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Mayor Ubraj Narine.

…says council refusing to employ chauffeur of his choice

TEMPERS flared on Monday between Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine and Acting Town Clerk Sharon Harry when the former said he felt his life was in danger because he was being forced to work with a chauffeur that he was not comfortable with.

Acting Town Clerk Sharon Harry.

The setting was the fortnightly statutory meeting at City Hall. Harry explained that the City Council already had two chauffeurs who cannot simply be put out of employment. Furthermore, she said Narine’s current chauffeur had been in the Council’s employ since 1994.

“When I was elected mayor, I had an organisation second my driver but I kept asking and asking for his employment as chauffeur because I don’t need both a driver and chauffeur; that would cost the council,” the mayor expressed in an invited comment to this newspaper.

Because of the amount of work that he was doing in the City at the moment, Narine said he preferred to be with someone with whom he was comfortable. He said while many may not be aware, he is in the streets late at nights and even on the weekends.

Narine recalled that at the last statutory meeting, a decision was taken for the driver of his choice to be employed as his chauffeur as of last March 1. “I am surprised that wasn’t done. Today it was said to me by the Town Clerk that it is not in the law to employ someone as a chauffeur when we already have two in our employ. I was asking what the two chauffeurs are doing but couldn’t get a positive response.”

The mayor said he is of the understanding that former mayors were allowed to bring along their chauffeurs. “So why am I given this kind of hard time at the council administration where the person who drives me is not employed as a chauffeur? I made contact with the Local Government Commission which has indicated to me that the chauffeur can be on a contract and when I leave, he will leave.”

Narine said he raised this matter with Harry since last January and feels like he is being ‘shoved’ around by the administration. “I am comfortable with my person who takes me around to do my business in the city. I am not comfortable at the moment and I feel my life can be threatened like that if I have someone who I am not pleased with or have that confidence in.”

The mayor said other issues that he takes to the administration are dealt with similarly and that he sees it as a vindictive act on his office.


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Town Clerks are making GT mayors feel small. Carol Sobha used to do the same thing to Hamilton Green. The municipality bylaws give more powers to town clerks and city council than to mayors.

Nehru posted:

Ray, a certain misfit on GNI does say Afros in PPP are stooges and things. So by his/her argument, the Mayor is what?/

bannas...I aint able with that race gets tiring 

Not saying it don't exist, and we must continue to fight it


Ray, some people were trained from birth to be racist. If you live or visit near Congress Place, the possibility of you being a RACIST is tremendous!! Some of these Bannas were born there.

Nehru posted:

Ray, a certain misfit on GNI does say Afros in PPP are stooges and things. So by his/her argument, the Mayor is what?/

Because the PPP Afros are stooges. When do we hear from them?  When they are calling blacks stupid for not being PPP supporters. We NEVER hear from them otherwise.

Do you see Nagamootoo and Ramjattan as anything other than PNC stooges  So who are you to talk? 

Clearly this man isnt a stooge because he is advocating for his interests against members of his party and it does appear as if he does work.

When Sam Hinds was demoted by the PPP because he was black what did he do?  Give a silly grin, and said "yes massa" and resumed his role of bashing Lindeners for being stupid and unreasonable.  Edghill ran out screaming that all of the GECOM workers were blacks and then we discovered that this was definitely NOT the case.  

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Ray, some people were trained from birth to be racist. If you live or visit near Congress Place, the possibility of you being a RACIST is tremendous!! Some of these Bannas were born there.

You does say sheer shyte

cain posted:
Nehru posted:

Ray, some people were trained from birth to be racist. If you live or visit near Congress Place, the possibility of you being a RACIST is tremendous!! Some of these Bannas were born there.

You does say sheer shyte

He will tell us that the only racists in Guyana are blacks.

cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

The man is a pandit and his book tell him to change driver .  He should cast a spell on the town clerk seat . 

