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Chris Ram

Chris Ram


July 19 2019

Chartered Accountant and attorney Christopher Ram says he is boycotting GECOM’s planned house-to-house registration because it is unconstitutional and he is calling on fellow Guyanese of similar conviction to do likewise.

In a full page advertisement in today’s Stabroek News, Ram said that the exercise which is intended to start tomorrow is being done under an order signed by former GECOM Chairman James Patterson whose appointment the Caribbean Court of Justice found on June 18 was unconstitutional  and resultantly void. “He had no authority to issue such an Order”, Ram declared.

Ram further charged that the exercise is not intended to register persons but to deregister Guyanese who are eligible as electors under the constitution of Guyana.

He added that the exercise is intended to further stymie the no confidence motion by the National Assembly on December 21, 2018 and the edict by the highest court of the land.

“This exercise is a violation of the rule of law which underpins the Constitution of Guyana and the democratic rights of Guyanese to elections and the duty of a Government to submit itself to the electorate.

“This exercise shows that the constant refrain by David Granger that he would respect the Constitution and the Courts to have been no more than duplicity and deception intended to delay elections in violation of the No Confidence Motion”.

Ram charged that the house-to-house exercise demonstrates that GECOM has become a tool of the administration.

He declared that he would not participate in the exercise and said he hoped that persons of like mind do the same.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is what we get for relying on soft power!  What alyuh think, PNC don’t give a shyte. They have the military on their side. And now their kith and kin in caricom will sit back and fold their arms. 

Coolies want to kick back and let Blackman own the guns?  Well dem guh hold the AK47 in one hand and pick cherries 🍒 with the other.  We coolies gon hold wood in one hand and pick okra with the other!

Chris Ram is a talking head.  Did he not take Yassin tax dispute to the CCJ and lose corn and husk rather than negotiating with Statia?  Ayuh follow he over the cliff!

Baseman posted:

This is what we get for relying on soft power!  What alyuh think, PNC don’t give a shyte. They have the military on their side. And now their kith and kin in caricom will sit back and fold their arms. 

Coolies want to kick back and let Blackman own the guns?  Well dem guh hold the AK47 in one hand and pick cherries 🍒 with the other.  We coolies gon hold wood in one hand and pick okra with the other!

Chris Ram is a talking head.  Did he not take Yassin tax dispute to the CCJ and lose corn and husk rather than negotiating with Statia?  Ayuh follow he over the cliff!

You too may get a nervous breakdown soon. This is coolie story, bhai. 


This is what we get for relying on soft power!  What alyuh think, PNC don’t give a shyte.

I have been spiling my guts on some of the disgusting comments on folks that turned their backs on the PPP before I became neutral on politics, but I was given a deaf ear on what I know about the PNC. Gilbakka was my fiercest opponent on these topics, God bless him on his illness, I pray. But for the rest of you, I will dig it up in you every time that you sold your intelligence to same shit you talk against today.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

Since you can't rely on mouth strength,

maybe DG with his book smart will move mountains.  

D_G can move more than "mountains".

Dee struggling Princess will continue to clean the gutters.

Mitwah posted:

If I don't register, then I won't be on the list, and thus not able to vote. 

I agree. This is not the right time to protest a wicked delay and possibly rigging operation by the PNC. This PNC isn't going to obey the law anytime soon. They are probably hoping that they can bunker down and wait to live large on oil but based on their 50 years of unproductive and incompetent record along with the fate of other despotic leaders around the world, even oil would be enough for them to rise above incompetence. 

Prince posted:

I am ready to take on anyone who is ready to challenge me on the said topic. Baseman, can't catch your tongue? DG, etc? 

Bai me just come in. WTR you talking about coolie bai?  I made my statement, done with that.  Ayuh guh mandir and pray fuh hanoman come to the rescue!

Mitwah posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to take on anyone who is ready to challenge me on the said topic. Baseman, can't catch your tongue? DG, etc? 

