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Is there any articles under the freedom of information act which will demand the disclosure of the remuneration of the attorneys representing these 'private citizens'? This could put to rest any speculations about who they really are.

The fact remains that there were 9 contesting political parties in the March 2020 elections and the only group standing in the way of the declaration of the results as well as the need for elections before march 2nd was the Coalition. Ramjattan has spent many years advocating for a corruption-free government and he is a well educated individual who needs no one to point out to him Mingo's clumsy attempt to rig the elections as well as Lowenfield's many attempts to declare bogus totals to the Commission. Yet while the other parties on many occasions have criticize/condemned these actions, the Coalition, with the exception of Sharma and Gaskin has either remained silent or openly supported those fraudulent attempts. Ramjattan as well as everyone else paying attention know fully well that these are PNC straws. Gaskin was very frank in his utterances. It would help rehabilitate Ramjattan's standing if he does the same especially since I am pretty certain that if the PNC forms the next government, Granger will not appoint him as Prime Minister. The time is ripe for him to cut himself lose for his own good.

@Former Member posted:

The fact remains that there were 9 contesting political parties in the March 2020 elections and the only group standing in the way of the declaration of the results as well as the need for elections before march 2nd was the Coalition.

Total Votes gained by 7 parties 9,096 ,breakdown of votes by the parties,

ANUG = 2,313 - CG=1,953 - LJP =2,657 - PRP =889  -TCI =680

TNM =244 - URP =360

How effective are these parties ? three with joiner of list  barely get enough  votes for a seat in Parliament .

Last edited by Django

Perhaps, it would be of interest to know the respective votes secured by the smaller parties of APNU; formed in 2011 with the AFC in 2015 ...

-- Alliance for Change

-- Guyana Action Party

-- Guyana Association of Local Authorities

-- Guyana National Congress

-- Guyana People's Partnership

-- Guyana Youth Congress,

-- Working People's Alliance

-- Justice for All Party

-- National Democratic Front

-- National Front Alliance

@Django posted:

Total Votes gained by 7 parties 9,096 ,breakdown of votes by the parties,

ANUG = 2,313 - CG=1,953 - LJP =2,657 - PRP =889  -TCI =680

TNM =244 - URP =360

How effective are these parties ? three with joiner of list  barely get enough  votes for a seat in Parliament .

Ok, lets leave them out then. The PPP got 233k valid votes and the PNC got 217 valid votes but all the attempts to declare fraudulent totals were done by Lowenfield in favor of the PNC and when GECOM objected to him the PNC went to court to delay GECOM from declaring the true winner.

@Django posted:

Total Votes gained by 7 parties 9,096 ,breakdown of votes by the parties,

ANUG = 2,313 - CG=1,953 - LJP =2,657 - PRP =889  -TCI =680

TNM =244 - URP =360

How effective are these parties ? three with joiner of list  barely get enough  votes for a seat in Parliament .

Thank you Mr. Django. I observe you are using numbers from the recount. You are finally realizing what the TRUTH is.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

Thank you Mr. Django. I observe you are using numbers from the recount. You are finally realizing what the TRUTH is.

Long Live Democracy.

Any big difference that was declared on prior declarations ? the TRUTH majority people want to know ,are the votes the PPP got at the elections LEGIT ? to date it's revealed there was electoral FRAUD in their strong holds.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Any big difference that was declared on prior declarations ? the TRUTH majority people want to know ,are the votes the PPP got at the elections LEGIT ? to date it's revealed there was electoral FRAUD in their strong holds.

If there was fraud in PPP/C strongholds, why is Lowenfield’s last fraudulent declaration not rejecting votes from Regions 1,2,3,5,6 and 9. The coalition knew very early from their copies of the SOPs that they lost the elections. They counted most of North and South Georgetown (their strongholds) using the SOPs and realized they would not be able to overtake the PPP/C on the East Bank and East Coast. The rigging scheme was implemented using Mingo’ Spreadsheet. Then there was the Spreadsheet projected on a dirty Bedsheet in a dimly lit cow pen with the reflection of a sun set. You fail  to remember that this election was administered by GECOM and not the PPP/C. Your hatred for Dr. Jagdeo and the PPP/C is affecting your analysis and conclusions of the elections. For my part, I do care which party wins, I am on the side of the Guyanese people and their freedom of choice.

