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Dr. Cheddi Jagan (source: Reality in Writing : Caribbean Political Economy)

Declassified Documents Explore Little-Known Political Coup in Latin America

Washington, DC, April 6, 2020 – Cold War concerns about another Communist Cuba in Latin America drove President John F. Kennedy to approve a covert CIA political campaign to rig national elections in British Guiana, then a British colony but soon to be independent, according to declassified documents posted today by the National Security Archive.

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The Overthrow was skilfully done.  The CIA used Duncan Sands who the under Secretary of state for the colonies to convince the British Government to change the system from first past the post to Proportional Representation. Then they bribed Burnham to use his Trade Union to burn down Wismar and Georgetown in 1962 and 1964.  The Proof in the Police File. Spy X 13.  It is online.


There was nothing covert about the CIA operations in Guyana in 1968. I attended a PNC election rally at the Parade Ground, and these guys were all over the place. Some of them sat in the front cheering Burnham on. The USA were their friends then, fighting against the PPP and their communist brand. The world has changed a lot, today the PPPC is fighting to maintain democracy In Guyana.

Long Live Democracy.


True, in 1964 the US was instrumental in removing the democratically elected Jagan government. After Jagan's White House meeting with President John F Kennedy in October 1961 the US put pressure against Jagan. Arthur M Schlesinger, President Kennedy's political adviser, was at the White House meeting. He described it in his book "A THOUSAND DAYS". He wrote that he himself advised Kennedy to topple the PPP government.

However, by 1990 Schlesinger apologized to Jagan who was visiting the US and said he regretted giving wrong advice to Kennedy.

Then, in 1992 ex-president Jimmy Carter led an observer mission to Guyana. After the results indicated a PPP/C victory the PNC rioted and didn't want to give up power. President Carter used great diplomatic clout to persuade President Desmond Hoyte to concede defeat. Mr Carter said President George Bush authorized him to recognize a PPP/C victory. 

To sum up, the same US that engineered Jagan's removal in 1964 ensured that he was installed as President in 1992.

@cain posted:

That same US always makes the wrong choices even to the present with a muppet as President causing the death of over 130k of his own citizens and more to go down. What a s..thole country.

Did you see Chris Cuomo on CNN the other night attacking him about joining with his daughter to hawk Goya Beans while the country is gripped by the Pandemic? Dr. Fauci has been giving him and the country advice but he's trying to disgrace and fire the guy./////

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP has moved away from their 60s approach of using manual hand tools. Nowadays they use sophisticated laser tools. The PNC still trying to use those 60's manual tools so it is no surprised they ended up with a jagged product on March 4, 2020. Since then they have been busy manually sharpening those 60s tools and finding out the hard way that they can't be sharpened.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

That's because LFSB was a London-trained lawyer and CBJ was not. Also, USA and England were paying Fatboy and his colleagues to do everything that happened. I have a Russian Embassy friend, Janet's relative, who's been filling me in./////

Putin you want to see some of the nonsense that stupid Jorgan wrote and said.  Don't get me started.


C. Jorgon in his own words.


Guyana’s political independence is merely nominal. The “Golden Arrowhead” barely conceals the “Stars and Stripes” while the jaguars adorning our national emblem fall easy prey to the voracious Yankee eagle.


That is why all this man supporters run away to America for safety. 


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