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Former Member

Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy's remarks about whether the "Negro" fared better under slavery represents the latest in a series of incendiary racial comments from a new crop of folk heroes embraced in some conservative circles.

"They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton," Bundy said to reporters, according to the New York Times.

"And I've often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn't get no more freedom. They got less freedom," he was quoted as saying.

Bundy, 67, a rancher whose much-publicized land dispute with the federal government endeared him to conservatives, defended his comments as idle thoughts.

"In my mind I'm wondering, are they better off being slaves, in that sense, or better off being slaves to the United States government, in the sense of the subsidies? I'm wondering. That's what. And the statement was right. I am wondering," he said Thursday on "The Peter Schiff Show."

But politicians like Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a potential 2016 presidential GOP contender, Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller and other conservatives scrambled to distance themselves from the controversy.

"His remarks on race are offensive and I wholeheartedly disagree with him," Paul said in a statement.

Heller "completely disagrees with Mr. Bundy's appalling and racist statements, and condemns them in the most strenuous way," according to his spokesman, Chandler Smith.

The Republican National Committee said Bundy's comments were "completely beyond the pale. Both highly offensive and 100% wrong on race."

But experts on race and politics say the comments, much like those of rocker Ted Nugent, who created a firestorm when he called President Barack Obama a "subhuman mongrel," also speak to complicated and deeply fraught cultural tensions running beneath the surface in some segments of America.

"We are looking at some of the 'last white men standing,'" Mark Anthony Neal, an African-American studies professor at Duke University, said of demographic shifts that show minorities now represent more than half of the nation's population born in 2010 and 2011, according to the most-recent Census data.

"His comments represent that and people rally around him because of this idea that white men are under siege. They are calling out the political establishment to stand by them," he said.

Over the next several generations, political experts say minority voters will become more of a power base in the Deep South, the Southwest and in California.

During the 2012 presidential election, Republicans faced huge losses among minorities and women, prompting the GOP to reexamine outreach to those groups.

But Bundy's comments -- much like those of Nugent and Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson, who shared during an interview with GQ last year pastoral recollections of blacks "singing and happy" as he and his family worked alongside them in Louisiana cotton fields -- speak to a certain politically active fringe element, political experts say.

Among those who support views of limited government, there is often a "higher than average endorsement of views that could be seen as racial resentment," said Andra Gillespie, an associate professor of political science at Emory University.

"What this reflects is that there are groups of people who have not been accepted by politically correct circles and have never learned to frame their comments in a palatable fashion. They take pride in that," Gillespie said. "The articulation of their views is somewhat fringe, but the underlying attitude is not. They are a minority viewpoint, but they are a large minority."

And that's put politicians who have previously embraced men like Bundy, Nugent and Robertson as the cause cΓ‰lÈbre in an awkward position.

For instance, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the Republican nominee for governor, took heat from some quarters when Nugent appeared at a campaign event for him this year. Abbott's campaign said it did not endorse Nugent's comments.

Other Republicans viewed as potential presidential candidates, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and the state's governor, Rick Perry, also distanced themselves from Nugent's remarks. Paul said an apology was in order, which Nugent eventually offered.

Conservative radio host Sean Hannity said on his show that he worries Democrats will now use Bundy's "repugnant" and "despicable" comments to paint everyone on the far right as racists.

The Democratic National Committee pounced on Bundy's remarks.

"If you ever want to be taken seriously for your outreach efforts, you might want to start by not defending racists," DNC spokesman Mo Elleithee said in a statement.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.


Stop calling posters Sh*t. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.


Stop calling posters Sh*t. 

That is what you find necessary to focus on and not the wretched putrefaction from the mind of that ape? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Good to see you back.


Bhai, look at the Racist Leadership of the AFC. Indos hold Larwa in the AFC.


Nigel and Trotman run things in the AFC. Indos are for window dressing.

Before elections, Trotty will resign the speakership and give it to the PNC. He will then resume being the leader of the AFC. Their days are numbered as the UF, GUMP, ROAR etc.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Good to see you back.


Bhai, look at the Racist Leadership of the AFC. Indos hold Larwa in the AFC.


Nigel and Trotman run things in the AFC. Indos are for window dressing.

Before elections, Trotty will resign the speakership and give it to the PNC. He will then resume being the leader of the AFC. Their days are numbered as the UF, GUMP, ROAR etc.


Correct Bhai


Yet a few Indos are still supporting an Afro based and Afro Led AFC party. They are being used to donate to the AFC.


Time to wake them up.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




I know I do not have any negroid genes in my family. So take your negro racist rants somewhere else. As they say "Nobody ain't gat time for dat".

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




I know I do not have any negroid genes in my family. So take your negro racist rants somewhere else. As they say "Nobody ain't gat time for dat".

