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Breakdown of number of votes by region (incidentally the numbers by regions announced by Boodhoo does not add up to the total figures he gave)

Region 1
PPP/C 3,472
APNU 887
AFC 786
TUF 55

Region 2
PPP/C 12,450
APNU 3,254
AFC 2,159
TUF 69

Region 3
PPP/C 33,424
APNU 14,028
AFC 3,343
TUF 70

Region 4
PPP/C 60,851
APNU 84,828
AFC 10,635
TUF 201

Region 5
PPP/C 13,558
APNU 8,906
AFC 3,079
TUF 29

Region 6
PPP/C 32,360
APNU 10,798
AFC 11,634
TUF 83

Region 7
PPP/C 2,376
APNU 2,843
AFC 505
TUF 84

Region 8
PPP/C 741
APNU 739
AFC 995
TUF 95

Region 9
PPP/C 4,135
APNU 2,004
AFC 946
TUF 183

Region 10
PPP/C 2,868
APNU 11,358
AFC 1,324
TUF 34

PPP/C 166,235
APNU 139,645
AFC 35,406
TUC 903

Parliamentary seats
PPP/C 32

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Region 1
PPP/C 3,472
APNU 887
AFC 786
TUF 55

The PPP should have been given both regional seats. Cheated not defeated. This is proof.

Budhoo is a prick. Bastard.

You are right about that seat being taken away. If they did not do that PPPC would have gotten a total of 33 seats. But since the party did not gain a majority (over 50%) it couldn't get more seats than the total of the remaining parties, which together got for 51.10%.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Region 1
PPP/C 3,472
APNU 887
AFC 786
TUF 55

The PPP should have been given both regional seats. Cheated not defeated. This is proof.

Budhoo is a prick. Bastard.

Rama,if the PPP dont change their arrogant ways, they will be bashing their heads on the concrete wall for so long, before they learn that they are not in control any more and at the rate they are going,they can become the opposition, with their support dropping.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:

Region 10
PPP/C 2,868
APNU 11,358
AFC 1,324
TUF 34


PPP stooges note how you were stomped in Linden. I told you all they didnt like your racist attitude.

Doesn matter Caribj, to Afros, any Indian is a racist, to Indians, the same. Does not matter what even AFC did, Afros would stick to PNC as long as they think there is a chance. It's clear, this time around they expected a bigger split of the Indian vote so they all stuck with APNU/PNC hoping to slip through. This gamble did not work but APNU should enjoy the little leverage now. I don't think Indians will repeat this voting pattern, they got a shock as to the tightness and loyalty of the APNU (Afro) constituency. They also will "return home" come 2016.
Originally posted by baseman:
Does not matter what even AFC did, Afros would stick to PNC as long as they think there is a chance. It's clear, this time around they expected a bigger split of the Indian vote so they all stuck with APNU/PNC hoping to slip through. This gamble did not work but APNU should enjoy the little leverage now. I don't think Indians will repeat this voting pattern, they got a shock as to the tightness and loyalty of the APNU (Afro) constituency. They also will "return home" come 2016.

2-cent analysis only a GNI bottom feeder could be proud of.

Your racist core bubbling to the surface.

Sounding much like 19th century colonialists wringing their hands over the 'wily' orientials.

The AFC does not need 'friends' like you . . . GO HOME to the PPP!!
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by baseman:
Does not matter what even AFC did, Afros would stick to PNC as long as they think there is a chance. It's clear, this time around they expected a bigger split of the Indian vote so they all stuck with APNU/PNC hoping to slip through. This gamble did not work but APNU should enjoy the little leverage now. I don't think Indians will repeat this voting pattern, they got a shock as to the tightness and loyalty of the APNU (Afro) constituency. They also will "return home" come 2016.

2-cent analysis only a GNI bottom feeder could be proud of.

Your racist core bubbling to the surface.

Sounding much like 19th century colonialists wringing their hands over the 'wily' orientials.

The AFC does not need 'friends' like you . . . GO HOME to the PPP!!

Shoot the messenger again, why you think the votes never materialized. Several people told me their parents switched back at the last moment due to mistrust. The only significant votes came via Nagamootoo, take his effect out and see what you get. BTW, many Indians calling us bottom feeders, I endured this in the name of the AFC so is like water off the duck back.
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:

Region 10
PPP/C 2,868
APNU 11,358
AFC 1,324
TUF 34


PPP stooges note how you were stomped in Linden. I told you all they didnt like your racist attitude.

Doesn matter Caribj, to Afros, any Indian is a racist, to Indians, the same. Does not matter what even AFC did, Afros would stick to PNC as long as they think there is a chance. It's clear, this time around they expected a bigger split of the Indian vote so they all stuck with APNU/PNC hoping to slip through. This gamble did not work but APNU should enjoy the little leverage now. I don't think Indians will repeat this voting pattern, they got a shock as to the tightness and loyalty of the APNU (Afro) constituency. They also will "return home" come 2016.
We have a few years of cooperation before this all falls apart. The PPP spent masses of money is give aways and grants and proposals to smooth their win and they barely did so. It is not about race if one sees the benefits of cooperation. If they go to the license office and see there are no lines and no one trying to bilk them they will note that as progress. Those are the kinds of little things this opposition must see in place before the new vote.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Nuff:

Region 10
PPP/C 2,868
APNU 11,358
AFC 1,324
TUF 34


PPP stooges note how you were stomped in Linden. I told you all they didnt like your racist attitude.

Caribj, could we stop with this racist thing now. Guyana is for all Guyanese, all 5 races. No matter what people say, the guyanese population will vote mostly for race and the leaders of the political party uses that to full advantage. Let us try to make a difference here on what we post and how we interact with each other, so that whoever comes on here can see constructive dialogue. I am sure we will have lots of disagreements but can we agree to disagree in a civil manner. Lets try to help build a positive Guyana!
Originally posted by D2:
We have a few years of cooperation before this all falls apart. The PPP spent masses of money is give aways and grants and proposals to smooth their win and they barely did so. It is not about race if one sees the benefits of cooperation. If they go to the license office and see there are no lines and no one trying to bilk them they will note that as progress. Those are the kinds of little things this opposition must see in place before the new vote.

This is exactly the point!

Guyana is a patient in crisis . . . the AFC factor gives us a small window of opportunity to pursue effective reform in key areas such as FOI, Freedom of the Press, Security/Judiciary, Burnham Constitution, DECENTRALIZATION, etc.

Race voting will not go away just because we wish it.

However, if governing parties are compelled to do business differently because of strong INSTITUTIONAL reform, then 'abee pan tap' becomes much less compelling.

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