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Claudette Singh will declare the election improper

I have written a column each day since March 4 when Claudette Singh showed the nature of her being and the essence of her nature, a being and nature that Eusi Kwayana said in a reply to me weeks after that nature and being were on display for the world to see that he saw no wrong-doing on her part to condemn her.
I will reply to executive member of WPA ‘s Overseas Group, Rohit Kanhai asking me to apologize to Kwayana, an action I have no intention of even considering much less doing. Since March 4, among my daily columns are several offerings predicting how the election will end.
I repeat once more. The Commission will meet, Vincent Alexander will table a motion of an illegal process. The vote will be taken. It will be four for scrapping the election, three against.
What I did not have in front of me in those weeks when I made my prediction is Lowenfield’s report. Alexander is not going to table his motion for declaring the election null and void. His submission will be slightly different.
He is going to ask the commission to accept Lowenfield’s report. Singh will agree and that will become a Commission’s decision. Then Alexander at the same meeting will table the motion he had in mind all along.
It will say that based on Lowenfield’s document, that the commission declares the 2020 national election as irregular, improper and fraudulent. Singh will vote for that.
Why did Jagdeo urge Guyanese last week not to continue the criticism of Singh? Jagdeo was employing an age old tactic. It is in fact one of civilization’s oldest methods in dealing with humans.
I am absolutely sure it was quite prevalent in very ancient civilization in India, Africa and China even before the Greek City states were born.
This is how it goes. If you need a person to change their mind that shows all propensities for unprincipled behaviour, then, keep praising them, keep the sermon going that the person is not as people make them out to be, and we must allow them to be free of the pressure we pile up on them.
Jagdeo and the PPP knew that Singh was part of the conspiracy from day one. But after the recount showed a PPP victory, he was still scared that she will do her thing that began after Mingo’s evil was exposed. Jagdeo felt that if he praised Singh, her conscience may prick and she will act in the interest of Guyana.

It will not happen. Singh considers herself an African Guyanese sympathetic to the PNC. She is in fact related to Lincoln Lewis, a fact Lewis has not brought out and a fact that the press should ask him and Singh about. Singh does not want the PPP in power.
She embraces the doctrine that the PPP’s state power is equivalent to loss of power by African Guyanese. My belief is that Kwayana knows this aspect of her life that is why she shamelessly endorsed her action even though it has damaged his iconic status and ruined his Rodneyite standing.
Whether the commission meets today or tomorrow, Singh will put on display the nature of her being and the essence of her nature. As an analyst who has been around a long time (remember Timothy Jonas on Kaieteur Radio told the nation he was my UG students a hundred years ago –, so yes, I have been around a long time ), I know the key players in my country.
Can I beat my own drum and say more than 20 years ago in these columns, I warned Guyana about Henry Jeffrey. And after Jeffrey showed his true colours years ago, Donald Ramotar came up to me and apologized for taking Jeffrey’s side in my disagreement with Jeffrey.
The good thing about the 2020 election evil is that it marks the end of any possibility of the AFC remaining in existence and the PNC ever winning an election again.
Guyanese should take comfort in the fact that whatever happens after June 2020, whether violence comes to Guyana, whether sanctions hit hard, whether there will be another election, the graphic fact is that Guyana will never again see in office an entity name the APNU+AFC regime and a man named David Granger as head of that formation.
Only a fool, a basic, fundamental fool will think that life in Guyana will continue as usual with Granger as president, Nagamootoo as prime minister and a Cabinet consisting of APNU+AFC. As they say, “wake up and smell the coffee.” I say to Guyanese – just hold on for a while, they’ll be gone soon.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Antagonism is never a solution. 

There are two men in Guyana that counts at this time and possibly Caricom. David Granger and Jagdeo. Caricom needs to point out to them to come up with a solution. Another election would be resounding defeat for the PNC. Granger would loose everything, he is better this time around and make a deal. 

His behaviour is not for the PNC supporters, it is more about the Black elites being at the money table.

