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We need to rise above the urge to close thread. That should really be a habit of last resort.


It's asymptomatic of what the Internet means to impose this kind of censorship. And really some explanation ought to be provided.


I can understand lewdness, vulgarity, racism, criminal intent, etc. But what is it about the close threads that warrants closure?


Let freedom reign, I  say!

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6 hours ago

Mr. Admin,


I started a thread ( ) this morning in response to one with the title 

"PNC unleashes it's Terror campaign. Same old PNC."


" looks like the shameful and dishonest thread which Mars brought to our attention....with lies and started by Ugee was Closed + Deleted"

 Error        This post has been deleted.


It basically accuses the PNC of unleashing a terror campaign by planting a bomb and calling in the bomb threat. You chose to lock my thread but yet you left this one open when it was of the same nature.


Why you so biased man?


Error        This post has been deleted.

Mars this thread was Deleted the Rodney Files....

Evidence now Ugee our GNI Gregory Smith?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I can understand lewdness, vulgarity


Karhee then you should have been banned a long time ago.

Kari wanted GNI to run like ho house.  This is not Garmount. Even Garmount get rules and regulation fuh drunk men and short time.

Hey batty-boy, why yuh doan shut yuh skoant!


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