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Sinapism is the act of using mustard plastering. This is exactly what Claudette Singh has done. She has plastered the face of Guyana’s moral compass with mustard. It is my unshakeable opinion that Singh is one of the most unacceptable humans the 21st century has produced.
What happens to Singh when this nightmare is over is easily predictable. She will become, more than any other human in this country, a person that people will find utterly unacceptable.
I am no great analyst, but so many times I am right when I analyze certain actors in this country long after people couldn’t see the mask they were wearing.

I was laughing when day after day, countless citizens, prominent and not so prominent, kept calling on her to act decisively. These people were either naïve or plain stupid.

There is not one ounce of evidence in the conduct of Roxanne Myers, Keith Lowenfield, Vincent Alexander and Claudette Singh since March 4, that indicates that they were prepared to engage in election work that offers hope that we will have a conclusive result for the 2020 poll.
Ironically, we have reached the climax. There will be no conclusive finish after the recount. Claudette Singh’s recount plan continues the game that Clairmont Mingo started on March 4. It is a surreal country we are living in.

We are living a life in Guyana that is only seen in sci-fi movies. To think that Keith Lowenfield will be the chief architect of the recounting process because of his status as Chief Election Officer is an insult to the civilized world.
Let me refresh your memory of what I wrote about how the election process will end in my column of Tuesday, April 14, 2020 captioned, “Rowley says it will not end well; it will not.” “After the recount, PNC commissioners with the invisible hand of the PNC+AFC behind them will claim that the recount has shown too many flaws for there to be a declaration. It will be submitted that the recount cannot be accepted as the basis of a declaration.”

I went on to argue that APNU+AFC will then filed court writs based on the declaration and take their claims right up the Caribbean Court of Justice and all the time, they will remain in power.

Here is another extract from that column; “There will be the resort to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ). Once that hearing is pending, the conspirators will ask; why should they resign. They will argue why not wait for the matter to be exhausted in the judicial system, because the CCJ could very well rule in their favour.” I ended the commentary this way; “The results of the recount will then be tested in court. The West will then impose sanctions.

Claudette Singh has now laid the groundwork for so much opaqueness and confusion that it gives APNU+AFC latitude to remain in power. What Singh has done is to prove to the world that she is not prepared for any form of transparency, because the objective is to keep APNU+AFC in power, even though Singh knows it will be temporary. This is my inflexible opinion about the motives of this woman.

Singh is no fool. She has to know that even if APNU+AFC files court writs against the recount, it will not stop sanctions. Sanctions are going to be applied immediately if the recount is laced with trickery, buffoonery, and barefaced depravities. And this is what is going to characterize the recount. Make no mistake – the recount will be a dirty affair and the CARICOM team will not validate it.

What are Singh, Alexander and APNU+AFC hoping for? Surely, they must know in those boxes lie the seeds of the defeat of APNU+AFC. It lost a legitimate election by 17,000 votes. Post mortem cannot bring back the dead. No transparent re-count can give back the presidency to David Granger and power to the APNU+AFC power-drunk mandarins.

Alright, you may want to classify the PPP leadership as power-drunk too. But they won. Let them rule and the country can reject the way they are governing. But no one in the world has the right to deny people their right to vote. If you don’t like the PPP in power, that is your right, but you cannot destroy a country because the people you voted for lost the election.

No one has the right to impose APNU+AFC on Guyana. Only the voters can do that and they chose not to. I repeat – ironically it is over. After the way Claudette Singh voted, you are a fool to believe APNU+AFC will concede defeat. Guyana is in trouble.


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Freddie Kissoon is merely speculating--his conclusions are not based on any evidence.  The Chair of GECOM has been overly accommodating of the three PPP commissioners and by extension Bharrat Jagdeo.  As I said before, the PPP is laying the groundwork to walk away from the recount and/or to claim fraud when the Coalition is confirmed as the winner. 

