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Originally Posted by Chief:

This past Tuesday Americans voted and sent a clear message to their President.They are tired and want to see change , so even in the bluest state things tured red.

When will our brothers and sisters in Guyana will be allowed to vote in local government elections.

I noticed my friend Cobra started a topic on this mid term election but is quiet on how the PPP is treating Guyanese.

Most americans stayued home because none of the candidates were courageous and stand up for the credo of the democratic party or the good works the President to date. They let themselves be swayed by narrowly defined parochial views, anti immigration,  gun control, revoking social benefits, against minimum wage increases, unions etc and they could not move a significant portion of the base. 13 % of the under 30 came out! Above 60 won it for the republicans. Who could have been motivated to vote for Grimes even though the alternative was so grotesquely flawed.


President Obama can walk with his head high as now all the pundits are demonstrating regrets at not using him and embracing a firm set of principles that defined democrats. None of the new republicans will care for the values of the poor and under represented. The republicans will do nothing these next two years. The President will since he has nothing to lose. I am so happy Justice Ginsberg read the tea leaves and decided this was not the time for her to leave.

Chief, 40% of registered voted in a mid-term election - mid-term where only a handful of Senate seats mostly in Republican States (Obama and Kerry lost these). Also there were a few Governors' races. So what clear message was sent to a two-term President? Tell me if America wants Obama care disappear. Or whether America should bomb Syria and Send troops in Iraq again. What message Bro? And who sent it? Stop echoing Fox News.

I don't watch fox news, even wid dem new hot anchors they have on there.  Well I rarely watch TV period.


But there is no defense for the fact that Obama has not done anything to help the average american. The only reason unemployment numbers are looking better these days is because a lot of persons have exited the job market.


Home foreclosures are still occurring and many homes are still underwater.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:

This past Tuesday Americans voted and sent a clear message to their President.They are tired and want to see change , so even in the bluest state things tured red.

When will our brothers and sisters in Guyana will be allowed to vote in local government elections.

I noticed my friend Cobra started a topic on this mid term election but is quiet on how the PPP is treating Guyanese.

Most americans stayued home because none of the candidates were courageous and stand up for the credo of the democratic party or the good works the President to date. They let themselves be swayed by narrowly defined parochial views, anti immigration,  gun control, revoking social benefits, against minimum wage increases, unions etc and they could not move a significant portion of the base. 13 % of the under 30 came out! Above 60 won it for the republicans. Who could have been motivated to vote for Grimes even though the alternative was so grotesquely flawed.


President Obama can walk with his head high as now all the pundits are demonstrating regrets at not using him and embracing a firm set of principles that defined democrats. None of the new republicans will care for the values of the poor and under represented. The republicans will do nothing these next two years. The President will since he has nothing to lose. I am so happy Justice Ginsberg read the tea leaves and decided this was not the time for her to leave.

I think the problem is many Democrats are lazy to go out to vote. Unless there is a lot of hype, they stay home. Republican voters are generally more committed. Sadly the agenda offered by Democratic candidates are more beneficial to most people yet the Democrats can't find the time to get off their lazy asses to go and vote. Early voting was probably created to get these lazy bones out but yet it doesn't seem to work.


Recently they were lamenting in Ferguson, MO that although most of the residents are blacks, the police force and politicians are all whites. Not that this is the same as what I wrote above but I feel that with the majority of that city being blacks, they have no reason to not have black representatives where they need them if they so wish. 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

read this article, mid term elections are usually plagued by poor voter turnout. But this one in particular was horrible because the dems failed to use Obama they couldn't use him in some cases.

In Florida, Christ was a peoples' governor. Yet Scott who once created and ran an organization charged with Medicare fraud was re-elected governor despite residents seeing the insurance rates and property tax rates protection by Christ disappear. Reason: Low voter turnout in historically Democratic voters areas like from Palm Beach Counties southward.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

read this article, mid term elections are usually plagued by poor voter turnout. But this one in particular was horrible because the dems failed to use Obama they couldn't use him in some cases.

