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Coalition could lose supporters over position on cash transfers

-Hinds warns

David Hinds
David Hinds

Proposed cash transfers to citizens from expected oil revenues is going to be a defining issue at the upcoming general elections, according to WPA Executive David Hinds, who says the ruling APNU+AFC coalition risks losing supporters if it does not embrace the initiative, which has stirred a groundswell of support. 

“We are hopeful that the president would do the right thing once he is apprised of popular support for it. The matter is going to be further complicated for him if the reports that the PPP is coming out in support of it is correct,” Hinds told Stabroek News on Thursday.

His views come in the wake of Minister of Foreign Affairs Karen Cummings saying that while the issue is still under “active consideration,” President David Granger is not in support of giving handouts but tying revenue from oil and gas to developmental policies and programmes such as free education. She made the comments at a recent New York town hall meeting.


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Hinds is beginning to sweat bullets now that the PPP has signaled that they support these cash transfers. He knows that even black people can rely more on the PPP keeping their promises than they can with the Coalition. Remember the Coalition promising a good life back in 2015 and afterwards Granger telling dem UG graduates to go back to selling plantain chips like Guyanese had to do back in the '80s.

Hinds may just have to resort to their old one trick pony of accusing the PPP of racism and hope that that cry is stronger than the pangs of hunger in his peoples' empty stomachs. 


This is nothing but an election GIMMICK....I Am not inclined to support, but maybe a trial run with careful plan, backed by other social safety net for the poor may work.  

My fear is that this is going to turn into a welfare program...look what welfare did to  African Americans in the US.

VishMahabir posted:

This is nothing but an election GIMMICK....I Am not inclined to support, but maybe a trial run with careful plan, backed by other social safety net for the poor may work.  

My fear is that this is going to turn into a welfare program...look what welfare did to  African Americans in the US.

It is not a gimmick for Hinds. He truly believes that the people he is talking to really prefer the culture of laziness that his actions will accomplish.

VishMahabir posted:

This is nothing but an election GIMMICK....I Am not inclined to support, but maybe a trial run with careful plan, backed by other social safety net for the poor may work.  

My fear is that this is going to turn into a welfare program...look what welfare did to  African Americans in the US.

Banna, tell that to your kith and kin. 

Now, there is always such programs become welfare however, it needs to be managed. I also don’t believe if free money with no conditions. Yuh PNC padnaz like to point to Alaska and Norway. 

I think there is a place for conditional supplemental income  

That Cribby, Ronan and that PNC rep at Globespan want free money.  The PNC banna lectured to us that none of us understand poverty. Poor people not motivated. But gi dem cash, they will get motivated, we will see!


One of the most embarrassing spectacle was these black women on tv bragging about having Obama free phone. I don't even know why anyone would consider that a sense of accomplishment.

Baseman posted:

Ronan and that PNC rep at Globespan want free money.

don't LIE in such a straightforward way banna

it just makes you look beaten and desperate


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