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Former Member

Include ExxonMobil’s PSA in any probe – Chartered Accountant

Jun 11, 2019 News 0 Comments By Kiana Wilburg


An investigation into the oil deals Guyana signed onto is a perfectly legitimate exercise. But it should not be narrowly focused on the Canje and Kaieteur oil blocks which were signed away by former President, Donald Ramotar days before the 2015 General and Regional Elections to industry unknowns. It must include the ExxonMobil Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that was revised in 2016 by the Granger administration, says Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram.

          Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

During an interview with Kaieteur News, Ram stressed that there is a case for there to be a review of all contracts awarded to oil firms, so that the uncertainty about the circumstances under which these blocks were awarded can be put to rest.

But while he supports an oil blocks or agreements probe, Ram was adamant that the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA) is not fit and proper for the job. SARA is currently probing the award of the Canje and Kaieteur Blocks to three inexperienced firms.

Ram said, “Any objective, impartial review of the agreements ought to be welcomed. But I have serious concerns about the politicians in SARA being selective about what they would and would not investigate. In any case, my contention is that the Director of SARA, Professor Clive Thomas, has been improperly or is improperly occupying the post, because he was not appointed by the National Assembly as stipulated in the SARA Act.”

The Chartered Accountant added, “There are also too many portions of the SARA Act which are unconstitutional. For that reason, it is unsafe and risky for the investigation to be carried out by SARA when its own legitimacy is under challenge.”

The auditor also expressed his disagreement with SARA being selective about which contracts or agreements it will investigate. Just a few days ago, Transparency International Guyana Inc. (TIGI) raised concerns about the deal ExxonMobil struck with the Granger administration, deeming it to be fraught with illegalities.

But the State Asset Recovery Agency made it pellucid that it will not be investigating the ExxonMobil arrangement. Kaieteur News confirmed this with SARA’s Special Assistant, Eric Phillips. Phillips is currently the lead person on SARA’s probe into the suspicious award of the Kaieteur and Canje Blocks by former President, Donald Ramotar.

Phillips noted that SARA’s focus on probing oil blocks at this point in time is narrow. It is fixed on the Kaieteur and Canje Blocks he said.

This newspaper then highlighted TIGI’s points, one of which states that the Exxon Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) allows the subsidiary of the American operator, Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL), to hold more blocks than the law allows.

But the SARA official said that these and other arguments were already laid out by critics such as Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram and Oil Consultant, Dr. Jan Mangal. Phillips said, “I have heard these arguments before but it is not something we are looking into…”

He also reminded that the law allows the Minister to grant permission for the company to hold onto the acreage in the case of special circumstances. He stressed that this very point was already made by Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman.

Chartered Accountant and anticorruption advocate, Chris Ram, was one of the first legal minds here to point out the golden opportunity the government missed or ignored as it relates to the oil blocks being held by ExxonMobil. Ram had explained that during the PPP’s time, ExxonMobil was given 600 blocks.

This is ten times more than what the law stipulates. The nation’s rules and regulations also specify that at every request for a renewal, the company is expected to relinquish half of the oil blocks it started with.

But the PPP made an adjustment to the contract, thereby allowing the company to hold on to the 600 oil blocks. In the new agreement that was signed in 2016, Ram said that Natural Resources Minister, Raphael Trotman, failed to address or redress the aforementioned problems. Taking this into account, Ram had characterised Trotman as a liability to Guyana.

Ram had noted that unless the Minister can provide a satisfactory explanation for why he failed to correct the wrongs of the past, then he should be removed from office.

Ram was also asked if in his opinion, there are enough grounds for the Guyana-ExxonMobil PSA to be challenged in the court.

The Attorney-at-law had told Kaieteur News, “There are obviously things that are illegal in the contract. But listen, I really do believe that a system should not require or allow a government to engage in breaking the law and then saying to civil society ‘oh take it to court’ if you want to see a change .” The auditor stressed that the law requires Government to be compliant.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Last edited by Former Member

SARA probe of oil blocks a waste of time – Chamber President

By Kiana Wilburg

May 30, 2019  News


President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), Nicholas Boyer, is of the firm view that the State Asset Recovery Agency (SARA)’s probe of oil blocks is nothing but a waste of time. The official made these and other similar remarks at a press conference that was held yesterday at the Chamber’s Waterloo Street office.

GCCI President, Nicholas Boyer

There, Kaieteur News asked Boyer to say if the Chamber is in support of the probe or not. He was reminded that the investigation by SARA was first reported by which quoted the agency’s head, Dr. Clive Thomas, as saying that the Stabroek, Kaieteur and Canje Blocks, all operated by ExxonMobil, will be part of the inquiry, as well as the Orinduik Block operated by Tullow.