Granger squandered a perfect opportunity for Guyana. Now, he will be remembered as a racists bully, stupid and ignorant. Selfish man who believes that God approves of his devious ways.


Every time I rethink my views of Afros the confirm my thinking.  I care less what people think, but I will place myself never to be disappointed.  You always see their true colors at these times. And yes, there are those exceptions however, many rescind to tribalism.

Indians who sell their soles, that’s their choice. I find many of them low thinkers of have personal benefits to gain.  


Perhaps this is the time for the AFC to cut away from the PNC and redeem itself and admit it's mistake in joining forces with the Black Guyanese Supremacists who want to hold on to power. 

In the past 25+ years the PNC have never won an election on its own. If a snap election is called now, they will lose more seats than they are currently entitled to.

Last edited by Mitwah
@seignet posted:

Antagonism is never a solution. 

There are two men in Guyana that counts at this time and possibly Caricom. David Granger and Jagdeo. Caricom needs to point out to them to come up with a solution. Another election would be resounding defeat for the PNC. Granger would loose everything, he is better this time around and make a deal. 

Deal again, Siggy? Granger has a sordid record with deals. Remember that Cummingsburg Accord? That deal had promised the Prime Minister plenty power, much more than what Sam Hinds had.

In the end the PM was relegated to Information portfolio and writing a weekly column for the Chronicle. Lately Granger added COVID Task Force to his task but then inserted Joe Harmon into that body too. Between Joe and our poor PM you know who more powerful.

@Former Member posted:

Every time I rethink my views of Afros the confirm my thinking.  I care less what people think, but I will place myself never to be disappointed.  You always see their true colors at these times. And yes, there are those exceptions however, many rescind to tribalism.

Indians who sell their soles, that’s their choice. I find many of them low thinkers of have personal benefits to gain.  

@Former Member posted:

Deal again, Siggy? Granger has a sordid record with deals. Remember that Cummingsburg Accord? That deal had promised the Prime Minister plenty power, much more than what Sam Hinds had.

In the end the PM was relegated to Information portfolio and writing a weekly column for the Chronicle. Lately Granger added COVID Task Force to his task but then inserted Joe Harmon into that body too. Between Joe and our poor PM you know who more powerful.

I disapprove of Jagdeo in many instances, but he is not a stupid man. With Nagamotto, his only credit is CBJ. He had no ability as a thinker.

There is no human forces that can remove Granger. And if he should die before handing over the country, that extends this dilemma even more.

@Former Member posted:

How you know they did not remove their shoes and took the soles out and sold them? Maybe the PNC got people with awls to repair shoes..remember mender od bad soles?

Skelly, yuh know da Shakespeare fella.


More and more these absurd claims are being discredited.

The big question is how did APNU get death certificates for living people..If these death certificates are in the official records then we have a serious problem..

No photo description available.

@seignet posted:

I disapprove of Jagdeo in many instances, but he is not a stupid man. With Nagamotto, his only credit is CBJ. He had no ability as a thinker.

There is no human forces that can remove Granger. And if he should die before handing over the country, that extends this dilemma even more.

Perhaps Granger is just a pawn in this game.


GECOM Chair expected to receive CARICOM observer report today

Cynthia Barrow-Giles

After Caricom presents their report then hitting High street Carifesta Avenue straight to Ogle and out dey country.  They not even picking up two souvenirs and say good bye.

@Former Member posted:

Skelly, yuh know da Shakespeare fella.

Gilly, I know Flavius, Murellus, and Cicero too, not Burnham. Me bin ah hi skool for fuh 2 and ahalf years, but me nah sthupit.

Last edited by Former Member

They already said  that Claudette  Singh must declare the Party with the highest vote as the winner.    After the vote is counted they cannot disqualify votes from the PPP so that they can win. That is ridiculous.


