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I asked about this earlier. This is just awful. Guyana is supposed to be governed by the best of us. It does not remotely rise to even mere mediocrity when the government actualizes itself this way. This is beyond horrible. It is about humans at their worse. Even the Markos regime did not have this much embedded family. It even surpasses the Sri Lankans and they were deemed the most nepotistic regime on the planet. We have sunk to a new low.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I asked about this earlier. This is just awful. Guyana is supposed to be governed by the best of us. It does not remotely rise to even mere mediocrity when the government actualizes itself this way. This is beyond horrible. It is about humans at their worse. Even the Markos regime did not have this much embedded family. It even surpasses the Sri Lankans and they were deemed the most nepotistic regime on the planet. We have sunk to a new low.

I agree...can't argue with this...but in economics we have the theory of second and third best. I'd think in terms of 2nd and 3rd best options.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brodaman:


Yuji notes that Granger and his Son-In-Law are on the list. Talk about family and friends.


Cathy should be ashamed to add her name to the signed letter.


Wife Cathy and Husband Nigel are on the PNC list.


Let's talk family !

Cathy and her husband are founding members of their party. This is about cronyism via elevating family to ensure the leech stream continues.



Yuji notes that Granger and

his Son-In-Law are on the list.

Talk about family and friends.

But the Antiman would not say they are from different Parties.

Granger from APNU.....Son-in-law from AFC


Cathy should be ashamed

to add her name

to the signed letter.


Wife Cathy and Husband Nigel

are on the PNC list.

Again the Auntyman is Dishonest ...Cathy & Nigel from AFC


Let's talk family !

randy persaud back in Guyana! bharrat jagdeo & four girlfriends


De five Sisters?

Rat Say.....

 Kwame is her Child...


Randy say ......

Irfan is her Sister-in-law...


Irfan Say.......

She and Ashni are Twin Sisters..


Ashni say .....

Rat is her Mumma...


Kwame Say ......

all ah dem Practicing Buggery...


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brodaman:

Yuji notes that Granger and his Son-In-Law are on the list. Talk about family and friends.


Cathy should be ashamed to add her name to the signed letter.


Wife Cathy and Husband Nigel are on the PNC list.


Let's talk family !

Cheddi and his wife Janet were always on the PPP list. The PPP has sunk to a new low.


Somebody said it was hard for them to find candidates so they had to go in-house.


That's the PPP crime family.  Remember, the MCI phone company, "Friends and Family Plan."


This is political tribalism.  Keep it in the family. Political incest.


They also had Reepu's daughter in the list.


But birds of a feather flock together.  "The family that steals together, goes to jail together."

Originally Posted by albert:

All you guys that are talking about the PPP/C did you take a look at the collated party's list they have persons who are pedophilia that is worse more than anything. Instead of you guys pointing fingers take a good look at the party that is promising to bring change to our nation.

you do not need to invent pedophiles for the AFC etc. You however have an acclaimed one on your list and that is a fact jack.


The PPP is not about change.  You will get more of the same for 5 more years such as a $15M building costing $46 million.


The PPP's game plan is to win the Presidency and Parliament so it does not have to answer to anyone or give explanations for anything.


The Colaition offers change because there are things to be fixed and we need to TAKE BACK GUYANA.  The PPP has developed too many tricks over 23 years.  They wrote the Encyclopedia on Crime.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This dunce on the PPP list and she doesn't even know the difference between "their" and "there". Look at her being caught lying.




this semi literate dunce is on the PPP national list.

Reply by Stormborn Stormborn is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
Originally Posted by redux: Originally Posted by Stormborn: I do not know Ms Kisson or her demeanor. I sort of liked she almost knowed that old fool that was trying to bully her out. That being said, the way our parliamentary list is constructed is not.
I KNEW that the word is not "knowed".
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Brodaman:


Yuji notes that Granger and his Son-In-Law are on the list. Talk about family and friends.


Cathy should be ashamed to add her name to the signed letter.


Wife Cathy and Husband Nigel are on the PNC list.


Let's talk family !

Cathy and her husband are founding members of their party. This is about cronyism via elevating family to ensure the leech stream continues.

Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan were founding members of the PPP.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This dunce on the PPP list and she doesn't even know the difference between "their" and "there". Look at her being caught lying.




this semi literate dunce is on the PPP national list.

