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Coalition eyes 36 seats

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Flashback! President David Granger, greets AFC leader and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan ahead of the opening of the PNCR’s 19th Biennial Delegates’ Congress at Congress Place, Sophia back in August 2016. Also in photo are Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and other officials of the PNCR

…President says govt has done enough to secure second term
…AFC NEC agrees to continue negotiations with APNU, readies party for campaign

By Svetlana Marshall
Confident that his Government has done enough to improve the quality of life for the people of Guyana, President David Granger is predicting another term in office for the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Coalition after the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.

“Based on our record, we are convinced that we have a clear majority as a coalition,” President Granger told Kaieteur News Journalist Leonard Gildarie during a radio interview last week.

He said in addition to restoring Local Democracy by holding Local Government Elections twice in four years after a more than 20-year hiatus, the APNU+AFC Government established four new capital towns, and has decentralised public services, thereby providing them at the level of the towns and within the reach of the people. With the economy on the rise, progress, he said, has been recorded in the Education, Health, Infrastructure and Social Services Sectors, pointing out that Guyanese are now receiving livable wages, while pensioners have also experienced significant increases in their pensions. “So at the grassroots’ level, at the level of the ordinary Guyanese, they know that the quality of life has improved and they look forward to returning us to office.”

Based on its performance over the past four years in office, President Granger said the APNU+AFC coalition is aiming to secure 36 seats in the 65-Member National Assembly, three more than it secured at the 2015 Elections when it won by a one-seat majority.
“We have done our calculations and we are confident that we wouldn’t be winning with a one seat majority. It would be a much larger majority,” he said while noting that the coalition is already mobilising its support on the ground. “We are better together,” he added.

Overwhelmingly, the APNU+AFC coalition has thrown its support behind President Granger for a second term in office, as such, he will be leading the coalition into the much anticipated 2020 Elections. Dismissing the question of age, President Granger, who was given a clean bill of health by his Cuban doctors having been diagnosed with cancer last year, said he is more than fit for the position.

“I am strong enough. I am supported by a good team. I have built a strong coalition and I feel very strong now,” President Granger said while noting that he is not only strong enough to campaign, but is fit for the next five years and beyond.

In his quest to move the country forward, President Granger said he will launch a ‘Decade of Development’ in 2020 as Guyana enters a new phase of economic development. During this period, the education system will be reformed to reflect the needs of the new economy, access to information technology and the promotion of social cohesion. It will also see economic expansion, diversification, restructuring, including value-added manufacturing and food security. There will also be focus on energy security and the transition to renewable and clean sources of energy and environmentally sustainable management of our natural resources.

A political opinion poll conducted by a leading Caribbean political research company – Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES) – showed that a large percentage of Guyanese prefer President Granger to manage the oil wealth of the country.
The poll, conducted in February 2019 showed majority of Guyanese prefer Granger as opposed to People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali.

Meanwhile, the AFC, at the level of the National Executive Committee, recommitted to the coalition. “The National Executive Committee of the Alliance for Change (AFC) today (Saturday), put the part on full election campaign mode to ensure the return to office of the APNU+AFC Coalition Government in the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections,” AFC General Secretary David Patterson said.

He noted that during the meeting held in Georgetown with representatives from all regions, the party endorsed its campaign plan and strategy by its international campaign consultants. The NEC, as such, approved members of the national campaign committee, campaign directorate, operating structure and campaign budget.

Importantly too, the AFC has agreed to move ahead with negotiations with the APNU on the revision of the Cummingsburg Accord – the agreement which brought the two sides together ahead of the 2015 elections, resulting in the defeat of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).

“The Committee also received a report and endorsed decisions taken by its coalition negotiating team to arrive at a successor Cummingsburg Accord, to replace the existing agreement, which expires in February 2020,” Patterson said.

He noted too that the NEC provided guidance to assist the negotiating team in finalizing the agreement on the remaining outstanding items. “The NEC further agreed to an extended timeline of November 10, 2019 for the signing of the new accord,” Patterson further disclosed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Even with massive rigging and the inclusion of Badal and Ruel Johnson seats the coalition will not get 36 seats.  Too much damage has been done. Too much trust has been lost.  Voters are looking elsewhere or will simply stay home for not having confidence in the electoral system.

Bibi Haniffa

Who will stay home, the PNC will get out their votes. Only the opposition supporters will have no confidence in the electoral system, so they have to be encouraged to get out and vote to prove elections are won by majority.

kp posted:

Who will stay home, the PNC will get out their votes. Only the opposition supporters will have no confidence in the electoral system, so they have to be encouraged to get out and vote to prove elections are won by majority.