In Florida, Christ was a peoples' governor. Yet Scott who once created and ran an organization charged with Medicare fraud was re-elected governor despite residents seeing the insurance rates and property tax rates protection by Christ disappear. Reason: Low voter turnout in historically Democratic voters areas like from Palm Beach Counties southward.

Crist bhoi Crist.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

read this article, mid term elections are usually plagued by poor voter turnout. But this one in particular was horrible because the dems failed to use Obama they couldn't use him in some cases.

In Florida, Christ was a peoples' governor. Yet Scott who once created and ran an organization charged with Medicare fraud was re-elected governor despite residents seeing the insurance rates and property tax rates protection by Christ disappear. Reason: Low voter turnout in historically Democratic voters areas like from Palm Beach Counties southward.

Crist bhoi Crist.

Thank you Sagga bai. Yuh voted?

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Obama should have been leveraged more in the south.

Politicians make the same mistakes every time putting too much weight on the pundits. I sometimes wonder about how the media calls elections with just 1% reporting. It gives the impression that the media is in collusion with some higher authority that has the elections already mapped out. It may be accurate but it just does not give that impression.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Everyone of you are more concerned of what I said about Obama and none responded to the point that Guyanese do not have this opportunity to change the corrupt PPP.

Bai Chief, as much as there are other parties surrounding the PPP & PNC, they will not have the same traction as those two. Remember how many parties contested the 1992 elections? A lot of them are now defunct. Just like most voters in America continue to support the two main parties, so do most in Guyana. While the AFC has made impressive advancement, they will at least for now only garner a small (yet significant) piece of the pie. Most will still identify with the PPP & PNC. In 1992, instead of those two parties disintegrating, they got stronger by their merging with the Civic and Reform respectively. The next election will add more understanding to this phenomena as Guyanese continue to establish their roles in the political arena.

Originally Posted by Chief:

This past Tuesday Americans voted and sent a clear message to their President.They are tired and want to see change , so even in the bluest state things tured red.

When will our brothers and sisters in Guyana will be allowed to vote in local government elections.

I noticed my friend Cobra started a topic on this mid term election but is quiet on how the PPP is treating Guyanese.

Howdy, Chief! I actually work on 11/04 as an (R) Inspector or poll worker.  I met up with Vishnu and Mike Duvalle. In terms of Guyana, it's a far fetched from the United States, but I am always optimistic for Guyana. I have maintained that Guyana is moving like a snail, but eventually it will get there. Maybe, not fast enough for some people. It would be wrong if I condemn the govt of the day during a tense time in our political history. We will see some action from Monday onwards. If it is the will of the people that the PPP must go, then so be it.  BTW, I didn't vote because NY is a democratic State and things are good.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't watch fox news, even wid dem new hot anchors they have on there.  

You are right about this. Those Fox News gals show a lot of legs and cleavages. Too bad I can't stand Fox News.

Anytime I get bored watching CNN etc., I turn to Fox news.

Too bad these women are on the fixed news.


Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

I don't watch fox news, even wid dem new hot anchors they have on there.  

You are right about this. Those Fox News gals show a lot of legs and cleavages. Too bad I can't stand Fox News.

Anytime I get bored watching CNN etc., I turn to Fox news.

Too bad these women are on the fixed news.


Any of Julie Banderas?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Dat serpent piss you does be spewing daily seems to already be getting you high, what "good stuff" you want?


Get freedom house to send you a monthly supply of El Dorado white.

You need to do something about your face. Are you that ugly that you have to wear a mask? 

Damn you're boring........


Originally Posted by Chief:

This past Tuesday Americans voted and sent a clear message to their President.They are tired and want to see change , so even in the bluest state things tured red.

When will our brothers and sisters in Guyana will be allowed to vote in local government elections.

I noticed my friend Cobra started a topic on this mid term election but is quiet on how the PPP is treating Guyanese.

Guyana cannot host two elections in one year.  Either MONC or LGE.  Take your pick.  The ball is in the AFCs court.


The only political party which can run two elections in one year is the PPP which has access to the tax payers' money.

Last edited by Former Member

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