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City Hall’s Ten Commandments on how to govern badly

Oct 10, 2017 Letters,

Dear Editor,
I wish to congratulate the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown on creating Ten Commandments of management and leadership. They are light years ahead of other local government organs and other institutions and I eagerly look forward to the Mayor and Town Clerk writing a book on the management of a city. Here are the Ten Commandments they follow:
1. Think big.
2. Plan big.
3. Dream big
4. Hire big,
5. Spend big.
6. Talk big.
7. Travel big.
8 Dine big.
9. Credit big.
10. Bruk up bigger.

In this way, they are building the most stink city of Caricom, which gives them great pride and recognition among misfits and would one day earn them a Nobel Prize. City elders keep advancing to your target of putting Georgetown on the map of the world.

Ed Singh

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