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CIOG condemns attorney’s request for woman to remove hijab

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) has condemned the request by prominent attorney Hukumchand Parag, for a Muslim woman to remove her hijab (a veil worn by Muslim women which covers their face that show only the eyes) during cross-examination in court.

In a statement, CIOG explained that the hijab is a customary garment worn by Muslim women as a means of protection and modesty, which is an act of obedience to God.

The organisation reflected on the Constitution of Guyana, which states that every Guyanese has a right to practise a religion of their choice, noting that the attorney’s call is a clear violation of that fundamental right and is also an insult to the Muslim community.

“We call on all right-thinking human beings to support this sister on her stance to be cross-examined with her garment on,” said CIOG.

The woman in question is Khairoon Ali, whose husband was brutally attacked by two ferocious pitbull dogs in February last year on his way to the masjid.

Sixty-four-year-old Mobarak Ali’s left hand was mauled when the dogs attacked him; however, his cries for help brought out his neighbours who prevented the animals from severing his hand.

The owner of the dogs, Alexei Prashad, 37, of Lot 49 Railway Line, Kitty, was subsequently charged for allowing his pit bulls to be at large.

The trial is currently being heard before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond, who had confirmed after seeing the woman’s face in her chambers ,along with another female, that she is the same person pictured in her ID and passport.

The matter will be called again on Monday, when the magistrate is expected to deliver a decision as to how to proceed with the matter. 


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Originally Posted by Cobra:

CIOG condemns attorney’s request for woman to remove hijab

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) has condemned the request by prominent attorney Hukumchand Parag, for a Muslim woman to remove her hijab (a veil worn by Muslim women which covers their face that show only the eyes) during cross-examination in court.

In a statement, CIOG explained that the hijab is a customary garment worn by Muslim women as a means of protection and modesty, which is an act of obedience to God.

The organisation reflected on the Constitution of Guyana, which states that every Guyanese has a right to practise a religion of their choice, noting that the attorney’s call is a clear violation of that fundamental right and is also an insult to the Muslim community.

“We call on all right-thinking human beings to support this sister on her stance to be cross-examined with her garment on,” said CIOG.

The woman in question is Khairoon Ali, whose husband was brutally attacked by two ferocious pitbull dogs in February last year on his way to the masjid.

Sixty-four-year-old Mobarak Ali’s left hand was mauled when the dogs attacked him; however, his cries for help brought out his neighbours who prevented the animals from severing his hand.

The owner of the dogs, Alexei Prashad, 37, of Lot 49 Railway Line, Kitty, was subsequently charged for allowing his pit bulls to be at large.

The trial is currently being heard before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond, who had confirmed after seeing the woman’s face in her chambers ,along with another female, that she is the same person pictured in her ID and passport.

The matter will be called again on Monday, when the magistrate is expected to deliver a decision as to how to proceed with the matter. 


It is not a customary garment. The label is taking the definition too far. It is a garment preferred by this Muslim woman in her interpretation of the terms for modesty in the koran.


I will stand with her right to wear it but not with her right to wear it as being customary for Muslim women.

The trial is currently being heard before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond, who had confirmed after seeing the woman’s face in her chambers ,along with another female, that she is the same person pictured in her ID and passport.

The courts always have the option, as shown in this situation, to confirm the identity of the person who is wearing the hijab.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

They should force Cain to wear a hijab because he is too blasted ugly. Today is Friday and I am picking fights on all AFC scum bags 

They should force you to take off your panties. WHATTACK!!!!



1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  BOINGGGGG!!


Down for the count.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
June 22nd, is No Panty Day PrincessCobra is liberated

Bai like you testing the admin again. You should lay low for a few days before you lay on the heavy stuff. 

Originally Posted by Stinger:
De GoG are a buncha thin skinned wusses to be threatened by what I post

Rest assured that it is not your comments on the GOg that gets you suspended but rather your personal attacks which you resort to when you get frustrated and are unable to make your points otherwise. Look at the other posters from the afc/pnc cabal, they badmouth the PPP everyday but enjoy relative impunity from the clutches of admin. 


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