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GUYANA CHRONICLE, AUGUST 26 --- THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been engaging various stakeholders and interest groups in discussions on the current political situation, according to a statement from the Party, which added that encouraging interest has been shown in the establishment of a national democratic front ahead of the next general and regional elections.The statement said, “The People’s Progressive Party is heartened by the interest shown by a large number of civic and political stakeholders in forming a broad national democratic front with the Party ahead of the next general and regional elections.
“The PPP has been meeting with various stakeholders and interest groups to discuss the political situation and the need for more to be done to realize the establishment of this broad National Democratic Front Alliance which would see Guyanese electors benefiting significantly from higher levels of transparency, accountability, good governance and democratic rule.”


I have been reliably informed that the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana [GIOG] is one of the civic stakeholders interested in the proposed PPP alliance.

This development doesn't surprise me and that's why I posted a laughing emoticon in response to KishanB's GIOG thread which Raymond closed.

You see, the CIOG was born in 1979 out of sheer political opportunism to curry favor with the Burnham regime.

From the time Burnham got into government in late 1964, he tried aggressively to win over the foremost Muslim representative body at that time: the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.

Burnham failed because the Anjuman's President Yacoob Ally and its executive members were not opportunists and chose to remain loyal to Dr Jagan's PPP.

Burnham then decided to create a new Muslim organization with the help of some opportunists. In 1979 Fazeel M. Ferouze and others met at the Bishop's High School, not in a mosque, and formed the CIOG. Burnham gave cushy jobs to GIOG officials at PNC government ministries.

With its formation, the GIOG immediately destroyed Muslim unity which the Anjuman had maintained for years.

After Burnham died, Desmond Hoyte to his credit distanced himself from the CIOG. Hoyte sought and got the support of the Anjuman through an Albouystown businessman named Rahaman.

Being left in the cold, the PNC crooks and opportunists who had formed the CIOG approached Dr Cheddi Jagan in 1986 through Fazeel M. Ferouz and pledged loyalty to the PPP. Dr Jagan readily accepted Ferouz as the Anjuman had already deserted the PPP.

The "reformed" GIOG gave the PPP majority Muslim votes in 1992, thus helping the PPP to win the elections. Since then the PPP has been paying back Ferouz and the CIOG with trips abroad on government business and other perks.

No wonder the CIOG, a religious organization, is now interested in joining a political PPP alliance. Talk half and leff half.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is complete bullshit, CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.


This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?


CIOG operation at GRA.......


The Tax Man Clan (A Sattaurical Satire)

The Tax Man Clan (A Sattaurical Satire)


It takes a brave man indeed

To accuse the taxman of misdeed

The challenge is not to a man

But the entire Kurse’d Clan

Father and Sons

Daughter, Niece, nephew too

Nepotism accusations by fools

The word has no meaning here

“I did not hire them

None of them answer to me”

Who hires? Who fires?

Who reports to whom?

A Sattaurical hegemony


Who indeed could hire such a man

To be the chief taxman in the land

He has no ethical clue

Morality vaporized by creed

No one dares to tell this cat

For fear of the audit bell

“Listen man, have no fear

Let the pickney work elsewhere”

Surely it cannot be

GRA or penury


Sons, Daughters and family friends

Ease up on the man a bit

Of all the jobs in the world

Amazing that you are only qualified

To work by Daddy’s side

GRA is not a junkyard

Sanford and Sons on a national wage

You Dummies need to leave

Spread those wings and fly

Stand on your own two feet


So taxman

Before you Kurse

Shout “unfair”

Accuse and hurl abuse

Let this humble poem be

A gentle reminder that

A taxman with no integrity

Beggars belief and credulity

An audit cuts both ways

And you owe this country dear

The upstanding men you Kurse today

Are they ones you will soon need

To demonstrate their morality

no one escapes it all

no one too big to fall

in Guyana this is known to all

Karma is a bitch and Goats bite

"moon ah run till morning light"


now everything 

by Bai Shan lin

suddenly turn confidential

lawyers names

yuh dih' publishing

yuh can't run with the hares and hunt with the hounds

feigning igonrance 

and freal blustery

will not set you free

this is the moment 

that will define

Country first or Pumpkin Suits

Patriotism or 

Cell Block D Hegemony

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bullshit, CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.


This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?

