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Chronicle’s Chairman apologises for ‘offensive’ editorial

July 9, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

- disciplinary action likely


“This article still should not have passed the Editor’s desk and eventually went to publication…. I believe that as a matter of principle that this event will more than likely result in some resignation at the board level.” – Keith Burrowes

Keith Burrowes

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chronicle newspapers Keith Burrowes has expressed regret at an editorial published titled “Opposition rampages to sow disunity the country, and which had posited that African Guyanese youths were socialized by the opposition to be violent and racist towards Indian Guyanese. The Guyana National Newspaper Limited (GNNL) editorial was published on July 3, 2012, which caused condemnation from several organizations and prominent citizens. “I sincerely regret this article ever being published and wish to apologize to all the persons both locally and overseas who may have been offended or affected…Though I was not directly involved in the oversight of this publication nor was I aware of its contents, this article still should not have passed the Editor’s desk and eventually went to publication,” Burrowes noted. Having said this, Burrowes said it’s abundantly clear that the views expressed in the publication by no means represent the majority of shareholders, the Board nor the Management and staff of Chronicle. “I’d like to think that over the past few years we, as a media house, have been striving to make certain professional and impartial publications published in our daily prints. We have given our utmost to ensure that our publications over the years were geared towards promoting racial harmony amongst our citizenry.” Burrowes explained that he has always tried to keep a high moral and professional code of ethics in providing factual and balanced reporting. “It should be noted that the action has and will be taken against those (the Editor –who was on duty – and writer of the article) who were responsible for this particular publication and if it is found that there were others who contributed to the article, the relevant disciplinary actions will be taken.” “At this time I’d like to take the opportunity to assure our readers and all Guyanese that additional steps have been taken to ensure that there isn’t a similar recurrence. I believe that as a matter of principle that this event will more than likely result in some resignation at the Board level.” The incendiary editorial claimed that young Black youths are “socialized” by the opposition to rob and murder Indian Guyanese. The editorial concluded that “hatred of Indians is ingrained in their psyche.” In a statement issued on Saturday, the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) said that such statements in the editorial emanate from a racist mindset that has long characterized part of the national discourse on race relations in Guyana. The party had also called for a boycott of the Chronicle. “The editorial represents both an assault on the dignity of African Guyanese and an insult to the intelligence of Indian Guyanese whose fears it purports to highlight,” the WPA said. “An editorial that sets out to speak against racial division has ended up doing more damage to the cause of racial unity than any in recent times.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

Those murders were committed by command of Burnham and Jagan. The so called slaughter between 2002 and 2006 were mainly PPP drug dealers settling territory scores. Only one man was ever imprisoned. That was Roger Khan, and even then he had to b e arrested by the police force of a foreign country. In Guyana he had a PPP license to kill. 

Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

As we all [should?] know by now, your favorite tactic when cornered and EXPOSED is to make a sharp detour into non sequitur Land, usually with tools ready to construct a PNCee straw man . . ., then demolish it with as much noise as possible.


Go crawl back under your rock, insect . . . sunlight is NOT your friend!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

As we all [should?] know by now, your favorite tactic when cornered and EXPOSED is to make a sharp detour into non sequitur Land, usually with tools ready to construct a PNCee straw man . . ., then demolish it with as much noise as possible.


Go crawl back under your rock, insect . . . sunlight is NOT your friend!

Hey my favorite cockroach, so you get lil dutty to crawl over, they admitted a stretch and apologized.  When will YOU or any or your PNC buddies ever come to the admission of your wicked and evil racism against the Indian masses.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

Those murders were committed by command of Burnham and Jagan. The so called slaughter between 2002 and 2006 were mainly PPP drug dealers settling territory scores. Only one man was ever imprisoned. That was Roger Khan, and even then he had to b e arrested by the police force of a foreign country. In Guyana he had a PPP license to kill. 

Nice attempt and nothingness.


Nah, I think those phantoms "imprisoned" the rest in underground boxes.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

As we all [should?] know by now, your favorite tactic when cornered and EXPOSED is to make a sharp detour into non sequitur Land, usually with tools ready to construct a PNCee straw man . . ., then demolish it with as much noise as possible.


Go crawl back under your rock, insect . . . sunlight is NOT your friend!

Hey my favorite cockroach, so you get lil dutty to crawl over, they admitted a stretch and apologized.  When will YOU or any or your PNC buddies ever come to the admission of your wicked and evil racism against the Indian masses.

Educate yourself lil and look up non sequitur in the dictionary; throw in a peek @ "straw man" while you're at it, OK?


Shameless . . .!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Prof, Well tell Abee who MURDERED dem POOR Indians at Lusignan NAH????? Cockroach seems like a compliment, he was being very kind.

It sure wasn't Fineman and his gang as claimed by the PPP. None of the bullets found at the scene were from weapons used by the Fineman gang, and neither was any clothing and shoes recovered that matched the clothing and shoes that witnesses described that the killers used.
The PPP has also not investigated the crime. They only attributed blame. A sure sign that this was a political hit by the PPP to discredit the opposition.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Prof, Well tell Abee who MURDERED dem POOR Indians at Lusignan NAH????? Cockroach seems like a compliment, he was being very kind.

see my instruction to the other insect re consulting a dictionary

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Prof, Well tell Abee who MURDERED dem POOR Indians at Lusignan NAH????? Cockroach seems like a compliment, he was being very kind.

