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Chronicle stands in solidarity with affected colleagues from GINA, NCN


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Friday, 27 April 2012 02:06

Source - Guyana Chronicle


IN SOLIDARITY’: Chairman of Chronicle, Mr. Keith Burrowes in conversation with NCN’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mohammed Sattaur last night during the candle light vigil.


STANDING in solidarity with workers of the National Communications Network (NCN) and the Government Information Agency (GINA), the Guyana Chronicle will be extending a helping hand to ease the impact of unemployment the tyrannical subvention cuts by the parliamentary Opposition are likely to have on the two state media entities.

This is according to Chairman of Chronicle’s Board, Mr. Keith Burrowes.  In an invited comment last evening, Burrowes said Chronicle may not be able to help everyone who are affected by the development but assured that  help is on the way nevertheless.
“I am giving the commitment now, as Chairman, that we will be looking seriously at ways in which we could reduce the impact of this quite unfortunate situation that has come into being…,” Burrowes said.

He said the draconian cuts to the agencies will see people losing their jobs and this is a slap in the face of anyone who spoke of job creation. Further, he added that the move is in no way going to contribute to the national development of the country.

“It is rather unfortunate that the very first budget in this new dispensation speaks of cutting jobs and putting people on the bread line,” Burrowes lamented.


Last Updated on Friday, 27 April 2012 02:11

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“It is rather unfortunate that the very first budget in this new dispensation speaks of cutting jobs and putting people on the bread line,” Burrowes lamented.

Mr. Keith Burrowes

Chairman of Chronicle’s Board


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