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Attorney General asks High Court to calculate “absolute majority” in no-confidence vote; Jagdeo applies to join validity of Charrandas Persaud vote


Attorney General Basil Williams

Attorney General Basil Williams on Monday asked the High Court to find that 34 instead of 33 votes are required to pass a no-confidence motion even as Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has separately asked the Court to join proceedings challenging the validity of former government parliamentarian Charrandas Persaud’s vote because he is a Canadian.

With the respondents being House Speaker Dr. Barton Scotland and the Opposition Leader, the Attorney General asked the High Court to determine whether the Speaker’s ruling on the no-confidence motion on December 21st, 2018 was validly passed by 33 to 32 by the required majority of all of the elected members of the National Assembly and “whether the requisite majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly ought properly to be 34 votes.”

“The National Assembly of Guyana comprises 65 members and that mathematically, half of all the elected members of the current National Assembly would result in a fraction of 32.5. In the instant case as half of 65 results in the fraction of 32.5, that figure should then be rounded to the next whole number being 33 which would now represent half of the elected members, the majority thereby being a number greater than half means that ‘1’ ought to have been added to the whole number ‘33’ to calculate an absolute majority of 34,” the Attorney General said.

Williams also wants the High Court to determine whether the President and the ministers of government could remain in office as a majority vote was not carried, and whether the Court could scrap the Speaker’s ruling that the motion was carried, and could order a stay on the enforcement of the Resolution declared by the Clerk of the National Assembly to have been passed by the House.

Against the background of a constitutional provision that the President and the ministers of government could remain in office as a majority vote, the Attorney General also wants the court to find whether it can grant an order for the President and the government to remain in office pending the outcome of the court case.

Williams is also relying on remarks by the House Speaker on January 3rd, 2019 to the National Assembly that the issues surrounding the no-confidence vote should be settled by a Court. “I must tell you Honourable members that the issues which we now face calls us to look outside of the Parliament to find answers… a full, final and complete settlement of these issues by a Court of competent jurisdiction will place beyond doubt any questions which may exist and serve to give guidance to the Speaker and the National Assembly,” Scotland was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Jagdeo has applied to the High Court to be a party to the proceedings filed by private citizen Compton Reid, challenging the validity of Charrandas Persaud’s vote because he is a Canadian citizen and should not have been even elected to sit in the House and, moreover, vote.

The battery of lawyers, led by Attorney-at-Law Anil Nandlall, on Monday filed an application for Jagdeo to be joined on the matter, because “the main thrust of the proceedings filed” by Reid is to invalidate the no-confidence motion and to ultimately prevent its constitutional consequences” – resignation of the President and Cabinet, calling of general elections in 90 days or having the House extend that period by a two-thirds majority.

Referring  to the Attorney General’s remarks that the government had been in the process of filing legal proceedings to challenge the validity of the votes in respect of the no-confidence motion, Jagdeo said because of the parties to those proceedings and the Attorneys-at-Law on record for Reid, he “genuinely fears that there is manifest connivance and collusion in the institution of these proceedings and the Attorney-General would be ready and willing to consent to judgment in a deliberate conspiracy to pervert these legal proceedings in order to nullify the aforesaid No Confidence Motion and its constitutional consequence.”

“It is imperative that the Applicant be permitted to join these proceedings not only to protect its integrity but in order to protect and preserve the will of a majority of the elected members who voted in favour of the said No Confidence Motion and also to protect and preserve the sanctity of proceedings in the National Assembly as well as the Constitution of Guyana,” the court papers state.

Jagdeo’s lawyers said the matter raises not only issues of paramount constitutional and parliamentary significance but also fundamental political issues which may have far reaching implications for national democracy, peace, order and good governance in Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

These bunch of hapless coalition military men cant even get their legal act put up a legal challenge...

...Jagdeo is in their in the High Court. Jagdeo like he got them running in circles.

...where are all dem high powered lawyers they hired supposedly recently....?

Hayes?  Pollard??  Hughes??

VishMahabir posted:

Attorney General asks High Court to calculate “absolute majority” in no-confidence vote; Jagdeo applies to join validity of Charrandas Persaud vote

Attorney General Basil Williams

Attorney General Basil Williams on Monday asked the High Court to find that 34 instead of 33 votes are required to pass a no-confidence motion even as Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has separately asked the Court to join proceedings challenging the validity of former government parliamentarian Charrandas Persaud’s vote because he is a Canadian.

“The National Assembly of Guyana comprises 65 members and that mathematically, half of all the elected members of the current National Assembly would result in a fraction of 32.5. In the instant case as half of 65 results in the fraction of 32.5, that figure should then be rounded to the next whole number being 33 which would now represent half of the elected members, the majority thereby being a number greater than half means that ‘1’ ought to have been added to the whole number ‘33’ to calculate an absolute majority of 34,” the Attorney General said.

Perhaps the learned individual is unaware that MPs are people and are not things which can be broken-down into parts and fractions.

Perhaps the learned individual can present a half-person for all to see.

33 MPs is the majority from a total number of 65 MPs..


No one outflank the coalition. The coalition outflank themselves. They allowed themselves to become an H. Greene outfit to settle scores with Hinds and Lewis. Also from the beginning their leadership did not reflect the diversity of Guyana.

VishMahabir posted:

These bunch of hapless coalition military men cant even get their legal act put up a legal challenge...

...Jagdeo is in their in the High Court. Jagdeo like he got them running in circles.

...where are all dem high powered lawyers they hired supposedly recently....?

