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Former Member

Dr David Hinds, an Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), one of the parties in the Coalition Government, says he was not surprised that the No Confidence motion was passed in the National Assembly two Fridays ago.

“…because I had been aware that the intra-Coalition dynamics were not being managed properly, that the Coalition had a one-seat majority and I felt that it did not pay enough attention to a cohesiveness within the Coalition,” he told News Room during an interview.

“I sensed a long time… that everyone did not feel a sense of ownership of the Coalition – and when you have a one-seat majority you want to make that everyone feels a sense of ownership.

“So in the absence of that, I felt that any given time, with a one-seat majority there was a possibility that something like this would have happened,” he stated.

He said some of the parties were simply left out of the decision-making process and that everything was centrally controlled by a select group.

For all of 2018, Hinds said there was just a single meeting of APNU, and in three and a half years, the WPA – one of the parties in the Coalition – was never invited to a meeting with the AFC.

“And, therefore for me, it is not so much about whether Mr Charrandas was a traitor, whether he took money – those are other issues people can deal with.

“But for me, the fundamental question has always been, how do you prevent one of your members, or two or three of your members, from peeling away out of dissatisfaction.”

When the No-Confidence motion was tabled, there was no meeting of the parties.

“A vote of No Confidence comes up – the first thing you do is that you call your constituent members.

“Let us discuss.

“What is our strategy?


“It is not one person sitting and saying ‘bring it on!’ That is now how you run a country,” he declared.

If the Coalition is serious about going forward, he said it would need to make some hard decisions.

“First of all, I think the Coalition has to publicly apologise to its supporters and the country at large for betraying their trust.

“Because I think the people of Guyana, the majority in the first place, voted not for a one-party government, not for a PNC or an AFC Government.

“They voted for something new, they voted for a Coalition of parties, they voted or a mini-power sharing, a mini shared governance, and I think we have not delivered on that,” he stated.

When it comes to policies, including addressing poverty, labour relations, the sugar industry and constitutional reform, the Coalition “fell down badly.”

“It should apologise to the nation for not using the mandate it was given to carry out some of the things that it promised in its manifesto,” Hinds stated.

Going forward, he said the leadership of Coalition needs to be broadened and “refreshed.”

Dr Hinds believes it would be difficult for the Coalition to win elections if these are held within the next three months, since there is dissatisfaction with the way the Government has performed from all quarters – the base of the Coalition, Afro-Guyanese voters, the Indo-Guyanese supporters the AFC brought in, as well as young and Independent voters.

And so, he said the first thing the Coalition should do is to “look people in their face and admit that you have messed up.”

“If you go back with the same leadership team that has messed up – in peoples’ estimation over the three and half years – then I think you make it much more difficult to win.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dave when David Hinds said that the PPP was a racist party hostile to blacks people like you called him a man who advocates Indian Genocide.

So please dont use him as credible, unless you admit that he was right on that score as well.

caribny posted:

Dave when David Hinds said that the PPP was a racist party hostile to blacks people like you called him a man who advocates Indian Genocide.

So please dont use him as credible, unless you admit that he was right on that score as well.

I don't recall calling him a racist, if I did ,my apology.. I think he is a fair man. However, I do not agree PPP was hostile towards Blacks. We have discuss this many times on this forum. 

Any how, Happy New year to you and your family. I respect you for your time in answering to every posters comment in a respectful manner irrespective of the hostility and bashing  from  posters, including myself. 

I have learn a lot from you. 

Peace and Love.


The problem with PNc soup drinkers is that TRUTH, INTEGRITY and HONESTY are missing in their lives. It is alien to them that a man will vote for his conscience for fairness and good of a country.


Dave posted:
caribny posted:

Dave when David Hinds said that the PPP was a racist party hostile to blacks people like you called him a man who advocates Indian Genocide.

So please dont use him as credible, unless you admit that he was right on that score as well.

I don't recall calling him a racist, if I did ,my apology.. I think he is a fair man. However, I do not agree PPP was hostile towards Blacks. We have discuss this many times on this forum. 

Any how, Happy New year to you and your family. I respect you for your time in answering to every posters comment in a respectful manner irrespective of the hostility and bashing  from  posters, including myself. 

