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Minister of Indigenous Peoples Affairs Sidney Allicock

Allicock’s appointment as acting PM illegal – Nandlall

-Ashni Singh was in same position in 2010

April 15 2019


Vice President and Minister of Indigenous People’s Affairs, Sydney Allicock, who is currently performing the duties of Prime Minister, is doing so illegally as he is not an elected member of government, former Attorney General Anil Nandlall has argued.

“A person cannot be appointed to act in an office if he is not qualified to be appointed to that office. Therefore, Sydney Allicock is unlawfully and unconstitutionally acting as Prime Minister,” Nandlall said yesterday.

“Sydney Allicock was on the geographic list of the APNU+AFC for Region 9 for the 2015 General and Regional Elections. He lost that seat. Article 101 (1) of the Constitution provides that the Prime Minister must be an elected member of the National Assembly. Sydney Allicock was appointed a technocratic Minister under Article 103 (3) of the Constitution. He therefore, sits in the National Assembly by virtue of that ministerial appointment under Article 105 of the Constitution,” he said.

Back in 2010, under the PPP/C government, the issue of a technocrat acting as Prime Minister was raised by attorney Christopher Ram.

The then PPP/C government had rejected the assertion that the appointment of then Finance Minister Ashni Singh as the acting Prime Minister was unconstitutional. Singh was a technocrat minister. The Office of the President had reacted saying that “the appointment was well considered and is within the ambit of the Constitution of Guyana.”

Allicock was on Friday sworn in by Acting President Moses Nagamootoo to perform the duties of Prime Minister since Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan is out of the country on work duty.

Nagamootoo has been performing the functions of President and Ramjattan, Prime Minister, since President David Granger left on April 2nd for Cuba to continue treatment for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Granger is scheduled to return to Guyana this week.

Nandlall said that the decision to have Allicock, who was appointed as a technocrat minister in 2015, to act as Prime Minister, is a flawed one and contradicts Guyana’s Constitution.

He explained that the PPP won Region 9 at the 2015 General Elections and they have their chosen candidate in Parliament. Although government lost the region and consequently, Allicock lost, he was nonetheless appointed by the president as a minister as provided for by Article 103(3) and sits in the National Assembly by virtue of Article 105.

According to Article 101(1) of the Constitution, “The President shall appoint an elected member of the National Assembly to be Prime Minister of Guyana: Provided that a person who is not eligible to be elected as President shall not be eligible for appointment as Prime Minister.

(2) The Prime Minister shall be the principal assistant of the President in the discharge of his or her executive functions and leader of Government business in the National Assembly.”

Article 103 (1) states that, “The Prime Minister and every other Vice President shall be a minister of the government of Guyana.”

Article 103 (2) provides that “Subject to the Provisions of Article 101(1), Vice Presidents and other Ministers shall be appointed by the President from among persons who are elected members of the National Assembly or subject to subparagraph (VII of Paragraph (3)(a) of Article 160) are qualified to be elected as such members.

“Not more than four Ministers and two Parliamentary Secretaries shall be appointed by the President from among persons who are qualified to be elected as members of the National Assembly,” Article 103(3) states.

 “He was a geographic candidate who lost his seat. That means he was not elected by his own constituency in which he vied for election. However, by virtue of his appointment as a minister, he was able to sit in the National Assembly by virtue of Article 105 of the Constitution, which mandates all ministers to be Members of Parliament. The rationale being that one cannot be a minister and not answerable to the people’s representative in the parliament,” Nandlall said.

The former Attorney General stressed that the framers of this country’s Constitution went to the lengths of explaining that Article 103(2) was subject to Article 101 (1) which he said, “clearly mandates the Prime Minister to be an elected member of the National Assembly.”

“In my view, the rationale for requiring the Prime Minister or anyone functioning in that office to be an elected official is because that person is the first Vice President and the most likely person to act in the office of the president, in the absence of the president himself. Because it is inconceivable for a person to act as president who is (not) elected by the people,” he reasoned.

Nandlall said that he has read views expressed by Minister of State Joseph Harmon that Allicock was not illegal and if it comes to the issue of his voting in parliament, it will be dealt with there. “The view expressed by Minister of State Joseph Harmon is an absolute non-sequitur. Unfortunately, he ignores the fact that the Constitution is the document that determines who is qualified to hold constitutional offices and the Office of the Prime Minister is an office created by the Constitution and the Constitution stipulates the qualification of that office. If you do not meet those qualifications, you cannot act in or be appointed to that office,” he said.

“Another rationale is he is the Leader of Government’s Business and the Constitution makes that very clear. It is inconceivable that the Leader of Government’s Business will not have a right to vote in the National Assembly,” he added.

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Minister Hughes in clear breach of Integrity Act – Goolsarran

-should resign or relinquish ties with company

Cathy Hughes

April 15 2019


Minister of Public Telecommunications Cathy Hughes is in clear breach of the Integrity Act and should immediately relinquish all ties to her company which recently received a government contract, or resign if she wants to keep it, former Auditor General Anand Goolsarran says.

“To the extent she continues to retain ownership of the company in question, or an interest in it, she is in breach of the Code of Conduct contained in the Act. This could trigger an investigation by the Commission and possibly criminal proceedings,” Goolsarran told Stabroek News.  He said that alternatively, Hughes could “choose to resign from her position” as the Integrity Commission Act is clear on the issue of conflict of interest and she should “divest” herself of the conflict of interest.