It sure wasn't Fineman and his gang as claimed by the PPP. None of the bullets found at the scene were from weapons used by the Fineman gang, and neither was any clothing and shoes recovered that matched the clothing and shoes that witnesses described that the killers used.
The PPP has also not investigated the crime. They only attributed blame. A sure sign that this was a political hit by the PPP to discredit the opposition.

Either you are SICK or received Taliban Trainingor a Surgeon removed most,if not all of your brains.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Either you are SICK or received Taliban Trainingor a Surgeon removed most,if not all of your brains.

Those are the legal facts of the case. If you have any evidence to the contrary then I suggest that you submit it to the police. As things stand there is nothing in my statement that is inconsistent with known facts and evidence in existence. 


 A couple of petty thieves were gunned down after capture and claims were made that they were the ones responsible for several crimes. But no evidence exists to support those claims. What does exist is a statement made in a US court that those criminals were hired assassins who had been employed by the PPP drugs dealer Roger Khan to eliminate minister Sawh. Sawh knew too much as far as the PPP was concerned and who else to hire to kill him than a couple of poor black men? Once that crime was committed the trail leading to the PPP needed to be cleaned up. What better way than to eliminate the evidence? No court case to nail the king pins and for convenience blame the same gang for murdering villagers who had seen too much. I didn't know your uncle was also involved in the cover up of Sawh's murder. Thanks for the disclosure.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

 A couple of petty thieves were gunned down after capture and claims were made that they were the ones responsible for several crimes. But no evidence exists to support those claims. What does exist is a statement made in a US court that those criminals were hired assassins who had been employed by the PPP drugs dealer Roger Khan to eliminate minister Sawh. Sawh knew too much as far as the PPP was concerned and who else to hire to kill him than a couple of poor black men? Once that crime was committed the trail leading to the PPP needed to be cleaned up. What better way than to eliminate the evidence? No court case to nail the king pins and for convenience blame the same gang for murdering villagers who had seen too much. I didn't know your uncle was also involved in the cover up of Sawh's murder. Thanks for the disclosure.

Bai, yuh pissing up-wind.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Would be the day when cockroaches like Redux, et al admit the wrongs of the PNC 28 year reign of terror plus their aid and abetting the slaughter of mostly Indians during 2002-2006 and their sympathy for the terrorists gangs which pulled off Lusignan and Bartica.


Guess we have to wait for that first snow day in Guyana.

As we all [should?] know by now, your favorite tactic when cornered and EXPOSED is to make a sharp detour into non sequitur Land, usually with tools ready to construct a PNCee straw man . . ., then demolish it with as much noise as possible.


Go crawl back under your rock, insect . . . sunlight is NOT your friend!

Hey my favorite cockroach, so you get lil dutty to crawl over, they admitted a stretch and apologized.  When will YOU or any or your PNC buddies ever come to the admission of your wicked and evil racism against the Indian masses.

Educate yourself lil and look up non sequitur in the dictionary; throw in a peek @ "straw man" while you're at it, OK?


Shameless . . .!

Why the diversion, face it man.  You have your fun with Oxford and Webster.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Prof, Well tell Abee who MURDERED dem POOR Indians at Lusignan NAH????? Cockroach seems like a compliment, he was being very kind.

see my instruction to the other insect re consulting a dictionary

Nah, that serves your needs better.  Cockroaches like their heads in dung, you can keep your under the diction rock and cough up a few new words every now and then.  Hey, if it makes your day, you're certainly welcome.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Mr T has a great imagination or is he psychic.  Hehe

It's clear example of an attribute I see in all these guys for a long time.  They are ready to make a scene over an article but have, for decades, always look for the mysterious boggy man for what was done against Indians in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Prof, Well tell Abee who MURDERED dem POOR Indians at Lusignan NAH????? Cockroach seems like a compliment, he was being very kind.

see my instruction to the other insect re consulting a dictionary

Nah, that serves your needs better.  Cockroaches like their heads in dung, you can keep your under the diction rock and cough up a few new words every now and then.  Hey, if it makes your day, you're certainly welcome.

Hey . . . both you and the feeble-minded Nehru seem to be enlarging your puny vocabularies & use of metaphors by paying attention to my posts.


It's all GOOD . . .!


Now, if you'll only take the extra step and learn the fundamentals of argument . . . THAT would be Special!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

see my instruction to the other insect re consulting a dictionary

Nah, that serves your needs better.  Cockroaches like their heads in dung, you can keep your under the diction rock and cough up a few new words every now and then.  Hey, if it makes your day, you're certainly welcome.

Hey . . . both you and the feeble-minded Nehru seem to be enlarging your puny vocabularies & use of metaphors by paying attention to my posts.


It's all GOOD . . .!


Now, if you'll only take the extra step and learn the fundamentals of argument . . . THAT would be Special!

If it makes your feel better, go run with it.


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