Hayes?  Pollard??  Hughes??


it's procedural . . . what's with the "outflanked" nonsense?

dumb post


Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo must be a central part of the court proceedings because his no-confidence motion is the root of the brouhaha.


The Charlatan with his frivolous reasons, his party made up for the No Confidence in the Coalition Gov't, wants to be parts of the Court Proceedings,he Filed the NCM so he have to be there. I watched a video from Stabroek News that was recorded at  his one man press conference on the day the NCM was filed, listening to his statements and looking at his body language, I have concluded he knew a vote will be cast on their side.Don't know how the Coalition Gov't missed that.

 I have a feeling his motive and plans will come back to bite him.

Well be waiting for the folks to take some sunlight, when they read this.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo must be a central part of the court proceedings because his no-confidence motion is the root of the brouhaha.


The Charlatan with his frivolous reasons, his party made up for the No Confidence in the Coalition Gov't, wants to be parts of the Court Proceedings,he Filed the NCM so he have to be there. I watched a video from Stabroek News that was recorded at  his one man press conference on the day the NCM was filed, listening to his statements and looking at his body language, I have concluded he knew a vote will be cast on their side.Don't know how the Coalition Gov't missed that.

 I have a feeling his motive and plans will come back to bite him.

Well be waiting for the folks to take some sunlight, when they read this.

Haha, soooo much “feelings “you express lately but the facts came back like a tsunami to wash those “ feelings away. 

FYI - Charandass was not the only one to jump the sinking ship . When the death threats were made at him, two others panic. 


Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo must be a central part of the court proceedings because his no-confidence motion is the root of the brouhaha.


The Charlatan with his frivolous reasons, his party made up for the No Confidence in the Coalition Gov't, wants to be parts of the Court Proceedings,he Filed the NCM so he have to be there. I watched a video from Stabroek News that was recorded at  his one man press conference on the day the NCM was filed, listening to his statements and looking at his body language, I have concluded he knew a vote will be cast on their side.Don't know how the Coalition Gov't missed that.

 I have a feeling his motive and plans will come back to bite him.

Well be waiting for the folks to take some sunlight, when they read this.

Look, I detest Jagdeo; his voice is a rage trigger for me since it represents all that is evil and vile about us as a nation. No other Guyanese do that for me by themselves and that may be because those like Volda did not get as much airtime. 

The reality is there had to be a quid pro quo with Charandass and nothing happens to the PPP of late without this fellow hands in it. However, that being said it is what politicians do. They try to destabilize the other side in the competition for ideas ( or in the case of jagdeo for lucre). He was well within his rights to do it and would be a fool to forgo the chance. 

Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

He won fair and square unlike numerous other elections...but we know some of you like to forget stuff

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

So who are the PNC supporters? Super sheeple like you? So Guyana has all brainless zombies running the country?

Ray posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

He won fair and square unlike numerous other elections...but we know some of you like to forget stuff

Quite an accusation.

Django posted:
Ray posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

He won fair and square unlike numerous other elections...but we know some of you like to forget stuff

Quite an accusation.

And why do you believe this is an "accusation?"

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

So who are the PNC supporters? Super sheeple like you? So Guyana has all brainless zombies running the country?

 You know a lot about Guyana, how you missed that ?

Yep nuff nuff running around, some here too.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:

He won fair and square unlike numerous other elections...but we know some of you like to forget stuff

Quite an accusation.

And why do you believe this is an "accusation?"

What kind a dumb-ass question is that ? his orbuculum tells him such.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

So who are the PNC supporters? Super sheeple like you? So Guyana has all brainless zombies running the country?

 You know a lot about Guyana, how you missed that ?

Yep nuff nuff running around, some here too.

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

BATTY WASHERS always TRY TO FIND EXCUSES AND because of their extreme ignorance and illiteracy always considers themselves EXPERTS in all matters.

That how the BRAINLESS thinks. Anyway most are followers and are sheeple.

Bai looks like you are another genius we are dealing with. Jagdeo was a two-term president of Guyana. Can you say that you were a president also(except for your repair shop)?

That's his big accomplishment voted in by followers and the sheeple.

So who are the PNC supporters? Super sheeple like you? So Guyana has all brainless zombies running the country?

 You know a lot about Guyana, how you missed that ?

Yep nuff nuff running around, some here too.

You shouldn’t categorize yourself like that 

Nehru posted:

HEHEHEHe OUCH!!!  Well, it is difficult to argue with STUPID!! Shameless Dummies indeed!!

Trolling thread to thread with the same nonsense, seems like you are the STUPID and DUMMY.

skeldon_man posted:

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.





  • People compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led.

    ‘by the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late’
    <button data-behaviour="ga-event" data-value="more example sentences">More example sentences</button>


1940s: blend of sheep and people.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.

You getting little slow bhai.

Arite bai.  I am not a Lexicographer and I am not in the habit of looking up derogatory words. Me beg you pardon haffica. 

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.

You getting little slow bhai.

Skelly shoots first and ask the deer sheep about words after.

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.





  • People compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led.

    ‘by the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late’
    <button data-behaviour="ga-event" data-value="more example sentences">More example sentences</button>


1940s: blend of sheep and people.

so a cross between a sheep and a goat besides being delicious would be a Geep or a Shoat?

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Because "sheeple" is not an English word. It's a Django word that only exists in Django's Sheeple Dictionary.

You getting little slow bhai.

Skelly shoots first and ask the deer sheep about words after.

So he would be considered a deeshee?


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