It will be a two horse race. No one else matters. No one looking elsewhere.  PNC have a highly motivated base!  I believe they also done some funny business with the list and will augment their strong base.  Regardless it will still be close.  The PPP will get their base out.  

Most Guyanese care more for the impact of oil than who runs Guyana.  The international community speaking with forked tongues. Many don’t mind the Coalition continues and as long as no major violence, they will live with the shenanigans!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Even with massive rigging and the inclusion of Badal and Ruel Johnson seats the coalition will not get 36 seats.  Too much damage has been done. Too much trust has been lost.  Voters are looking elsewhere or will simply stay home for not having confidence in the electoral system.

The only people showing lack of confidence are PPP supporters. The PNC are highly motivated and have high confidence. So it’s the PPP supporters who risk staying home and giving the PNC a clear and decisive victory!

My inside PNC connections told me granger’s plan was to discredit Jagdeo and let his supporters have doubts in his ability to deliver!  It has worked thus far as the coalition have almost completed their full term and the NCV has become mute!

Granger has imposed on BJ everything BJ did not want, including a pro-PNC head of GECOM!  He has outmaneuvered Jagdeo at every turn and the supporters are proud of that!  They will now do their part at the polls!  If you cannot see how throwing the 36 seats out there fits into their mental game, think again!


Also, the PNC seems to stay closer to their voters after an election, so they get better result with  future elections. But the PPP don't do the same and some Indians  still have unresolved complaints,with no one listening.

This was so serious in the previous government, that some regional changes were made, but the animosity still remain.   


Me inside sources are telling me that the PNC already have their rigging machinery installed. Turnout is crucial for the PPP. 
A large PPP turnout will cancel out the PNC fake ID card voters. We shall see. 
Hoyte was a bigger rigger than Burnham and It looks like Granger plans to outdo Hoyte. 

Last edited by Former Member

Whether is rigging or trying to win an election, the PNC seems to be more organized.

As Baseman said on another thread, Jagdeo is asking people in Toronto to return and vote, but the requirement is 6 months + 1 day stay in Guyana, before they can vote.

The PPP election organization seems more fragmented  and during our experience in GY for the last election. PNC assistance came from non-payed volunteers, but PPP assistance came from people who see the election as a cash cow, for transportation and other things.   

Labba posted:

Hey hey hey...wonder if Granger go use he hero Forbsie style and use de GDF foh vote multiple times...hey hey hey.

Bai, give the people more credit!  They way past that stage in history!

Tola posted:

Also, the PNC seems to stay closer to their voters after an election, so they get better result with  future elections. But the PPP don't do the same and some Indians  still have unresolved complaints,with no one listening.

This was so serious in the previous government, that some regional changes were made, but the animosity still remain.   

The big albatross around the PPP neck is they have only recently left power.  Their behavior while in power fresh on people’s minds.

Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Also, the PNC seems to stay closer to their voters after an election, so they get better result with  future elections. But the PPP don't do the same and some Indians  still have unresolved complaints,with no one listening.

This was so serious in the previous government, that some regional changes were made, but the animosity still remain.   

The big albatross around the PPP neck is they have only recently left power.  Their behavior while in power fresh on people’s minds.

Another albatross around the neck of the PPP, is the reason changes were made at some regional offices, during the previous government.

There is a fear if the PPP should form the next government and the past officers return, the problems  might also come back.  

The problems that caused the changes were not resolved.  The people still dislike the PNC and they don't see any good saviour for them. Thus many might not vote in frustration.      

kp posted:

Coalition eyes 36 seats

By Svetlana Marshall - 0, 1429, Share on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter
Flashback! President David Granger, greets AFC leader and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan ahead of the opening of the PNCR’s 19th Biennial Delegates’ Congress at Congress Place, Sophia back in August 2016. Also in photo are Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo and other officials of the PNCR

…President says govt has done enough to secure second term
…AFC NEC agrees to continue negotiations with APNU, readies party for campaign

By Svetlana Marshall

Based on its performance over the past four years in office, President Granger said the APNU+AFC coalition is aiming to secure 36 seats in the 65-Member National Assembly, three more than it secured at the 2015 Elections when it won by a one-seat majority.

PNCR/Granger are extremely modest to state that they will get 36 seats.

Are they afraid to say they will secure ALL 65 seats; exceeding what was "secured" by the PNCR former leader Forbes Burnham.


