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RC Church, Fmr. ERC Chairman differ on racial incitement by Guyana ChroniclePDF | Print |
Written by Denis Scott Chabrol   
Tuesday, 03 July 2012 22:17


The Roman Catholic Church on Tuesday roasted the state-owned Guyana Chronicle for seeking to incite race-hate in an editorial that sought to pit African Guyanese youths against East Indians.

“The contents of this editorial crossed by no small measure the acceptable lines of responsible opinion choosing instead to use thinly disguised inflammatory language,” states the Justice of Peace Commission (JPC) in a statement.

Guyana Chronicle Editor-in-Chief, Mark Ramotar, when contacted, declined to immediately react; instead saying he would do so on Wednesday.

However, former Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission, Juan Edghill disagrees that the editorial is inciting but based on well-known facts that would have been gathered over a number of years.

“Out of my experience at the Ethnic Relations Commission and the tools that we would have used to analyse statements in the past, the fact that it’s being reported in a manner in which it was reported, I don’t see the editorial as seeming to want to incite or excite.

One part of the July 3 editorial reads:

“Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.

So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person.”

The Guyana Chronicle warned PNC leaders that one young Black men would not only attack Indians but would “turn their voracious ways toward PNC supporters, which has been happening for a while now.”

Saying it was “deeply disturbed” by the state-owned newspaper’s editorial, the JPC cautioned against such comments from any source in a plural society with a continuing history of delicately poised race relations.

“The JPC believes that the reckless posture taken in the editorial represents a patent ethnic appeal and could encourage incitement,” the arm of the RC Church added.

The JPC observed that words used in the editorial seek to castigate and condemn one race to convey a particular message.

But the former ERC Chairman said all Black youths were not painted with one brush as criminals.

“It did not categorise all Black youths as being of criminal intent. It was careful not to do that and I don’t think it has bordered on incitement or excitement. It is strongly worded but I don’t think it is bordered on incitement or excitement,” said Edghill who is a now Junior Minister of Finance.

According to the commission, the Racial Hostility Act outlaws conduct tending to excite or attempting to excite hostility or ill-will against any section of the public or against any person on the grounds of their or his race.

Rather than sowing seeds of distrust, antagonism and reciprocal hatreds, the Roman Catholic organisation urges the Guyana Chronicle and all media houses to to exercise greater responsibility in putting forward opinion pieces in terms of the positions taken and how they are presented to the reading public. 

“There is no justification for any such statements, appeals, or positions, at any time from any source,” states the JPC.

The JPC recommended that the emphasis should be-and could-be more appropriately focused on the struggle for consensus and harmony that has eluded us for so long.

The editorial sought to highlight the impact of opposition activism such as the ongoing protests by Lindeners against the hike in electricity rates. The newspaper argued that while Lindeners claimed that they are being disadvantaged, other Guyanese are paying to subsidise electricity in the bauxite-dependent town.

The Guyana Chronicle also noted that hatred is being vented at Guyana Sugar Corporation workers on the wrongful premise that the sugar industry workers comprise only Indo-Guyanese. On the contrary, the newspaper said there is a great number of supporters of the Peoples National Congress and Alliance For Change who work in Guysuco and are being negatively affected from the political fallout.

Replies sorted oldest to newest



Racist article sparks protest in front of Chronicle newspapers



A group of political figures and social activists yesterday assembled outside the offices of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited, publishers of the Guyana and Sunday Chronicle, to protest an editorial which it described as “another attempt to whip up racial sentiments in the country”.
The group included Freddie Kissoon, Kaieteur news columnist, social activist; Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis; general secretary of the Guyana Trades Union Congress and Gerhard Ramsaroop, Michelle Ramsaroop and Fitz Ralph Hubert, members of the AFC.
The demonstrators sported placards that read Stop racial politics now, Stop the racism, Chronicle, and Chronicle is PPP mouthpiece stop it now.
Kissoon said that the contents of the editorial were intended to create racial division. He said that Government is weakening and its only survival mechanism is racial division.
The article which is dated July 3, 2012 accused the opposition of socializing black youths to think that Indians robbed them to get rich and so automatically they feel that they have to wrest by force even murder anything Indians have.
According to the article hatred of Indians is ingrained in the opposition’s psyche; “many Indians who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets close to them.”
Social Activist Mark Benschop said that he is outraged over the article. He said that three options should be given to the publication since taxpayers dollars are being used to push racism and to divide Africans and Indians in this country; it is time to revisit the amount of money put into the Chronicle.
Benschop said that the newspaper and the government should publicly apologize, be boycotted or shut down altogether.  According to Benschop “the company is not doing Guyana any good at all. Instead it is pushing a racist agenda.”
Gerhard Ramsaroop a representative of the AFC said that there is a need for state media reform to have a balanced and fair coverage for all Guyanese citizens.
Ramsaroop said that he is not for the entity to close down altogether since it will affect the employment rate but that he is endorsing the call for the publication to issue an apology to Afro -Guyanese and to the Guyanese public.
He added that the government has used the Chronicle to malign persons in the opposition through “gutter” journalism in the wake of its destruction through corruption and scandal.
The group is of the view that the government repeatedly used the Chronicle to peddle racial accusations against black youths which will result in unnecessary conflict.


Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 


what i am mad about is if these black youg is robbing because of race then why they not do the right thing and rob the ministers and the ppp crime family that is thiefing the tax payers money.maybe in that way they can become hero instead of holligans,and leave the hard working people alone


The Article is an absolute cFACT about Guyana's Racial divide. It is honest, open and accurate dialogue like this we need to tackle the serious problem of Race.


As usual, the Snakeoil Leaches cannot argue the FACTS butare trying to gain politixcal Points the way Prostitutes will sell their ASSETS!!!!


It's hard for me to imagine that in the 21st century, we still have racists of this nature in our midst. That it's coming from the PPP state owned newspaper is nothing short of disgusting.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 

For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

Originally Posted by baseman: 

Had they [PNC tiefmen] remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about . . .

The comfortable 'logic' of a HARD CORE, criminal-minded racist! 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very easy for anyone to label people as RACIST. You need to look in the mirror when you label someone.

Yesss . . . it IS "very easy" when they make statements as OFFENSIVE as the one I spotlighted

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

It is very easy for anyone to label people as RACIST. You need to look in the mirror when you label someone.

Yesss . . . it IS "very easy" when they make statements as OFFENSIVE as the one I spotlig


So it is correct to verify that you ARE a RACIST when you call Govt Officals THIEVES, which you have done over 1000 times. You RACIST DOG would be a label you earned.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

Had they [PNC tiefmen] remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about . . .

The comfortable 'logic' of a HARD CORE, criminal-minded racist! 

Those are your words banna.  Tief or no tief, they would have made lives in their community better.  Stop passing the buck, stop pointing fingers. Indians don't owe anyone an apology.  Apart from a few, most got what they got the old fashion way, whether you chose to believe or not.


Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.

So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person


Let us analyse and discuss this.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

So it is correct to verify that you ARE a RACIST when you call Govt Officals THIEVES, which you have done over 1000 times. You RACIST DOG would be a label you earned.

ummmm . . . now it's "RACIST" to call Govt officials thieves.


Hey, you pathetic loser . . . learn to construct a proper argument before opening your trap and confirming what an ignoramus you are

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.

So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person


Let us analyse and discuss this.

Regarding blacks being victims under the PNC, that's the position of your boy Caribj, not me.  Take that up with him.


Banna, in today's Guyana, it's difficult to tell the difference between criminals and decent folks regardless of race.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.

So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person


Let us analyse and discuss this.

Regarding blacks being victims under the PNC, that's the position of your boy Caribj, not me.  Take that up with him.


Banna, in today's Guyana, it's difficult to tell the difference between criminals and decent folks regardless of race.

Baseman, You know that the writer was not suggesting that these things are happening now or started lately. This was planned and executed by the PNC. Remember what they told Buxtonians and how Hoyte treated Blackie etc.


Base, It is NOT whether Caribj or any other FOOL think so but it is a FACT that The PNC orchestrated, planned and executed such ideology. It was a daily Lecture at Buxton and Agricolla conducted by Prof Williams, Hoyte, Hughes and others.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

Had they [PNC tiefmen] remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about . . .

The comfortable 'logic' of a HARD CORE, criminal-minded racist! 

Those are your words banna.  Tief or no tief, they would have made lives in their community better.  Stop passing the buck, stop pointing fingers. Indians don't owe anyone an apology.  Apart from a few, most got what they got the old fashion way, whether you chose to believe or not.

Yes, "PNC tiefmen" are my words. That's why they are bracketed, OK?


The rest of your post is diversion (someone say 'red herring'?) addressing NOTHING!


