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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Cobra Bhai is angry at the racist PNC but he should not direct that anger and frustration that many Indos are experiencing toward Riff.


Riff is not the PNC.


Moses and Granger are the PNC. Vent your frustration towards the racist PNC.

Riff Raff should not be taking sides, and must not be making critical comments!!!!

Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.

Originally Posted by redux:

do y'all REALLY, REALLY, REALLY think what cobra is doing on this board is arite if he only juss "step it down a few notches" and be nicer to Riff Raff


really, really f**king now!?


smfh and walking away from the stench

One step at a time. We're just asking him to take the first step. If he shows a willingness to do that, there is hope.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.


Help me out bhai,what you mean here"Berbicians and Indos"

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.

Racism will not end any of those ways. You write from your gut feelings and not your brain. Come better next time.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.

Good points, BUT which government will resolve these issues, when blacks feel isolated under the PPP ?

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.

Good points, BUT which government will resolve these issues, when blacks feel isolated under the PPP ?

I do not dispute that fact either. 


Guyana needs a Walter Rodney. Let us hope is one is already born.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:

do y'all REALLY, REALLY, REALLY think what cobra is doing on this board is arite if he only juss "step it down a few notches" and be nicer to Riff Raff


really, really f**king now!?


smfh and walking away from the stench

One step at a time. We're just asking him to take the first step. If he shows a willingness to do that, there is hope.

at some point, a line must be drawn . . . he is way beyond that line, proud of his actions and way beyond caring


within the current rules, he should be free to post whatever without being banned


good people, however, have a responsibility to bring a peremptory HALT to all this avoidance, all this disgraceful collegiality with evil . . . all this acceptance


if, perhaps, he were consistently carrying on about Jews in the way he is about Black people, spicing it up like he does with his recent calls to violence, would the tolerant smiles still be there . . . would he still be a jolly good fellow just needing to "step it down a few notches" to fully re-join polite conversation?


this is a shameful enabling environment my friend . . . and i am not talking about admin or Riff Raff

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:

do y'all REALLY, REALLY, REALLY think what cobra is doing on this board is arite if he only juss "step it down a few notches" and be nicer to Riff Raff


really, really f**king now!?


smfh and walking away from the stench

One step at a time. We're just asking him to take the first step. If he shows a willingness to do that, there is hope.

at some point, a line must be drawn . . . he is way beyond that line, proud of his actions and way beyond caring


within the current rules, he should be free to post whatever without being banned


good people, however, have a responsibility to bring a peremptory HALT to all this avoidance, all this disgraceful collegiality with evil . . . all this acceptance


if, perhaps, he were consistently carrying on about Jews in the way he is about Black people, spicing it up like he does with his recent calls to violence, would the tolerant smiles still be there . . . would he still be a jolly good fellow just needing to "step it down a few notches" to fully re-join polite conversation?


this is a shameful enabling environment my friend . . . and i am not talking about admin or Riff Raff


We old people have a saying: Who nah hear, goh feel.

If Cobra ignores well-intentioned advice, he will feel the consequences one day.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by redux:

do y'all REALLY, REALLY, REALLY think what cobra is doing on this board is arite if he only juss "step it down a few notches" and be nicer to Riff Raff


really, really f**king now!?


smfh and walking away from the stench

One step at a time. We're just asking him to take the first step. If he shows a willingness to do that, there is hope.

at some point, a line must be drawn . . . he is way beyond that line, proud of his actions and way beyond caring


within the current rules, he should be free to post whatever without being banned


good people, however, have a responsibility to bring a peremptory HALT to all this avoidance, all this disgraceful collegiality with evil . . . all this acceptance


if, perhaps, he were consistently carrying on about Jews in the way he is about Black people, spicing it up like he does with his recent calls to violence, would the tolerant smiles still be there . . . would he still be a jolly good fellow just needing to "step it down a few notches" to fully re-join polite conversation?


this is a shameful enabling environment my friend . . . and i am not talking about admin or Riff Raff


We old people have a saying: Who nah hear, goh feel.

If Cobra ignores well-intentioned advice, he will feel the consequences one day.

Under Canadian laws, he can be arrested for hate crimes and this Forum is exposing itself for prosecution also.


Look, why can't we as adults carry on our discussions, arguments in a respectful way. we see an abundance of C....., n....., antiman, shatabatty, homosexual references, etc., during arguments. Many here use words they would not use in their every day life.

Morally, this is unacceptable. Some of the things posted are just reprehensible. Legally, some of it are illegal. Please check the Canadian Bill C51.

how much of what we do here help the average Guyanese we proclaim we care so much about. Most of the posters here do not live in Guyana, the info they have is second hand. But We are all experts on Guyana Because we can read. All we do here is about narrative or big up ourselves by making claims of having connections in Guyana. well people, if you want to do something for Guyanese, do a training program. In Guyana, adopt a school, etc. Many of you might be doing so already. The issue of race will not be solved. People will always have prejudices. We have to ensure that it is illegal to act on some of those, especially the divisive racial one. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Yuji..when will racism end in Guyana ?

When the PPP forms the next government ?


Racism will end when Moses stops using the C word to Insult Indos in parliament.


Racism will end when Berbicians and Indos stop being victims of violent crime while they are unprotected. 


Racism will end when the current PNC thugs stop humiliating Indos in Guyana.


Racism will end when the best of the PPP and PNC sit together under one tent.


Moses and Rumjhaat are a total disgrace and are afraid to speak up for Indos.

Hy dont you quite being the hypocrite and speak to your own belief. I can dredge up what you say here that is still on the forum; in short  black propel cannot run a cake shop, they only know how to steal, they are not equipped for thinking, is vile ignoramus like you we have to weed out to get to clarity.

Originally Posted by Zed:

Look, why can't we as adults carry on our discussions, arguments in a respectful way. we see an abundance of C....., n....., antiman, shatabatty, homosexual references, etc., during arguments. Many here use words they would not use in their every day life.

Morally, this is unacceptable. Some of the things posted are just reprehensible. Legally, some of it are illegal. Please check the Canadian Bill C51.

how much of what we do here help the average Guyanese we proclaim we care so much about. Most of the posters here do not live in Guyana, the info they have is second hand. But We are all experts on Guyana Because we can read. All we do here is about narrative or big up ourselves by making claims of having connections in Guyana. well people, if you want to do something for Guyanese, do a training program. In Guyana, adopt a school, etc. Many of you might be doing so already. The issue of race will not be solved. People will always have prejudices. We have to ensure that it is illegal to act on some of those, especially the divisive racial one. 

The biggest blight that Guyana has is its ethnic insecurities.


We have a narrative which paints one race as guilty, and therefore deserving pf punishment, and the other as saints, purely victimized by the savage and lazy race.


Until this comes to an end Guyana will go NO WHERE.


Under the PPP era blacks were educated and trained, and yet put to the side.  Why?  Because "is not Burnham time", "blackman lazy", and other pieces of racist bile.


Admit that Danyael talks facts and then discuss how this will be dealt with.  Because otherwise we will continue to have the endless cycle of ethnic revenge and ethnic marginalization, with the resulting bad governance.


And yes many of us are actively involved in various activities to help out institutions and individuals in Guyana, but unless the macro environment changes, such micro efforts are a waste.

Last edited by Former Member

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