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Commentary: Could Republicans hold the House in 2018? Yes

Could Republicans hold the House in the upcoming midterms? Don't be ridiculous! The odds are awful. History is against them. The polls are all pointing the other way.  There's a better chance of an adulterous, loud-mouthed reality TV star being elected president of the United States...


In the bright light of day, Democrats appear to have a lock on taking control of the House of Representatives. But as they drift off to complacency, Donald Trump's victory—a win that virtually nobody saw coming—still haunts Democrats' dreams.

According to the data-crunchers at, the odds that the GOP will hold onto the 218 seats they need for a majority in the House are just 1-in-7. A slim 15 percent.  These same polling experts, by the way, gave Donald Trump just a 1-in-4 chance of winning the White House.

But when angry Democrats demanded an explanation from FiveThirtyEight's chief guru, Nate Silver, for getting the 2016 race so wrong, he insisted that he hadn't. "Things with a 1-in-4 chance of happening happen all the time," he noted. And he's right.

As David Byler, chief elections analyst at the Weekly Standard pointed out to me, a 15 percent probability "isn't so far off the probability of rolling a one on a six-sided die -- so it's definitely not what you should bet on, but it's far from unthinkable." 

The conventional wisdom is that a Democratic win is all but certain, and it's easy to see why: Democrats are raising money at a record pace and outpacing Republicans by a 2-1 margin; the "generic ballot" question continues to show a Democratic lead, and President Trump is underwater in virtually all of the swing states where Republicans are struggling to hold onto House seats. Add in the broader historic trend of the party winning the White House doing poorly in the first midterm two years later, and that's how pollsters get to a 85 percent chance that Nancy Pelosi will be picking out new curtains for the Speaker's office. (Assuming Democrats make her speaker again, but that's another story…)

But what about that 1-in-7 chance? What would have to happen for Republicans to roll snake eyes and sneak by with a win?  Here are three reasons why the race for control of the House isn't over:

Republican motivation is real

"What we're seeing in our polling the past two weeks is that Democratic enthusiasm hasn't kept pace with Republicans," says Brett Loyd, President and CEO of the Polling Company. "In early September, the Democrats' generic-ballot advantage was around 10 points. Now it's down around 7 percent. Democrats just haven't been winning the news cycles of late."

Jim Geraghty, who tracks political races for the conservative National Review, acknowledges that about 15 GOP house incumbents are already "Dead Members Walking," but points out that there are a handful of races (CA 39, FL 27, WA 8) where Republicans are proving to be stubbornly strong.  And, he says "remember that if the Democrats pick up 20 seats — usually a good year — the result is still a small GOP majority." 

 Rep. Tom Cole, R-Oklahoma, a key player for the GOP during the 2008 campaign when Democrats ran the table, told the Washington Post that this time is different. "They were resigned in '08. I think the mood now is we have a real shot."

Democratic turnout is uncertain

There are multiple reports that interest in the midterm election is at a record high. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds nearly two-thirds of registered voters have a high level of interest in the midterms—the highest ever recorded in the Journal/ABC poll for a midterm.

But "interest" isn't the same as "turnout." And as CBS News pollster Anthony Salvanto points out, the turnout models giving Democrats a big win in the house rely on whether "low-propensity voters who tell us they are going to vote Democratic this year follow through and vote."  They might…but they might not. The GOP, meanwhile, does best among older, white voters who have some of the highest voter turnout percentages. 

In addition, some of the seats Democrats need to flip are suburban districts where the percentage of these "low-propensity voters" — younger voters, minority voters—aren't as large a segment of the population. "Remember that in the late-breaking Senate races in 2014, when Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Pat Roberts of Kansas seemed to be in real danger, they ended up winning with solid margins," says Michael Barone, co-founder of the Almanac of American Politics. "That's because voters outside the major metro areas gave them big margins on Election Day."

And then there's this: While Democrats lead in the generic poll ("Which party would you rather have controlling Congress"), the latest CBS News poll actually finds that the GOP is slightly more popular—or perhaps more accurately, "less unpopular"—as a party than the Democrats, with a 40 percent favorability vs. the Democrats' 38 percent.  It's a slim advantage, but given the media coverage and the assumption of a Republican collapse, still a surprising one. 