I have learn a lot from you. 

Peace and Love.

A good start...maybe y’all Indos and Afros can finally learn to live together and act like y’all from the same darn country.


I wonder if Dr. Hinds believe the NC vote holds or not....and what should be the course forward....he seem to have a fair assessment of Guyana’s politics....probably because he hanging out with Kissoon a lot.

Since Kissoon said he was privy to Charandass plan BEFORE the vote, I wonder if Kissoon shared this information with Dr. Hinds before the vote.

VishMahabir posted:

I wonder if Dr. Hinds believe the NC vote holds or not....and what should be the course forward....he seem to have a fair assessment of Guyana’s politics....probably because he hanging out with Kissoon a lot.

Since Kissoon said he was privy to Charandass plan BEFORE the vote, I wonder if Kissoon shared this information with Dr. Hinds before the vote.

Loads of people were aware of Charrandass' plans long before the vote. Silly Nagamootoo confirmed to APNU that he had that issue under control.  People want to know why he didn't recall him at that time.  After all in Guyana MPs serve at the pleasure of their party leadership as they are not directly elected.

Those who scream that Charran's antics hurt APNU need to think again. APNU will remain a powerful opposition party heading a bunch of angry black people who feel that Charran merely confirms their stereotypes of Indians and so shouldn't have been trusted in the first place.

Where will the Indo faction of the AFC be?  The Trotman faction will definitely deal with them if the Coalition loses.   

VishMahabir posted:

A good start...maybe y’all Indos and Afros can finally learn to live together and act like y’all from the same darn country.

Dave shows every reason why they will not.  Blacks in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016 and again in 2018 have shown that they dont trust the PPP and see them as a racist and oppressive regime.

If Dave was truly interested in living together he would concede this fact and show an interesting in debating about what the PPP needs to do to change their image.  He after all being a staunch PPP supporter who screams that the PPP wasn't evil towards blacks.

Note that I dont include their votes in 1992 and in 1994 because the PPP hadn't an opportunity to disprove the fears of blacks. But by 1997 they had been in power for 5 years and these fears didn't abate and its been the same narrative in the following 20 years.


Hinds makes a point that I raised in a discussion with some other Guyanese more than a year ago. How did Hammond become 2nd leader in charge with powers that allowed him to dictate to ministers what they should be doing? It seems that the AFC members were far more interested in their pay rise and benefits package, than in delivering on their election promises.


That is the most RACIST, BIGOTED statement I have ever read!!! It says that Indos be nice if not we will go "WILDING" If I was an Afro I would be very, very MAD since such a statement is certifying me as a wild Animal who is ready to strike!!!

Mr.T posted:

Hinds makes a point that I raised in a discussion with some other Guyanese more than a year ago. How did Hammond become 2nd leader in charge with powers that allowed him to dictate to ministers what they should be doing? It seems that the AFC members were far more interested in their pay rise and benefits package, than in delivering on their election promises.

This was raised minutes after the Coalition took over. In  this week's commentary Hinds describes them aptly as being arrogant, power drunk, stupid, contemptuous of their supporters, etc.

Imagine Granger going to a PPP village and calling them lazy and only interested in a hand out. He must be regretting that now even as he sees Indo Nazis like Yuji praising him for it.  

Yes its a new year. Indo Nazi will replace Indo KKK.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I wonder if Dr. Hinds believe the NC vote holds or not....and what should be the course forward....he seem to have a fair assessment of Guyana’s politics....probably because he hanging out with Kissoon a lot.

Since Kissoon said he was privy to Charandass plan BEFORE the vote, I wonder if Kissoon shared this information with Dr. Hinds before the vote.

Loads of people were aware of Charrandass' plans long before the vote. Silly Nagamootoo confirmed to APNU that he had that issue under control.  People want to know why he didn't recall him at that time.  After all in Guyana MPs serve at the pleasure of their party leadership as they are not directly elected.

Those who scream that Charran's antics hurt APNU need to think again. APNU will remain a powerful opposition party heading a bunch of angry black people who feel that Charran merely confirms their stereotypes of Indians and so shouldn't have been trusted in the first place.

