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Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respects GAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Lets hope that the PPP party finds its new identity/brand and not just try to be a mimic of Cheddi and Janetve an influence on voting power.

The Jagan name and Indianism have an influence on voting power for the PPP.

If they drop the Jagans, they will have to find a new focus to win elections.

Indianism will not work any more.  

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respectsGAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





Wondering if they will use GAWU to put some pressure on the new


Originally Posted by Wally:

The PPP needs to find a moderate Jagan to be in the leadership.  Not the leader of the party but in the leadership.  A Jagan who can bring people together not divide people. A Jagan who does not get emotional and start attacking.

They need some one at the helm with a vision to represent

all races,indo population is declining,if they dont they will

be in the opposition for a long time,they had that chance

and i think they didn't made use of it.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respectsGAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





Wondering if they will use GAWU to put some pressure on the new


A lot of sugar workers are upset at the PPP, but they will demand their rights from the coalition.

I hope the PPP don't use GAWU in a vindictive manner against the new government, but come on board to help build the sugar industry.

If the PPP hope to regain the government in the future, the people will be watching them as  the  opposition.    

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The PPP needs to find a moderate Jagan to be in the leadership.  Not the leader of the party but in the leadership.  A Jagan who can bring people together not divide people. A Jagan who does not get emotional and start attacking.

They need some one at the helm with a vision to represent

all races,indo population is declining,if they dont they will

be in the opposition for a long time,they had that chance

and i think they didn't made use of it.

A good point.  Caribj was pointing this out along time ago and no one took him seriously. The indo population is declining. Nevertheless, if Donald stays on as leader it gives the stability and buys some time to change things.

Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respects GAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





There will be infighting (civil war) to weed out the corrupt and incompetent.  Then the rebuilding can take place.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respects GAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





There will be infighting (civil war) to weed out the corrupt and incompetent.  Then the rebuilding can take place.


A PPP Civil War is long overdue. For too long Indians have put up with their shyte.


These mudheads must go!


If this disaster isn't a cause for them to be kicked out then the PPP most deservedly should prepare to be Guyana's permanent opposition.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respects GAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





There will be infighting (civil war) to weed out the corrupt and incompetent.  Then the rebuilding can take place.


A PPP Civil War is long overdue. For too long Indians have put up with their shyte.


These mudheads must go!


If this disaster isn't a cause for them to be kicked out then the PPP most deservedly should prepare to be Guyana's permanent opposition.


Originally Posted by gogo:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Donald has to step down.  he ran twice and lost.

Rama now is not the time for party in fighting.  It is time for rebuilding.


To rebuild:


1. A PPP party that is inclusive of all Guyanese not just symbolic.



2. A PPP party that respects GAWU and the sugar workers.



3. A PPP party that is democratic and where every member is free to share his or her ideas/views and not just repeat nonsense like Papa Cheddi and Mamma Janet father and mother of Guyana.





There will be infighting (civil war) to weed out the corrupt and incompetent.  Then the rebuilding can take place.


A PPP Civil War is long overdue. For too long Indians have put up with their shyte.


These mudheads must go!


If this disaster isn't a cause for them to be kicked out then the PPP most deservedly should prepare to be Guyana's permanent opposition.


another 28 years?

Originally Posted by Wally:

These fellows like Gilly, Gerhard and Churchill should be invited back. Some of them will not go back but some will.

Hey, Wally, wha yuh seh deh?

Gilly done wid dem laaang time now. No turning back buddy. Turn back is bad luck, according to Marxism-Leninism.

Look, the PPP leaders have some serious soul-searching to do. They have to be honest with themselves and start admitting errors and wickedness. No use blaming others for their defeat.

If they can do that, there is hope.



Despite the Elections being very close, Donald Duck cannot be trusted, thus he cannot be a leader, he is one lying fool, he is too old and complacent. He should learn from his critics, not because the former US Ambassador criticized him, he should send a dummy without any semblance to Education to the US Ambassador's home to wine up like a Buxton Boar. That dummy should go back and sharpen pencils as a job.  He is paying for that mistake today. He should able to rein in his Ministers, not allow them to behave miserable and turn back and support their lawlessness. Finally, someone like me would never have any respect for this fool. 


