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Conciliation ends in deadlock

Sugar industry API 2015 talks

By Kristen Macklingam


The deadlock between the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) and the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) with regard to workers’ Annual Production Incentive (API) for this year continues.
In spite of the Union and the Sugar Corporation agreeing to move to conciliation after weeks of debate, no solution was decided on when the conciliation meeting ended on Tuesday.
GAWU President Komal Chand told Guyana Times on Tuesday that the meeting, which occurred under the aegis of Chief Labour Officer Charles Ogle, lasted over four hours. However, despite both parties deliberating and presenting their cases for that lengthy period, they were unable to narrow the difference between what each was proposing.
“GuySuCo’s position remains unchanged … we call upon them to let us find a settlement,” Chand stated.
He emphasised that the Union was urging that the sugar entity “compromise” and “adjust” so as to reward the sugar workers for the hard work and determination that they have exhibited during 2015.
According to the GAWU President, because the parties have not been able to reach an amicable agreement in relation to the quantum for the 2015 API, another meeting is scheduled to take place on Friday.
This meeting will be held at GAWU’s Boardroom in Kingston, Georgetown.
Guyana Times was told that the Union would accept the move by the Sugar Corporation to pay the workers a percentage of their API before the end of 2015, provided that GuySuCo paid the remainder before the end of March 2016.  (

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