Where will the Indo faction of the AFC be?  The Trotman faction will definitely deal with them if the Coalition loses.   

You full of shyte.  You should go hug and kiss Volda!

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:

. I think he is a fair man. However, I do not agree PPP was hostile towards Blacks. 

Peace and Love.

If you do not agree with one of David Hinds' core tenets for the past 15+ years then you have no business pretending that you agree with the man.

The Guyana that he sees isnt one that you allow any validity.  You are NOT black and therefore have no business telling blacks that the PPP wasn't unfair to them. Blacks have consistently communicated to the PPP in every election, national and LGE, that they despise them.

You sir need to ask yourself why this consistent message from blacks to the PPP. Maybe they do have a reason to feel this way.  And a part that you didn't focus on was David Hinds describing how Afro Guyanese view the NC vote.  Even as they are disappointed with the Coalition they despise the PPP even MORE.  This is in his most recent KN column.

One doesnt make a point by being vulgar. In addition Guyanese have a problem and that is that we dont operate as a national group and so are unknown in the environments to which we migrate.

GNI is a very popular site that comes up on Google and so non Guyanese view and form impression of Guyana and Guyanese from what they see. Many times I have cautioned people of this, but I am of the opinion that most Guyanese are ashamed of themselves and so dont care how they are viewed by non Guyanese.  They need to note the time of journalists from NYT and elsewhere whenever they write on Guyana.  The tone is of disrespect, one even confirming (to himself) that Guyanese are an AIDs ridden people.

Nehru posted:

Mr T, you made such points before or after I did???

I don't know when you made yours, but I do know that I pointed this out long time ago. It was obvious that the AFC gang had little intention of doing much work in government when they decided not to appoint our Gerhard as a government official even though he did a lot more leg work during the last election that most of the elected AFC ministers combined.

Mr.T posted:
Nehru posted:

Mr T, you made such points before or after I did???

I don't know when you made yours, but I do know that I pointed this out long time ago. It was obvious that the AFC gang had little intention of doing much work in government when they decided not to appoint our Gerhard as a government official even though he did a lot more leg work during the last election that most of the elected AFC ministers combined.

Many of them were PPP men cut out of Jagdeo's corrupt gravy train, so angry. I suspect that Charrandass was one of them.


arrite Carib...maybe we can ease up on the Indo KKK and Indo Nazi stuff for the new year.

Also, if you feel blacks are being treated in a racist manner by posters, then bring it to my attention and your concerns ( as well as others who feel that way)  will be addressed.


Ray posted:

arrite Carib...maybe we can ease up on the Indo KKK and Indo Nazi stuff for the new year.

Also, if you feel blacks are being treated in a racist manner by posters, then bring it to my attention and your concerns ( as well as others who feel that way)  will be addressed.


Do you want to be bombarded with complaints on the hour?

Ray posted:

arrite Carib...maybe we can ease up on the Indo KKK and Indo Nazi stuff for the new year.



No I will NOT.  There are racists who are allowed to parade around GNI lambasting blacks and if you dont deal with them I will.

I do not run to moderators.  I expect moderators to do their job as they see fit.

These people know who they are and also know that there are others, including other Indians, who also consider them to be racists.


I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

Oye bhai, if don't see change the spectacles.

Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...

And this is exactly what I see from you.

Sorry Indo Nazi it is directed to those who display this behavior.

I dont have time to educate you.  You are blind to any perspective coming from a black person.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

Oye bhai, if don't see change the spectacles.

Is it all because Ray backed the NC vote in favor of the PPP? Was he wearing your spectacles when he supported the PNC. Remember the man said he personally voted 6 times in one day for the PNC. So he was PPP man who voted the 6 times for the PNC.

DNehru posted:

Base, I know you Laffing when Ian Smith?PW Botha calling you Indo Nazi. Is it being shameless or just too dumb to know basic facts???

He call me Indo nazi, Bibi seh me is PNC cloak.  PPP and PNC diehards going bazady!

I prefer PPP, but PNC not all bad.  However, too many Caribj and Ronan running ‘bout and spitting at people!