An excellent read.
Mr Lowenfield’s report. By Stabroek News June 15, 2020

One by one the masks are coming off. First, it was the District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo who tried to fix the election in favour of APNU+AFC by casting aside Statements of Poll and inflating and deflating figures according to his whims. Astonishingly, he managed to make two fraudulent declarations for District Four before CARICOM’s intervention led to a torturous recount of ballots from the March 2nd elections. Aside from the electoral fraud investigations that will have to be pursued against Mr Mingo, the allegation that his office misdirected Presiding Officers from a cluster of East Coast villages on statutory documents to be placed in ballot boxes must be rigorously pursued.

Now for Chief Election Officer (CEO) Mr Lowenfield. Having failed to secure a rigged election result to swear in Mr David Granger again, APNU+AFC and their cohorts in GECOM embarked on a different plan: demolish the credibility of the election and hope for its nullification or alternatively a political deal for power sharing. The latter is outside Mr Lowenfield’s bailiwick but he has some purchase on the former. He could possibly concoct the most egregious claims and then advise the GECOM Chair that the elections he was fully in charge of were not credible. The crucible for these claims comprised the “observation” reports which APNU+AFC agents at the recount populated with the most reckless and specious allegations about multiple voting and inconsistencies in documentation within the ballot boxes.

Mr Lowenfield’s adoption of the claims in these reports without any testing of them is a most shameful attack on the integrity of thousands of polling day workers who were trained by GECOM and toiled at 2,339 polling stations in all parts of the country to ensure the required procedures were complied with. His attempt to undermine the credibility of the election cements the conspiracy which drew in the Chief Immigration Officer who is also the Commissioner of Police and other government officials.

How can one possibly take Mr Lowenfield seriously when in all his summaries for the 10 districts he is prepared to shepherd unfounded claims by APNU+AFC and blithely pass judgement on them. For example, in his summary for Region Six Mr Lowenfield says in part “Recorded in the Observation Reports were allegations made by a contesting party that there were one thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight (1128) instances of voter impersonation. The party alleged that based on their investigations in this region; there were seven (7) instances where deceased persons appeared to have voted and one thousand one hundred and twenty-one (1,121) instances where electors who are alleged to be out of the jurisdiction were recorded as having voted.

“In respect of the allegations of voter impersonation, responses from the Chief Immigration Officer and review of the General Registrar’s Office Decreased Reports confirmed that these were of substance”.

The flimsiness of these allegations is self-evident. Moreover they have not been tested. Neither the Chief Immigration Officer nor the General Registrar’s Office has been interrogated. How therefore can these allegations detract from the lawful conduct of polling at all of these stations on March 2nd and as recorded on Statements of Poll which both GECOM and APNU+AFC have tellingly hidden from public view? How can it create this fiction when at none of these stations was there even a murmur of impropriety on polling day?

That Mr Lowenfield’s report makes him out to be totally incompetent and culpable for the alleged failures on polling day is of little importance. What is significant is the assault on the reputations of thousands of hard-working Guyanese who laboured throughout the day on March 2nd and on the well-tested, well-functioning electoral system which has been a bulwark against electoral fraud since 1992. No matter how this present crisis evolves it is hard to see how elections can be credibly staged in the future. Mr Lowenfield’s accepting of these observation reports means that the most insubstantial allegations can traduce and hobble an entire election.

The CEO’s report to GECOM should have been accompanied by his immediate resignation from the post and that of his Deputy Roxanne Myers. If that was not done it should be done immediately. Neither he nor she should have anything further to do with the 2020 general elections and GECOM should make interim appointments for the continuation of the process.

It is now left to GECOM Chair Justice Claudette Singh to take the process to finality. She is fully aware that from her own direct observations of polling day and the events thereafter that Mr Lowenfield’s roguish report has no basis. Five credible international observer groups have upheld the voting and counting on March 2nd as credible and one of them, the Organisation of American States, which monitored the 33-day recount of ballots has said that the process was clean and provides the basis for the declaration of a result.