Should Lowenfield be charged for contempt?

Lowenfield is in contempt. He is not a neutral voice in GECOM. He is doing the bidding of the PNC. The Opposition should ask for his removal.

VishMahabir posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prince posted:

I am ready to take on anyone who is ready to challenge me on the said topic. Baseman, can't catch your tongue? DG, etc? 

Should Lowenfield be charged for contempt?

Lowenfield is in contempt. He is not a neutral voice in GECOM. He is doing the bidding of the PNC. The Opposition should ask for his removal.

"neutral" for you is someone blessed by the PPP . . . no?

like Gocool Boodhoo, perhaps?


Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP election commissioners were supposed to signed off on all activities of GECOM.  They were never contacted.  So all H2H lists will be invalid.

So what valid Elections.. ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP election commissioners were supposed to signed off on all activities of GECOM.  They were never contacted.  So all H2H lists will be invalid.

the world is now seeing what the PPP is really all about here

the unpeeling is in process

more important people paying attention than y'all think

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP election commissioners were supposed to signed off on all activities of GECOM.  They were never contacted.  So all H2H lists will be invalid.

Exactly. For many weeks, the PNC representatives claimed that they cannot proceed with H2H because the PPP representatives were not cooperating. Now suddenly there is a directive to proceed with the H2H. A directive given without the earlier claimed necessary participation of the PPP representatives as well as by an at the time ruled illegal GECOM Chairman. 

Demerara_Guy posted:
Prince posted:

Since you can't rely on mouth strength,

maybe DG with his book smart will move mountains.  

D_G can move more than "mountains".

Dee struggling Princess will continue to clean the gutters.

Image result for sacha baron cohen swimsuits

Dee struggling Princess getting ready to clean gutters.


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ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP election commissioners were supposed to signed off on all activities of GECOM.  They were never contacted.  So all H2H lists will be invalid.

Exactly. For many weeks, the PNC representatives claimed that they cannot proceed with H2H because the PPP representatives were not cooperating. Now suddenly there is a directive to proceed with the H2H. A directive given without the earlier claimed necessary participation of the PPP representatives as well as by an at the time ruled illegal GECOM Chairman. 

So now, are we on track for 2021?

Django posted:

Chris Ram

Chris Ram

“This exercise shows that the constant refrain by David Granger that he would respect the Constitution and the Courts to have been no more than duplicity and deception intended to delay elections in violation of the No Confidence Motion”.

ahmm Chris, i suspect that an out-of-time, non-fraudulent elections shows much much more "respect" to the "the constitution" and moreso to democratic ideals than a FRAUDULENT poll coerced by your sacred, birthed-in-infamy "No Confidence Motion" . . . no?

yesss . . .  THIS is the charging, twisted, overbearing egomaniac who was twirling around the place not so long ago asking how come a civil society 'stalwart' like him was not considered "fit and proper" for GECOM Chair


Last edited by Former Member

The only card the PPP has is the numbers in their core base.  If nothing else, the PPP should be rushing the process ensuring every man and woman to 18 and still breathing, to be registered. 

Boycotting is self defeating.  PPP boycott never worked.  It gave the PNC a free hand to make the baby to their liking!

Ayuh try deh.  PNC moving ahead and ABC standing by.  

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

PPP election commissioners were supposed to signed off on all activities of GECOM.  They were never contacted.  So all H2H lists will be invalid.

Exactly. For many weeks, the PNC representatives claimed that they cannot proceed with H2H because the PPP representatives were not cooperating. Now suddenly there is a directive to proceed with the H2H. A directive given without the earlier claimed necessary participation of the PPP representatives as well as by an at the time ruled illegal GECOM Chairman. 

So now, are we on track for 2021?

With the PNC, probably not anytime soon. The only thing that will force them to behave like civilized people is when they again bankrupt the country. And trust me, they will again bankrupt the country. Even with oil wealth.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaz do you know that Burnham daughter and her husband Marc Granger is we neighbor?  