The Kaieteur and Canje Blocks were given out by the Ramotar administration just days before the 2015 General and Regional Elections. Considering the aforementioned, Boyer said he believes SARA at this point, is all over the place. He said that if one wants to truly understand how the blocks are supposed to be awarded and regulated, then a policy needs to be developed. Boyer believes that after this is done, it is the place of a Petroleum Commission to review the matter and not SARA. The Chamber President said, “At this point, we are shooting in the dark. SARA is wasting its time…”

Also commenting on the matter yesterday was the GCCI’s Chairman of its Petroleum Committee, Charles Ramson Jr. The Attorney-at-law emphatically stated that it is improper for SARA to be making preliminary statements on the probe, especially when it is yet to speak to the companies involved. In this regard, Ramson referred to an article that was carried by Kaieteur News this week, which quoted ExxonMobil’s head of Government Relations, Deedra Moe, who said that the firm was not contacted on the matter.

Charles Ramson Jr.
Chairman of GCCI’s Petroleum Committee

This is in spite of the fact that the probe started since last year. Ramson said, “That should be an internal investigation that is reported on until its conclusion. How this thing is unraveling is almost as if you are looking at an episode of Game of Thrones…” The Oil Consultant said that the manner in which SARA is handling the issue is dangerous for the investment climate and investor confidence. He said, too, that it is highly improper and totally disturbing. Overall, GCCI believes that the results of the probe will be a true test of SARA’s competence.


this is what "civil society" has come to in today's Guyana

watch these FRAUDS perform on behalf of Dookie and sundry PPP Associates Oil tiefmen

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Bhai, they are part of the Political Mafia, look at their affiliations and benefits received from the PPP. Like a rotten fork stick they trying to prop and defend.

Djanjo, unless you have the evidence to defend your comments, ( which I believe is a Libellous statement )  I would suggest you used the word “ allegedly  “ ... protect yourself from lawsuits.  

Dave posted:
Django posted:

Bhai, they are part of the Political Mafia, look at their affiliations and benefits received from the PPP. Like a rotten fork stick they trying to prop and defend.

Djanjo, unless you have the evidence to defend your comments, ( which I believe is a Libellous statement )  I would suggest you used the word “ allegedly  “ ... protect yourself from lawsuits.  

Let them feel free to do so, Django isn't afraid, there are evidence to prove such. They will be dealing with me in US, i can hire a US private investigator to get the facts.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

HEHE So you worst than them defending the shameless, dumb and incompetent PNC. Where does that leave you? Under the SEWER!!!

Continue propping, your conscience are tainted. By the way you are no comparison to Django regarding ethics.

ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al as the PPP did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:

Bhai, they are part of the Political Mafia, look at their affiliations and benefits received from the PPP. Like a rotten fork stick they trying to prop and defend.

Djanjo, unless you have the evidence to defend your comments, ( which I believe is a Libellous statement )  I would suggest you used the word “ allegedly  “ ... protect yourself from lawsuits.  

Let them feel free to do so, Django isn't afraid, there are evidence to prove such. They will be dealing with me in US, i can hire a US private investigator to get the facts.


they would NEVER even think to sue

these parasites would be DESTROYED in a US Courtroom

two words . . . "Discovery" and "Cross-Examination"

uh huh

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al

as the PPP did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

Me thinks so, will check out.

Django posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al

as the PPP did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

Me thinks so, will check out.

I know they did. I commented on it here as I did with GGX when it was founded. It is the same kind of deal with a quid pro quo with those allocating the resource for kickbacks. These people do not have the tech know how or the money to develop oil fields. They get t he land so they can raise capital on its potential and enrich themselves and later sell it off piece by piece to the large developers. It is how the friends and family of Obaing got rich...getting leases which they later vend to the real oil developers. Only about five companies have the finances and the technology and the ability to move men and machines to areas of the ocean to develop wells and then process the crude. Any other entering the space does so to enrich themselves as agents of the local regimes.

Stormborn posted:
Django posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al

as the PPP did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

Me thinks so, will check out.

I know they did. I commented on it here as I did with GGX when it was founded. It is the same kind of deal with a quid pro quo with those allocating the resource for kickbacks.

These people do not have the tech know how or the money to develop oil fields.They get t he land so they can raise capital on its potential and enrich themselves and later sell it off piece by piece to the large developers. It is how the friends and family of Obaing got rich...getting leases which they later vend to the real oil developers.

Only about five companies have the finances and the technology and the ability to move men and machines to areas of the ocean to develop wells and then process the crude. Any other entering the space does so to enrich themselves as agents of the local regimes.

