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The Acting Editor in Chief  and the News Editor of the Guyana Chronicle were summoned to the Office of the President on Friday afternoon over a report carried on the front page of the state owned newspaper which declared that former President Bharrat Jagdeo is the best candidate to lead the PPP into the next elections.

Acting Editor in Chief Linda Rutherford did not attend the meeting but the News Editor and Acting Sunday Editor Chamanlall Naipaul attended the Office of the President meeting.

News Source understands that President Donald Ramotar is furious over the story and believes it may have been deliberately placed in the state newspaper to undermine his Presidency and his management of the country’s affairs.

There are reports that the Office of the President wants full details about who wrote the story and how it was able to make it into the state newspaper without proper verification. There are multiple reports that the story which first appeared in the Guyana Times was sent to both the Guyana Times and the Guyana Chronicle by a senior communications officer at the Office of the President.

The Guyana Chronicle also received the report from a senior official at the Guyana Times who asked that it be published in the Friday edition, according to several reports.

News Source understands that the Editor in Chief of the Guyana Chronicle Mark Ramotar who is on leave made several calls yesterday demanding that the story be carried.

Mr. Jagdeo has already served two terms as President and is prevented by law from serving a third term in office. The same story carried by the Chronicle on Friday was carried one day earlier by the Guyana Times. The Guyana Times is owned and controlled by the best friend of the former President.

The story claims that the newspapers got information that β€œsecret polls” conducted by the Opposition parties have found that Mr. Jagdeo is the most formidable candidate to lead the PPP if snap elections are called.

Senior Opposition members have since declared that they never conducted any such poll and are more focused on rallying their base for local government elections and any snap elections that could be called.

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Bam ba l;ate BAM,  where is YUJI and Conscience now.




They have been recalled by JAGGY for consultations.



These guys are not happy with Uncle Ramo. They are part of the force that wants Jagdeo to run in 2016. Rohee is another threat. Uncle Ramo must be very nervous.  

Well he can show some guts. 


The PPP's Johnny-come-lately lapdog yuji22 is all for Bharrat Jagdeo being the next PPP presidential. He even started an asinine thread calling for an amendment of the Constitution of Guyana so that the PPP president can serve indefinitely.

Little did yuji know that the so-called opposition poll was planted by an unknown PPP source in the Office of the President. And President Ramotar is now furious with the likes of yuji who want to undermine his power and authority.

Only last night, I pointed that yuji's feverish and desperate propaganda threads may be embarrassing Rohee and the PPP.



Dem boys seh…Donald pull Jagdeo plug


Donald was a trusting man. He believe that he party and de people who he put in position was wukking in de interest of he and de people.
He didn’t realize that dem was wukking in dem own interest. De man ain’t done one term and people done planning to get rid of him and bring back Jagdeo.
At one time de nation believe that he was in a coma. He see nuff thing happening round he and he didn’t even know wha going on.
He see de Marriott build and he himself don’t know who is de private investor. Two years pass and Brazzy, that fat crook, can’t tell Donald neither de nation bout this investor.
De Amaila Falls was dry and dem ain’t tell he nutten. De same people tell he to expand de airport when only four plane does land here.
Dem mek he believe that once he expand de airport more plane gun come.
But Donald ain’t sleeping no more and is Jagdeo wake he up. He Jagdeo do de gods and Donald didn’t seh nutten because he try fuh hide he faults just to protect de party.
Nuff of dem still believe that dem can shelter under Jagdeo or hide behind he. Donald pull de plug pun Jagdeo. And you know wha start fly. De men ducking and hollering and trying fuh hide. If you see spray all over de place.
And all this come about because of polling.  Jagdeo paper seh that de opposition poll he and dem ain’t find nutten better than he. And he seh suh wid a smile.
He suh love de polling that he ain’t satisfy wid de story in he own paper and he own radio, he start fuh distribute it. He send it to de Chronicle.  De people at de Chronicle decide that he get wha he wantβ€” a good poll.
Well dem boys seh according to Granger de Green Shut man  and Rum Jattan, none of dem never poll Jagdeo. Rum Jattan seh that he had to be drunk fuh poll he and dem ain’t got enough likker fuh get he suh drunk.
As fuh Granger, he seh that he nah got de staff fuh poll Jagdeo.
De boys seh that de only other poll he can get is from GPL and GPL seh dem short.
Talk half and find a proppa poll fuh Jagdeo.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Someone is trying to undermine Ramotar's presidency. This could be a move by the opposition since President Ramotar didn't assent to certain bills that were passed in the house of parliament.

Quit the nonsense.  Ramotar was a stand in for Jagdeo so that he can get an additional two terms.  Ramo didn't understand that this was the plan.


So in addition to the battle between the Jaganites and the Jagdeoites in the PPP, we will now see Ramotar and Jagdeo battling.


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