Trump is peaking at the right time

"The key to the GOP pulling off a surprise win in the House is that President Trump's approval appears to be surging at the right time in our averages," says Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics. That average has the president's approval above 44 percent, which is definitely on his historic high end. Meanwhile, the new WSJ/NBC poll has his job approval up to 47 percent. 

Loyd believes it's because voters are finally starting to focus on the fundamentals, like the economy. "The right track/wrong track numbers have been improving, the consumer confidence numbers are way up, and 60 percent of adults believe their children will be better off than they are. This is movement in the right direction," Loyd said.

In fact, in the latest CBS News poll, 70 percent of Americans say the economy is doing well, the highest number since the tech bubble of 1998.

President Trump is making a very simple pitch: "Democrats produce mobs. Republicans produce jobs." He's also seizing on the scenes of thousands of migrants marching north from Central American toward the U.S. border. Democrats may completely disagree with Trump's views on these two issues, but there's little doubt they both play to his strengths.

And just in time for an election two short weeks away.

Republicans holding the House is still a long-shot bet. But their odds may not be quite as long as Nancy Pelosi would like.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I remember you Mr. Sakawinki boasting that Mrs C was winning the election, well you ended up with Shyte on your face on election morning, so much for your expertise. 

I said slim chance for the Republican winning House. The Senate for sure.

I guess Mr. Sakawinki D2 has poor comprehension skills. Enjoy drinking your piss, I know where you hang out and it is only at a park bench and shelter houses for the homeless. Mr. Sakawinki Hobo is dreaming. Keep up your dreams. Don't forget to take that Prozac.

yuji22 posted:

I remember you Mr. Sakawinki boasting that Mrs C was winning the election, well you ended up with Shyte on your face on election morning, so much for your expertise. 

I said slim chance for the Republican winning House. The Senate for sure.

I guess Mr. Sakawinki D2 has poor comprehension skills. Enjoy drinking your piss, I know where you hang out and it is only at a park bench and shelter houses for the homeless. Mr. Sakawinki Hobo is dreaming. Keep up your dreams. Don't forget to take that Prozac.

She won the popular vote by over 3 million and lost the presidency by 70k so that was well within the statical mean so I do not worry. Trump did nothing except roll back some EPA rules and give his buddies a tax break.  

I did not grow up drinking and bathing in trench water. That is possibly why  you cannot seem to avoid the pretensions of being rich. You possibly know where your mama hangs out. Sorry...I love parks. I do live in one but in a nice medium sized house with 2 dogs.  As said, you possibly know where your hang out


a small squirrel monkey that is a common pet....the thing is we have a bird called a bluesacki. I heard the kids confusing the names and asked if anyone else heard it ...that balahoo brahamin was not here so he is parroting  some distortion he picked up along the way. My mom is  Amerindian so I know most of the animals in the interior that this quack has never seen. Possibly never seen a sakwinki.

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

Dont want to get in the middle of this squabble...but if a Sakawini is not a bird, then what the heck is it?

jes askin.

D2 fought tooth and nail at GNI that a Sakawinki is a bird hence the nick name Sakawinki D2 stuck. This is what a (D2) sakawinki looks like:



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  • Unknown
Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Dont want to get in the middle of this squabble...but if a Sakawini is not a bird, then what the heck is it?

jes askin.

D2 fought tooth and nail at GNI that a Sakawinki is a bird hence the nick name Sakawinki D2 stuck. This is what a (D2) sakawinki looks like:


No wonder you like trump. You lie with similar casual ease....

yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Dont want to get in the middle of this squabble...but if a Sakawini is not a bird, then what the heck is it?

jes askin.

D2 fought tooth and nail at GNI that a Sakawinki is a bird hence the nick name Sakawinki D2 stuck. This is what a (D2) sakawinki looks like:


D2 posted:

a small squirrel monkey that is a common pet....the thing is we have a bird called a bluesacki. I heard the kids confusing the names and asked if anyone else heard it ...that balahoo brahamin was not here so he is parroting  some distortion he picked up along the way. My mom is  Amerindian so I know most of the animals in the interior that this quack has never seen. Possibly never seen a sakwinki.


yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Dont want to get in the middle of this squabble...but if a Sakawini is not a bird, then what the heck is it?

jes askin.