You are a dalit and if you are of south India you most definitely share a close term ( some 1000, years back) ancestry with Africans. And since we are all of africa we all share the the same compendium of genetic legacy. Now go chew on that you bigoted piggies.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




I know I do not have any negroid genes in my family. So take your negro racist rants somewhere else. As they say "Nobody ain't gat time for dat".

You are a dalit and if you are of south India you most definitely share a close term ( some 1000, years back) ancestry with Africans. And since we are all of africa we all share the the same compendium of genetic legacy. Now go chew on that you bigoted piggies.

Sorry to bursrt your bubble storm: My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




I know I do not have any negroid genes in my family. So take your negro racist rants somewhere else. As they say "Nobody ain't gat time for dat".

You are a dalit and if you are of south India you most definitely share a close term ( some 1000, years back) ancestry with Africans. And since we are all of africa we all share the the same compendium of genetic legacy. Now go chew on that you bigoted piggies.

Sorry to bursrt your bubble storm: My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

As iI noted, we all of us are rajputs even if our name is  Goytree or Balram, Babolall or Moonsammy etc!


I grew up with white read headed blue eyed grand father so I do not know there is a premium on eye color or  hair color  in your world.


I know my grand mother was a nice shade of coffee sin leche and my dad barely registered the cream. I would be a good candidate for the skin whitening creams that are so  much a hit in India or africa but I happen to like my honey cinnamon hue!


Now take your claim to white and shove are guyanese so you are of us...100 percent of dalitdom!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
. . . My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

i peeing wid laff @ dis primitive, undereducated, mentally tortured dalit . . . grasping, grasping, grasping, graaasping desperately fuh lil 'whiteness'


har de har har har har harr harrr!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?

What does this have to do with the awful statements above? Note they are universally condemned and on account of that he will lose any support even from t he far right of the Republican party.


You are the worse of us. I bet you grovel as honorary white  even fully grasping the fact many think you are shit. That is the essence of dalitdom. You are labeled for your status as without status and unclean and not as a human being. You never shuck that label.

I took the article from CNN. The black dude was the man's body guard. That's the reason I asked "Guess who is his body guard? Who will take the bullet for him?" I was just being sarcastic in my subsequent response. You need to continue taking your anxiety and hypertension medications.

You are one of the worst racist on this board. I doubt it very much that your mother was/is of Indian ancestry. How about African ancestry?

There are some people on this board who pounce at the first chance to start calling names. It's always a gotcha moment for them..this includes you.

I will not stoop down to your level. You hate Indians with a passion...all of them. 

You brought it here to find kinship with your own deep seated prejudices.  I never said my mother was Indian. She is a proud lokono woman. I said my paternal grandmother was Indian.


Do you think calling you out for your racism means I am racist? Do you think that showing you that the fictive claims of pedigree means I am racist?I am first and foremost a scientist and know clearly the word has no biological meaning. Secondly, Guyanese especially have no right to be racist and the fact that our society is segmented by race brands us as hypocrites. I pride myself in highlighting that hypocrisy because people like you wear it like a badge of honor.


As I said, some of you do not know you may have black ancestry because many Indian men did take black wives since Indian women were not available and most of them had to share more than one Indian man. I guess I am going to be called racist for reminding you of Indian wife sharing past as well!




I know I do not have any negroid genes in my family. So take your negro racist rants somewhere else. As they say "Nobody ain't gat time for dat".

You are a dalit and if you are of south India you most definitely share a close term ( some 1000, years back) ancestry with Africans. And since we are all of africa we all share the the same compendium of genetic legacy. Now go chew on that you bigoted piggies.

Sorry to bursrt your bubble storm: My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

As iI noted, we all of us are rajputs even if our name is  Goytree or Balram, Babolall or Moonsammy etc!


I grew up with white read headed blue eyed grand father so I do not know there is a premium on eye color or  hair color  in your world.


I know my grand mother was a nice shade of coffee sin leche and my dad barely registered the cream. I would be a good candidate for the skin whitening creams that are so  much a hit in India or africa but I happen to like my honey cinnamon hue!


Now take your claim to white and shove are guyanese so you are of us...100 percent of dalitdom!

How dum, stupid and idiotic can you get? Who talks about being white. What a jackass! I really did not want to insult the innocent animals. You are obsessed with the word dalit. Could it be that your relatives were direct descendants of the dalits? Was this a daily topic at your house growing up? If you feeling a sense of relief airing your family's dalit ancestry, we are here to lend you an ear. The coolies here MIGHT be sympathetic to you. 
No wonder you don't have a real job...runs in the family. This dalit thing is getting to your psyche.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
. . . My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

i peeing wid laff @ dis primitive, undereducated, mentally tortured dalit . . . grasping, grasping, grasping, graaasping desperately fuh lil 'whiteness'


har de har har har har harr harrr!