HM_R, as I mentioned, the CIOG was formed in 1979 and supported the PNC for 7 years.

The CIOG has been with the PPP since 1986, "for the longest time" as you put it.

My point is that the CIOG was created during the Burnham regime out of political opportunism and is with the PPP for the same reason.

Hoyte had practically sidelined and isolated the CIOG. Ferouz and Co didn't leave the ruling PNC orbit willingly.


I agree with you but they are entrenched with the PPP and they are engaged in a lot of criminal and illegal activities with the PPP.


CIOG was used via the DPP to destroy Maurice Arjoon a Hindu at NBS because he disagreed with Jagdeo using NBS as his personal piggy bank.


CIOG was also used via the DPP to charge many persons wrongfully with treason not one of those cases ended with a conviction.


CIOG is at the heart and soul of corruption at GRA with their stooge Sattaur. Therefore there is no new alliance being created here. These 2 entities are joined at the hips to unleash criminality against the people of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

GUYANA CHRONICLE, AUGUST 26 --- THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been engaging various stakeholders and interest groups in discussions on the current political situation, according to a statement from the Party, which added that encouraging interest has been shown in the establishment of a national democratic front ahead of the next general and regional elections.The statement said, “The People’s Progressive Party is heartened by the interest shown by a large number of civic and political stakeholders in forming a broad national democratic front with the Party ahead of the next general and regional elections.
“The PPP has been meeting with various stakeholders and interest groups to discuss the political situation and the need for more to be done to realize the establishment of this broad National Democratic Front Alliance which would see Guyanese electors benefiting significantly from higher levels of transparency, accountability, good governance and democratic rule.”


I have been reliably informed that the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana [GIOG] is one of the civic stakeholders interested in the proposed PPP alliance.

This development doesn't surprise me and that's why I posted a laughing emoticon in response to KishanB's GIOG thread which Raymond closed.

You see, the CIOG was born in 1979 out of sheer political opportunism to curry favor with the Burnham regime.

From the time Burnham got into government in late 1964, he tried aggressively to win over the foremost Muslim representative body at that time: the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.

Burnham failed because the Anjuman's President Yacoob Ally and its executive members were not opportunists and chose to remain loyal to Dr Jagan's PPP.

Burnham then decided to create a new Muslim organization with the help of some opportunists. In 1979 Fazeel M. Ferouze and others met at the Bishop's High School, not in a mosque, and formed the CIOG. Burnham gave cushy jobs to GIOG officials at PNC government ministries.

With its formation, the GIOG immediately destroyed Muslim unity which the Anjuman had maintained for years.

After Burnham died, Desmond Hoyte to his credit distanced himself from the CIOG. Hoyte sought and got the support of the Anjuman through an Albouystown businessman named Rahaman.

Being left in the cold, the PNC crooks and opportunists who had formed the CIOG approached Dr Cheddi Jagan in 1986 through Fazeel M. Ferouz and pledged loyalty to the PPP. Dr Jagan readily accepted Ferouz as the Anjuman had already deserted the PPP.

The "reformed" GIOG gave the PPP majority Muslim votes in 1992, thus helping the PPP to win the elections. Since then the PPP has been paying back Ferouz and the CIOG with trips abroad on government business and other perks.

No wonder the CIOG, a religious organization, is now interested in joining a political PPP alliance. Talk half and leff half.



You have had my admiration on  the many things that you have written on GNI HOWEVER THE ABOVE IS BULL CRAP .


This piece prooved   that  the wicked  training you recieved from the PPP is still alive with you.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bullshit, CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.


This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?

HM_R, as I mentioned, the CIOG was formed in 1979 and supported the PNC for 7 years.

The CIOG has been with the PPP since 1986, "for the longest time" as you put it.

My point is that the CIOG was created during the Burnham regime out of political opportunism and is with the PPP for the same reason.

Hoyte had practically sidelined and isolated the CIOG. Ferouz and Co didn't leave the ruling PNC orbit willingly.

Burnham had nothing to do with the formation of CIOG.

CIOG came about because of the anjuman having two factions, one PNC  and one PPP.


I have stated this on nemerous occasion, the CIOG WORKS WITH THE gOVERNMENT OF THE DAY.


