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Former Member

Coalition’s election petition not completed – lawyer Joseph Harmon, David Granger, and Khemraj Ramjattan

The APNU/AFC Coalition has still not completed its election petition, according to one of their lawyers, Roysdale Forde.

Former President David Granger, who is also leader of the APNU-faction of the coalition, had announced last week that the petition was likely to be completed by this weekend and filed on Monday.

However, when contacted byINews, Forde said the document remains incomplete and he could not say when it is likely to be finalised.

Roysdale Forde

Guyana’s laws dictate that an election petition must be filed in the High Court within 28 days after the results of the elections were declared.

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) declared the winner of the March 2 elections on August 2.

Granger had previously expressed hope that the petition, when filed, will be dealt with swiftly by the court.

The APNU/AFC is maintaining that there were irregularities in the March 2 elections.

A National Recount, which was agreed to by Granger and the then Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, showed that the PPP/C secured 233,336 votes while the APNU/AFC obtained 217,920 votes – a difference of some 15,416 votes.

The results were certified by the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and other international and local observers as well as all other parties that contested the election.

In fact, the recount was mandated following the discovery of major irregularities and attempts to alter the results of the election by Region Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo.

Though every other stakeholder denounced those attempts, Granger’s APNU/AFC Coalition was prepared to accept the fraudulent figures and had not raised any concerns about those irregularities.

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They are not filing any petition. I don't think that bunch want to ever find themselves in a courtroom again. Unfortunately for some of them they will  and it is not by their choice.


PNC will make a political blunder and mockery of themselves if they file a petition. It's best for them to continue singing that Nancy story about rigging to the bottom house crew. 

@Former Member posted:

PNC will make a political blunder and mockery of themselves if they file a petition. It's best for them to continue singing that Nancy story about rigging to the bottom house crew. 

Spoke to my relatives in Guyana. They said many PNC supporters don’t believe they have a strong case.   Now they have to prove what they claim. I tell you, they may file, but it’s dead in the water. 

@Former Member posted:

Spoke to my relatives in Guyana. They said many PNC supporters don’t believe they have a strong case.   Now they have to prove what they claim. I tell you, they may file, but it’s dead in the water. 

The PNC doesn't have the money to file this claim. They have to pay for all the other frivolous ones too. They also on the hook to JJ&B LLC who did nothing for them but they still have to shell out that 40k each month. They were counting on staying in government and using the treasury as their personal checking account. Lots of people were counting on PNC soup and now it all gone fuh channa.

@Tola posted:

Just like those in the PPP will get rich again, while their voters get kicked to the curb. 

Spoken like a true PNC tool. File the petition as this is the legal pathway otherwise your opinion is not worth a penny. You guys are delusional to believe that your opinions is the will of the Guyanese people yet you do not live there. Good luck! PNC days are over...

@Ace posted:

Spoken like a true PNC tool. File the petition as this is the legal pathway otherwise your opinion is not worth a penny. You guys are delusional to believe that your opinions is the will of the Guyanese people yet you do not live there. Good luck! PNC days are over...

Which one you doan believe, dem PPP peeps gettin rich or dem kicking their peeps to the curb? 

@cain posted:

Which one you doan believe, dem PPP peeps gettin rich or dem kicking their peeps to the curb? 

Most people believe people they should get more of the pie but don’t want to work for it. They will blame any government for their laziness. So when you say PPP peeps getting rich or getting kicked , it’s either that they worked hard and was rewarded or them lazy and expect government favours just for being supporters. That’s my philosophy, life is not fair, deal with it.

@Ace posted:

Spoken like a true PNC tool.

Sometimes I think some in the PPP are not smart enough to understand that a person who shows the wrongs of the PPP  are not necessary supporters of the PNC. They feel when a person bring up an issue regarding the PPP, that person is automatically a member of the PNC.

But what they fail to see, most people who criticize the PPP when they ignore their voters, were long time members of the PPP and do not support any party.  There is a huge difference to this issue. The Jagan PPP was compassionate towards their voters, but the Jagdeo PPP ignores them immediately after an election and we wait to see if it will happen again this time. Because greed is a difficult thing to overcome.   

@Tola posted:

Sometimes I think some in the PPP are not smart enough to understand that a person who shows the wrongs of the PPP  are not necessary supporters of the PNC. They feel when a person bring up an issue regarding the PPP, that person is automatically a member of the PNC.

But what they fail to see, most people who criticize the PPP when they ignore their voters, were long time members of the PPP and do not support any party.  There is a huge difference to this issue. The Jagan PPP was compassionate towards their voters, but the Jagdeo PPP ignores them immediately after an election and we wait to see if it will happen again this time. Because greed is a difficult thing to overcome.   

Supporting the PNC is just like being a member of the PNC.  If you are against the PPP, then you are for the PNC.  Moses and Ramjatan are not members of the PNC but they tried to kill the PPP. They failed. Those who criticize the PPP, also sleep with the enemy.  It's only 15 days since the PPP took office and you are already digging their grave. You curse Indians on daily basis but forget to pay attention to your own backyard.  Why do you live among them?


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