You should also be shitting with laff. You had dhall...runs straight through your free kaka hole. Ain't nobody gat time for your har har. Cyarry your race baiting free running kakahole some wey else..ain't nobady gat time fuh de leaking battie.

Blame everybody else in Guyana for the blackman's problems.

Cliven Bundy is requesting that you be his body guard.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

How dum, stupid and idiotic can you get? Who talks about being white. What a jackass! I really did not want to insult the innocent animals. You are obsessed with the word dalit. Could it be that your relatives were direct descendants of the dalits? Was this a daily topic at your house growing up? If you feeling a sense of relief airing your family's dalit ancestry, we are here to lend you an ear. The coolies here MIGHT be sympathetic to you. 
No wonder you don't have a real job...runs in the family. This dalit thing is getting to your psyche.

 I do not know what is a real job to you bur the one I have tracking ocean species fulfill my needs


I am obsessed with scolding the ignorant who impedes political efficacy all because they think themselves better. It happens that our resident sons of dalits need reminding that better is only if you do not forget from whence you came.


And dummy, madrasse are dalits and indeed my grandmother is of that clan. You on the other hand came from the clan the english sent a special schooner for so they can come and educate the subaltern masses of the colony. You are that unique unindentured in our country that only exist in fiction

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
. . . My father and gandfather were blue eyed and fair skinned Indians. Take your dalit crap to your father and grandfather. Ain't nobody gat time for dat.

i peeing wid laff @ dis primitive, undereducated, mentally tortured dalit . . . grasping, grasping, grasping, graaasping desperately fuh lil 'whiteness'


har de har har har har harr harrr!

You should also be shitting with laff. You had dhall...runs straight through your free kaka hole. Ain't nobody gat time for your har har. Cyarry your race baiting free running kakahole some wey else..ain't nobady gat time fuh de leaking battie.

Blame everybody else in Guyana for the blackman's problems.

Cliven Bundy is requesting that you be his body guard.

bai,  dis 'i almos wite' ting of yours is classic


yuh rite, i run out o' pee


har de har har har harrrr . . . ROTFLMFAO!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

How dum, stupid and idiotic can you get? Who talks about being white. What a jackass! I really did not want to insult the innocent animals. You are obsessed with the word dalit. Could it be that your relatives were direct descendants of the dalits? Was this a daily topic at your house growing up? If you feeling a sense of relief airing your family's dalit ancestry, we are here to lend you an ear. The coolies here MIGHT be sympathetic to you. 
No wonder you don't have a real job...runs in the family. This dalit thing is getting to your psyche.

 I do not know what is a real job to you bur the one I have tracking ocean species fulfill my needs???me tink you seh you ah wan computah ah write code. wah kine code you bin ah write?


I am obsessed with scolding the ignorant who impedes political efficacy all because they think themselves better. It happens that our resident sons of dalits need reminding that better is only if you do not forget from whence you came.


And dummy, madrasse are dalits and indeed my grandmother is of that clan. You on the other hand came from the clan the english sent a special schooner for so they can come and educate the subaltern masses of the colony. You are that unique unindentured in our country that only exist in fiction

That's what I meant Mr. Einstein. How can we compensate you for solving all the worlds problems? Maybe one day we will see you replacing Ban Ki Moon?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

That's what I meant Mr. Einstein. How can we compensate you for solving all the worlds problems? Maybe one day we will see you replacing Ban Ki Moon?

If reason would be required to put bread on your table you would be in terrible shape. Yes, programing is required in statistical analysis and GIS data cataloging and mapping.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Sketel_man like promote racialsim.

I am going to buy a gallon of black paint and paint my skin. Would you be happy then? Your problem is because I criticise the PNC , I am a racist. I hate every race; even my own..who the hell cares? I am just an outspoken person. I do not hide my opinions to please anyone. What would you do if there were no prejudices, religion or racisim in this world? Would you take a coconut broom and play with fowl shit?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Your [kapadilla's] problem is because I criticise the PNC, I am a racist . . .

ahmmmmm, not really . . . dis is why:


[skeldon_man, Dec 18, 2013]

"Half brain ape, I was on a student visa. I got accepted to attend 3 universities. One was Howard. I checked the campus because I had friends living in DC. Once I saw it was predominantly negras, I crossed it out of my list. It only cost me an application fee."


[skeldon_man, March 2, 2014]

"Where are the pics of the negras? Read the daily papers and you will see the names and some pics of the negras. All races steal, including your relatives to. Most of who steal are negroes."


[skeldon_man, Janary 19, 2013]

"I don't expect anything better from an inferior subhuman of the negroid race."


