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If going after political corruption, go where perpetrators most vulnerable.

January 4,2017  Source

Dear Editor,

The Red House matter could have been solved a long time ago, but for the PPP’s inherent politics of domination. The President made the most reasonable suggestion that the Red House be used to house the papers of all Guyana’s presidents. Now, how much more reasonable than that can you ask for, bearing in mind that this was a case of state property being appropriated for private, party use? The PPP rejected this proposal—a case of being wrong and strong.  The PPP is blatantly saying that it has no interest in national reconciliation; its only interest is to get back into the seat of dominance. This is ugly politics at its ugliest. Some of us continue to believe that we can go nowhere as a country without a common sense of purpose. But the PPP makes a liar of us—every day.

Former President Jagdeo, as he often does, let the cat out of the bag when he asserted that the APNU+AFC would pay for their move to evict the PPP from the building; that Indian Guyanese supporters of the PPP would not look kindly on such an action. Now, let us examine that assertion. To begin with, Indian Guyanese PPP supporters would not look kindly on any government action—so there is no news there. So, Mr Jagdeo must be hinting that there is something special about this action. He is, of course making the Red House story about Jagan the person and in the process appealing to the raw ethnic sensitivities of Indian Guyanese.

As a student of ethnicity and ethnic politics, I allow for certain normatives in ethnically polarized societies. I am not torn up by ethnic voting nor am I condemnatory of appeals to ethnic solidarity—I see these as normal developments that are products of the logic of ethnic polarization. One just has to live with them and try to utilize them in positive ways. But what Mr Jagdeo is doing is going out of his way to create an atmosphere of ethnic tension when there need not be one.

This Red House issue is not one of disrespecting Jagan or Indian Guyanese sensitivities. It is a simple case of a party using its authority to appropriate common resources for private partisan use and the government attempting to restore the resource to common public use. This is purely a matter of recovering misappropriated state assets. The issue of stolen state assets is one that is central to the PPP’s legacy, but because of the present government’s weak-kneed approach to the issue, the PPP has been behaving as if it has been vindicated.

But having said that, the government should not have chosen the Red House as its point of entry; on the scale of things, Red House is low down in the pecking order. Why go after Red House when you have the bigger house in the form of Pradoville? What about all the easy targets unearthed by the audits? The Red House is easy pickings for the PPP; they will make it about Jagan, as they are doing. Eventually the government would take control of Red House, but the PPP would have made its political point that a government of Guyana threw out Jagan from Red House. This is political ABC‒ if you are going after political corruption, go where the perpetrators are most vulnerable. Where are the political brains in the government or are any available to them?

Yours faithfully,

David Hinds

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why did he not speak of the 5 acres of prime real estate in the botanical gardens the PPP government allowed the Burnham family to have for free and which they have sold for 200 million dollars???  

David has nothing to offer Guyana besides the same old brew that divides us. 

Billy Ram Balgobin

Racism is the least of Guyana's problems. It is the endeavor to find DECENT men and women in the society, home and abroad. The attitudes of DECENT people functions at a higher level of intelligence.

David Hinds is yet to demonstrate he is a DECENT individual. The man has so much persuasion, all misguided. Will he ever stop being in the lense of racism? 


“Indian Guyanese sensitivities”

January 6,2017

The Roar of Ravi Dev

I note the intervention of my friend, Dr David Hinds, in the matter of Red House that has transfixed the nation. So as not to misrepresent his views I quote his letter extensively:

“As a student of ethnicity and ethnic politics, I allow for certain normatives in ethnically polarised societies. I am not torn up by ethnic voting nor am I condemnatory of appeals to ethnic solidarity – I see these as normal developments that are products of the logic of ethnic polarisation. One just has to live with them and try to utilise them in positive ways. But what Mr Jagdeo is doing is going out of his way to create an atmosphere of ethnic tension when there need not be one. This Red House issue is not one of disrespecting Jagan or Indian Guyanese sensitivities.”