As Chair of GECOM, Ms Singh is aware that she is ultimately accountable for the non-declaration of results more than three months after ballots were cast. From her presiding in the Esther Perreira petition case she would be aware of the standard of proof required to overturn the results of voting. She would know that what Mr Lowenfield has submitted has no legal basis. Her only option is to firmly take the reins and to declare a result.

There is nothing like a no-result. Nullification is not within her ambit. She must rise to the occasion to preserve the democratic credentials of the country otherwise it will descend into pariah status with no Parliament, no budget and the rule of law undermined. This must not happen and she must discharge her responsibility to the nation and its people. She must immediately call a meeting of GECOM and have the final recount result certified.

@Former Member posted:

This man being misled since December 2018 It’s never too late for them to repent and be saved.

Moses and Ramjattan keep on telling him not to bother, they have the Indians  where they wanted them.

@Mitwah posted:

Perhaps this is the time for the AFC to cut away from the PNC and redeem itself and admit it's mistake in joining forces with the Black Guyanese Supremacists who want to hold on to power. 

In the past 25+ years the PNC have never won an election on its own. If a snap election is called now, they will lose more seats than they are currently entitled to.

You finally seen the Light.


Wait until tomorrow before you called any kind of Election.  Any new election will have to be called within 3 months.   Then again these ignaramus will need a thousand months to make that decision.


Y'all remember Phillip Bynoe.. well I received a audio recording he is calling on the holligans to get ready .. the battle line is drawn. GNI don't have an attachment feature, I am unable to share.


@Former Member posted:

More and more these absurd claims are being discredited.

The big question is how did APNU get death certificates for living people..If these death certificates are in the official records then we have a serious problem..

No photo description available.

You people get this!  They don't care for the truth or facts, they care for a narrative to sell to their base who will be ready to lay waste to Guyana at the drop of a hat.

I've witnessed this behavior all my life in Guyana.  It's now a cultural hand-me-down.  Underlying this is the unwavering belief that Guyana rightfully belongs to them.  And who is not outnumbered, will be out-gunned!

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

Wait until tomorrow before you called any kind of Election.  Any new election will have to be called within 3 months.   Then again these ignaramus will need a thousand months to make that decision.

LOL @ 3 months. You mean more like 3 years.

There will be a need for house to house voter registration, amongst other changes needed to prevent any other occurrence of fraud.

@Former Member posted:

Y'all remember Phillip Bynoe.. well I received a audio recording he is calling on the holligans to get ready .. the battle line is drawn. GNI don't have an attachment feature, I am unable to share.

Wait...weh you get dat info bai? Bynoe was in de bun down town posse foh PNC den he went over wid Jagdoe. Tell me? De man gone back to PNC? Hey hey Lumumba cyant control dem bun down bais 

Last edited by Django
@Rochelle posted:

LOL @ 3 months. You mean more like 3 years.

There will be a need for house to house voter registration, amongst other changes needed to prevent any other occurrence of fraud.

The USG position is the current outcome must be respected and a path forward worked out. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You people get this!  They don't care for the truth or facts, they care for a narrative to sell to their base who will be ready to lay waste to Guyana at the drop of a hat.

I've witnessed this behavior all my life in Guyana.  It's now a cultural hand-me-down.  Underlying this is the unwavering belief that Guyana rightfully belongs to them.  And who is not outnumbered, will be out-gunned!


If Claudette correctly decides in favor of the PPP/C, Guyana will break out in serious violence because the situation is so tense, according to many people I spoke to. The protesters will target innocent civilians, Indians and PPP supporters. 

If Claudette does the wrong thing, Granger will illegally hold on to power for a number of years when the next election will be held. 

@VishMahabir posted:


If Claudette correctly decides in favor of the PPP/C, Guyana will break out in serious violence because the situation is so tense, according to many people I spoke to. The protesters will target innocent civilians, Indians and PPP supporters. 

If Claudette does the wrong thing, Granger will illegally hold on to power for a number of years when the next election will be held. 

Let’s take the chance with the proper declaration. Bullyism must not be rewarded!


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