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October 21, 2015 | By | Filed Under News


A local waste management company is taking cleanliness to another level with the importation of more sophisticated equipment in its efforts to enhance the cleaning of the streets of Georgetown.

Yesterday, one of two street washer/sweeper trucks imported from the United Kingdom was part of a demonstration put on by staffers of Cevons Waste Management on Regent Street outside City Hall.
That company is contracted to clean up about 60 percent of the Capital City’s waste. Morse Archer, the owner of Cevons Waste Management said his ultimate goal is to have such vehicles distributed countrywide as is the case internationally.

Initially, the cleaning contractor said the multi-purpose vehicle which sweeps and cleans sand, paper and other debris would be sweeping the main roads of Georgetown to improve the aesthetics of the city.
“We are constantly doing projects with City Hall and it’s time for Georgetown to move to the International level.

The trucks are an addition to what we do and will be working at nights so that when you wake up in the mornings the roads will be clean and presentable enough to be proud of.”
“In the spirit of what is the new trend to make the city clean and green, I opted to import these to ensure that we have not just manpower but equipment power to make things happen and try to improve Georgetown faster.”

“We will be sweeping in the nights when the traffic is off the roads, and different areas will be covered on different nights.
Some areas will be covered once per week, while others will be more frequently and while we are focused on main streets, we will also be in the cross streets,” Archer told the media.
For immediate attention are Regent, Robb and Water Streets and other streets in the commercial zones, which will be cleaned at least three times per week.
The cleaning will start from about 20:00 hrs to the wee hours of the morning.

“People can look forward to nice clean streets when you wake up in the mornings that you may feel the urge to lay down on. Kind of like with tourism in mind.”
Archer said initially the vehicles will be cleaning up Georgetown but ultimately we will be heading to other areas.

Ranwell Jordan, Chairman of the Market and Public Health Committee of City Hall hailed the private contractor’s investment as a step in the right direction. “The sweeper will further add to the cleansing efforts of the streets of Georgetown.” He expressed the hope that the citizens will also assist in maintaining the cleanliness.



The street washer/ sweeper in action.

City Hall gun get a drawback, the company will expand and the drawback will get bigger and bigger. The JACKASSES City Hall are too INCOMPETENT to buy these types of Equipmentsand get their LAZY Employees leaching off the Taxpayers to work!!!!!!!!!!!


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