Dude, your disgusting statement stands . . . speaking eloquently to the multiple levels of debasement in your disfigured psyche.


I recommend editorial writer for de PPP Chranicle as your next, best career move

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman: 

Had they [PNC tiefmen] remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about . . .

The comfortable 'logic' of a HARD CORE, criminal-minded racist! 

Those are your words banna.  Tief or no tief, they would have made lives in their community better.  Stop passing the buck, stop pointing fingers. Indians don't owe anyone an apology.  Apart from a few, most got what they got the old fashion way, whether you chose to believe or not.

Yes, "PNC tiefmen" are my words. That's why they are bracketed, OK?


The rest of your post is diversion (someone say 'red herring'?) addressing NOTHING!


Dude, your disgusting statement stands . . . speaking eloquently to the multiple levels of debasement in your disfigured psyche.


I recommend editorial writer for de PPP Chranicle as your next, best career move

Banna, you can pump and beat your chest, it don't change facts, whether you chose to face it or not, your red herring rots.  Indians in Guyana have taken nothing from Blacks.  This was the mantra of LFBS against the Whites when he nationalize everything.  The PNC and their cabal controlled lock, stock and barrel.  Today you say Indians are the reason cuz the PPP are in power.  I say, go back and come again.


My statement stands, if the PNCites who got rich had remained and invested in businesses, their community, things would be different.  Instead they chose the plush lifestyles of the US/Canada.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 

For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

You are beginning with your ingrained racist biased that people cry marginalization everywhere with no basis. They do not. Being black itself is a tax everywhere especially if managers are of your ilk who will be predisposed to believe that the black individual cannot perform the prescribed task because they are at an intellectual disadvantaged based on some unfounded gospel preached by ones group.



Indians govern Guyana and put the government in office and the naked reality is that most condone the thieving on the presumption that the black folks will steal more so they prefer to live with the corrupt curse we have now in office.  Further, instead of acting on rational motives and asking for accountability even educated folks like all of those in the PPP are content to  fortify their pursuit of corrupt practices because it is habit.


None in the PPP and lets be clear, it is seen as an Indian bastion and actually is believed to represent Indian hegemony in the society, care to articulate modes of operations that increases accountability and transparency. NICIL is a prime example. Examine the leaches embedded in the Berbice river bridge, NBS, NICIL and the Oil company, the sugar corp ...practically every niche of the society and the same faces intersect and Indians dominate.


So yes; Indians are stealing their ass off and black folks and Amerindians are their tokens and  do have a right to cry marginalization. It has to do wit their sense of powerlessness  because of the PPP as representing Indian an Indian hegemony.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . you say Indians are the reason cuz the PPP are in power.  I say, go back and come again.

Indeed . . . in addition to being racist scum, you are also a desperate, disgusting and shameless LIAR!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . you say Indians are the reason cuz the PPP are in power.  I say, go back and come again.

Indeed . . . in addition to being racist scum, you are also a desperate, disgusting and shameless LIAR!!

Hey, like lil bit Nehru rubbing off on you, you racist dirt bag.  Get a grip of yourself man or ease off that bottle.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

. . . you say Indians are the reason cuz the PPP are in power.  I say, go back and come again.

Indeed . . . in addition to being racist scum, you are also a desperate, disgusting and shameless LIAR!!

Hey, like lil bit Nehru rubbing off on you, you racist dirt bag.  Get a grip of yourself man or ease off that bottle.

Stop LYING . . .!!


If you have NO argument, it is better to SHUT UP!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So it is correct to verify that you ARE a RACIST when you call Govt Officals THIEVES, which you have done over 1000 times. You RACIST DOG would be a label you earned.

ummmm . . . now it's "RACIST" to call Govt officials thieves.


Hey, you pathetic loser . . . learn to construct a proper argument before opening your trap and confirming what an ignoramus you are

Jackass you called Baseman a RACIST even when you quote him wrongly for the same reason. I was simply enquiring why you should not be label the same. So who is the Ignar and who is the JACKASS!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So it is correct to verify that you ARE a RACIST when you call Govt Officals THIEVES, which you have done over 1000 times. You RACIST DOG would be a label you earned.

ummmm . . . now it's "RACIST" to call Govt officials thieves.


Hey, you pathetic loser . . . learn to construct a proper argument before opening your trap and confirming what an ignoramus you are

Jackass you called Baseman a RACIST even when you quote him wrongly for the same reason. I was simply enquiring why you should not be label the same. So who is the Ignar and who is the JACKASS!!!