The coalition might give themselves 36 seats, but here on the ground in Guyana, I do not think that it is likely they get that in a free and fair election. The electorate is polarized so I will be surprised of any of the new parties pull support away from the two main contenders.maybe, ANUG might get 1 seat.

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Tola posted:

Also, the PNC seems to stay closer to their voters after an election, so they get better result with  future elections. But the PPP don't do the same and some Indians  still have unresolved complaints,with no one listening.

This was so serious in the previous government, that some regional changes were made, but the animosity still remain.   

The big albatross around the PPP neck is they have only recently left power.  Their behavior while in power fresh on people’s minds.

Another albatross around the neck of the PPP, is the reason changes were made at some regional offices, during the previous government.

There is a fear if the PPP should form the next government and the past officers return, the problems  might also come back.  

The problems that caused the changes were not resolved.  The people still dislike the PNC and they don't see any good saviour for them. Thus many might not vote in frustration.      

I speak to my family there, they say it’s the same old PPP return!

Sean posted:

Me inside sources are telling me that the PNC already have their rigging machinery installed. Turnout is crucial for the PPP. 
A large PPP turnout will cancel out the PNC fake ID card voters. We shall see. 
Hoyte was a bigger rigger than Burnham and It looks like Granger plans to outdo Hoyte. 

Your inside sources on the ball!

Tola posted:

Whether is rigging or trying to win an election, the PNC seems to be more organized.

As Baseman said on another thread, Jagdeo is asking people in Toronto to return and vote, but the requirement is 6 months + 1 day stay in Guyana, before they can vote.

The PPP election organization seems more fragmented  and during our experience in GY for the last election. PNC assistance came from non-payed volunteers, but PPP assistance came from people who see the election as a cash cow, for transportation and other things.   

Listen Banna. Last election, a posse of retired PNCites from Brooklyn and other places returned to Guyana to help in the push. They are collecting SS and pensions, so they were well positioned to do the job!

Baseman posted:
Sean posted:

Me inside sources are telling me that the PNC already have their rigging machinery installed. Turnout is crucial for the PPP. 
A large PPP turnout will cancel out the PNC fake ID card voters. We shall see. 
Hoyte was a bigger rigger than Burnham and It looks like Granger plans to outdo Hoyte. 

Your inside sources on the ball!

If the PPP has information regarding a plan to rig the votes, cant they do something about it ?

Or expose the plan for foreign observers to investigate.

There is difficulty understanding rigging like Burnham time. Because all poll stations now have scrutineers from all parties, that also sign off on  the same poll results.  


What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

kp posted:
Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

There  are some  real warped railway spikes pan GNI. Where in your posted  article that Granger said he used a hammer and chisel  and write on concrete, that the PNC WILL win 36 seats. Or was it an estimate just like Jagdeo might do, in a mind game about  politics ? 

One thing for sure about some PPP supporters.  They will use open nastiness and vindictiveness to try and win elections. Whereas the PNC supporters will use more dignified fraud that seems okay by others and win every time.  

Trying to stay calm and dignified under all circumstances is winning half the battle and the PNC knows, how to do this well.   

Last edited by Tola
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

There  are some  real warped railway spikes pan GNI. Where in your posted  article that Granger said he used a hammer and chisel  and write on concrete, that the PNC WILL win 36 seats. Or was it an estimate just like Jagdeo might do, in a mind game about  politics ? 

One thing for sure about some PPP supporters.  They will use open nastiness and vindictiveness to try and win elections. Whereas the PNC supporters will use more dignified fraud that seems okay by others and win every time.  

Trying to stay calm and dignified under all circumstances is winning half the battle and the PNC knows, how to do this well.   

You have made it clear who you support. 

kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

There  are some  real warped railway spikes pan GNI. Where in your posted  article that Granger said he used a hammer and chisel  and write on concrete, that the PNC WILL win 36 seats. Or was it an estimate just like Jagdeo might do, in a mind game about  politics ? 

One thing for sure about some PPP supporters.  They will use open nastiness and vindictiveness to try and win elections. Whereas the PNC supporters will use more dignified fraud that seems okay by others and win every time.  

Trying to stay calm and dignified under all circumstances is winning half the battle and the PNC knows, how to do this well.   

You have made it clear who you support. 

Its lame ass attitude like yours will make the PPP lose elections and always make Africans stand above Indians in Guyana.

