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Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

Islamic leaders are much more protective of Islam. The Pandit-in-Chief protected the interest of the PPP at the expense of Hindu masses.


When the next census comes out you will see the Hindu community declined from 37% in 1992 to 20%.


Sing now...Hip Hip...Horay! Long live Pandit-in-Chief. 

Similar statement like when you publicly posted on GNI that the AFC will gain more than fifty-five ( 55% ) of the votes in the 2011 elections.

You must be smoking zeb grass or conga pum. You are the one who said the PPP will get 55 to 60%. I dare you to find where i said that because I know it is unrealistic. What I said is the AFC DOES NOT NEED TO WIN TO WIN!!!!!

I stated that the PPP/C could get 55% or more in the 2011 elections. They however got a bit more than 49%.


You -- TK -- stated that the AFC will get more than 55% in the 2011 elections. They got 10%.

Then simple...I dare you to provide the link.


BTW...I have an endowed chair (with private + public funding) for life. Eat your heart out old man. 

The statement, which was posted on GNI, about your prediction of the 2011 Guyana elections is correct.


About your statement on your employment ... read again ...Your 2012 salary is far less that my salary in the mid nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's }.


Source - GNI


Title --Corruption in Guyana


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
riginally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Haha...I am an endowed chair ....

New College of Florida is ranked at about number 663 in the US-of-A.


2011 - 2012 average salary for New College of Florida is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $81,900

Associate Professor --- $66,600

Assistant Professor --- $54,800


Of interest, the salary at the number one ranked university .. Harvard University is as follows ...


Full Professor --------- $198,400

Associate Professor --- $120,900

Assistant Professor --- $109,800

The 2011 - 2012 average salary for an Associate Professor - $66,600 - is less than my salary in the mid-nineteen eighty ( mid- 1980's ).

You don't know what my pay is nor would I tell you.


Moreover you are a dunce because there is significant variation in pay in any college in the US.


This is not the communist country where everyone has a national salary.


More substantial point is I don't measure myself with what a dunce old idiot like you makes.


I made the choice to go into academia to study the problems of underdevelopment and the issue of stabilization in small open economies. I have established my niche and am loving it each day.


Plus flexibility and no boss to look over me.


I then do lots of public service whether its being invited to give a talk on the fiscal cliff at the Manatee Democratic Party Club or at a central bank in the Caribbean. Then I get to do the most important public service which is to make sure democracy consolidates in Guyana. I am enjoying it and you seem to have a small penis problem. 

Keep on babbling your nonsense which is the best you can do in any situation.


On your substantive point .. you will never catch up with my salary.


You have no boss as your supervisor?  Ha ha ha haaaaa

Again you expose your profound ignorance. Not because you have a supervisor pummeling you means I have one. I don't. We are all colleagues. Eat your heart out jealous man. BTW...we do have multiple sources of income. 

Again, substantive point .. your salary will always be at least twenty five ( 25 ) years behind that of mine.


Continue with your useless ramblings and babbling.  



Again, substantive point .. your salary will always be at least twenty five ( 25 ) years behind that of mine.


Continue with your useless ramblings and babbling



You can keep dreaming. Shows how dunce you are. You haven't adjusted for exchange rate and considered within college variations plus external consulting. Dream on. 


What salary this demented ole goat talking about? 


Since when you make a salary when you're in a nursing home and 80 years old? Dementia have him living in the past. The man quoting a salary when he was last employed 15 years ago. 


He's so envious of TK. Never achieved anything in his life and never will now that he's confined to a nursing home.


Originally Posted by TK:


Again, substantive point .. your salary will always be at least twenty five ( 25 ) years behind that of mine.


Continue with your useless ramblings and babbling



You can keep dreaming. Shows how dunce you are. You haven't adjusted for exchange rate and considered within college variations plus external consulting. Dream on. 

Your choice to scramble, wish and dream.


The facts remain as noted on this and other parts regarding the issues.


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