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Commander-in-Chief reminds soldiers to uphold integrity – at GDF officers’ conference

Georgetown, GINA, January 19, 2012
Source - GINA

Commander – in- Chief of the Armed Forces Donald Ramotar addressing army officers at the force’s annual conference at Base Camp Ayanganna

New Commander-in-Chief of the Armed forces Donald Ramotar delivered his inaugural address to senior officers of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) today reminding them of their obligation to the principles of integrity which he said is paramount in any security force.

President Ramotar was at the time speaking at the opening of the force’s annual officers’ conference at the officers’ Mess, Base Camp Ayanganna which runs for two days under the theme ‘Consolidating our Transformation Process to enhance National Defence and Security’.

“The Guyana Defence Force Officers must be upright and have unquestionable integrity and character. This is vital for the morale of the army. Integrity is vital to success, President Ramotar said.”

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Donald Ramotar and Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Commodore Gary Best with army officers at Base Camp Ayanganna

The call was made for a redress to a number of misdemeanors that in the past gave the army a bad mark including the mysterious disappearance of weapons, some of which are still unaccounted for.

Given that Guyana is ranked among the developing countries of the world, President Ramotar implored value for every dollar spent in the force with cognizance of the nation’s poor and vulnerable who are much in need of assistance.

With a strategic defence review soon to be released, Commodore Best assured that the force, despite criticisms of the past, has made significant improvements and has become resolute in its service to the nation.

“The Guyana Defence Force is the people’s army. It was once so popularly known and referred to until recent… I also believe that our people must have access to the force through our defence and security obligations and in like manner, the force must have access to the nation through strong civil relations,” Commodore Best said.

Chief-of- Staff of the Guyana Defence Force Commodore Gary Best speaking to army officers at the officers’ Conference in the presence of Commander-in-Chief Donald Ramotar

“The army as a professional body can have a big, positive impact on our whole country because we need more professionalism at every level of our society. By example of high professionalism other institutions could be inspired,” President Ramotar said.

Assurance that the men and women of the army are committed to defence and security of the nation and are loyal to the Government came from its Chief of Staff, Commodore Gary Best in his remarks.

The GDF in 2008 initiated a process of reviewing its strategies, tactics, systems and administration, education, welfare and human resource management to set the stage for crafting the strategic defence review.

Commodore Best who said that the review will be submitted to the Commander- in - Chief for defence board’s deliberations, assured that it will serve as a guide for the formulation of a strategic defence plan.

The force came in for high praise for supplementing efforts of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) to maintain law and order at a time when Guyana was experiencing a spate of organized crimes and President Ramotar pledged to do all in his powers to support their efforts.

“I know that the army will be asking for more resources to recapitalize and to add to its capital stock. I am aware that since 1992, very much was done in recapitalizing the army. I want to assure you that I am willing and ready to do more in strengthening the army,” President Ramotar said.

He commended the army for its role in security at the borders even though Guyana over the years has maintained cordial and productive bilateral relations with its neighbours in South America.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

That may be tryue but latele the GPF is stepping up. Yes much more needs to be done. Balancing the Force is not the only answer. Some Indians Crookish like hell. Right here on GNI we have a few.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

That may be tryue but latele the GPF is stepping up. Yes much more needs to be done. Balancing the Force is not the only answer. Some Indians Crookish like hell. Right here on GNI we have a few.

Listen, Afro have a tendency to turn against you if you offer them a cold beer. It doesn't take much. 


having a army of that size in guyana is a waste of tax payers money who the hell will this army fight they should scale down and use the extra money to make the army more effective and put some of the extra money in the police force maybe raise their pay and better trainning

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

There needs to be a strategy on that as Afro and Indians see those opportunities very differently.  Skills training and a lucrative deferred incentive plan, along with the traditional benefits of the military.  Serving the nation should have attractive rewards.  I do applaud any Guyanese youth, Afro or Indo who take that up.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

There needs to be a strategy on that as Afro and Indians see those opportunities very differently.  Skills training and a lucrative deferred incentive plan, along with the traditional benefits of the military.  Serving the nation should have attractive rewards.  I do applaud any Guyanese youth, Afro or Indo who take that up.

another conversation about power consolidation and impunity masquerading as a discourse on ethnic security


one gets the sense that Afro-Guyanese already have [all] the empowerment the "Indian government in charge" has determined they need . . . hmmm?


and btw, there is NO all-Afro force fellas . . . go back to the drawing board with your invidious lies and myth-making

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

President Ramotar should encourage and recruit Indians to join the Army and police force. Guyana badly needed a balance in the discipline forces. I wouldn't trust an all Afro forces with an Indian government in charge. 

There needs to be a strategy on that as Afro and Indians see those opportunities very differently.  Skills training and a lucrative deferred incentive plan, along with the traditional benefits of the military.  Serving the nation should have attractive rewards.  I do applaud any Guyanese youth, Afro or Indo who take that up.

another conversation about power consolidation and impunity masquerading as a discourse on ethnic security


one gets the sense that Afro-Guyanese already have [all] the empowerment the "Indian government in charge" has determined they need . . . hmmm?


and btw, there is NO all-Afro force fellas . . . go back to the drawing board with your invidious lies and myth-making

You are one confuesd IDIOT!!!!


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