Reply by Stormborn Stormborn is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
Originally Posted by redux: Originally Posted by Stormborn: I do not know Ms Kisson or her demeanor. I sort of liked she almost knowed that old fool that was trying to bully her out. That being said, the way our parliamentary list is constructed is not.
I KNEW that the word is not "knowed".

It is clear the dumb woman does not know the proper usage of the word.


I can also see you do not get the fact that is an artifact of the auto correct feature on the editor.  Does knew make sense there also? It was supposed to be "kneed" speaking of her intent to do harm to old Oscar Clark.


I am quite sure my grasp of the language exceed yours and hers.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This dunce on the PPP list and she doesn't even know the difference between "their" and "there". Look at her being caught lying.




this semi literate dunce is on the PPP national list.

Reply by Stormborn Stormborn is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
Originally Posted by redux: Originally Posted by Stormborn: I do not know Ms Kisson or her demeanor. I sort of liked she almost knowed that old fool that was trying to bully her out. That being said, the way our parliamentary list is constructed is not.
I KNEW that the word is not "knowed".

It is clear the dumb woman does not know the proper usage of the word.


I can also see you do not get the fact that is an artifact of the auto correct feature on the editor.  Does knew make sense there also? It was supposed to be "kneed" speaking of her intent to do harm to old Oscar Clark.


I am quite sure my grasp of the language exceed yours and hers.

semi literate dunce.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

This dunce on the PPP list and she doesn't even know the difference between "their" and "there". Look at her being caught lying.




this semi literate dunce is on the PPP national list.

Reply by Stormborn Stormborn is online. Click for Member Snapshot.
Originally Posted by redux: Originally Posted by Stormborn: I do not know Ms Kisson or her demeanor. I sort of liked she almost knowed that old fool that was trying to bully her out. That being said, the way our parliamentary list is constructed is not.
I KNEW that the word is not "knowed".

It is clear the dumb woman does not know the proper usage of the word.


I can also see you do not get the fact that is an artifact of the auto correct feature on the editor.  Does knew make sense there also? It was supposed to be "kneed" speaking of her intent to do harm to old Oscar Clark.


I am quite sure my grasp of the language exceed yours and hers.

semi literate dunce.

I got three universities saying a top ten one. Where did you get yours that you presume this pedantry with spelling on a forum is your claim to fame?


I write without fear on as many subject your shallow mind can contemplate so it is of little consequence to me that you decide to pretend you are a genius.  I know better.

Originally Posted by Mars:

This is more than obscene. We are complaining here on Clinton and Bush but these people are running against others in primaries. The PPP is such brazenly nepotistic it is absolutely disgusting. That Guyanese tolerate this nonsense speaks to how during the tenure of this regime the collective moral standards have plummeted.


The lead up to this open in your face nepotism is seen in the commingling of the Ministry finance and the auditor's office, the GRA where the chief tax officer there has four of his kids and their cousin as his employee. One need not be reminded Ramotar had his son in a cushy job where he failed miserably and now he has his daughter heading the gold board. These things collectively abrades credibility in government 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

the GRA where the chief tax officer there has four of his kids and their cousin as his employee. 

OK. How would you handle this?  The man is an accountant.  His children gets qualifications in accounting and seem well qualified for the jobs they hold in the GRA. They are not square pegs.


1. Do they not deserve jobs at the GRA because their father works there?

2. Can they hold jobs at GRA but the Dad is not the direct supervisor?

3. They have no right at all to work at the GRA? 

4. What are the Civil Service rules?


What is right and fair in this situation?


Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mars:

the GRA where the chief tax officer there has four of his kids and their cousin as his employee. 

OK. How would you handle this?  The man is an accountant.  His children gets qualifications in accounting and seem well qualified for the jobs they hold in the GRA. They are not square pegs.


1. Do they not deserve jobs at the GRA because their father works there?

2. Can they hold jobs at GRA but the Dad is not the direct supervisor?

3. They have no right at all to work at the GRA? 

4. What are the Civil Service rules?


What is right and fair in this situation?


Since when is it right to hire all of your kids and their cousin when you are act in an official capacity? Does it matter that they are qualified?


The job should be posted and every guyanese have the same access to apply. Further, the candidates should be vetted by an HR person in general administration and not by his office.  That this happened and they are all the   right ones for the job statistically impossible. It is outright nepotism. It should never happen.


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