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

If there was fraud in PPP/C strongholds, why is Lowenfield’s last fraudulent declaration not rejecting votes from Regions 1,2,3,5,6 and 9. The coalition knew very early from their copies of the SOPs that they lost the elections. They counted most of North and South Georgetown (their strongholds) using the SOPs and realized they would not be able to overtake the PPP/C on the East Bank and East Coast. The rigging scheme was implemented using Mingo’ Spreadsheet. Then there was the Spreadsheet projected on a dirty Bedsheet in a dimly lit cow pen with the reflection of a sun set. You fail  to remember that this election was administered by GECOM and not the PPP/C. Your hatred for Dr. Jagdeo and the PPP/C is affecting your analysis and conclusions of the elections. For my part, I do care which party wins, I am on the side of the Guyanese people and their freedom of choice.

Long Live Democracy.

For my part, I do NOT care which party wins, .........

@BGMAN posted:

If there was fraud in PPP/C strongholds, why is Lowenfield’s last fraudulent declaration not rejecting votes from Regions 1,2,3,5,6 and 9. The coalition knew very early from their copies of the SOPs that they lost the elections.

They counted most of North and South Georgetown (their strongholds) using the SOPs and realized they would not be able to overtake the PPP/C on the East Bank and East Coast.

The rigging scheme was implemented using Mingo’ Spreadsheet. Then there was the Spreadsheet projected on a dirty Bedsheet in a dimly lit cow pen with the reflection of a sun set.You fail  to remember that this election was administered by GECOM and not the PPP/C.

Your hatred for Dr. Jagdeo and the PPP/C is affecting your analysis and conclusions of the elections.

For my part, I do care which party wins, I am on the side of the Guyanese people and their freedom of choice.

Long Live Democracy.

The PPP committed acts of Electoral FRAUD on the East Coast and East Bank Demerera in Region 4 and other Regions in Guyana . Is that a LEGIT WIN ? regarding Mingo i have stated his skulduggery.

Nothing to do with hate he is bad for Guyana ,my analysis and conclusions are based on information  gathered from many sources. The PPP have been cheating the elections for awhile ,the Party can't win elections fairly.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The PPP committed acts of Electoral FRAUD on the East Coast and East Bank Demerera in Region 4 and other Regions in Guyana . Is that a LEGIT WIN ? regarding Mingo i have stated his skulduggery.

Nothing to do with hate he is bad for Guyana ,my analysis and conclusions are based on information  gathered from many sources. The PPP have been cheating the elections for awhile ,the Party can't win elections fairly.

As you can read in my post above, I do NOT care which party wins. The fraud you are speaking about is nothing but allegations you are receiving from your coalition sources. My sources are the observers, both local and foreign. They cannot all be wrong and only the coalition is correct. Listen to the election observations by Guyanese Canadian Lawyer, Mr. Selwyn Pieters. He represented the Guyana Bar Association, and eloquently described the  skullduggery that took place at the Ashminns Building while he was there. He is no friend of the PPP/C. He is on the side of democracy.

The history of election rigging in Guyana is well,documented. The PNC started rigging in 1968 to 1985. As I have said before they are too lazy to do the hard work to attract voters. Their record in government is dismal, therefore they have nothing to offer the people. This party needs a makeover with young democratic leaders who respect the constitution and do the hard work throughout the length and breath of Guyana to attract voters. They depend too much on the discipline forces to do their bidding. 

Long Live Democracy.

@BGMAN posted:

As you can read in my post above, I do NOT care which party wins.

The fraud you are speaking about is nothing but allegations you are receiving from your coalition sources.

My sources are the observers, both local and foreign. They cannot all be wrong and only the coalition is correct. Listen to the election observations by Guyanese Canadian Lawyer, Mr. Selwyn Pieters. He represented the Guyana Bar Association, and eloquently described the  skullduggery that took place at the Ashminns Building while he was there. He is no friend of the PPP/C. He is on the side of democracy.

The history of election rigging in Guyana is well,documented. The PNC started rigging in 1968 to 1985. As I have said before they are too lazy to do the hard work to attract voters. Their record in government is dismal, therefore they have nothing to offer the people. This party needs a makeover with young democratic leaders who respect the constitution and do the hard work throughout the length and breath of Guyana to attract voters. They depend too much on the discipline forces to do their bidding. 