“As a student of ethnic politics”, however, I hope Dr Hinds would concede the salience of the identity of “the leader” in such politics, which, for good reason, is also labelled “identity politics”. The identity of the follower is bound up with that of the group and it is widely conceded by “students of ethnic politics” that the desire to be ruled by “one’s own leader” is one of the driving forces of such politics.

In Guyana, this holds true for both Dr Jagan and Mr Burnham who have come to symbolise “leadership” in their respective Indian-Guyanese and African-Guyanese followings. Those who mobilised in those communities “from within”, so to speak, outside those leaders’ umbrellas, were seen by most in the group as “betraying the cause”. As a self-identified “Rodneyite”, Dr Hinds would have experienced such opprobrium from within the group he situates his political praxis.

The point is that neither Dr Hinds nor anyone else can arbitrarily decide “This Red House issue is not one of disrespecting Jagan or Indian Guyanese sensitivities”. “Sensitivities” are subjectivities which, by definition, are generated by the subject. Unless Dr Hinds is implying ethnic followers have no agency and are merely reflexively following the music of the pied piper of their group. Let me assure him “this Red House issue” has affected “the sensitivities” of Indian Guyanese such as no other since the January 12 1998 ethnic violence directed against them for presumably being followers of the PPP. Outside of anything Mr Jagdeo may have said.

As such, it is quite inconsistent for Dr Hinds to define “the issue” for the Indian Guyanese since he promised to “allow for certain normatives in ethnically polarised societies”. It reminds me of the instance in October 1992 when Dr Clive Thomas, as leader of the WPA, and Dr Hinds, as of the foot soldiers, did not allow for the “normatives” of African Guyanese and defined “the issue” then, as fulfilling Dr Rodney’s mission to “remove the PNC dictatorship”. They paid the price as I did in 2001, when I misread the “sensitivities” of Indian Guyanese.

In supporting the PNC in its present incarnation, I assumed Drs Thomas and Hind et al, had worked out a modus vivendi with the “sensitivities” of African Guyanese for “cleaving” to the signifier of their group’s leadership. And would have accepted the Indian Guyanese analogous movement.

But I would like to share with Dr Hinds and the other partisans of the Government’s Red House gambit a more specific reason for the Indian Guyanese “sensitivities”. I invoke JL Austin’s proposition of the “speech act” implicit in the Government giving the CJRC two days’ notice to vacate the premises with all of the records of Dr Jagan’s life’s work. When one writes or makes a statement, there are the words – in this case “move out since your lease is invalid” – which can be analysed for their sense and reference (the locutionary aspect). But there’s also simultaneously the “point”, or one may say, the “move” that was intended by the Government – the illocutionary aspect of the statement – called “speech acts” by JL Austin. If “the move” was to undo an alleged illegality, the conundrum arises to Indian Guyanese as to how that “illegality” would have been cured by including “the papers of other presidents” as Dr Hinds said approvingly of the Government’s offer.

But speech acts have a third, “perlocutionary” dimension – “what we bring about or achieve by saying something”. And this is where Indians feel the Government was out to humiliate the memory of Dr Jagan – especially when the summary verbal expulsion was confirmed by Ministry of the Presidency’s employees breaking down the sign of CJRC and throwing it on the ground

Django posted:

If going after political corruption, go where perpetrators most vulnerable.

January 4,2017  Source

Dear Editor,

The Red House matter could have been solved a long time ago, but for the PPP’s inherent politics of domination. The President made the most reasonable suggestion that the Red House be used to house the papers of all Guyana’s presidents. Now, how much more reasonable than that can you ask for, bearing in mind that this was a case of state property being appropriated for private, party use? The PPP rejected this proposal—a case of being wrong and strong.  The PPP is blatantly saying that it has no interest in national reconciliation; its only interest is to get back into the seat of dominance. This is ugly politics at its ugliest. Some of us continue to believe that we can go nowhere as a country without a common sense of purpose. But the PPP makes a liar of us—every day.

