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Former Member

Coalition tells GECOM it cannot declare election results

Jun 08, 2020 News 2 , Source - Kaieteur News Online -

After a tabulation of most of the ballot boxes show the Opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) with a seemingly unassailable lead, the governing APNU+AFC has told the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) that it cannot declare the results of the recount of the March 2, General and Regional Elections.

President David Granger

The party has leveled a series of unsubstantiated allegations of fraud against the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), in its bid to convince the public that the elections were not credible.

In a statement published yesterday, the party said “GECOM is put on notice that it cannot use illegal and fraudulent votes to produce a valid and acceptable result. Fraud cannot produce credibility.”

The Coalition’s statement is however in conflict with what has been asserted by the leader of the APNU+AFC, incumbent President David Granger. On numerous occasions, the President emphasized that he clearly understands and wants the diplomatic community to know that GECOM is an autonomous body which cannot be directed by the President.

On March 8, 2019, President Granger invited the Commission to a meeting to discuss issues related to the hosting of General and Regional Elections. It is at the meeting that he specifically stated, “Let me make one thing clear. The Government is in no way interfering or intruding in the constitutional role and duty of the Commission. It is for the Commission to advise me… It is not for me to overrule the Commission.”

Later on March 6, 2020, President Granger met with Secretary-General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Ambassador Irwin La Rocque and representatives of the Organization of the American States (OAS) at the Ministry of the Presidency, where he specifically stated, “GECOM is a Constitutional body and it is unlawful for the Executive to interfere in the operations of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM). It is not the role of the Executive to interfere in the work of the Commission.”

Subsequently on March 15, the President said in a statement that, “Guyanese, I iterate that I have no role to play in the work of the Elections Commission. I cannot bring the process to an end; the Elections Commission must be allowed to do its work. I am committed to the rule of law and the Constitution. I respect the integrity and autonomous nature of the Elections Commission. I will abide by the declarations of the Elections Commission as I have abided by the rulings of the Court.”

Later on May 17th at the National Aquatic Centre, the APNU+AFC leader expressed, “We will rely on the role of the Caribbean Community in the recount process. That’s what I call the four Cs: the Constitution, the Courts, the Commission and CARICOM… I have the influence but I cannot intrude.”

Despite these strong statements by the President, the APNU+AFC has essentially instructed the Elections Commission not to declare the results of the national recount, which completed the remaining 74 ballot boxes, yesterday.

The party’s statement further claimed that it uncovered evidence of electoral fraud which have affected 84,000 votes. There were allegations of dead voters, as well as votes cast for those who were out of the jurisdiction on E-Day.

Twenty-six individuals emphatically told this publication that they were in Guyana on the day of the elections, despite contrary claims being peddled by the APNU+AFC.

Opposition- nominated commissioner Sase Gunraj appeared baffled as to how the coalition arrived at their 84,000 irregularities. In fact, he rejected it while adding that he would not subscribe to such claims.

Gunraj noted evidence, or lack thereof, on the basis of which he rejected the thousands of irregularities. “There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate any of the allegations that have been contained in any of the observation reports that have so far been brought to the tabulation room.”

Even as “flawed” as the election process seems to be, Gunraj highlighted that the Commission must still make declarations as it is vested with the authority of the Constitution of Guyana.

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@Former Member posted:

Coalition tells GECOM it cannot declare election results

Jun 08, 2020 News 2 , Source - Kaieteur News Online -

After a tabulation of most of the ballot boxes show the Opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) with a seemingly unassailable lead, the governing APNU+AFC has told the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) that it cannot declare the results of the recount of the March 2, General and Regional Elections.

Subsequently on March 15, the President said in a statement that, “Guyanese, I iterate that I have no role to play in the work of the Elections Commission. I cannot bring the process to an end; the Elections Commission must be allowed to do its work. I am committed to the rule of law and the Constitution. I respect the integrity and autonomous nature of the Elections Commission. I will abide by the declarations of the Elections Commission as I have abided by the rulings of the Court.”

Simple matter ....

... abide with the decision of GECOM on the recount of the votes which should take place in about a week's time.


Soulja Bai dance like Travolta

Jun 08, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 0 , Source Kaieteur News Online -

Dem boys from de Waterfalls paper send some questions fuh Soulja Bai answer. De man issue a statement on Saturday. It lang, lang but short, short when it comes to  dem boys’ questions.

Dem boys want know if Soulja Bai gun accept de results of de recount.

But like Soulja Bai in a dancing mood. He danced around de questions wha dem boys send.

He gat mo moves dan Travolta. Dem boys seh he scanting, slipping and sliding all over de place.  All he seh is dat  he gun abide by any declaration wha de GEE-CUM Chairman mek.

He talkin all kind of story wha nah gat no relevance. He seh GEE-CUM gat fuh study Caricom Report. Like he nah rememba dat de court seh dat GEE-CUM is wan independent body which gat to mek its own decisions and nlt obligated to Caricom.

Dem boys get news fuh Soulja Bai. Dem boys nah trust GEE-CUM, Claw-dette, Lolofield or Mine or Yours. Dat is why dem boys asking wan simple question to Soulja Bai: “Will you accept the results of the recount?”

Dem boys nah wan go near GED-CUM with a ten-foot pole.

Imagine documents from 29 polling books gone missing in action. Dem boys seh 29 Presiding Officers in one area can’t mek mistake like dat.

Dem had to get instruction from somebody.

Dem boys gat a suspect.

Dem boys still waiting fuh GEE-CUM fuh provide de names of dem DROs who GEE-CUM claiming never get any instruction fuh put dem documents in de poll bag.

Dem boys believe dat GEE-CUM get compromise a long time now and dat is why dem boys nah trust them from now till de end of nevah.

Talk half and wait fuh Claw-dette do she last-minute dance.


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