Your false statement that President Desmond Hoyte distanced himself from CIOG is total thrash. As a matter of fact undered President Houte CIOG was able to get trained teachers and other professional   seconded to CIOG without them losing thier government benefits. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

GUYANA CHRONICLE, AUGUST 26 --- THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has been engaging various stakeholders and interest groups in discussions on the current political situation, according to a statement from the Party, which added that encouraging interest has been shown in the establishment of a national democratic front ahead of the next general and regional elections.The statement said, “The People’s Progressive Party is heartened by the interest shown by a large number of civic and political stakeholders in forming a broad national democratic front with the Party ahead of the next general and regional elections.
“The PPP has been meeting with various stakeholders and interest groups to discuss the political situation and the need for more to be done to realize the establishment of this broad National Democratic Front Alliance which would see Guyanese electors benefiting significantly from higher levels of transparency, accountability, good governance and democratic rule.”


I have been reliably informed that the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana [GIOG] is one of the civic stakeholders interested in the proposed PPP alliance.

This development doesn't surprise me and that's why I posted a laughing emoticon in response to KishanB's GIOG thread which Raymond closed.

You see, the CIOG was born in 1979 out of sheer political opportunism to curry favor with the Burnham regime.

From the time Burnham got into government in late 1964, he tried aggressively to win over the foremost Muslim representative body at that time: the Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman.

Burnham failed because the Anjuman's President Yacoob Ally and its executive members were not opportunists and chose to remain loyal to Dr Jagan's PPP.

Burnham then decided to create a new Muslim organization with the help of some opportunists. In 1979 Fazeel M. Ferouze and others met at the Bishop's High School, not in a mosque, and formed the CIOG. Burnham gave cushy jobs to GIOG officials at PNC government ministries.

With its formation, the GIOG immediately destroyed Muslim unity which the Anjuman had maintained for years.

After Burnham died, Desmond Hoyte to his credit distanced himself from the CIOG. Hoyte sought and got the support of the Anjuman through an Albouystown businessman named Rahaman.

Being left in the cold, the PNC crooks and opportunists who had formed the CIOG approached Dr Cheddi Jagan in 1986 through Fazeel M. Ferouz and pledged loyalty to the PPP. Dr Jagan readily accepted Ferouz as the Anjuman had already deserted the PPP.

The "reformed" GIOG gave the PPP majority Muslim votes in 1992, thus helping the PPP to win the elections. Since then the PPP has been paying back Ferouz and the CIOG with trips abroad on government business and other perks.

No wonder the CIOG, a religious organization, is now interested in joining a political PPP alliance. Talk half and leff half.



You have had my admiration on  the many things that you have written on GNI HOWEVER THE ABOVE IS BULL CRAP .


This piece prooved   that  the wicked  training you recieved from the PPP is still alive with you.

You never address the instances you disagree with and why. You launch into your usual defense. Note lots of folks in this org are on the PPP leech stream.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bullshit,....Ow De Professor is a Dunce, Eee Just got eeePNC Card and eee believe he know more than Clarissa. THE LADY RIGHT TO PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE.


CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.......Dharmic Sabah yes.....CIOG - NO... Professor yuh talking Trash.....Gil tell yuh CIOG was formed by the PNC in 1979 at Bishops High School....Professor Dem could not get a Masjid in 1979,

De PNC even tried with Two Big Grasshopper - Hamilton Green & Norman McClean to break the Muslim Unity and Support...They Joined the same Masjid the Alboystown Businessman belong to.

Also if yuh dont know in 1979, PNC had Mastered the Art of Rigging Elections, Arnold Rampersaud was Jailed, We were just getting over Jonestown and Jim Jones, Then Congress Place was Burnt down, Rodney & Teeka was Killed, House of Israel was Breaking up PPP and WPA meetings, Corbin was getting Guns from GDF fuh the PNC Thugs.

Now Professor.... tell us how PPP or Jagan could get Bishops High School fuh Launch CIOG in 1979????......

Yuh Think yuh Bright ....Tell Abee who dunce....we ah wait.



This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?

A Grasshopper cannot see the truth....and would Never Admit supporting de PNC......

All dem Black House of Israel Thugs are Grasshoppers.Switching from PNC to PPP.

Hammie, McClean, Nascimento, Kwambe, Lamumba, Hamilton, Manniram, Gouviea.....are all Grasshopper.....SO PROFESSOR DO NOT FEEL YOU ARE SOME KIND OF PEDIGREE.