WHERE did I QUOTE him wrongly, you stupid man?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

bANNAS, yOU SAID YOU ADDED WPRDS TO THE MAN STATEMENT. nAH gET NEHRU PUN HE rITEKETS NOW!!! Left over Henny in the body can be like gunpowder. You really dat STUPID!!!

I did not add ANY words to the quote . . . look up the editorial use of brackets, you idiot!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 

For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

You are beginning with your ingrained racist biased that people cry marginalization everywhere with no basis. They do not. Being black itself is a tax everywhere especially if managers are of your ilk who will be predisposed to believe that the black individual cannot perform the prescribed task because they are at an intellectual disadvantaged based on some unfounded gospel preached by ones group.



Indians govern Guyana and put the government in office and the naked reality is that most condone the thieving on the presumption that the black folks will steal more so they prefer to live with the corrupt curse we have now in office.  Further, instead of acting on rational motives and asking for accountability even educated folks like all of those in the PPP are content to  fortify their pursuit of corrupt practices because it is habit.


None in the PPP and lets be clear, it is seen as an Indian bastion and actually is believed to represent Indian hegemony in the society, care to articulate modes of operations that increases accountability and transparency. NICIL is a prime example. Examine the leaches embedded in the Berbice river bridge, NBS, NICIL and the Oil company, the sugar corp ...practically every niche of the society and the same faces intersect and Indians dominate.


So yes; Indians are stealing their ass off and black folks and Amerindians are their tokens and  do have a right to cry marginalization. It has to do wit their sense of powerlessness  because of the PPP as representing Indian an Indian hegemony.

Banna, where did I ever endorse the PPP corruption, go back a follow the thread.  You are shooting crap.  Indians were doing what that do since the PNC days, nothing changed.  Now wake up and smell the coffee.  I differentiate between the average Indian and the political elite.  As long as you and yours are waiting to pounce on Indians, the PPP, with all their crap, could stay right there.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 

For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

Hmmmm.   And you think LFSB was a good man.


Well I happen not to agree with you.  Question for you wil be how did putting incompetent people in positions of authority and chasing competent BLACK people out of Guyana help blacks.  How did fostering a culture of dependency on the YSM instead of a culture of business ownership help black people?  What about destroying the bauxite industry?  Undermining the village movement.


LFSB wanted blacks to remain poor stupid and dependent. He laughed at how foolish they were every time they cheered.


Any way you will chose to say anything to excuse Indo racism against blacks.


Believe me blacks suffered mightily under Burnham.


But you think Burnham was a good man. A credit to AfroGuyanese.  I suggest you believe the same of Mugabe because the difference between the two isnt that great.  Do you think black Zimbabweans should praise Mugabe.  Apparently you do.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Anyone who is honest would agree that this is the sentiment. That boy caribj and others go around claiming that Indians marginalized blacks and that is how we see big house in Indian community. The PNC/AFC also perpetuates this myth about Indian cronyism and PPP crooks marginalizing the Blacks. Now all of a sudden these creeps feign surprise. 

For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

Hmmmm.   And you think LFSB was a good man.


BTW the black middle class fled Guyana under FORBES BURNHAM!!!!!


Well I happen not to agree with you.  Question for you wil be how did putting incompetent people in positions of authority and chasing competent BLACK people out of Guyana help blacks.  How did fostering a culture of dependency on the YSM instead of a culture of business ownership help black people?  What about destroying the bauxite industry?  Undermining the village movement.


LFSB wanted blacks to remain poor stupid and dependent. He laughed at how foolish they were every time they cheered.


Any way you will chose to say anything to excuse Indo racism against blacks.


Believe me blacks suffered mightily under Burnham.


But you think Burnham was a good man. A credit to AfroGuyanese.  I suggest you believe the same of Mugabe because the difference between the two isnt that great.  Do you think black Zimbabweans should praise Mugabe.  Apparently you do.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

Hmmmm.   And you think LFSB was a good man.


BTW the black middle class fled Guyana under FORBES BURNHAM!!!!!


Well I happen not to agree with you.  Question for you wil be how did putting incompetent people in positions of authority and chasing competent BLACK people out of Guyana help blacks.  How did fostering a culture of dependency on the YSM instead of a culture of business ownership help black people?  What about destroying the bauxite industry?  Undermining the village movement.


