagdeo to court.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Bai. We living in the past right now. The PNC is right now as we speak behaving like the PNC of yore. 😀

Nah bhai, they are in line and will do the right thing, doan worry with the screaming from the opposition leader.

Doing the right thing means elections by March 21, 2019. I spend much of my work time focusing on process and I don’t see how elections by March 21, 2019 is possible. No elections by March 21, 2019 means they would not have done the right thing.

Not so quick !!  it's a test for that piece of legislation inserted in 2000.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Plus, as little as it may be, the PPP at least have a record of growing the economy and improving its citizens lives and livelihoods whereas the PNC only has the record of depressing the economy and causing its citizens to go with progressive need and desperation. T-Bagger has lost his freeking mind. 😀

You r@ss need to get with the times, harping too much in the past.

Bai. We living in the past right now. The PNC is right now as we speak behaving like the PNC of yore. 😀

Nah bhai, they are in line and will do the right thing, doan worry with the screaming from the opposition leader.

Doing the right thing means elections by March 21, 2019. I spend much of my work time focusing on process and I don’t see how elections by March 21, 2019 is possible. No elections by March 21, 2019 means they would not have done the right thing.

Not so quick !!  it's a test for that piece of legislation inserted in 2000.

That legislation is nearly a decade old so it should have been challenged then or at least during the past four years if there was an issue with it. One failing to do their job is no excuse. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Doing the right thing means elections by March 21, 2019. I spend much of my work time focusing on process and I don’t see how elections by March 21, 2019 is possible. No elections by March 21, 2019 means they would not have done the right thing.

Not so quick !!  it's a test for that piece of legislation inserted in 2000.

That legislation is nearly a decade old so it should have been challenged then or at least during the past four years if there was an issue with it.

One failing to do their job is no excuse. 

When the legislation was about to be tested, Parliament was prorogued , so no debate.

First time it was tested, taken the opposition with not enough members for the winning vote.Voting for  by a member of Gov't raised red flags, especially regarding the distrust of politics of Guyana.

Last edited by Django

It takes only one person to file a lawsuit in court to challenge any article of the constitution as we have seen from recent filings. The inability or lack of foresight is not an excuse or reason to stay a ruling and this was upheld by two judges so far. The Coalition government has the responsibility to proceed with what is currently the expectation and only divert from it if there is a clear ruling against it. Until then the Coalition government going to become an illegal government on March 22, 2019. There is no lack of clarity to that.

ksazma posted:

It takes only one person to file a lawsuit in court to challenge any article of the constitution as we have seen from recent filings.

The inability or lack of foresight is not an excuse or reason to stay a ruling and this was upheld by two judges so far.

The Coalition government has the responsibility to proceed with what is currently the expectation and only divert from it if there is a clear ruling against it.

Until then the Coalition government going to become an illegal government on March 22, 2019. There is no lack of clarity to that.

Which two Judges ?

There is no diversion, the ruling of the Chief Justice is appealed at the High Court, three Judges are better than one to give a verdict, that's how interpreting the laws work.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

Both Rishi and George refused to grant Williams his request for a stay while they continue to waste time.

Justice Rishi Persaud said, no need for stay taking in to consideration the appeal is coming up for hearing, very shortly. Should be the 17 th of March, 2019.


Nevertheless, they are both a decline of William’s requests proving that William’s requests are not solid. Meanwhile no one is working on elections. The Coalition government is wasting time and GECOM is doing the same. 

ksazma posted:
RussianBear posted:

Was Christopher Ram ever charged or tried for spousal abuse ?

Ask he nuh. I am sure he has an online account that you can reach directly.

Bai this Russian bear "Ivan Koloff" look baad! Would not want to get in the ring wid de man.

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
RussianBear posted:

Was Christopher Ram ever charged or tried for spousal abuse ?

Ask he nuh. I am sure he has an online account that you can reach directly.

Bai this Russian bear "Ivan Koloff" look baad! Would not want to get in the ring wid de man.

I couldn't care less. My next objective is to not afford him any sense of relevance. 

ksazma posted:
RussianBear posted:

Was Christopher Ram ever charged or tried for spousal abuse ?

Ask he nuh. I am sure he has an online account that you can reach directly.

I know Christopher Ram and how to reach him. I know the answer to that question and just wanted to see if anyone else on GNI knows the answer ?

If they knew they wouldn't be quoting him as much as they do.

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:
RussianBear posted:

Was Christopher Ram ever charged or tried for spousal abuse ?

Ask he nuh. I am sure he has an online account that you can reach directly.

Bai this Russian bear "Ivan Koloff" look baad! Would not want to get in the ring wid de man.

I couldn't care less. My next objective is to not afford him any sense of relevance. 

Like de man come wid fiah in ee battie or wah?


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