[skeldon_man, March 7, 2013]

"Let go of it now useless negro or else we will put you and your people on the chaingangs and enslave you. We don't have to go to Guinea or Togo to bring more of you."



skeldon_man, u is wan very proud and ignorant bigot bai . . . what gives with de weak, lameass effort to cover yuh scales hay?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Your [kapadilla's] problem is because I criticise the PNC, I am a racist . . .

ahmmmmm, not really . . . dis is why:


[skeldon_man, Dec 18, 2013]

"Half brain ape, I was on a student visa. I got accepted to attend 3 universities. One was Howard. I checked the campus because I had friends living in DC. Once I saw it was predominantly negras, I crossed it out of my list. It only cost me an application fee."


[skeldon_man, March 2, 2014]

"Where are the pics of the negras? Read the daily papers and you will see the names and some pics of the negras. All races steal, including your relatives to. Most of who steal are negroes."


[skeldon_man, Janary 19, 2013]

"I don't expect anything better from an inferior subhuman of the negroid race."


[skeldon_man, March 7, 2013]

"Let go of it now useless negro or else we will put you and your people on the chaingangs and enslave you. We don't have to go to Guinea or Togo to bring more of you."



skeldon_man, u is wan very proud and ignorant bigot bai . . . what gives with de weak, lameass effort to cover yuh scales hay?

Yet he will call you a racist because you show up how ridiculous the PPP is.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Some of my best friends are Afro Americans.

are your "best friends" aware that u moonlight as a diseased hore peddling race pornography on the internet?


are they also aware that you are a simpering coward who, in the teeth of the evidence [see below],  attempts to re-enter polite conversation with the 'i jus hate PNC, dat's why meh abscesses running pan GNI' soiled panty excuse?



[skeldon_man, Dec 18, 2013]

"Half brain ape, I was on a student visa. I got accepted to attend 3 universities. One was Howard. I checked the campus because I had friends living in DC. Once I saw it was predominantly negras, I crossed it out of my list. It only cost me an application fee."


[skeldon_man, March 2, 2014]

"Where are the pics of the negras? Read the daily papers and you will see the names and some pics of the negras. All races steal, including your relatives to. Most of who steal are negroes."


[skeldon_man, Janary 19, 2013]

"I don't expect anything better from an inferior subhuman of the negroid race."


[skeldon_man, March 7, 2013]

"Let go of it now useless negro or else we will put you and your people on the chaingangs and enslave you. We don't have to go to Guinea or Togo to bring more of you."


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Some of my best friends are Afro Americans.

are your "best friends" aware that u moonlight as a diseased hore peddling race pornography on the internet?


are they also aware that you are a simpering coward who, in the teeth of the evidence [see below],  attempts to re-enter polite conversation with the 'i jus hate PNC, dat's why meh abscesses running pan GNI' excuse



[skeldon_man, Dec 18, 2013]

"Half brain ape, I was on a student visa. I got accepted to attend 3 universities. One was Howard. I checked the campus because I had friends living in DC. Once I saw it was predominantly negras, I crossed it out of my list. It only cost me an application fee."


[skeldon_man, March 2, 2014]

"Where are the pics of the negras? Read the daily papers and you will see the names and some pics of the negras. All races steal, including your relatives to. Most of who steal are negroes."


[skeldon_man, Janary 19, 2013]

"I don't expect anything better from an inferior subhuman of the negroid race."


[skeldon_man, March 7, 2013]

"Let go of it now useless negro or else we will put you and your people on the chaingangs and enslave you. We don't have to go to Guinea or Togo to bring more of you."



You have had intimate encounters with these disease whores? Yeah, I peddle race pornography on the internet. I post graphic captioned pictures of your crud laden anus.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Some of my best friends are Afro Americans.

are your "best friends" aware that u moonlight as a diseased hore peddling race pornography on the internet?


are they also aware that you are a simpering coward who, in the teeth of the evidence [see below],  attempts to re-enter polite conversation with the 'i jus hate PNC, dat's why meh abscesses running pan GNI' soiled panty excuse



[skeldon_man, Dec 18, 2013]

"Half brain ape, I was on a student visa. I got accepted to attend 3 universities. One was Howard. I checked the campus because I had friends living in DC. Once I saw it was predominantly negras, I crossed it out of my list. It only cost me an application fee."


[skeldon_man, March 2, 2014]

"Where are the pics of the negras? Read the daily papers and you will see the names and some pics of the negras. All races steal, including your relatives to. Most of who steal are negroes."


[skeldon_man, Janary 19, 2013]

"I don't expect anything better from an inferior subhuman of the negroid race."


[skeldon_man, March 7, 2013]

"Let go of it now useless negro or else we will put you and your people on the chaingangs and enslave you. We don't have to go to Guinea or Togo to bring more of you."


. . . Yeah, I peddle race pornography on the internet.

that's so muuuuch better u horing antiman

Last edited by Former Member

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