@Totaram posted:

Freddie Kissoon is merely speculating--his conclusions are not based on any evidence.  The Chair of GECOM has been overly accommodating of the three PPP commissioners and by extension Bharrat Jagdeo.  As I said before, the PPP is laying the groundwork to walk away from the recount and/or to claim fraud when the Coalition is confirmed as the winner. you think we dont read the papers in Guyana?

What virtual world you living in?


The PPP is laying the groundwork to walk away...

This whole mess was created by a GECOM chair who went AWOL and allowed Mingo, Lowenfield and Myers to interfere with a process that was going well until the count for Region 4...the fake illness, the bedsheet, etc, etc.

The coalition is setting a scene for creating conditions for, as Alexander said, to do a recount,  blow minor irregularities, and then use the occasion to call or a new election.

The PPP will not walk away from anything, now that they have the observers, domestic and international, on thier side...a situation never been seen before. If anything, the PPP will protest any attempt to rig along the process...which, incidentally, will probably drag us into late this summer. 


The PNC knows why they cannot swear in anyone. What’s in store is beyond anything they ever saw in Guyana. The PPP will not roll over.  They were forced to do so for 28 years.   Never again.  They have everything stacked in their favor, except the PNC and their military backers.  But that could be overcome.

@VishMahabir posted: you think we dont read the papers in Guyana?

What virtual world you living in?


The PPP is laying the groundwork to walk away...

This whole mess was created by a GECOM chair who went AWOL and allowed Mingo, Lowenfield and Myers to interfere with a process that was going well until the count for Region 4...the fake illness, the bedsheet, etc, etc.

The coalition is setting a scene for creating conditions for, as Alexander said, to do a recount,  blow minor irregularities, and then use the occasion to call or a new election.

The PPP will not walk away from anything, now that they have the observers, domestic and international, on thier side...a situation never been seen before. If anything, the PPP will protest any attempt to rig along the process...which, incidentally, will probably drag us into late this summer. 

It’s almost entertaining reading these frauds peddle their stuff!  It’s like what the world witnessed never really happened.  

Shaggy on turbo charge. But at least he is just an entertainer!

@VishMahabir posted: you think we dont read the papers in Guyana?

What virtual world you living in?


The PPP is laying the groundwork to walk away...

This whole mess was created by a GECOM chair who went AWOL and allowed Mingo, Lowenfield and Myers to interfere with a process that was going well until the count for Region 4...the fake illness, the bedsheet, etc, etc.

The coalition is setting a scene for creating conditions for, as Alexander said, to do a recount,  blow minor irregularities, and then use the occasion to call or a new election.

The PPP will not walk away from anything, now that they have the observers, domestic and international, on thier side...a situation never been seen before. If anything, the PPP will protest any attempt to rig along the process...which, incidentally, will probably drag us into late this summer. 

I read the Guyanese newspapers.  Unlike you I read all of them not just those that carry the narrative you propogate. 

@Totaram posted:

I read the Guyanese newspapers.  Unlike you I read all of them not just those that carry the narrative you propogate. 

Then in that are outnumbered 3 to 1. Unlike the 32 vs 33,  I would say this is an absolute majority. The only paper carrying the line you pushing is the Guyana Chronicle....

...this makes me suspect that you just looking at the pictures and not reading dem papers....

@VishMahabir posted:

Then in that are outnumbered 3 to 1. Unlike the 32 vs 33,  I would say this is an absolute majority. The only paper carrying the line you pushing is the Guyana Chronicle....

...this makes me suspect that you just looking at the pictures and not reading dem papers....

I have no idea what you are talking about--3 to 1, 32vs. 33? 

@Totaram posted:

I have no idea what you are talking about--3 to 1, 32vs. 33? 

Its like this:    Chronicle v (GT, KN and SN). 

                            1    v    3

Thats an absoloute majority!

@VishMahabir posted:

Its like this:    Chronicle v (GT, KN and SN). 

                            1    v    3

Thats an absoloute majority!

What does this have to do with anything?  Are you nuts? 


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