Former President Jagdeo, as he often does, let the cat out of the bag when he asserted that the APNU+AFC would pay for their move to evict the PPP from the building; that Indian Guyanese supporters of the PPP would not look kindly on such an action. Now, let us examine that assertion. To begin with, Indian Guyanese PPP supporters would not look kindly on any government action—so there is no news there. So, Mr Jagdeo must be hinting that there is something special about this action. He is, of course making the Red House story about Jagan the person and in the process appealing to the raw ethnic sensitivities of Indian Guyanese.

As a student of ethnicity and ethnic politics, I allow for certain normatives in ethnically polarized societies. I am not torn up by ethnic voting nor am I condemnatory of appeals to ethnic solidarity—I see these as normal developments that are products of the logic of ethnic polarization. One just has to live with them and try to utilize them in positive ways. But what Mr Jagdeo is doing is going out of his way to create an atmosphere of ethnic tension when there need not be one.

This Red House issue is not one of disrespecting Jagan or Indian Guyanese sensitivities. It is a simple case of a party using its authority to appropriate common resources for private partisan use and the government attempting to restore the resource to common public use. This is purely a matter of recovering misappropriated state assets. The issue of stolen state assets is one that is central to the PPP’s legacy, but because of the present government’s weak-kneed approach to the issue, the PPP has been behaving as if it has been vindicated.

But having said that, the government should not have chosen the Red House as its point of entry; on the scale of things, Red House is low down in the pecking order. Why go after Red House when you have the bigger house in the form of Pradoville? What about all the easy targets unearthed by the audits? The Red House is easy pickings for the PPP; they will make it about Jagan, as they are doing. Eventually the government would take control of Red House, but the PPP would have made its political point that a government of Guyana threw out Jagan from Red House. This is political ABC‒ if you are going after political corruption, go where the perpetrators are most vulnerable. Where are the political brains in the government or are any available to them?

Yours faithfully,

David Hinds


You are being disengenious here and you come close to being a Knucklehead.

By referring to this as a "classic Letter" either your editorializing is meant to provoke other GNIs or you clearly do not understand the gist of Hind's letter. I am leaning towards the latter.

For Hinds and others, Guyana's history began in 1992. Read this letter carefully. It is filled with hate for Indians and he simply brushes away the fact that the opinions of all Indians who support the PPP and Jagdeo dont matter because they will not support what the coalition is doing anyway. Its thwe same Hinds who believe that Indian have stolen what belongs to Blacks and the same person who defends an Ogunseye (there was a letter in one of the dailies, I believe yesterday?) who publicly told Africans that the government should import Africans from other countries to increase their population vis a vis Indians. Its the same Hinds who says that we should be sensitive to people's sensitivities but yet he condemns the very party that represent the sensitivities of others. Yet, they are happy with the fact that Moses and Ramjattan was able to bring in the 11% Indians to win the election. Of course, now Hinds is not concerned about that little fact.

Folks like you are missing an important point in this current debate and what is happening in Guyana. It seems like the PNC is intent on Burnhamizing Guyana. Granger was a loyal follower of Burnham. Look at the inhumanity of the 2 day notice they give the PPP to vacate the Red House. This was coming from a President who understands the need for preserving history and historical documents, but yet he finds it necessary even allow one of his minister to stage a counter protest.

Here is something for you to is probably over your hear at this point. The PNC is doing all of these things to ensure that they are not removed from power in 2020. The election will be rigged, again, if we accept the PPP' account of what happen. If Guyana continue to head down this road, all of us will suffer. Dont let the rhetoric of Hinds fool all of his writings, he is intent on securing the African interest.    


I read this bannas Rav Dev twice, but I cant get the point he is actually making. Dont understand why people cant get to the point directly, but it sounds like he making the same point I made earlier.


The Red House matter could have been solved a long time ago, but for the PPP’s inherent politics of domination. The President made the most reasonable suggestion that the Red House be used to house the papers of all Guyana’s presidents. Now, how much more reasonable than that can you ask for, bearing in mind that this was a case of state property being appropriated for private, party use? The PPP rejected this proposal—a case of being wrong and strong.  The PPP is blatantly saying that it has no interest in national reconciliation; its only interest is to get back into the seat of dominance. This is ugly politics at its ugliest. Some of us continue to believe that we can go nowhere as a country without a common sense of purpose. But the PPP makes a liar of us—every day.