LFSB wanted blacks to remain poor stupid and dependent. He laughed at how foolish they were every time they cheered.


Any way you will chose to say anything to excuse Indo racism against blacks.


Believe me blacks suffered mightily under Burnham.


But you think Burnham was a good man. A credit to AfroGuyanese.  I suggest you believe the same of Mugabe because the difference between the two isnt that great.  Do you think black Zimbabweans should praise Mugabe.  Apparently you do.


Correct, you blacks never abandoned the PNC and Burnham.  Caribj, you are a dollar short and minute late.


Now, regarding competent Afros, I do agree, they should have equal access  and be called upon to serve in the interest of the nation.  I do believe there are equal competent Afros in Guyana.  I do not believe the PPP should emulate the PNC, but do not want to see the PNC in power either.

Originally Posted by baseman:
boy Caribj, not me.  Take that up with him.



Tell me something. Knowing what you knew of Guyana in 1988 do you think that blkacks were living well?


Now tell the truth.


The PNC was no better for the average black than it was for the average Indian. Notwithstanding a political AfroGUyanese elite who benefitted from their incompetence.


BOTH SUFFERED and unless you are a blatant liar you will admit this.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
For blacks who cry "marginalization", whether in Guyana of anywhere else, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Caribj even blame LFSB of "not properly preparing blacks" and as such is guilty for the perceived black "disadvantage".


The anti-indo racists policies of the PNC did place blacks at an advantage but the wealthy ones not run off to the US, Canada and the WI after 1992.  Had they remained, invested in their businesses and community, blacks in Guyana would not have too much to complain about.  Indians, on the other hand, have little to apologize about as nothing was handed on a silver platter.  This however, does not include the PPP crooks robbing the nation for personal gain.

Hmmmm.   And you think LFSB was a good man.


BTW the black middle class fled Guyana under FORBES BURNHAM!!!!!


Well I happen not to agree with you.  Question for you wil be how did putting incompetent people in positions of authority and chasing competent BLACK people out of Guyana help blacks.  How did fostering a culture of dependency on the YSM instead of a culture of business ownership help black people?  What about destroying the bauxite industry?  Undermining the village movement.


LFSB wanted blacks to remain poor stupid and dependent. He laughed at how foolish they were every time they cheered.


Any way you will chose to say anything to excuse Indo racism against blacks.


Believe me blacks suffered mightily under Burnham.


But you think Burnham was a good man. A credit to AfroGuyanese.  I suggest you believe the same of Mugabe because the difference between the two isnt that great.  Do you think black Zimbabweans should praise Mugabe.  Apparently you do.


Correct, you blacks never abandoned the PNC and Burnham.  Caribj, you are a dollar short and minute late.


Now, regarding competent Afros, I do agree, they should have equal access  and be called upon to serve in the interest of the nation.  I do believe there are equal competent Afros in Guyana.  I do not believe the PPP should emulate the PNC, but do not want to see the PNC in power either.

Baseman you have no ability to prove whether blacks liked Burnham after 1980 when he destroyed them.  Its likely that a fair election woulde have led to WPA victories and that Walter Rodney was more popular than Burnham.


But I guess you really believe that Burnham didnt rig elections.  If you claim that elections under Burnham were free and fair and that polling stations in Gtwn were packed with eager voters I cant help you.  I do know that most polling places were empty until they closed and only became busy when the buses arrived with YSM thugs who voted 22 times.


Based on that can you claim that after 1976 Burnham was liked among the average black population, those who suffered, not the incompetent fools who benefitted from the largesses?  Only if you believed the fiction that Burnham also thrashed the PPP in Berbice and Essequibo.


Caribj knew Burnham was bad for him, make him eat Doo Doo but he and others voted 100 % of the times for Papa Kabaka. Some people love punishment. Now he saying PPP only taking care of Indians, so who the hell he expect Indians to Vote for????

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Caribj knew Burnham was bad for him, make him eat Doo Doo but he and others voted 100 % of the times for Papa Kabaka. Some people love punishment. Now he saying PPP only taking care of Indians, so who the hell he expect Indians to Vote for????

Nehru I guess you used to be a big time PNC so had access to which party people voted for.  Rest assured the two occasions I attempted to vote...first time they told me that I had already voted, and the second time I made doodles on the ballot before dropping it in.


But I suspect that the first time you cast my vote for the PNC so know who I voted for.


So why your pretense that you are this big time PPP?


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