D2 fought tooth and nail at GNI that a Sakawinki is a bird hence the nick name Sakawinki D2 stuck. This is what a (D2) sakawinki looks like:


YuJ...I think you cross the line wid dis comment bro...dat one look personal.

yuji22 posted:

You can run but you cannot hide, This is what a (D2) Sakawinki look like:


No one runs from you. They tire of you. The reality is you are a convenient fool so end up at the short end of a sharp quip more often than not. It is not your fault you don't get with the program quick enough. As i said...that blue baby syndrome. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

On a lighter note....I found what look like a bunch of BlueSakis.

Dey cute...look like blue parrots. Guyana got some cute birds.


nope blussakies are small as robins. The male is the colorful ones  4788239960_2689848e34_b


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Mr. Sakawinki waited for me to post the answer before he responded. Ha Ha. He even copied my picture. Ha Ha.

I should have allowed him to make a fool of himself, twice.

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yuji22 posted:

Mr. Sakawinki waited for me to post the answer before he responded. Ha Ha.

No one waits on you I said you are not interesting. I merely took the time to look for a large picture

Last edited by Former Member

This is funny shyte, you are THE BIGGEST liar and the most deceitful at GNI.

You now earned the NEW title:

Mr Blue Saki Sakawinki. You are such a fraud.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This is funny shyte, you are THE BIGGEST liar and the most deceitful at GNI.

dummy...the only thing funny is you trying to appear smart. Plus, Guyanese know our bluesacki is not that pale blue but is a dark iridescent blue!


Not D2, he does not know the difference between a Blue Saki and a Sakiwinki. Look at how he copied my EXACT Picture posted.

Ha Ha.

D2 has been busted as being the biggest dunce and fraud at GNI. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:

On a lighter note....I found what look like a bunch of BlueSakis.

Dey cute...look like blue parrots. Guyana got some cute birds.


Ask D2 to identify this one.

Dummy.....I had them as pets as a try so I can humiliate your ass. 


OK, so what are they ?

You know shyte, you copied my Blue Saki Picture. Answer this one. I challenge you. Don't run and hide and said that you had those as pets.

You sir are a fraud and know shyte.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

OK, so what are they ?

You know shyte, you copied my Blue Saki Picture. Answer this one. I challenge you. Don't run and hide and said that you had those as pets.

You sir are a fraud and know shyte.

Dum dum....they are google first pics so blame them for listing these high in a search. 

VishMahabir posted:

So, you 2 brothers...from the same country...held a grudge for over 10 years...over a pair of banana-eating blue birds...that most people know nothing about???

Grudge? Hell know. This is a pretentious ass who believes god granted him pedigree and wealth when he just had his feet out of a logie and was drinking trench water most of his life. No, I just love to make him demonstrate what an ass he is.


Ok D2. So tell us what species of bird in the Picture that Vish Posted ?

Don't run and hide. You are a fake and a compulsive liar. Busted time and time again right here at GNI.

Fake D2 copied my EXACT Picture of the Blue saki picture that I posted . What a fraud !!!

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Ok D2. So tell us what species of bird the Picture that Vish Posted ?

Don't run and hide. You are a fake and a compulsive liar. Busted time and time again right here at GNI.

Fake D2 copied my EXACT Picture of the Blue saki picture that I posted . What a fraud !!!

I used to catch them so I know them you on the other hand dont know a damn about them Any fool can Google their name. Tell me where they live and how you get to them.  I copied nothing. The links are google's

Last edited by Former Member

Ok so you used to catch them ? Another Nancy story. You have been making up waayyyy too many stories at GNi.

If you did, than answer in plain English. What are they called in Guyana ?

Busted again !!!

yuji22 posted:

Ok so you used to catch them ? Another Nancy story. You have been making up waayyyy too many stories at GNi.

If you did, than answer in plain English. What are they called in Guyana ?

Busted again !!!

Again, I would not comply to please you. To the contrary, It would delight me to see you pretend you are on to some nugget when the answer is a keystroke away if I did not know what they are called. 


This proves that you are a compulsive LAIR and know shyte about Birds in Guyana.

No wonder you insisted that Sakawinki is Bird.

Ha Ha.

D2 is GNI's biggest fraud. If you used to catch those birds, what are they called ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

This proves that you are a compulsive LAIR and know shyte about Birds in Guyana.

No wonder you insisted that Sakawinki is Bird.

Ha Ha.

D2 is GNI's biggest fraud. If you used to catch those birds, what are they called ?

Again....if you know them why should I name them. I can call you a liar as easily as you can call me. I will describe exactly how we catched them at my convenience. You are such a nit!


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