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From Demerara Waves

A sister of Guyana’s Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo was found dead at their Goedverwagting (Prado Ville 2), East Coast Demerara home.

Jagdeo confirmed that the body of his 57-year old sister, Oma, was found by his niece and nephew in the house. “She was the one living with me.”

“It”s with deep sadness, I announce the death of my sister Shanta. She was the epitome of a sister, she was a mother, my confidant and friend. She took care of me all my life and I will miss her dearly,” Jagdeo later said in a Facebook post.

He said she was his sibling who had lived with him at State House and at his private residence while he was Head of State and now Opposition Leader.

When he spoke with Demerara Waves Online News at about 3 PM, he said his sister’s death caused him to cut short meetings at Wakenaam and Leguan.

Her passing comes at time when Jagdeo is spearheading his People’s Progressive Party Civic’s campaign for next Friday’s Local Government Elections.

The former President could not say immediately whether she died from natural causes or foul play. “I don’t know what it is. I doubt it (foul play),” he said.

Police also confirmed the passing of Oma Jagdeo at the former Guyanese leader’s upscale seaside property

Mitwah posted:

My sincerest condolences to Opposition Leader Dr. Jagdeo and family on the passing of his sister.

My deepest condolences to the Jagdeo family and may Oma Jagdeo's soul rest in peace.

Thanks Mits. A most appropriate and emotional song by a wonderful man, whom I respect greatly. I cherish my memories of collaborating with the late Shri Prakash Gosssai  in Vancouver and Guyana.    

Tola posted:
Mitwah posted:

My sincerest condolences to Opposition Leader Dr. Jagdeo and family on the passing of his sister.

My deepest condolences to the Jagdeo family and may Oma Jagdeo's soul rest in peace.

Thanks Mits. A most appropriate and emotional song by a wonderful man, whom I respect greatly. I cherish my memories of collaborating with the late Shri Prakash Gosssai  in Vancouver and Guyana.    

This is a fitting contribution indeed.  Probably the song Bharrat would have picked for his sister.  A simple and humble aatma has returned to heaven.  My hearfelt condolences to the Oppostion Leader, his sisters, and the rest of the Jagdeo family.  May God keep them in the palm of his hands during this very difficult time. 

Bibi Haniffa

Post-mortem confirms  Shanta Jagdeo died of natural causes  

March 14, 2016 2:19 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

A post-mortem performed on the body of Shanta Jagdeo, the sister of former President Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, has confirmed that she died from natural causes. Shanta was found dead on Sunday at her  home at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara.

Ms. Jagdeo had lived at a house in the same compound with her brother’s house in Sparendaam. According to reports, the siblings had shared a closely knitted relationship, and she had even lived at State House with him while he served as President. She had not been married.

While details of  the funeral arrangements have not been confirmed, INews understands that wake will be held at Dr Jagdeo’s residence at Sparendaam.  Ms. Jagdeo, 57, was described by her brother as a “second mother”.

He wrote on his Facebook page Sunday: “It’s with deep sadness I announce the death of my sister Shanta (Ooma). She was the epitome of a sister, she was a mother, my confidant and friend. She took care of me all my life, and I will miss her dearly.”

Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has expressed its deepest condolences to the family of  Ms. Shanta Jagdeo on the sad occasion of her passing.

The party, in a statement today, noted that she was the elder sister of Dr. Bharrat  Jagdeo, the former President of Guyana.

The party noted that specific condolences were conveyed to Dr. Jagdeo by the Party’s General Secretary on behalf of the Central Committee and the entire Membership of the PPP.

Last edited by Former Member

Funeral of Opposition Leader’s sister to be held tomorrow

March 15, 2016 2:48 pm Category: latest news, Local News A+ / A-

The funeral of Ms. Ooma ‘Shanta’ Jagdeo; sister of Opposition Leader, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo, will be held tomorrow at her Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara residence.

INews was informed that there will be a funeral service at 10:00h at Jagdeo’s home before moving to the Good Hope Crematorium for cremation at 13:00h.

The wake for Ms. Jagdeo also continues tonight at her residence.

CHILDHOOD DAYS: Bharrat Jagdeo and his sister Shanta during their childhood days

CHILDHOOD DAYS: Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and his sister, Shanta during their childhood days


Opposition Leader extends gratitude for support, sympathy expressed over sister’s death

March 17, 2016 4:22 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

Following is the full text of  a statement issued this afternoon by Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo:

“I would like to extend my gratitude for the thousands of expressions of sympathy – cards, messages, phone calls, and the show of support during the wake that was held – as my family and I come to terms with the loss of my sister, Shanta. The many kind words from persons here and from abroad were of great comfort.

Opposition Leader and former President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

Opposition Leader and former President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo

We deeply appreciate the words of condolence from the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), as well as the many dear friends and comrades who have stood with our family during this difficult time.

After completing my sister’s last rites, her ashes were immersed at the Unity foreshore today.  She will be remembered for being someone who touched my life, as well as the lives of many persons around her, in a most profound way.

I also offer my apologies to the people of Wakenaam and Leguan, Region 3, communities in Region 4, as well Lethem and other communities, where meetings were scheduled. I had expected to engage the people of these communities on a number of issues affecting our country and our communities.

Tomorrow’s vote is an important one because the future of our communities is at stake and it is a chance for our people to support and participate in community-based democracy, and to elect the leaders who will work for their communities. I urge all Guyanese to turn out to the polls tomorrow and cast their vote. I am also urging employers to allow their employees the time off  to be able to cast their votes. Our vote is a robust tool, which must be used to ensure the people receive the leadership they want.

Again, I express my sincere thanks for the support given over the last few days.”

Last edited by Former Member

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