True they are like middlemen.

Link to all contracts.

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al as it did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

i must assume that your "this government" means the PPP government

and i am on record here recommending that the gross CGX awards by the PPP should have been rescinded by the Coalition on the dates they were in breach of their commitments to drill

but, more to the point, the Dookie & Co awards by the PPP were most INSULTING, flagrant and CRIMINAL

further, i don't see ANYONE here asserting that scrutiny of "all aspects of oil leases" is NOT an "imperative"

that's what smart people look at and call a straw man

this is the same shyte that Chris Ram and the other frauds are engaging in


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Bhai, they are part of the Political Mafia, look at their affiliations and benefits received from the PPP. Like a rotten fork stick they trying to prop and defend.

Nick Boyer is your jine fambly so watch what you say.  This was a wedding I missed out on in 2016.


i am unaware of the Coalition Gov't making ANY new oil block awards to CGX after it came into office!

obfuscating lies by Stormborn

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:

Bhai, they are part of the Political Mafia, look at their affiliations and benefits received from the PPP. Like a rotten fork stick they trying to prop and defend.

Nick Boyer is your jine fambly so watch what you say.  This was a wedding I missed out on in 2016.

Is that true ?  now i got to go light.

Last edited by Django
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

sowing confusion by pretending that the flawed Exxon award and PSA are the SAME as Jagdeo/Robert Persaud/Ramotar CANJE and Kaieteur block crimes

this banna really think he smart

interesting that in 4 Years Christopher Ram had literally NOTHING to say while Dookie & Co were tiptoeing away with potential BILLIONS in real money

plenty braying, plenty misdirection, plenty SMOKE about Exxon though

and it continues . . .


Did not this government make a similar allotment of oil plots to Narine et al as it did with Dookie and Co?

Focusing on all  aspect of oil leases is an imperative.

i must assume that your "this government" means the PPP government

and i am on record here recommending that the gross CGX awards by the PPP should have been rescinded by the Coalition on the dates they were in breach of their commitments to drill

but, more to the point, the Dookie & Co awards by the PPP were most INSULTING, flagrant and CRIMINAL

further, i don't see ANYONE here asserting that scrutiny of "all aspects of oil leases" is NOT an "imperative"

that's what smart people look at and call a straw man

this is the same shyte that Chris Ram and the other frauds are engaging in


Are you saying the investigation of this particular block to the neglect of others similarly let is not an imperative? SARU is being selective hence political It ought to have taken every lease under its scrutiny including the one Trotman let to Dookie et al under the name Midlantic oil and gas,

ronan posted:

i am unaware of the Coalition Gov't making ANY new oil block awards to CGX after it came into office!

obfuscating lies by Stormborn

Dont earn me nothing to lie. Have no pig on any of these fat farms. I am looking after the interest of my country as you should instead of pretending you are a sanctified crusader against thief when the APNU and their crew is practicing the fine kleptocratic arts under your nose. 

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

i am unaware of the Coalition Gov't making ANY new oil block awards to CGX after it came into office!

obfuscating lies by Stormborn

Dont earn me nothing to lie. Have no pig on any of these fat farms.

so, did you lie or not?

i called it banna . . . your turn

Last edited by Former Member

Guyanese has the amazing talent of standing, watching and doing nothing as their houses burn to the ground while they are just preoccupied with a previous house they no longer have. Keep watching in the rear view mirror as you run straight off the cliff.


Funny but true


Kascz, look at all the Countries with Dictators and you will find similiar patters of the Citizens. The Indians have a belief in some of Rural India that if you were born a Chatree, you must die a Chatree. Similarly, if you were born a dedicated and loyal servant some believe they must die in that capacity!!!

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

 . . . including the one Trotman let to Dookie et al under the name Midlantic oil and gas,

that is a Robert Persaud midwived PPP award

try to keep up

I do not know it could be mid wived by RP when the delivery date was 2016, Further, at the launch we see a beaming Trotman et al showing their approval and benefaction for what is clearly a crooked deal. Dookie has no cash to search for oil. He aims to sell stocks on the potential earnings of the plot and even then he cannot deliver an oil company. Only one of the majors can do that. This is the APNU approving a PPP crooked deal meaning they have been grandfathered into whatever quid pro quo devised in the process.