PNC supporters stays quiet and make changes to benefit themselves.  But PPP supporters like you, are a 'know-it-all' mouth piece, who leave it for someone else to do. Because de wuk too hard. 

kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

There  are some  real warped railway spikes pan GNI. Where in your posted  article that Granger said he used a hammer and chisel  and write on concrete, that the PNC WILL win 36 seats. Or was it an estimate just like Jagdeo might do, in a mind game about  politics ? 

One thing for sure about some PPP supporters.  They will use open nastiness and vindictiveness to try and win elections. Whereas the PNC supporters will use more dignified fraud that seems okay by others and win every time.  

Trying to stay calm and dignified under all circumstances is winning half the battle and the PNC knows, how to do this well.   

You have made it clear who you support. 

Bai KP. Don’t worry wid dem.

These are the chaps who were beating their chests for Moses and the AFC and we know how that ended up. They still fail or are reluctant to hold the crooks in the AFC responsible for their actions and are still anti PPP. They can’t be changed and who really cares because the are insignificant to the coalition since granger used and abused the AFC. They really need to take a look in the mirror.


Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:
kp posted:
Tola posted:

What I don't get.  Everyone is talking about the PNC rigging the election and even know how they might do it.  But even though the PPP is not capable of doing anything about it themselves, they don't get help to expose or prevent it.  But sit in frustration, while the PNC 'steal'  the election.

During Burnham elections, films were made of empty house lots that voted in Britain. What is the PPP doing now to show the rigging ? 

Youth can make changes in Hong Kong. But the PPP with a larger number of supporters, who has been in politics longer than the PNC, cant come up with methods to be their equal, or to beat them at their game.

Its like flogging a dead horse, for the PPP to win elections.  

Not a vote cast but Granger already knows that they will get 36 seats. He already fill the ballot boxes. Rig Rig Rig    frig.

There  are some  real warped railway spikes pan GNI. Where in your posted  article that Granger said he used a hammer and chisel  and write on concrete, that the PNC WILL win 36 seats. Or was it an estimate just like Jagdeo might do, in a mind game about  politics ? 

One thing for sure about some PPP supporters.  They will use open nastiness and vindictiveness to try and win elections. Whereas the PNC supporters will use more dignified fraud that seems okay by others and win every time.  

Trying to stay calm and dignified under all circumstances is winning half the battle and the PNC knows, how to do this well.   

You have made it clear who you support. 

Its lame ass attitude like yours will make the PPP lose elections and always make Africans stand above Indians in Guyana.

PNC supporters stays quiet and make changes to benefit themselves.  But PPP supporters like you, are a 'know-it-all' mouth piece, who leave it for someone else to do. Because de wuk too hard. 

You were the one stated that you went to Jagdeo for a favor and he turned you down, isn't that true?? Well I can see your hatred for the PPP but you also Hate the Indians, if you think so little of them over the Afros.

 Did you ask Granger for that favor? Maybe you must think that government just give away money, that happens in Africa, you can fool them.


I agree that Tola should have asked Granger for assistance since he claimed that the PPP didn’t offer any. 
Not saying that the PPP were saints but the same people who claimed that the PPP refused them help are scared to even approach Granger for help. 
Is an Indo Guyanese thing to cuss the PPP and friken de PNC.


There are some dull railway spikes pan GNI, who knows how  to read adda people's mind.

Its no wonder Africans will continue to take advantage of dem and win, from dem display of hate.  Hea...hea...hea.

Tola posted:

There are some dull railway spikes pan GNI, who knows how  to read adda people's mind.

Its no wonder Africans will continue to take advantage of dem and win, from dem display of hate.  Hea...hea...hea.

Negroes take advantage of coolies in Guyana because the police force who are being paid by the taxpayers, do nothing to their kind. It's not only coolies hate; the feeling is mutual, more so on the negro side. Negroes vote for PNC only whereas coolies vote PNC. Negroes would not blame their corrupted leaders but coolies will tell it like it is.

skeldon_man posted:
Tola posted:

There are some dull railway spikes pan GNI, who knows how  to read adda people's mind.

Its no wonder Africans will continue to take advantage of dem and win, from dem display of hate.  Hea...hea...hea.

Negroes take advantage of coolies in Guyana because the police force who are being paid by the taxpayers, do nothing to their kind. It's not only coolies hate; the feeling is mutual, more so on the negro side. Negroes vote for PNC only whereas coolies vote PNC[Tola:PPP]. Negroes would not blame their corrupted leaders but coolies will tell it like it is.

But Skelly, what can be done to change this scenario. Or leave it as it is, for generations to endure ?

One solution: Create an incentive for more Indians to join the GDF and GPF.  


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