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Chutney competition is a national event not for one ethnic group - Convenor


‘Reflecting creativity, embracing diversity’ is the theme of this year’s Mashramani, but this fact was apparently lost on some who voiced their displeasure, through some sections of the media, at the success of Roger Hinds also called Young Bill Rogers after he won the recently held National Chutney competition.


Today convenor of the competition, Neaz Subhan said that the chutney competition was a national event open to all Guyanese, not only to persons of East Indian descent. The veteran organiser said that he, like many others, was extremely disappointed at the turn of events which marred an otherwise excellent competition which drew contestants from across Guyana. “Mash is an all inclusive event, open to all persons regardless. No Guyanese should be looked upon differently because he or she won,” Subhan said.


Convenor of the National Chutney Competition Neaz Subhan speaking to the media

He reminded that the contestants faced 13 judges and the winner was selected based on the actual performance on the night of the competition. “I’m willing to sit with anyone and discuss the criteria used for judging,” he added.


Speaking to the media after a simple ceremony to present Hinds with his first prize cheque for $600,000, Subhan said that the handover was done early to facilitate he Chutney monarch’s participation in the Trinidadian Chutney Soca competition being held  on January 26.


Chutney Monarch Roger Hinds receives his $600,000 prize from Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport Alfred King in the presence of Convenor of the National Chutney Competition Neaz Subhan

Only the winner of the local competition was guaranteed a spot in the overseas event, a change from 2012, which saw first, second and third place finishers automatically being entered. Asked about his future plans, Hinds a well known artiste, said that his victory was one for all Guyanese and he intended to build on that. He confidently noted, “That when I win, it will be for all Guyanese, it’s about celebrating the art form, promoting chutney music.”


The overseas competition will be shown live on the National Communications Network, with winners being selected via text messages and the use of judges on the night of the competition.

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Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Soup is a powerful thing for some.

Hey boi, life too short to drink bad wine!

The man was a main TV protester back in the days. I would see the man on TV each night. Not that I think now what he did in the late 1990s was bad. If I could redo time I would vote for Hoyte. I guess soup and wine are powerful incentives. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Soup is a powerful thing for some.

Hey boi, life too short to drink bad wine!

The man was a main TV protester back in the days. I would see the man on TV each night. Not that I think now what he did in the late 1990s was bad. If I could redo time I would vote for Hoyte. I guess soup and wine are powerful incentives. 

Hay my man, I know many Jagan Commie supporters who vilified the US migrated here and became unbridled capitalists.  As you say, that soup boi, that soup.


"If you could redo time"...what does that mean.  So 20 years from now what would your regrets be, joining ROAR of championing the PNC cause.  You see, being away, even you have lost your perspective on the people in Guyana.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

Soup is a powerful thing for some.

Hey boi, life too short to drink bad wine!

The man was a main TV protester back in the days. I would see the man on TV each night. Not that I think now what he did in the late 1990s was bad. If I could redo time I would vote for Hoyte. I guess soup and wine are powerful incentives. 

Hay my man, I know many Jagan Commie supporters who vilified the US migrated here and became unbridled capitalists.  As you say, that soup boi, that soup.


"If you could redo time"...what does that mean.  So 20 years from now what would your regrets be, joining ROAR of championing the PNC cause.  You see, being away, even you have lost your perspective on the people in Guyana.

Perhaps, the progress for TK is ...


PPP/C ==> ROAR ==> AFC ==> PNC


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