His articles are in most of the media, but we know he has a paid column, but not sure about the other newspapers because I usually rely on SN most of the time. He is still a propagandist and is seen as an Afrocentric person.  

Hinds is not telling us anything new and innovative about the PPP. Thats a moot point now. I agree that a single house can hold all presidential papers, including Burnham and Hoyte, and the PPP should have done this is a much more tactful manner. However, Hinds letter is about racial sensitivities. He seems to miss the point that the way this was handled it upset the racial sensitivities of Indians, regardless of whether they support the PPP or not. Incidentally, that is their choice, no one tells Africans who they should support and they are not accused as being racist because they support a Burnhamite.  

Former President Jagdeo, as he often does, let the cat out of the bag when he asserted that the APNU+AFC would pay for their move to evict the PPP from the building; that Indian Guyanese supporters of the PPP would not look kindly on such an action. Now, let us examine that assertion. To begin with, Indian Guyanese PPP supporters would not look kindly on any government action—so there is no news there. So, Mr Jagdeo must be hinting that there is something special about this action. He is, of course making the Red House story about Jagan the person and in the process appealing to the raw ethnic sensitivities of Indian Guyanese.

Jagdeo is simply playing politics and trying to invoke the emotions of the large number of Indians his party represents. Would any politician behave differently?



Hinds is displaying his absolute RACISM.. Why is Burnham buried in the Gardens???  Why he took over Hope Estate??

Hinds and other RACIST are of the opinion that People are stupid so they can write any CRAP and get away with it.

Not that the PPP must follow the PNC bully ways but in the interest of Fairness and Equal Treatment, Hinds argument is bias, senseless and that of a bigot!!!!

In any case, the matter is now with the Court and we must respect the Court's decision.



Django gets paid by the PNC on how many articles he could cut and paste and distort the headings to make his employer look good. GOOD try Django bai. A piece of advice here..don't try to be a PNC spinner here. The best of them went into exile. The reason is that they were confronted by some big time hitters here. Everytime they bowled, it was driven for 6 runs.Your googly would not make it here. Go back to Congress Place and explain to them that you are over your need more coaching.


Django is the GNI version of Moses Nigmootoo, he is the spin doctor of the PNC, he is told what to print, even his replies are controlled all just for pieces of copper and one barrel of OIL.

kp posted:

Django is the GNI version of Moses Nigmootoo, he is the spin doctor of the PNC, he is told what to print, even his replies are controlled all just for pieces of copper and one barrel of OIL.

KP, Please don't push Django bhai into exile. He needs the extra cash.

skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

Django is the GNI version of Moses Nigmootoo, he is the spin doctor of the PNC, he is told what to print, even his replies are controlled all just for pieces of copper and one barrel of OIL.

KP, Please don't push Django bhai into exile. He needs the extra cash.

How many times i tell alyuh two r@ss i don't need the extra cash,

I man gud. ole USA have been good to me,i does work long hrs and do 4 persons job in me lil business [after the2007-2008 financial crash] which does keep the noodle functioning.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

Django is the GNI version of Moses Nigmootoo, he is the spin doctor of the PNC, he is told what to print, even his replies are controlled all just for pieces of copper and one barrel of OIL.

KP, Please don't push Django bhai into exile. He needs the extra cash.

How many times i tell alyuh two r@ss i don't need the extra cash,

I man gud. ole USA have been good to me,i does work long hrs and do 4 persons job in me lil business [after the2007-2008 financial crash] which does keep the noodle functioning.

Is it the noodle or the rope?

Amral posted:

at least Hinds is publicly speaking out. How many of us can say we are doing so??? Instead we hide behind a computer screen and vent our asses

Speaking out. And for over 40 years. I think he should shudup. Either the masses are not reading him or they consider his diliberations assinine.

The man holding back the WPA. Just how Manzoor Nadir strangled TUF.

Guyana in transition. 


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