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Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dave you are right.  Don’t listen to that idiot who is calling people liars.  He doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from.  A person who spent their whole life faking their credentials and getting fired from one job after another has no moral authority.  When you are in your sixties and writing bounced rent checks that says a lot about you.

You are LIAR regarding you evaluating any job, much less the Head of GRA. You cannot even fill out a 1040.  You had no clue that CPAs were outside NY until I informed you.

Stop pretending to know!!  Your only objection to the other person, he was Indian and a coalition supporter.  Beyond that, all else is over your head!!

I never said I evaluated any job.  I happened to read Mitwah proposal that he wrote to Ramjattan long after Statia was given the job.

You are a liar.

Who the rass farted and gave that lil ole secretary the right to evaluate such highly accomplished individuals for one of the highest finance/revenue jobs in Guyana.  

She rass cannot even fill out a 1040 and don’t even know the difference between Lotus 123 and Lotus Notes.

At least I finished high school.  You didn’t.  And don’t run around the place telling people You are a CPA.  Which CPA is unemployed for ten years and cannot find a job?  Where do you get money from to pay your rent?  The government will catch up with you soon.

Bibi Haniffa
Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

It is not easy scrolling through pages and pages of quotes on meh flip phone. 

Dash the flipping phone in the garbage. 

Unfortunately, I didn't qualify fuh one of them Obama phones. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dave you are right.  Don’t listen to that idiot who is calling people liars.  He doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from.  A person who spent their whole life faking their credentials and getting fired from one job after another has no moral authority.  When you are in your sixties and writing bounced rent checks that says a lot about you.

You are LIAR regarding you evaluating any job, much less the Head of GRA. You cannot even fill out a 1040.  You had no clue that CPAs were outside NY until I informed you.

Stop pretending to know!!  Your only objection to the other person, he was Indian and a coalition supporter.  Beyond that, all else is over your head!!

I never said I evaluated any job.  I happened to read Mitwah proposal that he wrote to Ramjattan long after Statia was given the job.

And what were you criterion for assessing his proposal vs the requirement of the job to conclude that Statia was a better fit?

And I’m not saying Statia was not a great choice!

I did not assess any proposal.  Someone who reads GNI sent Mitwah’s proposal to me via email a while ago. I did not request it.  In fact, I was not aware that such a proposal existed.  

This is a serious security breach. I think you are a liar. 

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dave you are right.  Don’t listen to that idiot who is calling people liars.  He doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from.  A person who spent their whole life faking their credentials and getting fired from one job after another has no moral authority.  When you are in your sixties and writing bounced rent checks that says a lot about you.

You are LIAR regarding you evaluating any job, much less the Head of GRA. You cannot even fill out a 1040.  You had no clue that CPAs were outside NY until I informed you.

Stop pretending to know!!  Your only objection to the other person, he was Indian and a coalition supporter.  Beyond that, all else is over your head!!

I never said I evaluated any job.  I happened to read Mitwah proposal that he wrote to Ramjattan long after Statia was given the job.

And what were you criterion for assessing his proposal vs the requirement of the job to conclude that Statia was a better fit?

And I’m not saying Statia was not a great choice!

I did not assess any proposal.  Someone who reads GNI sent Mitwah’s proposal to me via email a while ago. I did not request it.  In fact, I was not aware that such a proposal existed.  

This is a serious security breach. I think you are a liar. 

Ask yourself when you sent that proposal to Ramjattan via email, who did he forward it to. Several well known individuals were on that email. And it appears the email was forwarded several times.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dave you are right.  Don’t listen to that idiot who is calling people liars.  He doesn’t know where his next meal is coming from.  A person who spent their whole life faking their credentials and getting fired from one job after another has no moral authority.  When you are in your sixties and writing bounced rent checks that says a lot about you.

You are LIAR regarding you evaluating any job, much less the Head of GRA. You cannot even fill out a 1040.  You had no clue that CPAs were outside NY until I informed you.

Stop pretending to know!!  Your only objection to the other person, he was Indian and a coalition supporter.  Beyond that, all else is over your head!!

I never said I evaluated any job.  I happened to read Mitwah proposal that he wrote to Ramjattan long after Statia was given the job.

And what were you criterion for assessing his proposal vs the requirement of the job to conclude that Statia was a better fit?

And I’m not saying Statia was not a great choice!

I did not assess any proposal.  Someone who reads GNI sent Mitwah’s proposal to me via email a while ago. I did not request it.  In fact, I was not aware that such a proposal existed.  

This is a serious security breach. I think you are a liar. 

Ask yourself when you sent that proposal to Ramjattan via email, who did he forward it to. Several well known individuals were on that email. And it appears the email was forwarded several times.

You are a liar. I never sent an email to any Ramjattan. Prove it. Go ahead and publish it since you claim to have received a copy.


Ah feel sorry fuh lillym, he get kick in he backside by cockeye and relegated to fetching pnc slopcan hey.  Imagine being considered irrelevant by yuh own fambily. Some of these jackasses think filling out tax returns qualify them fuh run country, 


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