He should put his flower and light his camfor everyday in the car - sure the drivers gon ask to change 😊

cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

He knows his driver. He doesnt know the other one, and given how corrupt life in Guyana is his concerns are valid.  I suggest that the City Council comply with his requests.  I am sure that they can find work for the other driver without having to make him redundant.

Dave posted:

City Mayor feels being ‘shoved around’

 Mayor Ubraj Narine.

…says council refusing to employ chauffeur of his choice

TEMPERS flared on Monday between Georgetown Mayor Ubraj Narine and Acting Town Clerk Sharon Harry when the former said he felt his life was in danger because he was being forced to work with a chauffeur that he was not comfortable with.

Acting Town Clerk Sharon Harry.

The setting was the fortnightly statutory meeting at City Hall. Harry explained that the City Council already had two chauffeurs who cannot simply be put out of employment. Furthermore, she said Narine’s current chauffeur had been in the Council’s employ since 1994.

The mayor said other issues that he takes to the administration are dealt with similarly and that he sees it as a vindictive act on his office.

Eh-eh ... dee man fuget wha izz hee prappa jab ...

Reminder of "his real and prappa jab" ...

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

he is new...time and experience will make him stronger

From what I hear from other sources this woman is a bully and even hard core PNCites object to her. She seems to be the type who will cost APNU re-election as she has a reputation for pushing around he PNC base.  This man will get sympathy as he is already proving to want to do a good job, unlike the recent mayors.

PNC supporters aren't like those of the PPP. When a PNC official gets too big for themselves people became quite vocal against it. Where is the previous town clerk, who was another power drunk type.  The former mayor is now just on ordinary city councilor.  Harmon was also rejected to head the PNC, with Volda chosen instead.

Last edited by Former Member

I note that the PPP frauds are laughing at this man because he is not a power drunk greedy fraud like many of the PPP.  He seems sincere enough even ti get his hands dirty, even if for just symbolic purposes.

Now show me any of your PPP blacks who have he integrity that this man seems to have.  Note that his complaints are in the PNC rag AKA Chronicle so if I were Harry I would be careful.  This is a GT PNC man, not some PPP turned AFC man from the Corentyne.

caribny posted:

I note that the PPP frauds are laughing at this man because he is not a power drunk greedy fraud like many of the PPP.  He seems sincere enough even ti get his hands dirty, even if for just symbolic purposes.

Now show me any of your PPP blacks who have he integrity that this man seems to have.  Note that his complaints are in the PNC rag AKA Chronicle so if I were Harry I would be careful.  This is a GT PNC man, not some PPP turned AFC man from the Corentyne.

So you are saying BLACK people has NO INTEGRITY ... 

What he’s doing, is setting an example for blacks ... note the surrounding areas who are the habitat- the mini bus will give you a clue ... that’s if you remember the area 

Dave posted:
caribny posted:

I note that the PPP frauds are laughing at this man because he is not a power drunk greedy fraud like many of the PPP.  He seems sincere enough even ti get his hands dirty, even if for just symbolic purposes.

Now show me any of your PPP blacks who have he integrity that this man seems to have.  Note that his complaints are in the PNC rag AKA Chronicle so if I were Harry I would be careful.  This is a GT PNC man, not some PPP turned AFC man from the Corentyne.

So you are saying BLACK people has NO INTEGRITY ... 

What he’s doing, is setting an example for blacks ... note the surrounding areas who are the habitat- the mini bus will give you a clue ... that’s if you remember the area 

When last I checked GT was NOT only blacks. Indians are in fact 25-30% of the population and many also come into the city during the day from other areas.

Please furnish proof that only blacks litter GT or just remain the racist toad that you are.

The man is showing that he cares about improving the city and is willing to verbalize against abuse by those from within his party.

Your PPP blacks are only good at being used by the PPP to abuse other blacks.  Real Head Negro Slave behavior.  If you saw the move "Django Unchained" all of them remind me of the Uncle Tom who loved his massa and hated all other blacks.