CIOG is Grasshoppers switching from PNC to PPP.

The Taxman Father was a CIOG Grasshopper....He held a Top Civil Service Position under PNC.....and he switched after 1992.

When Big man like Gilbakka talk.....all dem Grasshopper must stay Quiet......and Listen....yuh can learn a lot.


We still want know how Jagan get Bishop High School fuh Launch his PPP/CIOG front in 1979.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bullshit, CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.


This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?

HM_R, as I mentioned, the CIOG was formed in 1979 and supported the PNC for 7 years.

The CIOG has been with the PPP since 1986, "for the longest time" as you put it.

My point is that the CIOG was created during the Burnham regime out of political opportunism and is with the PPP for the same reason.

Hoyte had practically sidelined and isolated the CIOG. Ferouz and Co didn't leave the ruling PNC orbit willingly.

Burnham had nothing to do with the formation of CIOG.

WHO SAY SO??????

CIOG came about because of the anjuman having two factions, one PNC  and one PPP.

The Truth is the PNC Hijacked the Anjuman with the Help of GDF and PNC Thugs.....The case was taken to Court....with JOF Haynes Representing DE PNC Hijackers.

and Dr Fenton Ramsahoy, Doodnauth Singh, BO Adams, Aston Chase, Dabi Dial and other Lawyers Representing the Anjuman.

The PNC Dragged this case thru the Courts until the Highest Court in Guyana realise they could not Protect the PNC Hijackers any longer and ruled against the PNC /GDF/ House of Israel Hijacking that was done by Burnham himself.



I have stated this on nemerous occasion, the CIOG WORKS WITH THE gOVERNMENT OF THE DAY.


Your false statement that President Desmond Hoyte distanced himself from CIOG is total thrash. As a matter of fact undered President Houte CIOG was able to get trained teachers and other professional   seconded to CIOG without them losing thier government benefits. 


Chief you know I can tell you and show you DE Proof of how CIOG was thrown out to the wayside by Hoyte after Burnham Died.

I can prove to you who Hoyte choose as his Advisor on Muslim affairs in Guiyana.....Both Documented and Photos or Video....


If what you are saying is true.....

QUOTE: "I have stated this on nemerous occasion, the CIOG WORKS WITH THE gOVERNMENT OF THE DAY."

I will provide you with Info from non other than Dr Jagan and the PPP clearly showing how CIOG was working Directly with Freedom House between 1987 -1992....

and at that time the PPP was not the Govt of the Day.


Please note this is not taking away from some of the Good things CIOG might have done over the years.


Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Is CIOG the terror front in Guyana, do they represent the Islamic State in Guyana?  


Some body should tell the FBI on them.

I do not know about Terror front.....but I know they are Grasshoppers like Hammie, Lamumba, McClean, Kwambe, Bynoe and The House of Israel Thugs.



I will provide you with Info from non other than Dr Jagan and the PPP clearly showing how CIOG was working Directly with Freedom House between 1987 -1992....

and at that time the PPP was not the Govt of the Day.


Please note this is not taking away from some of the Good things CIOG might have done over the years.


I think you mean CIOG works with the criminals of the day...........