Gyal, I didn't but I don't really care as I don't care for any of them since they are probably wicked too.


The best way to survive an accident is to avoid it. All this retrospect on the PNC wickedness could have been avoided had so many Indians not drank the Kool-Aid that the PNC had given up their wickedness. We who refused to buy into the Brooklyn Bridge mother of all deals in 2015 had it absolutely right from the start. Those who aided the PNC were chasing fool’s gold.

ksazma posted:

The best way to survive an accident is to avoid it. All this retrospect on the PNC wickedness could have been avoided had so many Indians not drank the Kool-Aid that the PNC had given up their wickedness. We who refused to buy into the Brooklyn Bridge mother of all deals in 2015 had it absolutely right from the start. Those who aided the PNC were chasing fool’s gold.

Chances, many will opt coalition, depending on the running mate.  If Indians in Guyana chose to vote Coalition, who are we to judge them. 

I’m heading out later to catch up with some Guyanese relatives.  I’ll hear what the say.  They came in last week.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

The best way to survive an accident is to avoid it. All this retrospect on the PNC wickedness could have been avoided had so many Indians not drank the Kool-Aid that the PNC had given up their wickedness. We who refused to buy into the Brooklyn Bridge mother of all deals in 2015 had it absolutely right from the start. Those who aided the PNC were chasing fool’s gold.

Chances, many will opt coalition, depending on the running mate.  If Indians in Guyana chose to vote Coalition, who are we to judge them. 

I’m heading out later to catch up with some Guyanese relatives.  I’ll hear what the say.  They came in last week.

Judging is what we do all day here. 😀 Forcing and even coercion we definitely must never. In retrospect, the vast majority of those Indians quickly regretted helping the PNC. The only thing going against the PPP is who is their Presidential candidate.

ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

The best way to survive an accident is to avoid it. All this retrospect on the PNC wickedness could have been avoided had so many Indians not drank the Kool-Aid that the PNC had given up their wickedness. We who refused to buy into the Brooklyn Bridge mother of all deals in 2015 had it absolutely right from the start. Those who aided the PNC were chasing fool’s gold.

Chances, many will opt coalition, depending on the running mate.  If Indians in Guyana chose to vote Coalition, who are we to judge them. 

I’m heading out later to catch up with some Guyanese relatives.  I’ll hear what the say.  They came in last week.

Judging is what we do all day here. 😀 Forcing and even coercion we definitely must never. In retrospect, the vast majority of those Indians quickly regretted helping the PNC. The only thing going against the PPP is who is their Presidential candidate.

It’s one of the things. It also proves the PPP has not changed one bit!  Jagdeo will decide the agenda!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

The best way to survive an accident is to avoid it. All this retrospect on the PNC wickedness could have been avoided had so many Indians not drank the Kool-Aid that the PNC had given up their wickedness. We who refused to buy into the Brooklyn Bridge mother of all deals in 2015 had it absolutely right from the start. Those who aided the PNC were chasing fool’s gold.

Chances, many will opt coalition, depending on the running mate.  If Indians in Guyana chose to vote Coalition, who are we to judge them. 

I’m heading out later to catch up with some Guyanese relatives.  I’ll hear what the say.  They came in last week.

Judging is what we do all day here. 😀 Forcing and even coercion we definitely must never. In retrospect, the vast majority of those Indians quickly regretted helping the PNC. The only thing going against the PPP is who is their Presidential candidate.

It’s one of the things. It also proves the PPP has not changed one bit!  Jagdeo will decide the agenda!

Dictating agendas is done by politicians all over the world. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t. The agenda was dictated to cause Obama to win over Clinton in 2008 and then redictated to cause Clinton to win over Bernie. Look how a PNC person opened fire at Congress Place to get Granger appointed the Presidential candidate in 2015.


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