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

i am unaware of the Coalition Gov't making ANY new oil block awards to CGX after it came into office!

obfuscating lies by Stormborn

Dont earn me nothing to lie. Have no pig on any of these fat farms.

so, did you lie or not?

i called it banna . . . your turn

I could be mistaken ( and I was not) not lying. To lie one sets out to protect some act best kept  hidden least the light of day shames or indicts one. Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. It is a gathering of crows for a feast on the carrion of the Guyanese oil potential.

ronan posted:

Include ExxonMobil’s PSA in any probe – Chartered Accountant

Jun 11, 2019 News 0 Comments By Kiana Wilburg, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...hartered-accountant/

An investigation into the oil deals Guyana signed onto is a perfectly legitimate exercise. But it should not be narrowly focused on the Canje and Kaieteur oil blocks which were signed away by former President, Donald Ramotar days before the 2015 General and Regional Elections to industry unknowns. It must include the ExxonMobil Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) that was revised in 2016 by the Granger administration, says Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram.

          Chartered Accountant, Chris Ram

Correct ... the entire process must be investigated.

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:

i am unaware of the Coalition Gov't making ANY new oil block awards to CGX after it came into office!

obfuscating lies by Stormborn

Dont earn me nothing to lie. Have no pig on any of these fat farms.

so, did you lie or not?

i called it banna . . . your turn

I could be mistaken ( and I was not) not lying. To lie one sets out to protect some act best kept  hidden least the light of day shames or indicts one.

people LIE for a bundle of reasons besides the ones you outlined

you reference above only the ‘defensive’ lie

jagdeo’s propaganda mill continually churns out ‘offensive’ lies (propaganda) that have nothing to do with protecting acts “best kept hidden”

the purpose is to mislead for as long as possible for short term political gain

that is the corruption you (too) are engaging in on GNI

not sure what your confused/confusing “i could be mistaken (and i was not)” means to literate people paying attention here

Stormborn posted:

Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. 

once again, you repeat a dirty LIE

Exxon’s Liza-1 commenced drilling on March 5, 2015

Robert Persaud/PPP handed over the CANJE block to Edris Dookie/JHI on March 4, 2015

THIS is what the Coalition/Clive Thomas/SARA is investigating!!

your NONSENSE that Trotman “green lighted” this excrescence in 2016 based on a PR photo-op with Dookie is, at best, due to confusion and ignorance

at worst . . . hmmmmm?

ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. 

once again, you repeat a dirty LIE

Exxon’s Liza-1 commenced drilling on March 5, 2015

Robert Persaud/PPP handed over the CANJE block to Edris Dookie/JHI on March 4, 2015

THIS is what the Coalition/Clive Thomas/SARA is investigating!!

your NONSENSE that Trotman “green lighted” this excrescence in 2016 based on a PR photo-op with Dookie is, at best, due to confusion and ignorance

at worst . . . hmmmmm?

Dude, the leases were never objected to. Trotman was seen snoozing with Dookie at every photo op and only sometime last year the Minister of Finance to approved tax concessions to this fly by nigh oil looters. Surely they knew what they were dealing with and as I stated above grandfathered in the quid pro quo. This lease should be revoked. No other fly by night oil companies should be constituted but the APNU regime seems intent on leasing the rest of our continental shelf. Dookie got his tax concessions and approval to go ahead from this regime. 

BTW i commented on this years back when I saw that usually happens occurring....dookie et all selling portions to Exxon. This is clearly oversight failure of the APNU. They know a fly by night company like this cannot develop oil and bring it on stream but is merely a conduit for robbing the nation and making a few chosen ones rich. 

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. 

once again, you repeat a dirty LIE

Exxon’s Liza-1 commenced drilling on March 5, 2015

Robert Persaud/PPP handed over the CANJE block to Edris Dookie/JHI on March 4, 2015

THIS is what the Coalition/Clive Thomas/SARA is investigating!!

your NONSENSE that Trotman “green lighted” this excrescence in 2016 based on a PR photo-op with Dookie is, at best, due to confusion and ignorance

at worst . . . hmmmmm?

Dude, the leases were never objected to. Trotman was seen snoozing with Dookie at every photo op and only sometime last year the Minister of Finance to approved tax concessions to this fly by nigh oil looters. Surely they knew what they were dealing with and as I stated above grandfathered in the quid pro quo. This lease should be revoked. No other fly by night oil companies should be constituted but the APNU regime seems intent on leasing the rest of our continental shelf. Dookie got his tax concessions and approval to go ahead from this regime. 

the leases are being “objected to” now!

at least have the decency to commend the coalition for this

that the present Gov’t on assumption of office did not do MANY things to arrest PPP crimes set in motion as they crept out the door is not license for you to pull stuff out your ass and LIE!