The CIOG is no innocent body

August 24, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, I refer to a letter by the head of the above named organization, Mr. Fazeel Feroze (“Mr. Kissoon must be aware of the dangers of hearsay from anonymous sources,” KN, August 5, 2014.) I was drowning in the vortex of countless pursuits and could not submit an earlier response. I begin my reply to Mr. Feroze with a personal reflection. In my life on this earth some of God’s most merciless, unethical creatures that should not have been part of society have come from people who either were/are preachers in their respective religions and denominations or people who were/are very religious. In my philosophical scheme of things I place no more value on the character of religious people than ordinary mortals who are not religious or who are non-believers. I was trained at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in Guyanese history and I can say unapologetically the Muslim, Catholic and Hindu churches have played disgraceful and destructive roles in the evolution of contemporary Guyana, the details of which need not occupy us here. Let me make it clear that these thoughts are not directed to Mr. Feroze himself, though I think they do apply to the CIOG, both in its past and present configuration. I will forgive Mr. Feroze for his terrible advice to me to be aware of hearsay from anonymous sources. Mr. Feroze is not a media operative. If he was, he would have known that throughout the modern world, the great journalistic scoops originated from anonymous sources. That is such common knowledge throughout the world and most people know it so no need to belabour the point. However, I would offer some advice to Mr. Feroze. Since his organization is close to Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo and the present government, he should get the Chronicle and the Guyana Times to desist from printing thousands of letter penned by anonymous signatures. Now for Mr. Feroze’s assertion that the CIOG will not condone its intervention in judicial matters, I direct him to the publication of a court case in the April 24, 2010 issue of the Stabroek News. The court heard that Mrs. Shalimar Hack, the DPP and wife of Mr. Moen Hack, the leading scholar of the CIOG had ordered the arrest and charge of narcotic trafficking against police officer Maurice Smith. Smith in his testimony told the court that he felt it was malice against him because he had ordered the search of the suitcases of the Hacks at the airport and for that Mrs. Hack had written to the police to have him dismissed. Mr. Smith was freed of the charge and he was not sacked from the police force. Surely, this does not reflect positively on the image of the CIOG. In that news item, Officer Smith told the court he was summoned to appear in front of his superiors after the DPP wrote the police hierarchy about the searching. This columnist asserts most emphatically, that one of the most senior police officers in the force told a number of media operatives that a high-level CIOG official asked him to release a Muslim scholar who was at the station for investigation of pedophilia. This columnist insists that officials from the CIOG approached a policeman and implored he not testify against the son of a wealthy Muslim businessman that he and other ranks arrested after bacchanalian revelry at Vreed-en-Hoop at 3.30 a.m. The son pulled his gun at the police party and fired. In a strange twist of fate the policeman was charged for assaulting the son. As to Mr. Feroze’s bold declaration that as commanded by Islamic law, Muslims must denounce racism, I will be cynical and react to this fiction by saying, “yea right.” I would like Mr. Ferioze to know that the racism I have seen in Indian Muslim Guyanese equals that I have seen in all Guyanese. Apparently Mr. Feroze, it doesn’t look like Islam has a lot of influence on Muslim Indians because the election statistics from 11957 onwards show that most Indian Muslims have voted for the Indian based party the PPP and not the African based party, the PNC. Now, Mr. Feroze that surely seems to be ethnic motive in voting. Are Muslims supposed to be ethnically motivated? I hope not. Let me end by asking you a question Mr. Feroze. Are you serious enough to believe in this Dostoyevskian cemetery of ethnic madness that Guyana was and still is that Muslims have not been equally guilty as Indian Hindus and Indian Christians? I lived in Guyana my whole life and studied Guyana my whole life, Mr. Feroze. Africans and Indians, despite their religion, have happily lived in their Shakesperian purgatory of burning contempt for each other. Hope Islam can change that in the upcoming general elections. I would be happy to work with the CIOG in that poetic pursuit Frederick Kissoon   

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This is complete bullshit, CIOG and Dharmic Sabha and all these other entities have been fronts for the PPP for the longest time.


This is like saying ok I will hold a wedding tomorrow and remarry my wife. Ok what does that change?

HM_R, as I mentioned, the CIOG was formed in 1979 and supported the PNC for 7 years.

The CIOG has been with the PPP since 1986, "for the longest time" as you put it.

My point is that the CIOG was created during the Burnham regime out of political opportunism and is with the PPP for the same reason.

Hoyte had practically sidelined and isolated the CIOG. Ferouz and Co didn't leave the ruling PNC orbit willingly.

Burnham had nothing to do with the formation of CIOG.

CIOG came about because of the anjuman having two factions, one PNC  and one PPP.


I have stated this on nemerous occasion, the CIOG WORKS WITH THE gOVERNMENT OF THE DAY.


Your false statement that President Desmond Hoyte distanced himself from CIOG is total thrash. As a matter of fact undered President Houte CIOG was able to get trained teachers and other professional   seconded to CIOG without them losing thier government benefits. 

Do u know Bobby Khan and Mohammed from Skeldon? Soon after independence, the muslims in Guyana petitioned Forbes that he should foster good relations with Mid_East. With that agenda, the Saudie poured money into the country for the muslim communities and Eygpt offered many scholarships to Guyanese muslims for religious studies.


Forbes had a solid relationship with many middle eastern countries and received a lot of aid money from them.


But I am not sure what happened eventually the Saudis pulled out so did the libyans and the rest is history.


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