Most from the PPP'C party should be turfed for being corrup individuals, the ones who sat back and said/did nothing should also be turfed, one. oh me lawd!



Should the new Government try any of that as the PPP'C they should also feel the wrath of the people. The people realize they have a voice and it can and should be used.


Donald Duck was an embarrassment to the PPP/C and to Guyana as a whole,

Even in his final duty, it was one of embarrassment, Which President would pardon a killer of a kid?? I do not see how sensible people on this board can call for his leadership again.


As a leader, he let down his own supporters miserably. Don't fool yourself the PPP/C that we were dealing now, is not the PPP/C that the Jagans give their life for.......What we had is a bunch of crooks and thieves.


Never again will they ever get into Government.

Originally Posted by Wally:

My concern is extremist elements taking over the PPP party in an internal civil war.  It cannot be good for Guyana.  Could you just imagine if the party had chosen the route of Moses Bagwan what a blood hole Guyana would have become.

The PPP is contaminated , there is need for a New Opposition Party, call it what you may.A party that had the make-up like the AFC, young professionals of all races, that has NO dirty Baggages.

Originally Posted by asj:

Donald Duck was an embarrassment to the PPP/C and to Guyana as a whole,

Even in his final duty, it was one of embarrassment, Which President would pardon a killer of a kid?? I do not see how sensible people on this board can call for his leadership again.


As a leader, he let down his own supporters miserably. Don't fool yourself the PPP/C that we were dealing now, is not the PPP/C that the Jagans give their life for.......What we had is a bunch of crooks and thieves.


Never again will they ever get into Government.

the president pardon this man is the worse thing he could ever do,you see i know this for a fact this guy is one sick man i was the man that catch him and discover the kid body and i look in this man eyes and i honest believe  they should have  hang him the kid that was kill was the only child for these people 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by asj:

Donald Duck was an embarrassment to the PPP/C and to Guyana as a whole,

Even in his final duty, it was one of embarrassment, Which President would pardon a killer of a kid?? I do not see how sensible people on this board can call for his leadership again.


As a leader, he let down his own supporters miserably. Don't fool yourself the PPP/C that we were dealing now, is not the PPP/C that the Jagans give their life for.......What we had is a bunch of crooks and thieves.


Never again will they ever get into Government.

the president pardon this man is the worse thing he could ever do,you see i know this for a fact this guy is one sick man i was the man that catch him and discover the kid body and i look in this man eyes and i honest believe  they should have  hang him the kid that was kill was the only child for these people 

Don't say what's not true dude

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Wally:

The PPP needs to find a moderate Jagan to be in the leadership.  Not the leader of the party but in the leadership.  A Jagan who can bring people together not divide people. A Jagan who does not get emotional and start attacking.

They need some one at the helm with a vision to represent

all races,indo population is declining,if they dont they will

be in the opposition for a long time,they had that chance

and i think they didn't made use of it.

Piece of advice.  As far as most black people are concerned Jaganism=Indianism because he prevailed over a party which became Indian focused.  He was happy with that as he thought this guaranteed victory, given that the Indian vote was more than 50%.


So the PPP needs to say goodbye to its reverence for the Jagans if it wishes to broaden its base.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Eventually the decision will have to be made in the future.  Does the PPP join with the PNC/AFC in a government of national unity.

What sense does that make.  The AFC and APNU already have a multi ethnic coalition.  Guyana needs a healthy opposition party to hold them to account.


I am actually concerned about all the cultism that I am seeing.  Yes they should  have a honey moon period, where they will be given an opportunity to ascertain the damage done by the PPP, and to organize themselves.  But as Ulele said, the coalition government should be held accountable, both by those who voted for them, and those who didn't.


Cultism will guarantee that they will go the way that every other political movement in Guyanese history has.  APNU AFC needs to know that if they don't perform some one else will.  The PPP needs to restructure itself, and become a multi ethnic party, dump this Jagan nonsense, and be prepared if 5 years from now, Guyanese want something else.


Guyanese need to move beyond a model which says that the PPP owns Indians and the PNC Africans, and therefore national unity can only be achieved if the two parties unite.  What the PPP needs to do is to take a page out of the PNC book, and find a party which has credible appeal beyond its normal base.

Last edited by Former Member

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