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Govt. pays $12M per month to store free CT-scanner

June 28 2018


Government continues to pour millions of taxpayer dollars into the rental of the controversial Sussex Street, Albouystown drug bond to store a CT-scanner which was donated by RAD-AID International.
Minister of Public Health, Volda Lawrence, disclosed to Kaieteur News that the storage of the scanner is the only reason that Government continues to utilize the bond.

The drug bond on Sussex Street, Albouystown

According to Lawrence, the scanner was earmarked for Bartica Hospital which does not have the required place to store the machine.
“Regional officials are in the process of building the required storage place. The contractor had a problem with the lead needed for the CT-scan room so as soon as that is finished the people who donated (the scanner) will come to take it to Bartica,” the Minister stated.
She explained that the Ministry has been advised that the scanner has to be stored at a certain temperature. The Minister could not provide a timeline as to when the machine would be moved to Bartica.
Her Ministry is awaiting the conclusion of work by the Minister of Communities and officials of Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), she said.

Public Health Minister, Volda Lawrence

“We don’t have any place else to put this machine. That’s why it is there. We want the CT scan because it is going to help the hospital tremendously,” the Minister disclosed.
On Monday, Lawrence said that the Ministry of Public Health paid $264.5M for the rental of the building to Linden Holding Inc. between July 2016 and March 2018. That is $12.1M per month. According to Lawrence, the scanner is valued at about US$90,000 ($1.8M).
The issue of the bond surfaced in 2016 when it was learnt that the bond had been rented under very lucrative terms to businessman, Larry Singh, during the tenure of former Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton.
Dr. Norton defended the Ministry’s use of the facility.
Apart from the scanner, Lawrence indicated that the bond is also being used to store stationary supplies from the now demolished CSU bond in Kingston.
The controversy surrounding the use of the bond intensified when it was discovered late 2016 that the facility was merely storing items such as lubricants and condoms.
Another visit to the facility this year revealed that although there were added items by the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), the manner of storage left much to be desired.
There are reports that suggest that a three-year contract has been signed for use of the facility, but Minister Lawrence had disclosed that the Ministry had planned to end the rental of the bond by December 2017.
However, she said that her Ministry had served a Notice of Quit dated October 2016 by then Permanent Secretary, Trevor Thomas. A reminder dated October 3, 2017 was sent by Permanent Secretary Colette Adams who had taken over from Thomas.
Lawrence explained that the Government was hoping to take the money used for the rental of the bond and reinvest it in the public health sector. The Minister had disclosed plans to build more bonds and expand the ones the Ministry has.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

KN 's math is poor . . . the scanner is worth $G18 million not 1.8 million

but all that is beside the point

if the reporting is accurate, Volda Lawrence should be deemed grossly incompetent and be forced to resign if this is the best 'explanation' she, as line minister, can come up with for continuing this corrupt contract with Larry Singh

these people continue to insult the intelligence of taxpaying Guyanese

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

KN 's math is poor . . . the scanner is worth $G18 million not 1.8 million

but all that is beside the point

if the reporting is accurate, Volda Lawrence should be deemed grossly incompetent and be forced to resign if this is the best 'explanation' she, as line minister, can come up with for continuing this corrupt contract with Larry Singh

these people continue to insult the intelligence of taxpaying Guyanese

Maybe that’s the median IQ of your PNC?  

Forgive them for they know not what they’ve done!

ronan posted:

KN 's math is poor . . . the scanner is worth $G18 million not 1.8 million

but all that is beside the point

if the reporting is accurate, Volda Lawrence should be deemed grossly incompetent and be forced to resign if this is the best 'explanation' she, as line minister, can come up with for continuing this corrupt contract with Larry Singh

these people continue to insult the intelligence of taxpaying Guyanese


Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The new administration of Guyana has not fulfilled its promise to be less corrupted and more accountable. We have been fooled. AFC is Alliance For Corruption.

we holding dem to a HIGH standard

alyuh held Jagdeo to NO standard . . . now coming hay fronting like wan coven of amnesiacs

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The new administration of Guyana has not fulfilled its promise to be less corrupted and more accountable. We have been fooled. AFC is Alliance For Corruption.

Guyanese are corrupt by nature. Even overseas ones. But the exposure of corruption, drug busts and any incidents of incompetence under this coalition government is greater. It's an improvement.

Ever see any reports on the former beggar man PPP ministers during their rapid rise to the ranks of the wealthy? And it was on a GRAND scale!


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