But on a purely selfish level, me hope PNC stay.  GNI, Queeny done warn me when PPP tek ova, all me charity money guh cut out and me gaffu guh pack meat.  Since 2006 flows was good, thank you PNC!  Aile means mo flows!

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

A good start...maybe y’all Indos and Afros can finally learn to live together and act like y’all from the same darn country.

Dave shows every reason why they will not.  Blacks in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016 and again in 2018 have shown that they dont trust the PPP and see them as a racist and oppressive regime.

If Dave was truly interested in living together he would concede this fact and show an interesting in debating about what the PPP needs to do to change their image.  He after all being a staunch PPP supporter who screams that the PPP wasn't evil towards blacks.

Note that I dont include their votes in 1992 and in 1994 because the PPP hadn't an opportunity to disprove the fears of blacks. But by 1997 they had been in power for 5 years and these fears didn't abate and its been the same narrative in the following 20 years.

So fellas here is an example of why Blacks that has the mentality like Carib will never be receptive of our kindness, no matter what we do. 

I reach out to the man and wish him the best and complement him for his comments. 

In return, he bashes me and I must only accept his views that blacks suffer at the hands of PPP, then maybe we can get along and guess what... down the road he will come up with something more, or he will cry some racist comments. 

Well Carib bhai, I am an example who live in Guyana and saw PPP extend the same open arms to  blacks and they were  ungrateful at the on the other hand  depends on hear say news. 

I have families who are blacks from Linden, you may hate them for describing the ungrateful blacks. 

Your dislike for Indians will be pass on to your families and friends and the hate will continue.

In my home, my kids shut me down the moment I spoke of blacks in a distasteful manner, regardless of being a victim. 


The coalition should apologize to Hinds and Lewis. They came to power to settle scores. Hardcore PNC were very upset with Hinds when he referred to one H.Greene as a high lord executioner running around as a statesman in Guyana. 



Last edited by Prashad
Baseman posted:

GNI, Queeny done warn me when PPP tek ova, all me charity money guh cut out and me gaffu guh pack meat.  Since 2006 flows was good, thank you PNC!  Aile means mo flows!

I was going to respond to you calling out my name, but this is just too funny!

Now as someone who studies culture this commentary is pure CREOLE Caribbean.   Prashad isnt going to admit you into his Indo Empire either as an Asian Indian will not relate this colorful language.

Prashad posted:

The coalition should apologize to Hinds and Lewis. They came to power to settle scores. Hardcore PNC were very upset with Hinds when he referred to one H.Greene as a high lord executioner running around as a statesman in Guyana. 



Yes they should as they will show more humanity and humility than did Jagdeo when his goons issued death threats against both men.

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

A good start...maybe y’all Indos and Afros can finally learn to live together and act like y’all from the same darn country.

Dave shows every reason why they will not.  Blacks in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016 and again in 2018 have shown that they dont trust the PPP and see them as a racist and oppressive regime.

If Dave was truly interested in living together he would concede this fact and show an interesting in debating about what the PPP needs to do to change their image.  He after all being a staunch PPP supporter who screams that the PPP wasn't evil towards blacks.

Note that I dont include their votes in 1992 and in 1994 because the PPP hadn't an opportunity to disprove the fears of blacks. But by 1997 they had been in power for 5 years and these fears didn't abate and its been the same narrative in the following 20 years.

So fellas here is an example of why Blacks that has the mentality like Carib will never be receptive of our kindness, no matter what we do. 

I reach out to the man and wish him the best and complement him for his comments. 

In return, he bashes me and I must only accept his views that blacks suffer at the hands of PPP, then maybe we can get along and guess what... down the road he will come up with something more, or he will cry some racist comments. 

Well Carib bhai, I am an example who live in Guyana and saw PPP extend the same open arms to  blacks and they were  ungrateful at the on the other hand  depends on hear say news. 

I have families who are blacks from Linden, you may hate them for describing the ungrateful blacks. 

Your dislike for Indians will be pass on to your families and friends and the hate will continue.

In my home, my kids shut me down the moment I spoke of blacks in a distasteful manner, regardless of being a victim. 

