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The proposed closure of Wales Sugar Estate, in West Demerara, is

quite depressing. 

This reminds me of the decision to scrap the railroads back in the

70's. After the railway lines were closed,   a mess was created. 

 School children were always late for their classes.  Workers could

not get to work on time.  The govt. run bus service was unreliable. 

Taxi drivers were

scarce.  Thus, the closure of Wales Estate reminds me again of

the Guyana Govt. near sightedness. 

The Granger Govt.  should seriously reconsider such a drastic decision.


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Reza R. Rahaman posted:

The proposed closure of Wales Sugar Estate, in West Demerara, is

quite depressing. 

This reminds me of the decision to scrap the railroads back in the

70's. After the railway lines were closed,   a mess was created. 

 School children were always late for their classes.  Workers could

not get to work on time.  The govt. run bus service was unreliable. 

Taxi drivers were

scarce.  Thus, the closure of Wales Estate reminds me again of

the Guyana Govt. near sightedness. 

The Granger Govt.  should seriously reconsider such a drastic decision.


All those letters behind your name and yet you fail to bootstrap you brain to the obvious here. You cannot save the patient if you keep its necrotic limbs.

Wales has not made a dime since 2008. It is bringing the entire industry down. The imperative is to  dump the irreparable failures to save the whole.

Also, sugar is dead globally. This administration has to do what the last administration failed to do. It has to find  alternative products to raw sugar production  for the industry to survive.

Were the PPP truly concerned they would be negotiating compensation packages; advising on retraining for new life without sugar. This is their doing.

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:

Experts on GNI have strong opinions regarding closure of the Wales factory. They should take it on as a business, independent of the other estates  and make it work for the benefit of the Wales workers.

Any business cannot be subsided for a prolong period, without severe consequences.  

Rezaman, with all those impressive letters behind his name, should take it over and run it and show them how to make it profitable.


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