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Former Member

Business owners each year look forward to the Christmas season, as that is the time when business booms, however this is definitely not the case this Christmas.

Vendors plying their trade on Regent Street
Vendors plying their trade on Regent Street

A walk around the Capital City with several stops at business establishments revealed the reality, which was evident on the faces of many proprietors.

This publication took to the busy Regent Street and from all indications it seemed as though a blue Christmas is looming.
Many business owners refused to elaborate but were quick to highlight “business is slow, nothing ain’t happening!”

One Indian national businessman, who has been in Guyana for over four years, said that he has seen a decline every year but that this year is the worst thus far.

He noted that most persons are window shopping instead of buying anything: “I don’t know if it is because there is so much competition now with the Chinese being able to sell way cheaper but business is dead, dead!”

A floral vendor relayed that if not for her regular customers, she would not be getting any sales: “Right now business is not the way it would usually be, what we are accustom to, we are not getting it, it is pretty slow because the people are not shopping much.”

A single mother who has been plying her trade on Regent Street for a number of years is hopeful that business picks up by next week as she is hoping to provide a joyous Christmas for her children.

When asked what they think might be the reason for the drop in sales, most business owners highlighted that it is getting harder to live and make a living in Guyana because of the bad economic circumstances.

They voiced their dissatisfaction with the present situation, expressing fear for the coming years if things do not change.

Some business owners are however keeping their fingers crossed, hoping that as it gets closer to Christmas, sales will pick up and can at least shine some light on their Christmas trees.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What exactly are these vendors selling/ Consumables, or cheap and faulty Chinese rubbish? People don't need to buy a new Christmas tree and lights  every year. And reparations from abroad have dropped, as families in the US, Canada, and the UK have had to tighten their belts.

Mr.T posted:

What exactly are these vendors selling/ Consumables, or cheap and faulty Chinese rubbish? People don't need to buy a new Christmas tree and lights  every year. And reparations from abroad have dropped, as families in the US, Canada, and the UK have had to tighten their belts.

Donkey, read the article again.  

Imran posted:

Business owners each year look forward to the Christmas season, as that is the time when business booms, however this is definitely not the case this Christmas.

Vendors plying their trade on Regent Street
Vendors plying their trade on Regent Street

A walk around the Capital City with several stops at business establishments revealed the reality, which was evident on the faces of many proprietors.

This publication took to the busy Regent Street and from all indications it seemed as though a blue Christmas is looming.
Many business owners refused to elaborate but were quick to highlight “business is slow, nothing ain’t happening!”

One Indian national businessman, who has been in Guyana for over four years, said that he has seen a decline every year but that this year is the worst thus far.


Note that 2 out of his Xmases the PPP was in power.

So why is the economy down?

1. Gold prices have dropped so many of the smaller miners can no longer operate profitably, so many have been forced out.  The largest miners are capital intensive and so there is less impact into the general population. The gov't gets royalties and few workers get paid.

2. The PPP underground economy is stuck as folks fear going to jail.  now if people think that an underground economy is a good thing feel free.

3.  There is therefore less spill over into the retail and residential sectors.  In fact real estate was a balloon waiting to pop for a long time now as the prices were not based on local purchasing power.  It was overseas Guyanese and money laundering which supported those prices.

Nehru posted:






Granger is the Grinch that stole Christmas for Guyanese?   

caribny posted:

Note that 2 out of his Xmases the PPP was in power.

So why is the economy down?

1. Gold prices have dropped so many of the smaller miners can no longer operate profitably, so many have been forced out.  The largest miners are capital intensive and so there is less impact into the general population. The gov't gets royalties and few workers get paid.

2. The PPP underground economy is stuck as folks fear going to jail.  now if people think that an underground economy is a good thing feel free.

3.  There is therefore less spill over into the retail and residential sectors.  In fact real estate was a balloon waiting to pop for a long time now as the prices were not based on local purchasing power.  It was overseas Guyanese and money laundering which supported those prices.

You PNC guys shout about underground drug economy, money laundering and how the PNC clamp down but there is no evidence of this. In fact you are using these fabricated lies as a crutch for why the PNC has mismanaged the country and took a booming economy, flush treasury left by the PPP and in a short 1 1/2 year turn it into shyte. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Note that 2 out of his Xmases the PPP was in power.

So why is the economy down?

1. Gold prices have dropped so many of the smaller miners can no longer operate profitably, so many have been forced out.  The largest miners are capital intensive and so there is less impact into the general population. The gov't gets royalties and few workers get paid.

2. The PPP underground economy is stuck as folks fear going to jail.  now if people think that an underground economy is a good thing feel free.

3.  There is therefore less spill over into the retail and residential sectors.  In fact real estate was a balloon waiting to pop for a long time now as the prices were not based on local purchasing power.  It was overseas Guyanese and money laundering which supported those prices.

You PNC guys shout about underground drug economy, money laundering and how the PNC clamp down but there is no evidence of this. In fact you are using these fabricated lies as a crutch for why the PNC has mismanaged the country and took a booming economy, flush treasury left by the PPP and in a short 1 1/2 year turn it into shyte. 

The fact is the economy was in a better state regardless of where the money comes from, everyone was happy.  

How much illegal deal don't the North American countries involved in... corruption is at the Maxx.

But these coconut head can't manage anything. It always run down.  

Drugb posted:

You PNC guys shout about underground drug economy,

Which does exist and your Indo oligarch family is fully aware of it as they generate activity which isn't taxed because it isn't visible.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

You PNC guys shout about underground drug economy,

Which does exist and your Indo oligarch family is fully aware of it as they generate activity which isn't taxed because it isn't visible.

If it exists, how many drug lords did the PNC jail to hamper the drug activity?  What exactly did the PNC do cripple the drug trade and what is the evidence of this? Nothing. 

Drugb posted:

If it exists, how many drug lords did the PNC jail to hamper the drug activity?  . 

You scream that the PNC did so much destruction. How many of the leadership were arrested for the crimes that Jagdeo accused them of.

Any arrested for ordering the hit of Sash Sawh?

So based on this you can then agree that the PNC didn't do any wrong and so the fact that the economy didn't grow between 2000 and 2006 was merely Jagdeo incompetence.


Last edited by Former Member

Guyana never was a white Christmas, but they have seen a lot of black Christmas.  The folks like us remember the black Christmas times.  The younger folks saw years of bright Christmas.  Now it's back to the days of black Christmas!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

If it exists, how many drug lords did the PNC jail to hamper the drug activity?  . 

You scream that the PNC did so much destruction. How many of the leadership were arrested for the crimes that Jagdeo accused them of.

Any arrested for ordering the hit of Sash Sawh?

So based on this you can then agree that the PNC didn't do any wrong and so the fact that the economy didn't grow between 2000 and 2006 was merely Jagdeo incompetence.


You pnc supporters claimed that you killed the underground drug economy, where is the evidence of this? You have the same set of police with hands outstretched for bribes and no significant drug lord arrests. These dummies you helped elect are not taking any steps to develop the nation as they continue to drive out investors with high taxes and demands for bribes.

Imran posted:
Mr.T posted:

What exactly are these vendors selling/ Consumables, or cheap and faulty Chinese rubbish? People don't need to buy a new Christmas tree and lights  every year. And reparations from abroad have dropped, as families in the US, Canada, and the UK have had to tighten their belts.

Donkey, read the article again.  

He is a donkey to the "T".


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