sanctity of contracts” was one of the many intimidating cudgels waved about by civil society ‘private sector’ hyenas, then, to cow an inexperienced, fractured Coalition with a thin intellectual bench confronting nearly 2 decades of trough-feeding by a very wealthy NEPS beholden to the criminalized PPP

the race card was pulled from the bottom of the deck early on by the likes of Chris Ram and Ralph Ramkarran and played shamefully to protect their friends and interests

i remember the spectrum giveaway well . . . do you?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. 

once again, you repeat a dirty LIE

Exxon’s Liza-1 commenced drilling on March 5, 2015

Robert Persaud/PPP handed over the CANJE block to Edris Dookie/JHI on March 4, 2015

THIS is what the Coalition/Clive Thomas/SARA is investigating!!

your NONSENSE that Trotman “green lighted” this excrescence in 2016 based on a PR photo-op with Dookie is, at best, due to confusion and ignorance

at worst . . . hmmmmm?

Dude, the leases were never objected to. Trotman was seen snoozing with Dookie at every photo op and only sometime last year the Minister of Finance to approved tax concessions to this fly by nigh oil looters. Surely they knew what they were dealing with and as I stated above grandfathered in the quid pro quo. This lease should be revoked. No other fly by night oil companies should be constituted but the APNU regime seems intent on leasing the rest of our continental shelf. Dookie got his tax concessions and approval to go ahead from this regime. 

the leases are being “objected to” now!

at least have the decency to commend the coalition for this

that the present Gov’t on assumption of office did not do MANY things to arrest PPP crimes set in motion as they crept out the door is not license for you to pull stuff out your ass and LIE!

sanctity of contracts” was one of the many intimidating cudgels waved about by civil society ‘private sector’ hyenas, then, to cow an inexperienced, fractured Coalition with a thin intellectual bench confronting nearly 2 decades of trough-feeding by a very wealthy NEPS beholden to the criminalized PPP

the race card was pulled from the bottom of the deck early on by the likes of Chris Ram and Ralph Ramkarran and played shamefully to protect their friends and interests

i remember the spectrum giveaway well . . . do you?

Are you saying that a give away transparently obvious to a bystander was given tax credits because of the "sanctity of contracts"? Then there is the numerous photo ops with these fraudsters to explain!  The explanation that these crooks cannot develop an out house much less an productive oil field is and easy sell. They do not have the money to lease the technical capacity necessary to probe for the deposits and can only do so by selling shares. It is a transparent con to explain and money trumps any race card to be played. People do not like to be robbed and this is robbery in plain sight.

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:

Once again, Trotman green lighted this deal. SARU investigating something similar speaks to the politics ongoing here. 

once again, you repeat a dirty LIE

Exxon’s Liza-1 commenced drilling on March 5, 2015

Robert Persaud/PPP handed over the CANJE block to Edris Dookie/JHI on March 4, 2015

THIS is what the Coalition/Clive Thomas/SARA is investigating!!

your NONSENSE that Trotman “green lighted” this excrescence in 2016 based on a PR photo-op with Dookie is, at best, due to confusion and ignorance

at worst . . . hmmmmm?

Dude, the leases were never objected to. Trotman was seen snoozing with Dookie at every photo op and only sometime last year the Minister of Finance to approved tax concessions to this fly by nigh oil looters. Surely they knew what they were dealing with and as I stated above grandfathered in the quid pro quo. This lease should be revoked. No other fly by night oil companies should be constituted but the APNU regime seems intent on leasing the rest of our continental shelf. Dookie got his tax concessions and approval to go ahead from this regime. 

the leases are being “objected to” now!

at least have the decency to commend the coalition for this

that the present Gov’t on assumption of office did not do MANY things to arrest PPP crimes set in motion as they crept out the door is not license for you to pull stuff out your ass and LIE!

sanctity of contracts” was one of the many intimidating cudgels waved about by civil society ‘private sector’ hyenas, then, to cow an inexperienced, fractured Coalition with a thin intellectual bench confronting nearly 2 decades of trough-feeding by a very wealthy NEPS beholden to the criminalized PPP

the race card was pulled from the bottom of the deck early on by the likes of Chris Ram and Ralph Ramkarran and played shamefully to protect their friends and interests

i remember the spectrum giveaway well . . . do you?

Are you saying that a give away transparently obvious to a bystander was given tax credits because of the "sanctity of contracts"? Then there is the numerous photo ops with these fraudsters to explain!  The explanation that these crooks cannot develop an out house much less an productive oil field is and easy sell. They do not have the money to lease the technical capacity necessary to probe for the deposits and can only do so by selling shares. It is a transparent con to explain and money trumps any race card to be played. People do not like to be robbed and this is robbery in plain sight.

i said no such thing!

stop your desperate nonsense


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