Drugb posted:

Puppet Pandit get put in he place.  He is just a stooge, the real power lies with the council and town clerk. 

"Puppet" Pandit was open about this Town Clerk with her arrogant behavior and if the PNC rag is willing to push his side of the story I don't think that they are supporting hers.  In fact City Council already agreed to his request.  It is just one person showing power.  The last Town Clerk is not in that role anymore, and she should make note of that.

caribny posted:
cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

He knows his driver. He doesnt know the other one, and given how corrupt life in Guyana is his concerns are valid.  I suggest that the City Council comply with his requests.  I am sure that they can find work for the other driver without having to make him redundant.

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

Perhaps, to preserve and protect his only dhoti.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, ?

I can only wonder what your response would be if I described Jagdeo like this. Maybe I should refer to Jagdeo as "Guyana dhoti wearing" in the future.

VishMahabir posted:

Why is this guy not wearing his fat gold chain, like he normally does, eh?

Like he afraid someone gon snatch it?

ANother stupid question. Don’t you think before you write. The mayoral gold chain you talking about is worn at ceremonial events and Council meetings. Maybe he should also find a new function for it and that is to clap you ass with the chain till you get sense.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

He knows his driver. He doesnt know the other one, and given how corrupt life in Guyana is his concerns are valid.  I suggest that the City Council comply with his requests.  I am sure that they can find work for the other driver without having to make him redundant.

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

Because Guyana don’t have subways! 

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

He knows his driver. He doesnt know the other one, and given how corrupt life in Guyana is his concerns are valid.  I suggest that the City Council comply with his requests.  I am sure that they can find work for the other driver without having to make him redundant.

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

Because Guyana don’t have subways! 

The driver should get police clearance from the Guyana Police.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Drugb posted:

Puppet Pandit get put in he place.  He is just a stooge, the real power lies with the council and town clerk. 

Various status of the real puppet pandit ...

Also working hard at his job ...

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

I can only wonder what your response would be if I described Jagdeo like this. Maybe I should refer to Jagdeo as "Guyana dhoti wearing" in the future.

Do you understand why I along with others say that Jagdeo is living rent free in your head. Nowhere in this post (I reposted the entire comment for reference) is Jagdeo mentioned until you bring up his name. 

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

I can only wonder what your response would be if I described Jagdeo like this. Maybe I should refer to Jagdeo as "Guyana dhoti wearing" in the future.

Do you understand why I along with others say that Jagdeo is living rent free in your head. Nowhere in this post (I reposted the entire comment for reference) is Jagdeo mentioned until you bring up his name. 

Their obsession with Jagdeo will send some of these posters to the ER in an ambulance.

Baseman posted:

I don't know if he is a real Brahmin!  Brahmin don't clean dutty!  This is a poor reflection of Brahminism!

Demerara_Guy posted:
Drugb posted:

Puppet Pandit get put in he place.  He is just a stooge, the real power lies with the council and town clerk. 

Various status of the real puppet pandit ...

Also working hard at his job ...

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up

... Brahmin ...

Perhaps, he is a Braggah Mine.  

Demerara_Guy posted:


Also working hard at his job ...

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up

Working hard? If he was really working, would he be wearing those sandals? That's nothing more than a photo op. 

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
cain posted:

The question is, why does the mayor feel threatened by the present driver? If there is no reason for his paranoia the present driver should suffice. 

He knows his driver. He doesnt know the other one, and given how corrupt life in Guyana is his concerns are valid.  I suggest that the City Council comply with his requests.  I am sure that they can find work for the other driver without having to make him redundant.

Why does Guyana dhoti wearing, trench cleaning mayor need a driver but Michael Bloomberg, one of the richest men in the world took the NYC subway to work when he was Mayor of New York?

Because Guyana don’t have subways! 

Bibi thinks that he must find a dray cart and use that to drive around GT.


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