Hughes has been accused of impropriety after her company, Videomega Productions, was awarded a $832,200 contract by the Department of Energy (DoE) to produce three 60-second television Public Service Announcements. However, she has said that since becoming a Minister of Government, she had relinquished day-to-day management of the video production company and was unaware of the transaction.

Pointing to both Hughes and Minister in the Ministry of Communities with responsibility for the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) Valerie Patterson, Goolsarran said that the two ministers need to decide swiftly what their choices would be. In the case of Patterson, the CH&PA awarded a contract for the construction of houses to her husband.

Goolsarran also pointed to the Code of Conduct for public officials enshrined in the Integrity Commission Act which states that a person in public life must not allow private interests to conflict with his or her public duties or improperly influence his or her conduct in the performance of his or her public duties.

“Where any such conflict is perceived to exist, the public official must seek the guidance of the Integrity Commission, and any resolution must be in favour of the public official’s official duties. The Code further states that a person in public life and members of his or her family shall upon assumption of office declare their private interests as well as their and assets with the Integrity Commission; and the failure to avoid or declare any conflict of interest may give rise to criticism of favouritism, abuse of authority or even allegations of corruption.  Article 4 of the Code specifically states that a person in public life shall, among others, ‘refuse or relinquish any outside employment, shareholdings or directorships which create or are likely to create a conflict of interest’,” he emphasised, while also highlighting the penalties contained in the Integrity Commission Act.

For him, the Act is clear on the issue of conflict of interest and Hughes and Patterson have to make a choice. “If they wish to remain in office as Ministers, they have to divest themselves of the conflict of interest. In the case of the Minister responsible for the CH&PA, an investigation should be launched to ascertain the basis of the award of the contract. If it is found that the spouse won the contract in an open, competitive and transparent manner, the issue becomes of lesser importance. However, he should be precluded from bidding for future government contracts, giving the status of his spouse as a Minister of the Government,” Goolsarran said.

As regards Hughes, to the extent she continues to retain ownership of the company in question, or an interest in it, she is in breach of the Code of Conduct contained in the Act, he said.


The former Auditor General also noted that this is not the first time that Hughes has been embroiled in allegations of a conflict of interest. He recalled that in his accountability column in the Stabroek News of October 29, 2018, he had noted that the Minister’s spouse, the Managing Director of a law firm in Guyana, had announced the setting up of offices in Houston, Texas, to provide legal services in the oil and gas sector to potential clients desirous of setting up operations in Guyana.

“ExxonMobil is also headquartered in Houston and operates in Guyana through three subsidiaries – Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd, CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Ltd and Hess Guyana Exploration Ltd. According to the Petroleum Agreement with the Government of Guyana dated 27 June 2016, the registered offices of these three companies are the same as that of the law firm in question. It is, however, not clear to what extent the firm is associated with these subsidiaries but in a court matter relating to environmental permits, the Managing Director is reported to be representing two of the above companies,” Goolsarran wrote at the time.

He had also pointed out that the Minister had indicated that she notified the Integrity Commission on 10 October 2018 as well as Cabinet of her spouse’s involvement and was awaiting further legal advice. He had noted that up to that point, neither the Integrity Commission nor the Cabinet had issued any statement on the matter.

“There was also no indication if the Minister is in receipt of the requested legal advice. The Minister further stated that until such advice is provided, she would refrain from attending Cabinet meetings. However, given that oil revenues are expected to flow in early 2020 – mere months away – it is very likely that oil and gas matters will be a standing item in Cabinet’s agenda for its weekly meetings. This implies that, unless there is a resolution of the conflict, the Minister will be absent from all Cabinet meetings for the foreseeable future, a most undesirable situation. Besides, the Minister is likely to have access to all Cabinet papers and other related material, notwithstanding her absence from Cabinet meetings,” Goolsarran had added.

The minister subsequently said that if there were a discussion that had anything to do with oil and gas in Cabinet, “I would recuse myself.” She had said that she had gone to independent legal advisors to have an idea of what else she should do but has not disclosed the nature of the advice she received. Earlier this month, in a letter to this newspaper, she said that her actions have been consistent with the advice she received.


Goolsarran also highlighted another incident. In 2013, he noted, Hughes’ husband, Nigel Hughes, the Managing Director of the law firm in question, was also the Company Secretary of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc at a time when he was the chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC). The AFC had voted against an amendment to the Hydro Electric Act as well as the lifting of the ceiling for government guarantee of loans to public entities to facilitate the proposed power sharing agreement between the company and the Guyana Power and Light.

“Three weeks later, the AFC had a change of heart and voted in favour of the two amendments when they were re-tabled in the Legislature. The Managing Director resigned as chairman, but it is not clear whether such action had to do with the perceived conflict of interest or whether it was as a result of internal disagreements within the party. However, his spouse, another senior executive member of the AFC and a Member of Parliament at the time, through her company, was at the same time providing public relations services to Synergy Holdings Inc and Sithe Global, both of which were connected to the Amaila Falls Project,” Goolsarran had pointed out.

As it relates to the latest allegation of conflict of interest swirling around Minister Hughes, Goolsarran observed that she has said that since becoming a government minister, she had relinquished day-to-day management of the video production company and was unaware of the transaction with the DoE.

Goolsarran emphasised that there is need for elected officials to avoid conflicts of interest. In outlining ways of mitigating conflicts of interest, he said that for elected public officials, the options are very limited by virtue of the fact that they hold positions of public trust and the first and foremost consideration is the public interest. “As such, the highest standards of integrity, ethics and probity are expected of them. Elected public officials should at all times avoid conflicts of interest, and where such conflicts are likely to exist, elimination by removal from the setting is perhaps the best option,” he said.


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