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On FB I said the list from the H2H needs to be properly vetted and validated for additions.  As soon as I did, several PNCites swarmed in calling me a Jagdeo stooge. 

It seems the core supporters know the plan and embrace. 

I asked them if it’s not in everyone’s interested to have trust in the process and the election outcome.

I tell you this, big trouble brewing, nothing like we saw before!

Baseman posted:

On FB I said the list from the H2H needs to be properly vetted and validated for additions.  As soon as I did, several PNCites swarmed in calling me a Jagdeo stooge. 

It seems the core supporters know the plan and embrace. 

I asked them if it’s not in everyone’s interested to have trust in the process and the election outcome.

I tell you this, big trouble brewing, nothing like we saw before!

Bai, PNC supporters don't have any appreciation for trust in the process. The only thing that matters to them is PNC at all costs.

Baseman posted:

On FB I said the list from the H2H needs to be properly vetted and validated for additions.  As soon as I did, several PNCites swarmed in calling me a Jagdeo stooge. 

It seems the core supporters know the plan and embrace. 

I asked them if it’s not in everyone’s interested to have trust in the process and the election outcome.

I tell you this, big trouble brewing, nothing like we saw before!



II don’t foresee any civil unrest by the opposition to force the government out. The current opposition supporters do not have the balls to get on the road and bring the country down. Life goes on as normal in Guyana. 

If it was the opposite way ( PPP in Government) then their will be fire works by PNC. 

The Diplomatic Corp is silent, they are sitting on their ARZ, the CCJ  make a half arss  judgement against the government. 

I recall Prince Charles  was among the world leaders  calling on Ramotar on constitution violation when he prologue parliament, now where are these mother fkers . 

We have to asked ourselves why the ABC countries are silent... could it be 

1. because PPP has the same group of people from the pass and did not show a willingness to be more inclusive. 

2. PPP is going into a election with a alleged criminal with 19 Fraud charges  for a Presidential Candidate. 

3. Jagdeo is currently  speaking of revisiting the Oil Contract if PPP gets into government. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:

II don’t foresee any civil unrest by the opposition to force the government out. The current opposition supporters do not have the balls to get on the road and bring the country down. Life goes on as normal in Guyana. 

If it was the opposite way ( PPP in Government) then their will be fire works by PNC. 

The Diplomatic Corp is silent, they are sitting on their ARZ, the CCJ  make a half arss  judgement against the government. 

I recall Prince Charles  was among the world leaders  calling on Ramotar on constitution violation when he prologue parliament, now where are these mother fkers . 

We have to asked ourselves why the ABC countries are silent... could it be 

1. because PPP has the same group of people from the pass and did not show a willingness to be more inclusive. 

2. PPP is going into a election with a alleged criminal with 19 Fraud charges  for a Presidential Candidate. 

3. Jagdeo is currently  speaking of revisiting the Oil Contract if PPP gets into government. 


Also, all appearances, BJ will be the real President!

Dave posted:

We have to asked ourselves why the ABC countries are silent... could it be 

1. because PPP has the same group of people from the pass and did not show a willingness to be more inclusive. 

2. PPP is going into a election with a alleged criminal with 19 Fraud charges  for a Presidential Candidate. 

3. Jagdeo is currently  speaking of revisiting the Oil Contract if PPP gets into government. 

I would guess yep to all three. Plus they do not want a government that facilitated drug running in the past as part of "doing business" nor would they want a government that turned them down when help was offered to curb crime, but instead, killed its citizens.

The PPP dropped the ball when they let Jagdeo run things, kick his rass out along with Fraud McFat and all should be well.

Last edited by cain

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