Where is your "kindness".  You mean when slave masters are nice to their slaves but deny their slaves to have an opinion?

That is NOT nice!

Dave you were asked to show a willingness to discuss why the PPP is hated by blacks.  You scream your unwillingness to enter into such a debate, ranting that blacks are ungrateful.  You know better than they do so you are also screaming that they are dumb.

You are who you are and prefer a tribal world.  Tribalism usually isnt a good thing. Nigeria and Bosnia proves this.  And Guyana is no different.

You can jump up and down as you wish but 90%+ of blacks in Guyana rejected the PPP in 1997, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2015, 2016, and 2018.  You can scream that they are ungrateful as you wish.  You can howl that they are stupid as you wish. That does NOT change the facts.

View this and not this fictive black "family" whose existence might be in your head. I can also chat about "family" in Mongolia.

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

And when they do, you admonish them in a very intimidating condescending manner.

Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

And when they do, you admonish them in a very intimidating condescending manner.

when it's nonsense yuh complain bout, what do you expect

Ray posted:
Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

And when they do, you admonish them in a very intimidating condescending manner.

when it's nonsense yuh complain bout, what do you expect

I expect you to do your job and fairly too. 

Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:
Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

And when they do, you admonish them in a very intimidating condescending manner.

when it's nonsense yuh complain bout, what do you expect

I expect you to do your job and fairly too. 

My job will be easier without you around

Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:
Mitwah posted:
Ray posted:

I really don't see all this racism you speak of...yes, there are instances where people may make certain remarks, and I try to put a stop to it

It's difficult for moderators to see everything, that's why you need to point out these actions. It adds legitimacy to your claims

And when they do, you admonish them in a very intimidating condescending manner.

when it's nonsense yuh complain bout, what do you expect

I expect you to do your job and fairly too. 


Please don’t get angry with me and please feel free to criticize me if you feel otherwise.

As far as I can remember, you were here many years before I joined GNI. You are well liked by your friends here. Back then, you brought sensible and interesting discussions to GNI. You still do.

All of that change when you started supporting the AFC. (Nothing is wrong in supporting a party of your choice.) I get a sense that you became upset and angry when opposing views are expressed and as such you develop resentment to your opposition instead to debating with them. You can debate very well when you remain objective.

GNI is not a PNC or PPP or AFC website. It is a Guyanese Discussion website and the Political Department can become what appears to be hostile at times. It is no different than Guyanese debating Politics at a bar.

Over the past few years I noticed that Mits of the past changed into a Mits who took things too personally and only saw things from his lens only. Posters will make statements towards politicians and parties that many not align with your views and then you seem to get too personal as opposed to Mitwah of the past who became quite objective and won many debates and arguments.

Amral and Riff are administrators at GNI and we need to respect them and their rulings or interventions. I respect Riff and Amral and comply with their requests and decisions. You can express yours but please learn not to challenge them when they make a request. You end up on the wrong side of the stick too often when you can be like Mitwah of the past who was constructive and objective.

I am sure that we can see a New Mitwah in 2019. A Mitwah who can debate constructively minus the personal stuff. If a poster gets personal, let them know in no uncertain manner that they are getting too personal and you also have the option of blocking them. 

You will win some and you will lose some. I want to see Mitwah of the past, the Mitwah who was sharp and could throw a hard punch without getting personal.



Last edited by Former Member

Yugi22, people will treat you according to the way you allow them to treat you. I have no loyalty to any party. I have stopped supporting the coalition way back and you et al keep on insulting me. 

Drugb came on a thread that I started as fun thread for New Years Eve and tried to muck it up with his usual nonsense and nastiness. I did not respond in kind to him but exercise my right to bring it to Admin's attention. Ray, responded by creating a thread addressed to me. I feel his remarks to me was very condescending and way out of line.  Perhaps you have not seen it. 

Anyway, I have requested Amral to remove my thread and I will not be starting any new threads in the future. 

Thanks for your kind remarks.


Ayuh kiss and make up!  Don't let adda people on this site manipulate you to carry out their agenda against others!  They will leave you out to dry and save themselves!

Me know wuh me seh!


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