Long Live Democracy.

You got to be kidding ,information are given from neutral people on the ground in Guyana .It's a small population words get around quickly.

I have already stated the skulduggery at Ashmins Bulding ,i have about two hours of videos from different sources .It's enough to conclude what happened. Don't need Selwyn to relate such.

There is no doubt the PNC rigged elections from 1968 to 1985. What you failed to date is to accept, the PPP also committed Electoral Fraud. I will state again the PPP can't win elections in Guyana fairly ,they don't have the numbers of supporters.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

There is no doubt the PNC rigged elections from 1968 to 1985. What you failed to date is to accept, the PPP also committed Electoral Fraud. I will state again the PPP can't win elections in Guyana fairly ,they don't have the numbers of supporters.

The PPP has always won elections fairly.  It's the PNC which has a history of trickery and fraud.

@Django posted:

You got to be kidding ,information are given from neutral people on the ground in Guyana .It's a small population words get around quickly.

I have already stated the skulduggery at Ashmins Bulding ,i have about two hours of videos from different sources .It's enough to conclude what happened. Don't need Selwyn to relate such.

There is no doubt the PNC rigged elections from 1968 to 1985. What you failed to date is to accept, the PPP also committed Electoral Fraud. I will state again the PPP can't win elections in Guyana fairly ,they don't have the numbers of supporters.

There is no such thing as neutral people on the ground. Every voter selected a party for whom they were going to vote for.

Can you inform us why the Chairwoman was locked up in a room and no one in the opposition had access to her when Mingo began his fraud?

The observers and technology saved the day at Ashmins Building and the second attempt to rig the election at Gecom’s Office on High Street. We are going to differ on your claim of PPP/C fraud.

No party in Guyana has the ethnic numbers to win an election. They have to do the political work in and out of government and convince the electorate that they have a better vision than their opponents.

The coalition believe they have a god given right to rule Guyana even if they have to rig. This is what you are supporting, a corrupt cabal trying to bully people. This is not going to succeed this time.

Long Live Democracy.


Forget all the previous elections and whether they were rigged or not. They don't matter now. Only this one does and it cannot be redone. As the Speaker of the Assemble stated in December 2018 when Volda Lawrence asked for a timeout. "There is no timeout during a vote. It has to be taken to its conclusion". Similarly here there, there is no redo of the elections. This one has to be taken to its conclusion first.

Anyway, back to my comment about fraud. Just after the elections, Granger stated that the elections were free and fair. He was echoed by many in the Coalition. Just before the start of the recount, Williams stated emphatically that the Coalition has their SOPs and those SOPs show that the Coalition won. At that time he was referring to the SOPs in their original form so there was no filtering of them as the Coalition sought to do during the recount. However, the recount shows that the raw counting of the ballots did not support a win for the Coalition as Williams claimed. But those recount numbers closely approximated the ones published by the PPP on May 5th. What this shows is that while the Coalition's story keeps changing, the PPP's claim remained fairly constant. If the Coalition were lying about winning before the recount began when their SOPs would have shown otherwise, the burden is heavily against them in all the wild allegations they have tried to make since the recount began and it magnified how great Mingo's fraud was. That is why the CARICOM observers who Granger certified as the most credible interlocutor stated in their report that the Coalition members were on fishing expeditions.

@BGMAN posted:

There is no such thing as neutral people on the ground. Every voter selected a party for whom they were going to vote for.

Can you inform us why the Chairwoman was locked up in a room and no one in the opposition had access to her when Mingo began his fraud?

The observers and technology saved the day at Ashmins Building and the second attempt to rig the election at Gecom’s Office on High Street. We are going to differ on your claim of PPP/C fraud.

No party in Guyana has the ethnic numbers to win an election. They have to do the political work in and out of government and convince the electorate that they have a better vision than their opponents.

The coalition believe they have a god given right to rule Guyana even if they have to rig. This is what you are supporting, a corrupt cabal trying to bully people. This is not going to succeed this time.

Long Live Democracy.

There is the view of being all over the place to buttress your argument.  The last paragraph says it all ,no need to seek further  the fake representation of  "I do NOT care which party wins"

Last edited by Django

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